Wednesday, April 29, 2020

"Western" Oligarchs Praising China

In the early days of the USSR, many mainstream establishment figures praised the Soviet Union. Even by the time of a tyrant like Joseph Stalin, prominent figures in the establishment were praising his regime. It eventually became clear, though, that the soviets were brutal totalitarian thugs.

Today, we see praise for China from people like Bill Gates and from media sources like the Atlantic. They laud China's authoritarian policies. This is an old story. Some establishment westerners see authoritarianism and despotism as a superior system. Modern China, though, was completely rebooted by the fruits of western freedom.

The flourishing of the western world is the result of freedom. Centralization will eventually kill off the productivity and innovation of western economies.

It's getting too obvious that the dangers to the western way of life aren't found in Moscow or Beijing, but are in think tanks, universities, and corporate boardrooms of the western world. They're in New York, Harvard, Yale, and Silicon Valley.

Tuesday, April 28, 2020

Facebook: Mainstream Media Laundering

It's pretty obvious that Faceberg is an echo chamber of mainstream media opinion---but its message is delivered via a million proxies. The friend networks of people recite the opinions they heard through the same old sources. It seems like it's "their" opinion, but it's just the echo of pundits and reporters on CNN, MSNBC and other networks.

Sunday, April 26, 2020

Boom Time Ahead for 1776 America

A portion of the United States turned into an insane asylum who worship Covid-19 as a new god. A portion of the US sees all the people in that asylum as insane. Many larger corporations have gone into full USSR mode. Wal*Mart and Home Depot are like training grounds for full soviet citizenship at this point. (If the United States was a pickup truck, corporations like Wal*Mart and Home Depot would be like the rust in the frame.)

In some ways, that's unfortunate and depressing, but I think they're just showing their true colors. Some of their response to Covid-19 is genuine, but I think a lot of it is just an expression of their endemic authoritarian, hierarchical nature. Millions of people are free Americans. It's not a nativist, by birth thing either. There's millions of people around the world who are not made for slavery.

The corporate United States is going to pay a pretty heavy price in the years ahead. The country is going to experience a major shake up. Free America has huge advantages; while it doesn't have the financial clout of Wall Street minion corporations, it also doesn't have enormous parasitic overheads. People will flock to competitors of big box stores and grocery store chains that go full Soviet.

The same thing is true of tech, manufacturing, and other businesses. The employers that go full retard will lose staff--probably the best and brightest, too. Creativity and minionhood don't go together.

Thursday, April 23, 2020

Trump: The Nonsense Machine

The Trump administration is a jiggling pile of nonsense. Trump's media team is tweeting "liberate michigan" at the same time his weirdo 666 Park Avenue step-son is preparing a contact tracing system for the USA. He's criticizing Georgia for re-opening the state at the same time he's tweeting "liberate XXXX". It's complete nonsense. He's a script reader with a staff of handlers who have contradictory goals and opinions.

The "leadership" of the whole USA failed. There's no former lawyer governor or representative in some capital who's capable of steering and making decisions for their state let alone the whole US.

Imagine the horror show of the minutia of your life being steered by a big rulebook, coded in a computer, and imposed via massive brainwashing. Good lord help us all.

Wednesday, April 22, 2020

1776 America versus Oligarch Minion America

Normal life is dominated by day-to-day concerns. In a personal or national crisis, however, even ordinary people start to think about larger issues. A crisis is sort of like a mechanical sorting system. We're seeing that start to happen in the United States. You can watch it in "real time" on comments sections of YouTube videos.

The 2016 election demonstrated that there are two versions of the United States living shoulder to shoulder. The 'rona pandemic is now sorting those people into more definite ideological groups. There's the 1776 America--aka 'merica, and there's the Oligarch Minion people who happen to live in the USA.

The Declaration of Independence infused the United States with the spirit of its founding. The basis of the founding is Natural Law. "We hold these truths to be self evident." That is, they're not the creation of the founders of the USA, nor endowed by the government. The paradox of attempting to enshrine Natural Law in the constitution and in the institutions of government is discussed by the founders in the Federalist papers, etc...

The ultimate expression of natural law and freedom is the 2nd Amendment. Oligarch minion pundits today are of the opinion that the founders meant for weapons to be owned only by a government organized militia. Not at all. The 2nd Amendment is there because the founders expected the people to overthrow the government when necessary. They didn't even want a standing army because they feared tyranny. Unfortunately, the paradox of enshrining natural law in the constitution and in government institutions tended to favor government and ever expanding government from day 1. (See the Whisky Rebellion)

Today, the United States government and other institutions are essentially under the control of an Oligarchy. The principle objective of the Oligarchs is to maintain a system of control via financial assets. Their minions, on down to the people who plan to rely on a 401(k) for their livelihood, are participants and dependents on a system. The laws of the government bolster and protect and organize that system. Quite a bit of daily life in the USA is about maintaining that system. It seems really dominant.

However, for many millions of people the Natural Law and 1776 America is much more important than the Oligarch's financial system. The financial/corporate system depends on those people for its existence, not only because it needs the food and goods they produce, it needs their labor, too. Many of the people sitting in an office chair and turning the crank for some stupid corporation are really 1776 Americans.

I think this ideological split is going to manifest in action very soon--maybe within a year or less. As of today, there's no real power center of 1776 America, because it has no active agenda. It takes freedom for granted. However, now we've seen that the Oligarch Minions can actually seemingly suspend basic liberties over what's proving to be a minor, media created emergency, it will start to coalesce into a politically active group.

The overreaching actions of many local and state governments in the USA has rendered them illegitimate in the eyes of many. Their authority looks pretty arbitrary as they've wandered away from the founding principles of the USA and Natural Law. I think it's possible the US can return to "normal" in a few days or weeks. However, if there's an attempt to impose some new shitty system to track "immunology" or "contacts" via technology, I think that will break the current form of the country for good.

When in the course of human events it becomes necessary for one people to dissolve the political bands which have connected them with another and to assume among the powers of the earth, the separate and equal station to which the Laws of Nature and of Nature's God entitle them...

1776 America is much better prepared for the turmoil that will follow. Many Oligarch minions scorn the "rednecks" who seem poor. They don't see all the real assets the rednecks have. They overvalue their own piles of paper assets, and their real world non-productive assets like McMansions and expensive cars.

It's frightening to imagine a conflict leaving the realm of mere politics and financial bullshit and becoming physical. The whole thing might just boil down to how the US military would split up. It's probably infested with Oligarch Minions at the upper echelons, but it's probably composed of mostly 1776 Americans.

The same sorting process that's going on the public at large is probably going on within the ranks of the military as well.

It'll be interesting to see what happens over the next days and weeks. If the state governments start to lift the "lockdowns" soon, the focus of most people will shift to repairing the financial system economic damage. If they're in place for an arbitrarily long time people will start to seek local remedies for top-down dictates. That's already happened in Michigan to a certain extent. The sheriffs of a number of counties basically voided the restrictions imposed by the governor.

I think there's a very long road from the status quo prior to the "lockdown' to an all out conflict and actual split between 1776 America and Oligarch Minion land. We've only taken a couple of tentative steps down that road. 

Tuesday, April 21, 2020

Hatred of Natural Law and Nature Itself

Unfortunately, many decades ago whatever was left of the United States government was completely subsumed by a global oligarchy. After 2001, they really started ramping up their official activities via the PATRIOT act, and now they're really in everyone's face with at the minimum, a propaganda war. I don't believe Trump is a real President who represents American Nationalists. He's a puppet. He's basically a Trojan Horse front man who's helping to install the new system they've got cooked up for the world.

If you don't "believe" in conspiracy theories, you will have a hard time explaining the Microsoft Patent for CRYPTOCURRENCY SYSTEM USING BODY ACTIVITY DATA world patent office number WO / 2020/060606. Of course it's not some random chance that patent application is number 2020 666. It's an announcement.

Here's what I think is happening.

The philosophical and religious belief of these oligarchs is that the world and nature are fundamentally flawed and evil. Nature requires management to be "good". The management isn't by "humans" in their mind, it's by a cosmic principle that they discover through their "systems". They have an authoritarian, top down organization and an associated philosophical and religious belief.

Now, they're going to drag every single person--every single animal and plant into their system. I think this is basically what's depicted in shows like the X-Files (black goo) and the Expanse.

The concept of Natural Law, which is the foundation of the actual United States is alien to those people, who are really servants of some alien force, at least in their own beliefs. I think this whole thing is depicted in the novel Childhood's End. There's a TV series about that. Anyway, at the end, after the old world is destroyed, one of the main characters gets to take a trip to see the "cosmic mind" that the satan type characters worship.

Anyway, if you love freedom more than slavery, you're going to end up fighting tooth and nail for the next several years. It's the free people of the world versus the oligarchy and their gods. They're already waging war on you.

Sunday, April 19, 2020

Free County = Free People

The response to covid-19 in Ohio wasn't horrible, at least for me. It ruined many people financially, though. Many restaurant owners are fucked. Even more restaurant workers were fucked.

The county I live in was relatively reasonable about the businesses that could stay open. Even ice cream places have remained open and have adopted weird bureaucrat recommended theatrical measures. The county balanced constitutional protections against the fear porn driven hysteria. Other counties had a more draconian response that's not appropriate at all in the USA. I think those places will pay long term for their choices... people will be flocking out of those cities in the months ahead, and lots of politicians will end up in the waste bin.

This whole incident really emphasizes how important local government, and local population is. If you're in a douchebag soccer mom locality, your liberty could be severely curtailed in any future panic or scare of any kind. I think this will apply to corporations, too as people get back to work. If you have an asshole, douchebag employer who's constantly testing people, and applying invasive protocols to the daily routine of people, they'll be abandoned en masse.

The rural/urban divide in the US is going to open even further than was demonstrated in the 2016 electoral map.

"Social Intelligence" and Con Men

Studies that show "covid-19" is basically just the flu are starting to circulate in the periphery of the MSM and pretty soon that will be common knowledge--maybe in another week or two. However politicians will remain "cautious" because if they don't, masses of people will realize the hysterical reaction of governments was completely unwarranted. Also, the average person will never want to admit they've been bamboozled. There's going to be a sort of hostage negotiation with shitty politicians, unfortunately, to "free" their people.

"Social intelligence" is a powerful form of decision making. We use it to evaluate new information all the time. For example, when our ducks have a new thing in their enclosure--like a ball or a coat that I put on the ground while I'm doing some chore. If it's got some "weird" feature, like a bright color, they'll be wary or maybe even terrified of it. If one of them manages to peck at it, then they'll all be interested and curious.

It's an easily hijacked form of decision making, also. If you frighten a handful of people, you can basically control millions of people.

Saturday, April 18, 2020

"Contact Tracing"; Medical Authoritarianism

One of the proposals in the plans to "re-open" various countries is "contact tracing" which big tech companies already have, of course. Now governments like the United States might attempt couple that capability with legal force, even though it seems entirely against the bill of rights.

This will be the crucial time for the public to either acquiescence to authoritarianism completely, or to reject it forcefully.

There are a significant number of people who are opposed to the authoritarian measures governments have enacted, recently. I don't have a good feel for the actual numbers or proportion of the population who are more afraid of the 'rona than they are of losing their freedom.

I am 90% sure that most of these measures will be forced through corporations to avoid being bogged down in the court system. Some companies will require employees to enroll in these programs to go back to work. Hopefully people will fight that too.

Friday, April 17, 2020

American Factions

Centralized Powers
  • Globalist Oligarchs
    • Corporate "Billionaires" who are really the managers for the bankers.
    • Patronage Network
      • Academia
      • Journalists
      • Politicians
      • etc...
  • American Oligarchs
    • Corporate owners who are relatively independent (Do these exist?)
    • Patronage Network
      • A feeble collection of organizations compared to the globalists' circus

The American people had a muddled set of political ideologies for generations. The various crises of the past two decades are sorting them into more defined groups:

American Nationalist Minions

This is a large, but disorganized group that's rallied around national symbols, the civil religion of the US founding, and the constitution and bill of rights. This group is potentially active, and is also relatively heavily armed.

Globalist Minions

This is a large group. It's basically communists and people who are loosely affiliated with left wing politics and government agencies. This group is not armed and is probably ineffectual IRL, especially in a physical conflict.

Walkaway Movement

This group is tiny. There are a handful of social media people who push this concept of just letting the whole system collapse, mainly to avoid warfare.

Beginning of Reformation 2.0

I've written a number of posts that enumerate the parallels between our present day situation and the Reformation. The reformation was an ideological and religious breakup of existing nations. In a lot of ways the seeds of our present situation and the divisions in western countries were sewn in the Reformation. Today, the Globalists and their minions are the main, corrupt, pervasive power. 500 years ago the Catholic Church was in that role.

The reformation was horrible. Barbarism and horrific and indiscriminate violence were the tools of both sides. America was born from people basically escaping the insanity of the old world for a new start.

The corrupt old world (globalist oligarchs) chased the American people into the United States and set up shop in the late 19th century, then steadily subverted and wrecked the federal government.

Now, they're actually physically taking over. The slow boil-the-frog phase of their conquest seems to be over, and now it's moving into the obvious domination of individuals.

People will either fight, submit to slavery, or walk away from the system. The organization of that flow of people will be religious and philosophical in nature, rather than military, at least for a while.

Thursday, April 16, 2020

German Lawyer Committed to Psychiatric Institution for Disagreeing with Government Covid-19 Response

This is the most extreme story I've seen so far on Covid-19. (link)

Beate Bahner, in the southern German state of Baden-Württemberg, has a 25-year career and has won three cases before the Federal Constitutional Court (German Supreme Court) in the domain of unlawful infringements of the right to practise one's profession. She has written five books on medical law, most recently an analysis of the 2016 federal act to tackle corruption in the healthcare system. 
On Friday 3 April 2020, Ms Bahner issued a press release decrying the German government's Coronavirus measures as "flagrantly unconstitutional, infringing to an unprecedented extent many of the fundamental rights of German citizens". The statement argued that the small minority of the public that was at risk of serious harm in the event of contracting Covid–19 could be far more suitably protected by means of targeted measures based on the principle of adult responsibility for safeguarding one's own health.
So she was, in true commie, totalitarian fashion, "committed to a psychiatric institution for publicly disagreeing with the measures and policies followed by the German government."

Interestingly, Baden-Wurttemberg is the region that includes Kimmichsweiller.

Anyway, the governments, and unfortunately many citizens of those countries are showing their true face. Fear turns the public into vile creatures, and many governments are already vile.

Wednesday, April 15, 2020

Preparing People to Make a Bad Choice

I think, unfortunately, in a few months the government and corporations will basically try to force people to take a vaccination and to enroll in various 4th amendment shredding programs. Many people will see that loss of sovereignty as no big deal. They'll get the shot and hope to go back to normal life. In reality, they'll be going into an electronic gulag.

However, millions of people won't do it. Based on the people I've talked to personally, it's probably more than 10% of the overall working population. It might be higher.

I think the ultimate purpose of the Covid-19 hoax might be to rip the United States apart. It will probably work too.

We might be able to buy some time and avoid that split with enough political pressure to reject the e-gulag. It'd keep the system going a little longer. However, the United States has been subverted by an oligarchy who has goals that aren't aligned with the nation. Unless that oligarchy is tossed out of power, they'll keep pushing their agenda. The entry of the US into the war in Syria is the best example. They had one failed attempt for all out war there, but then trickled in troops and equipment anyway.

While we're working away at our jobs and businesses, they have all the time and resources at their disposal to promote their agenda. We're in a war that's turned a little hot. It's still mainly a propaganda war, but it might become more violent or the next wave of illness might be from a biological or chemical weapon. These people also have the ability to cause crop failures. (DARPA program that uses GMO insects to attack crops)

It's probably wise to continue prepping and stockpile food and other essential supplies more seriously. We still have it pretty good.

Tuesday, April 14, 2020

The Cainites---It's what Bill Gates, et al are

I sniffed out their beliefs over the years I've been studying their work. Apparently there was a Gnostic Cult of Cainites back in the 2nd Century AD.

Bill Gates: Building Hell Brick by Brick

If I were collecting the video clips for some new, new Testament, one of them would be Bladerunner. That succinctly depicts the problem with Empires  and trying to replace nature with engineering. That problem is eloquently described by the Cain and Abel story, and also the Tower of Babel story. The natural order is fundamentally different than human's formal approach to building, or managing the world. An actual human is basically useless to an empire. An orc is really useful to an empire.

In Bladerunner, the simulacra of nature are almost "perfect" in appearance and even in function. However, their divinity is not the result of the forgery; it is not man's doing, it actually is from nature or god in the first place. The synthetic humans of Bladerunner are,  unfortunately us. Though we're not genetically engineered, nor synthesized, yet, our minds and beliefs have been engineered to serve the Empire. We're mostly very far from divinity and humanity.

The technocrats like Bill Gates are the architects of Bladerunner world. Their fundamental error is in rejecting nature and attempting to replace it with a world of "their" (not really theirs) design. Then, they seek proofs of the goodness of their creation, not in building it themselves, or applying to to their family, themselves, and their friends, they seek to coerce and bamboozle others to live in their design.

Many people think Bill Gates or his comrades are satanists. They're not, they're already in hell and they're trying to drag you there, too.

Sunday, April 12, 2020

Fantastic Summary of the Covid-19 Fraud

How to be a tyrant? Scare people with a phony story--even with a story about the flu--and make them give you money and authority.

Covid-19 -- A New Federal Reserve Style Scam

I think the people Bill Gates represents in the Covid-19 drama want to monetize and control immunization and "disease" worldwide. I think they'll try to circumvent all constitutional protections in the United States by forcing the social and regulatory changes through private corporations in the same way Google and Faceberg stepped all over free speech concerns in recent years.

I think the terror over Covid-19 is a mass hallucination at this point; half the public doesn't seem to buy it. Half is in mortal terror per day.

There are some bright spots in my area, though. Local police are not bothering the Amish about this nonsense. There are some police reports in the paper where frantic tattletale callers were politely rebuffed for attempting to get the PoPo to break up Amish religious and family gatherings.

A Letter to My Colleagues at Work

My blog posts are like screaming into the void. I think a handful of people read this thing regularly, but most of the people who end up here do so through random internet searches, then don't come back.

I am speaking out on the Covid-19 topic in real life, however. Here's a letter I'll distribute to my colleagues on Monday.

I think the extremely cautious response to Covid-19 in the United States, and in Ohio in particular, was wise based on the little information that was available a month ago. However, I'm now skeptical of media reports about the severity of this disease and am skeptical of the response of governments to this disease. I am very alarmed at proposals like "immunology certificates".

I think there are many people who have similar concerns, so I'm sharing this with you. Please speak up if you are also a skeptic, or if you think the information you have from your sources is better, or more complete than what I will provide below. I have become habitually skeptical of the media and government officials. However, I try to be neutral and accept facts that contradict my skepticism, so if you believe I'm wrong, I am eager to hear your opinion.

It's not just a moral imperative to speak up. It's also pragmatic. A free society simply works better than an authoritarian society, even in a pandemic. Fear tends to shut down discussion and debate precisely when it is needed the most. Top down central planning is evil because it strips freedom of choice and has failed repeatedly with disastrous, deadly results. Also, central planning and authoritarianism just don't work as  well as freedom.

An informed citizenry, making millions of choices and decisions and taking risks that they deem appropriate based on the information right in front of them are far superior at managing the affairs of a nation than is a handful of bureaucrats in a national capital.

In my opinion, the public is being sold on the idea that there are only technocratic solutions available for this particular flu. There are many contradictory opinions offered by credentialed experts on this topic. In fact, the government of Sweden opted to not close its economy and encouraged herd immunity in response to Covid-19--which many experts believe is the only viable solution to this "crisis". The Swedish government data shows the curve is "flattening" there as well.

However, that approach and perspective is not promoted by the media, nor by billionaires like Bill Gates, who donated $320M to the WHO. Gates is the benefactor, if not the boss of key people who are the public faces of the "Coronavirus Task Force". Weirdly, Bill Gates also met with Jeffrey Epstein, even after he was convicted, which is extremely strange.

I won't bore anyone with the hundreds of sources and expert opinions that contradict the story we hear from the media on Covid-19, but here is a summary for those who care to investigate. The summary includes dozens, maybe hundreds of citations and points-of-view that oppose the decisions of many governments around the world.

I fear budding government authoritarianism much more than I fear getting this flu strain. I also am concerned that corporations will be exploited by authoritarians to circumvent the US constitution to force citizens to accept extraordinary measures to gain or retain employment, or to even gain access to day-to-day commercial activity. Accepting a system of vaccination or "proof" of immunity is a novel and truly bizarre solution to illness.

It looks like it's an attempt to monopolize our immune system, the same way GMO foods were an attempt to gain a monopoly over food production. Humans and animals and even plants have endured fungi, viruses, and bacteria for eons with no such management. It's quite plausible that a "scientifically" managed immune response will have unintended consequences. Humans do not seem capable of appreciating, or managing the harsh subtlety of nature.

I think it's a good time to remind people that they are free by nature, not by the decree of the government or by the US constitution. The most important thing you possess is your free choice. If any corporation tries to compel you to action, you can just walk away if you choose. It is much more difficult to defy a government, but sometimes it is necessary.

Many People Are Skeptical of Covid-19; Propaganda and the Lockdown Keep Them From Speaking Up

Many people--I think at least 50%--are skeptical of the official story and government response on Covid-19.

Put a bumper sticker on your car. Put a sign on your lawn. If you have to wear a facemask write on that. Write on a T-shirt.

Get a white-board magnet, write on it and stick it somewhere.

If you don't, nobody else will either. We're sad sheep and ducks being preyed upon by wolves and fearmongers and merely self-interested, self promoting opportunists. You're free. Act like it.

Voted For Trump, Got Globohomo?

Quite a few Trump supporters are holding out hope that Trump is allowing his globalist experts to run the Covid-19 response to expose their agenda, like "Immunology Certificates". I'm a skeptic of Trump; I think there's many reasons to believe he's a Trojan Horse for the globalists.

One stark demonstration of this is that Sweden, fucking socialist nanny state Sweden, apparently has more legal protections for its citizens' freedom than the entity known as the United States.

Saturday, April 11, 2020

The New Frontier Is Everywhere

The centralized economy and the nanny states of Western countries has apparently tamed continents.

Giant multinational corporations own their markets and are now attempting to grab control of private life of individuals via new scams and schemes.

The solution to this is simple, though it's not easy by any stretch of the imagination--it's to walk away and start over.

Don't like being a slave to the fake money that comes out of some banker's asshole? Well, don't use it then. That's really your only choice. Barter, trade, get your money out of the bank and into real assets. Close your 401(k)--the single biggest con of all time--eat the penalty and taxes--convert that to real assets to. Pay off your mortgage.

Don't like globo-homo top down control of your life through electronic means? Shoot your smartphone. Install Linux on your PC. Encrypt your communications, or better yet, use paper or ham radio.

The comforts of the corporate/consumer world are a trap.

It'll be hard living in that new frontier, just like it was back in the 18th and 19th century America. People struggled and prospered in a new, relatively hard environment. When the first settlers arrived in my town, for example, to setup the first gristmill, they dragged a millstone about 18 miles over muddy, improvised roads. They financed everything themselves as a community. No bank was needed--capital isn't money. It's real assets. A bank doesn't create capital, it creates money.

Their system is your slavery. As of today, that system is not too bad, but at heart, the people who run this system are psychopaths, authoritarians, and most fundamentally they are liars. You help them succeed by turning the cogs in their machine.

Friday, April 10, 2020

The Plan is So Fucking Obvious

They want to tag you like the goat in "I Pet Goat II". Fauci is now starting to soft sell the idea of "immunity cards" like Bill Gates--who is basically his boss and benefactor. Fuck these scheming, rat people. This is the point of the lockdown.

Furthermore, they will circumvent legal protections found in the constitution via corporate implementation. You're going to get to choose to be a slave or be free very soon, unfortunately.

More: Who Are The Globalists?

I think the philosophical roots of the current iteration of Globalism go back to the dawn of the British Empire and were sketched out by Francis Bacon and John Dee (See: Prophets of the Western World.) Their philosophy goes back to the classical world and to the Pythagorean school of philosophy with it's weird number superstitions.

They saw Number everywhere in nature and as part of a grand design that humans could discover and participate in. You see this concept embodied in architecture, especially. That is, by a ritually including the numerical proportions, and celestial alignments of nature in a building, one is at the minimum participating in the divinity of creation, if not acting as a sort of mini-god. These concepts also apply to celestial navigation, etc...

The modern scientific method took this concept one step further, initially, then jumped to a completely different conclusion about nature and number. First, there was an attempt to basically measure the architecture of the Universe. The men like Tycho Brahe and Copernicus compiled much better data about the orbits of planets, for example, and were able to develop accurate mathematical models of planetary motion. And then finally, Isaac Newton was able to mathematically describe mechanical systems with high precision.

I think a key symbol of the Globalists is the rainbow because of its biblical, and long standing poetic connotations, but also because it's a symbol of their approach to science, and nature. That is, science was able to decompose and describe what "light" is in mathematical model terms.

This school of science eventually replaced  "nature" with their mathematical models. The 17th and 18th century notions of harmony between the natural world and architecture, for example, was discarded and any connection with the natural world was thrown out in favor of a sort of psychotic, solipsism and nihilism. The Marxists and communists of the 20th century, and modern art, and postmodern ideas replace the notion of natural proportion and harmony with the grotesque. To them, nature is abhorrent and limiting to the man gods who know "the code" of the universe.

For them, life is a toy to be used for their experiments and for them to attain power. There's no understanding, or knowledge, or wisdom. There's merely lies and subterfuge. When they successfully con someone, they've attained the peak of enlightenment. There's no nature, or natural law. Man is either a con man, or an insect to be prodded and manipulated to gratify these con men. It's obvious why, for example, GMO food was so lauded by these people, almost worshiped--it is a "man made" (really not, it took genes from one creature and stuck them in plants) creation.

The Globalists are basically a religious sect of people who are steeped in the post-enlightenment tradition. They seem to be Marxists, and seem to be liars and con men. In recent years in the United States, unfortunately, it seems our whole Federal government has been infiltrated and subverted from the top down, especially after WW2, and even more after the cold war. The Bushes, the Clintons and Obama seem like operatives of this group. The "billionaires" like Bill Gates, Zukerface are operatives of this group. Unfortunately, the whole tech industry seems to be its creation. (Note all the rainbow colors of Google, etc...)

Unfortunately, this "Plandemic" seems to be revealing that Trump might not be a Globalist, at least not in public, but his advisors are 100% globalists. We're at a key, pivotal moment of history, where humanity is either going toward the Bladerunner dystopia, or the nations fight back and establish tradition and natural law.

Thursday, April 9, 2020

Conspiracy Theories No More

The Covid-19 story shows how thoroughly infiltrated and subverted the US government is. A handful of the key players in the story show the tangled web of individuals involved. It suggests that their relationship is not simply professional, or social, but maybe they are all related by blood or some other tie.

Let's tug on the web via the Epstein thread. Epstein is the man who makes no sense. He has no credentials, yet he's a "billionaire". He managed money for Lex Wexner, another "billionaire". Epstein is also tied into high tech projects via relationships with MIT, and another technocrat Bill Gates. Melinda Gates, Bill's daughter recently purchased a horse from some Wexner family member.

Epstein makes the least sense of all. He appears to basically be a pimp, and maybe a spy who ran a honeypot operation for some entity. Maybe he had some secret identity that his fellows respected sufficiently to pile accolades and money upon him.

Anyway, it looks like this whole gang of people, and I'm sure many others like the Rockefellers, are all at war with the United States, and are maybe in league with China or other foreign interests. The US billionaire globalists seem like a 5th column, hostile force.

Event 201 Google Trends

Check out the spike in interest over Event 201.

Why Central Planning Fails in One Photo

Our natural immune response, coupled with some information. and maybe a little advertising can control colds and the flu better than central planning. The reasons are obvious--billions of people, even average or dumb people, are so much better at solving the millions of problems they face throughout the course of a day than any team of honcho "experts". If every expert is actually well meaning, rather than bribed and blackmailed, and has a 250 IQ, they still don't have the brainpower to control every scenario in the real world. The whole mass of sort of dumb people making free choices will probably produce the best possible outcome.

Their God is the Number God

The philosophy and religion that's developed into modern science is based on the idea that nature is primarily symbolic and that the formal language mathematical models of science not only mimic nature, but they capture its essence. That is, our reality is really generated by something like a computer. The Temple of the Number God is the Computer. The holy of holies of the number god is the CPU.

It's not so surprising that the arch-priests of the Number God Cult, like Bill Gates, celebrate a concept like a "smart city". The city is the complete displacement of the natural world for the artificial. It's really an attempt to strip natural life down to a bare bones version of reality so the Number Mind has complete control of its environment. It's fitting that the number god cult hates femininity, and really hates the concept of gender or sex. It hates nature.

I think everyone, and every animal with any consciousness actually can understand nature in her own terms, which are non-symbolic, and so non verbal, and so non-mathematical. This knowledge is built into us on a deep, fundamental level. This knowledge is in the very matter that we are composed of. It's the knowledge of bone; it's the knowledge of water.

Technocrats Want to Manage You--The Disease is An Excuse

Central planning has killed tens of millions of people since just the 20th century. If allowed to control any large nation, today, the central planners will possibly add hundreds of millions more dead to their stats. Possibly that's always their goal.

Here's a video explaining how the natural immune response is preferable to Bill Gates' schemes.

Wednesday, April 8, 2020

How to Rally the United States

Since the end of WW2, the west lost any coherent sense of purpose and has become a philosophical hodgepodge, and a bunch of amnesiacs. We lost touch with our roots and our history. Now, the ideals we took for granted, and barely thought about are severely threatened.

In the United States we can rally around a common heritage, even though we're a disparate, heterogeneous society.

The principles of Jeffersonian Democracy are still the skeleton of American life, and the founding of the United States is our common heritage. The idea of man versus Empire for the sake of freedom is enduring.

This ties into Christianity as well. Christians fundamentally believe in redemption and in the salvation of the fallen world by the intervention of God. The notion that man is a sinner and can be redeemed, and is worthy of redemption depends on free will and choice. Man is not saved by the state, nor by compulsion. He is saved by knowledge and choice.

The United States is no longer a Christian nation, however, nor was it ever really officially a Christian nation. The ideals of the founding of the US are really basically fundamentally human rather than tied to any particular ethnic or religious group, even though the statements in the declaration of Independence, are basically statements of faith and Natural Law and Nature's God.

A very big effort needs to be made to rally the people of the United States for the sake of freedom and liberty.

Organize Now

For several decades, now, the globalists have been waging war on the United States. It's been a secret war for the most part, and a war of subversion and subterfuge and propaganda. It seems fairly likely that the Clinton administration events like the Oklahoma City bombing and the creation of the "patriot extremist" narrative, the "W" administration's PATRIOT act, and the expansion of the NSA and spying on American citizens were pave stones along a path to the present day.

Now their war is overt. It looks like the Trump administration, in spite of its nationalist pretense, is going along with the plans of the globalists and is accepting their schemes. There will be a moment when Americans might be able to push back via legal means, via pressure on their legislators, but after that, we're probably going to either meekly accept the total subversion of the United States constitution, or we'll have to fight.

  • If you're one of the people who happen to read this blog, start organizing now. Start mobilizing anyone who cares to listen in the cause of freedom.
  • Inform people about Event 201. The people who are currently running the response to the "pandemic" coincidentally coordinated the response in October 2019, a few months before the outbreak.
  • Inform people about Bill Gates' connection with convicted, disgraced pedophile Jeffrey Epstein. Gates continued to meet with Epstein after his conviction.
  • Question the credibility and advice of the experts who have reversed their advice numerous times throughout this pandemic.
  • Ask people to consult their conscience if the proposed changes and new systems are so good, why are they being installed behind the smokescreen of a pandemic, via secret means and subtrefuge?

We are currently in the preface of the dystopian sci-fi novels of the 60's and 70's. We are free men and women of the West. We are not sheep. We are not the chattel of bankers.

Tuesday, April 7, 2020

Trump's Administration seems to be Going Along With Bill Gates Testing and Certification Scheme

People are going to decide, in pretty short order if they're free or if they're just slaves for the rest of time. It appears the government is going to restrict freedom of movement unless people agree to testing and tracking because they're afraid of a disease, that quite possibly has effective treatments.

Did The Bill Gates Faction Launch Plandemic-66 Because Epstein Was Whacked?

Jeffrey Epstein makes no sense. He's a billionaire for no apparent reason. He was appointed to a position teaching Physics at a private boarding school, I think for girls, by the current Attorney General's father when he had no credentials. He was jailed for keeping white girl sex slaves. After that Bill Gates met with him. Then of course he was whacked in jail, or spirited away just recently.

I think all these "billionaires" are merely agents and employees of the invisible Empire. Jeff Epstein was basically the pimp for all these people. They're "wealthy" in the sense that a CEO of a business is wealthy, but his whole life is consumed by his job. They have no actual freedom or opinions of their own. They're basically stuck in the same gilded cage as the teenage girls Jeff Epstein was pimping out to weird old dudes like Matt Groenig.

It seems pretty likely they were planning out this coronavirus scam for many years, and it's quite possible Jeffrey Epstein was involved in planning the scheme. So maybe when he got whacked, it's an indication that their plan was in jeopardy, so they actually had to pull the trigger.

It's also possible that these people are associated with governments, like China, and maybe have some kind of deal with them. It's not a surprise that the social credit system that was unveiled there first is now vaguely affiliated with Bill Gates' plan to track and monitor people with the deadly 'rona--whatever  that actually is.

Past the Propaganda Peak?

I spend an unfortunately large amount of time, lately, scrolling through comments sections on YouTube and BitChute videos to get a feel for the "public" sentiment on various 'rona stories, or to see the reaction of normies to various scenarios.

I think we're basically under siege by a propaganda, and maybe chemical or biological war waged by the globalists on the whole world population. The propaganda war is by far the largest component. It manipulates public opinion and also drives government action and reaction via public opinion and control of information given to governments.

It took a while to really get a bead on what is going on. The globalist propaganda machine had the advantage of initiative and surprise, however, I think that's waning already. Based on a review of reactions to mainstream stories and the MSM squared (youtube news reader posts), it looks like a decent chunk of the population is skeptical of the official story and the "lockdown". It looks like many, many people are overtly rejecting fear porn, obvious propaganda, like the claims that NYC is going to bury people in makeshift cemeteries in parks--that's an obvious lie.

Some of that skepticism is based on hope, rather than information. I don't think anyone really knows what Covid-19 really is, or why certain people are dying or experiencing severe symptoms. There's some skepticism among credentialed experts about the isolation and identification of the virus. There's various opinions about the cause of the severe symptoms and bad outcomes in individual cases. There's a broadly held opinion that the disease is generally not severe in most cases for healthy individuals.

Now, the pattern of "problem/reaction/solution" is really obvious, too. So it throws the whole narrative of a "pandemic disease" into question. It looks to be part of an obvious plan---it's almost too obvious. Normies don't know about "Event 201", but millions of people do. Globohomo might just keep discounting the Internet. It's basically the immune system to propaganda. (See "What Happens When Propaganda Doesn't Work") It's possible they just don't believe their propaganda machine is broken now. Bill Gates famously discounted the importance of the Internet.

So the next phase of this mess will be interesting to participate in and to fight out. My guess is we'll stay at the level of information warfare and retarded propaganda from Bill Gates. We might also see--I think there's a really good chance of this--random vigilante violence against people like Bill Gates and his cronies and billionaires. They're a fairly obvious threat and 5th column. We're in a situation, presently, that's very much like the installation of the Federal Reserve system. A manufactured crisis, coupled with a canned, preplanned "solution" that will basically bring entire nations under the rule of an invisible bureaucratic Empire via the flu.

Monday, April 6, 2020

My Bear Maze Dream

I had a really strange and vivid dream this morning.

I worked my way into the middle of a large maze and saw tunnels like the spokes of a wheel radiating out from this apparent center. I could see the glint of eyes and heard the chuffs and breathing of bears, but I was not even afraid, in fact I was  kind of relieved and happy because I too was a bear. Then I woke up.

They Already Had a Plan for Digital Immunology Certificates Cooked Up

There are a number of articles about lifting the lockdown for people who sign up for some "digital immunology certificate". Talking heads like Bill Gates are selling this in the US and different faux "western" countries like France, the UK, and Germany.

This scheme is so blatantly obvious, now. I am doubting if there was ever a Covid-19. Or if there is, maybe it's just something that's delivered as a bioweapon to small pockets of different nations.

Sunday, April 5, 2020

No More Mister Nice White Guy

I wonder what made globohomo pull the trigger on this pandemic plan? Why now? Is George Soros about to croak so he sent out secret fag decoder ring order 66 to his minions to set the plan in motion to completely screw the whole Western World?

They seem to be all in on this pandemic plan at this point. The scaremongering is even going retro-active. The jews at the New York times claim that officials had been "vastly undercounting" the fake numbers of coronavirus fake cases in the United States. Somehow schlomo got his grubby mitts on the stats that set the record straight; really 20,000 people already died!!!!! Oh meher gerd.

Meanwhile around the United States more people are sniffing out how fake and hysterical this story is. The hysterics in the MSM, which already has minimal credibility, briefly wowed some people, but even the most hysterical dingbat is probably going to see the huge difference between the claims and the rather normal reality out their window. Only the poor bastards who are stuck in some concrete shithole megacity will have no fucking clue what's going on. As warm spring weather rolls around, it'll be all too obvious that this is a hoax and that the gnome Dr. Fauci is a fraud and all the media's expert hand-wringers will be completely discredited. This seems like a really bad plan, likely to stir up outright, old school tar and feathering style violence.

So if these cocksuckers are all in on a hoax, that's not even a very good one, that sort of indicates their plan is being rushed. For starters, it's too obvious. There's been a decades long erosion of the western way of life driven by financialization and by globohomo. That boil-the-frog approach was working pretty well. A more brazen, obvious takeover, like this 911 Flu (always the 9's and 1's Covid-19. these fags and their numbers), is pretty blatant--it's even more blatant than the post 911 power grabs.

To me, it looks like we're going to be fighting pretty soon. I'm not even bullshitting or being hyperbolic here. Maybe part of the plan is to stoke an internal conflict in the United States.... I'm not sure how many people are "globalists" at heart in the USA. I think I'm skewed much more toward the Jeffersonian Democracy brand of nationalism by my education and upbringing than I ever was toward globo-homo.

The Jeffersonian Democracy/American Republicanism education was ubiquitous through the 70s, and 80s. I'm not sure when these marxist fags really showed up in any significant numbers--I think they're still a small minority.

GH controls things via the "elites" and by bribing and blackmailing politicians. That's a very severe weak link for the integrity of the USA, and maybe is how they planned to wreck the US anyway--use up the government, then unveil the septic tank of corruption it really is.

Anyway, a huge rift is already open between the nation and the government at the national level, now it's going to open up at the state level too.

I'm really interested to see if the state and local governments flip the script on the 'rona pretty soon. There's already several states who aren't playing along with the farce lockdown. Soon enough that'll trickle into neighboring jurisdictions the same way the initial hysteria spread.

When PR Bullshit Can't Work: Uncle Warren Buffet versus Bill Gates and Soros

Warren Buffet gets trotted out on CNBC every few weeks or months to have an "honest and forthright" conversation and offer homey tips about "investing" in the markets and to spin yarns about his frugal, homey ways. He does a better job of selling his image than other billionaire people like Soros, or Bill Gates, who many people, like me, instinctively dislike.

It's actually pretty interesting to see the inner workings of the globalist machine exposed. Gates left his corporate muckety-muck positions to go promote the crazy globo-homo plan to the masses via TV appearances and even low-grade youtuber channel interviews.

It's a good question if any of those guys are really Billionaire masters of the world, or if they're just employees with about as much freedom as the family in the "Ozarks" show and are just more bricks in a pyramid of psychopaths and killers.

The Globalist Wars

This Covid-19 "lockdown" thing is at the very minimum a large scale psychological warfare campaign, and quite possibly biological warfare. It's a little too obviously a "problem/reaction/solution" manipulation of masses of people to accept a system that replaces "citizenship" with minionship. Bill Gates is running around selling the idea that people will need a digital certificate of immunity to Covid-19 to get back to work... so this particular disease is such a problem, unlike smallpox, mono, the measles, etc... etc... that it requires this new "system" that's conveniently ready to go? (and probably runs on piece-of-shit Windows, lol, JFC)

I think, quite unfortunately, we're in for a war. I'm not going to accept this. Millions of other people won't accept it either. It looks like this might be enough to snap people out of their torpor, finally.

As I wrote in many other posts, it's really not sufficient, though, to just fight back. The main thing that's really needed is an alternative direction and way of thinking. The Bill Gates faction have been constructing their electronic commie gulag for decades. Freedom has slowly been slipping away and eroding in the United States and the rest of the western world for a long time amid a haze of decadence and garbage pop culture. It looks like this era is coming to a rapid end.

Back in the 80's when the movie Red Dawn came out it was absurd and ridiculous at the time. The Soviets and their allies staged a military invasion of the vast USA. The reality is, they invaded through New York city, through the banks, and through corporations and universities. Now they're really trying to put everyone in a vast gulag.

Saturday, April 4, 2020

Who Are "The Globalists"?

It's pretty interesting to see the prominent role that software salesman Bill Gates is taking in the coronavirus script. The policy recommendations that he makes on a daily basis are pretty extreme and Orwellian. Unfortunately, the United States and other ostensibly "western" countries--the "west" is a fading idea--have adopted many of his positions because of the Wu-Flu.

Who are these people? Bill Gates is the exemplar "globalist". His family is tied into banking and left-wing eugenics organizations. Also, weirdly enough, Gates knew Epstein and visited his island along with other technocrat cronies...

The British Empire morphed into a completely commercial, financial entity in the late 19th, and early 20th century and merged with America via our billionaires--people like the Rockefellers--and an associated technocrat/academic class who people institutions like Harvard and Yale. It also seems like they have international ties to other nations, like China.

The real severe problem we have isn't the globalists, but it's a total lack of an alternative. The media has so thoroughly saturated the western mind with the concepts and ideas generated by the globalist movement, that there's barely an alternative thought. The common western man realizes he's screwed, and that the institutions of his country are undermined and work against his interests, but has no positive alternative. He's merely reacting.

Friday, April 3, 2020

Do Over on Agriculture

The county where I live still has some working farms. Not surprisingly, they're located in specific regions with soil that was deposited 14,000+ years ago as the last wave of glaciers melted, so the soil is well drained and provides a good medium for growing corn and soybeans. It's really a function of the sorting mechanisms of melting ice and flowing water. If the land had fast flows of water, then the soil includes more sand and gravel than silt and clay. Lots of other land, like our property, has less than ideal conditions for crops like corn, however, it's relatively easy to improve soil, but it's probably not "economical" since the return on investment in farming is low.

However, if you ignore investment concepts, then any piece of land is suitable for growing crops, and can be improved year over year. Similarly, if you have lots of land and people involved in agriculture, you have a fairly self-sufficient society where food is really cheap.

Anyway, in our present economy, the systems most people rely on are controlled by top down management. People like Bill Gates and whatever group he's associated with drive policy and corporate systems. Companies like Monsanto develop systems that farmers use. Food is really cheap, and cheaply made (see crapflation), and requires few people to produce, and also is like a strip mining operation. The best most productive land is consumed. The sociopaths involved in those schemes are usually pretty careless about the outcome and unintended consequences of the systems they devise.

The pursuit of non-economic planning via cultural management, like the Amish, is the really the traditional method of organizing. In this case, a variety of non-monetary goals is pursued by a community of people, and their approach changes slowly over time and adapts to circumstances slowly.

As long as people chase dollars and pursue economic goals, they'll be the chattel of the bankers and their systems. If you think about what we're here to do, instead of how to make money, then you're free.

Thursday, April 2, 2020

Petty Officials and Freedom

One of the interesting things about the Covid-19 panic is how different jurisdictions are being more or less tyrannical with their citizens. Unfortunately, many jurisdictions have fairly comprehensive sway over businesses via administrative bodies and licensing, so they can shut down and control commercial activities. On the other hand, no jurisdiction in the United States has such authority over individuals or religious organizations thanks to the Bill of Rights, so the conflicts over the "lockdowns" might really flare up in various places, even locally or even in more remote towns and rural areas where local petty officials get too big for their britches.

Recently, the county health department here just ordered local businesses who they deemed non-essential to close. Of course, this is the mom and pop stores that make a living off their income. Meanwhile, larger corporate chains remain open as they take some kabuki theater infection fighting steps.

There's been no attempt to clamp down on individual movement, here, which is likely to meet with resistance, and maybe random violence. In other towns and cities, though, some petty local officials have attempted to clamp down on gatherings and individual movements. I really hope people refuse and ignore these edicts, and fight back if necessary.

Freedom is necessary to safety. If you can't exercise your own judgement, then you're no better than a slave or the chattel of some rando "official". You might get sick. You might die, but better die free than live forever as a slave, or worse, die from the incompetence and corruption of some dirtbag government hack.

Bill Gates is A Top Donor to the WHO

One of the side effects of corporatocracy is many government functions have been completely privatized, even though they retain their "official" government mandates and in some cases, some legal authority. NGOs help set policies at the local, state, and higher levels of government.

I didn't know Bill Gates had major influence over the WHO. But apparently he does. I think he's an agent of some larger organization, and has been since the beginning of Microsoft.

Anyway, here's an article:

Video That Includes Phony News From Event 201

Here's a video with the phony news coverage from "Event 201", the desktop pandemic exercise from October 2019. It is so similar to the current Covid-19 "outbreak" that it would make even the most mainstream-media saturated person scratch his head.

Wednesday, April 1, 2020

Alt Media has been Subverted and Circulates Low Grade Propaganda

If you wondered what would have happened if the alt media existed during 9/11, you can see it in real time, now with alt media coronavirus coverage. As usual it's a mixed bag, but there is a lot of propaganda mixed in with the usual click-bait, fear porn trash.

In recent years, people railed against the MSM and corporate media, so a bunch of alternative sources and sites popped up. Zerohedge is a great example. It started up in the wake of the financial crisis, and became a gold-bug, anti-system outpost. I think, however, that it was eventually purchased by the typical "investors" and turned into a click-bait outlet and also disseminates propaganda and disinfo.

Quite a few alt-media "stars" have shady, weird backstories, and ties to intelligence agencies--sort of like Hollywood and the music industry of the 60's. (See Dave McGowan's work on Laurel Canyon).

Anyway, with the 'rona, the alt media is shilling food buckets--that aren't even available for shipment. The ostensibly "trustworthy" and "independent" talking heads of YouTube are all selling the same crap, whether it's food buckets or versions of Christianity.