Wednesday, March 30, 2022

NPC Outrage Machine

 A whole bunch of people put yellow and blue colors on their social media profiles and have an opinion about the war in Ukraine.

Virtually nobody has an opinion about the war in Yemen.

The scenario is virtually identical. The Saudis are waging war against a small neighbor to prevent a hostile force (Iran) from having a base of operations. The USA is backing the Saudis with material and advisors.

Civilians are suffering from the conflict.

The war has gone on for years. A poor country has held the "western powers" and Saudi arabia at bay for a long time.

It is really interesting to compare the outrage in the two cases among western NPCs. How does it really work? There is regular reporting on the Yemen war in the media. So what actually turns on the outrage in the vast NPC population?

I think it's probably Hollywood and popular entertainment like the late night talk shows. Those products tell the really dumb people how to think. They model the behavior.

Ukraine and Yemen

The war Saudi Arabia is waging on Yemen is virtually identical to the war Russia is waging on Ukraine. Nobody is outraged about it and there are no sanctions against the Saudis. The USA and Britain are directly involved backing the Saudis against their poor neighbor. Civilians died from the conflict and from famine and other causes.

Nobody cares. Nobody has little Yemen flags on the faceberg profiles. Why? Because nobody on NPR or on the news told them to care.

Tuesday, March 29, 2022

Secret Society Scams and Top Down Philosophy

 Many corporations are organized like secret societies. Financial information is a closely guarded secret. A worker is left in the dark about how much they produce for the company versus how much they make for a salary. Only an inner circle of buddies has the big picture, and make far more than they produce and they all get relatively rich compared to the worker slaves. The workers accept these circumstances as "normal".

That pyramid structure propagates all the way up. The wealthy executive at some local company is poor compared to the scammers at the financial institutions he deals with, and they're poor compared to the oligarchs.

The "top down" philosophy consciousness shapes their minds. Fame and glory can somehow be obtained, like it is for the gods and heroes and so they chase it, then learn, no it can't be--they can only sacrifice their life's energy for "the organization" and its glory and fame. If they're a super stooge and advance its interests via scams and schemes they will be advanced and celebrated.

Monday, March 28, 2022

Top Down vs Bottom Up Philosophy

A philosophical tradition that emphasizes a "bottom up" understanding would focus on fairly mundane details of life. Let's take something absurd--how we clean our teeth--as an example. Doing that small act well, and in a mindful way, and understanding how it fits into the natural order of things would engender a specific way of experiencing and thinking of the world. Let's call that a "mind pattern".

A philosophical tradition that emphasizes a "top down" understanding would focus on the big and heroic view. Teeth cleaning would be an after thought. It would not be considered part of the philosophical tradition at all. The mind pattern would be completely different--probably totally restless and wasteful by comparison.

Think of the heroic gods of the classical world pantheon, like Zeus or even Norse gods like Thor. Note that there's not really a Zeus equivalent in the Norse tradition, which is pretty interesting. Odin is the All Father, but he's not like the Autocratic Zeus. Those "heroic" gods are top down entities, obviously. They are larger than life humans, basically. The super-aristocracy. The stories and tales of the gods and heroes will lead people to view their normal life as mundane and worthless. Emulation of the heroes and gods would mean pursuing unusual and extreme ways of life.

A philosophical tradition that focuses on manners and small ceremonies and is enmeshed in the world like the Shinto traditions of Japan would engender close to the opposite mind pattern and outlook.

Sunday, March 27, 2022

Animism as Antidote

I think "animism" is the philosophical understanding of the world that's natural to humanity. The basic idea is that everything has a spirit, including animals, rocks, and trees, etc... Animism is really not a "religion", which is really the great thing about it. It's potentially an antidote to "organized religion" and its deleterious effects.

Think about the promise and belief of "christian nations" versus the practice for example, especially in European history. It's a slaughterhouse of horrors. Modern europe is the worst: WWI and WWII were mechanized slaughterfests. The nations of the western world are corporation dominated entities lorded over by literal psychopaths: human robots. The big goal of many of the "leaders" of the western world is to borg-cube the planet. They want to rewrite the inconvenient natural plan with their own schemes.

The religions of the "abrahamic" tradition are basically corporate entities; they're like the "policies" of some shitty corporation. They fabricate and mold people to serve as cogs in the machine. "Judgement" and "sin" and all that are an assault on the psyche and being of masses of people.

Animism as a philosophical antidote to that and is a doorway to connection to the real-world and nature. Certainly those ideas could, and have been hijacked to promote a hive-mind agenda, as in Imperial Japan, but perhaps individual practice and subjective experience of connection to nature could offer some protection against oligarchical subversion and domination.

Saturday, March 26, 2022

They're All Bad

Biden is calling for "Regime Change" in Russia.

The "elite" trash in all countries are white collar criminals, at best, but are often thugs and gangsters.

The "elite" in DC are a garbage pit. They're bribed, blackmailed employee henchmen.

Hopefully the common people can get a clue at some point, but I doubt it's going to happen.

Friday, March 25, 2022

Russia "pegged" Ruble to Gold

 Supposedly Russia just pegged the Ruble to gold... not totally, but more thoroughly for sure than any other currency right now. The price was 5000 ruble per gram.

Russia is not taking payment for gas from hostile countries in funny-money like Euro or USD. So they'll have to buy Rubles or gold... I have no idea what the impact is, exactly. It's hard to predict.

That's all huge news and a huge change in the global economic landscape.

Russian Oligarchs versus "American" Oligarchs

Who actually control the USA? It's not Joe Biden or any of the clods in his administration. It wasn't Trump either. It's some corporate/financial oligarchy that directs the government and delivers legislation to their employees in congress. They temporarily and obviously "took over" during the covid bullshit. They stole billions of dollars in the process.

Now they're in an apparent clash with Russian oligarchs, which include Putin. I think the people like Putin are more obviously in top level managerial positions than some dummy like Biden or the super puppet guy who is supposedly the president of a country like Ukraine. The tough times in post USSR Russia selected for smarter people, I think. If you watch speeches by Putin or Lavrov, you see that they are actually the brains at the helm of their national apparatus, or are very close to those brains. If you watch "Kamala Harris" stumble and bumble through a speech, you see she's an actor reciting lines--and she's not very good at that.

America is actually mostly run by what's basically Jews Incorporated. I have no idea how it really works, but it's too obvious to deny. People only deny it because they're afraid to be called names.

Here's a picture of Joe Biden kneeling in front of some Jewish lady who had 12 kids. The United States is almost entirely controlled by the financial system and corporations. It's really just a big financial corporation entity and its ideology is derived from Jewish ideas. "Jewish" ideas are an amalgamation of concepts from the classical world, including Greek philosophy, by the way. All that steamrolled whatever the northern European traditions were ages ago. Then in recent years Hollywood scrambled and obliterated whatever culture the Americans and western europeans had. The same thing happened in Weimar Germany. A dude standing on the podium of a "women's" swimming meet would have been right at home in that bizarro-world time. If anything, the USA is even more extreme in its departure from natural reality.

Russia seems to be run by actual Russian oligarchs--that is "Rus", although some people claim Putin is Jewish. Who knows? The Rus were vikings. The American Jews seem to be butthurt about clashes with the Rus 1000 years ago. The Rus and Vikings weren't great or praiseworthy, by the way.

Do the Russian oligarchs actually care about their people? No. Do the American oligarchs. No. Not at all. They don't give two shits about anyone but their clubs. America has a worse track record in terms of mass murdering people to advance their psycho agendas. Madeline "Albright" just died. She was the Secretary of State who said it was worth killing 500,000 Iraqis, really to advance the cause of "Israel" and world domination. The Russian oligarchs waged a number of wars since the fall of the USSR. I don't know their body count, but I think it's lower. So far, supposedly, in the war in Ukraine it's around 1000 civilians, which is still bad and evil, but less evil than the USA.

The western people need to rebuild their culture on a natural order foundation, then rebuild their financial system and food production systems on that. The russian people should do the same. The oligarchs in every country thrive on a docile, domesticated, stupid population.

Why GMOs are Really Bad

 Corporations will soon be introducing GMO cows and other animals. Plus there will be GMO bacteria deployed for various jobs, like fertilizing soil.

This is all extremely bad.

Will you be poisoned by GMO meat? Probably not.

It's molecular pollution.

It won't be "controllable".

The people who are genetically engineering these creatures have no idea how the natural system really works. It's only recent years that the relationship between gut bacteria and the body and brain have been studied--really just since the 1990s and the scientists studying that have just scratched the surface. That field shows how subtle and interconnected things are.

There's money to be made, though, and fake problems to fake solve. So they'll just go ahead and do it.

The most dangerous thing is the bacteria that they plan to introduce into soil. They have no fucking clue what will happen from that.

I think the genetic engineers are the ones who are most likely to cause the massive harm, like nuclear war level damage from "an accident".

I think it's vaguely plausible that humanity has done this before and voluntarily opted to annihilate its technology base.

Thursday, March 24, 2022

People Can Afford Stupid Governments in Boom Times

 This is a add-on to the previous post.

In boom times, like during the unleashing of new energy sources like coal, or oil (but not solar and nuclear) people can afford to support their retarded governments. By the way, the government is almost always retarded. The wealthy and powerful can divert resources to stupid projects, and it's no big deal.

Once there's a shift into management and efficiency mode, ironically, the government becomes a positive feedback mechanism--it amplifies stupidity. The EU nations are further down this road than the USA and blue states are further down the road than the red states in the US.

It's really just not possible to manage complex entities like a whole economy or the energy system. It's something that's either growing and doing well, or in a crisis and dying. Government interventions just exacerbate the problems.

Energy Gains versus Efficiency Gains

Lots of people assume the "next" industrial revolution will be even more impressive than the prior ones.


In the 1700s and 1800s, people got around the USA by water and by stagecoach, horse, and wagon. Then as the steam era got going, trains unlocked new capabilities. Coal became an important source of energy. The steam engine unlocked access to a whole new regime of horsepower, basically. People suddenly had access to 10's or hundreds of horsepower via machines that could even move around. That was a huge change in life.

In the days of travel by horseback, people could only go around 10 miles in a day, maybe a little bit more when new teams of horses could be swapped in. Trains enabled people to travel hundreds of miles a day and enabled bulk transport of materials, too, obviously.

Compare that to the current "revolution". It's basically about supposed gains in "efficiency" via automation and computer controls, and that latter aspect of it is being taken to extremes. The people on the top of the pyramid want total control and monitoring of everything in the economy, all in the name of efficiency.

There are, apparently, no more gains to be had in energy availability and horsepower. That's bad. It's a little like trying to make a living by using discount coupons. You can save money with coupons, but can't buy much with them.

It's a very good question if the "cost" of the efficiency management system is even offset by the supposed "savings". I've wondered that for years in my corporate jobs--does all the managerial overhead offset its costs? I seriously doubt it. Every empire I can think of turns into a top-heavy bureaucracy as it implodes. It makes sense, it's really the same phenomenon. Initially income expands, i.e. "energy availability", then there's a point of diminishing returns, then hyper-management and corruption and collapse.

Wednesday, March 23, 2022

Why the "4th Industrial Revolution" Won't Happen

There are many videos of "teslas waiting in line to charge". The fanbois will say, "eventually the infrastructure will be built out, we did it with gasoline".

Let's compare and contrast the various stages of industrialization with the so called "4th industrial revolution".

When people were settling northeast Ohio around 1800, they could build mills, foundries, and steel furnaces with found-materials and bronze and iron-age technology. A couple of guys with a saw and some trees could make a mill for processing wheat into flour. A couple of guys with a saw and some trees and a forge could start turning out plows and tools. People traveled the country via a system of dirt roads and canals and other waterways.

The next layer of infrastructure was built with coal and steam and more centralized production of steel--but it was still age old technology and techniques. Coal was abundant, cheap, and could be easily mined and "stored"--aka put in a pile.

The next layer of infrastructure was built with oil. Oil was abundant and cheap and was easily extracted and stored--aka put in a big container.

Now, we've got a "high tech" society which seems to have all kinds of advantages, i.e. it's more "efficient" and more elaborate plans can be made and carried out because of computers. The next layer of infrastructure, they assume, will be electric and controlled (aka "smart"). However, this layer of infrastructure is extremely expensive and fragile compared to the prior era infrastructure. It costs hundreds of times more to store electricity in a battery than to store oil, coal, or wood energy. Solar panels require a lot of energy to manufacture, etc...

An "EV charging station" that's equal to a run of the mill gas station is going to cost a fortune by comparison. It's not going to be plausible to just plug the vehicles into a direct grid-powered unit. There will be some buffer device in between the grid and the cars, like a battery or some such gizmo. That thing will have to be huge to provide anything close to the level of service of a basic-bitch corner gas station. It will be constantly drawing power from the grid or charging from solar panels. Otherwise, each EV charging station will have its own large substation and tie-in to high voltage lines... which aren't even available everywhere. Anyway, all that is expensive. Compare that to digging a hole and sticking a big tank in the ground.

I don't think it's going to happen. It doesn't make any sense at all. I think the "technotronic" society looks like a total dead end. There's no value added by the control layer--it's just all expense and bureaucracy. People will be toiling away to enslave themselves? Even the most covid-tarded people eventually woke up to that scam, so how long will people keep busting their ass to empower inbred oligarch freaks?

It's much more plausible IMO that some electrical->liquid fuel process gets perfected. Then you could put huge solar installations in the desert and produce really green fuel. That might keep this current civilization going for a while. If that doesn't happen, we'll be riding horses before we replace the whole transportation grid with EVs.

Tuesday, March 22, 2022

Die in Fantasy Land

 One of the few meaningful civilization level stats is "per capita energy consumption". Almost everything else, like GDP, is just noise and bullshit. The chart is pretty interesting. You can clearly see the "eras" of industrial activity by the ramps and plateaus.

According to this chart wood provides more energy than "renewables". It'd be a whole lot easier to grow more forest, by the way, than deploy more windmills and solar panels--quite obviously--but then nobody would get rich building that garbage.

There's a faltering attempt to go from the 1950s-2000 level of energy consumption to the "green electric" "hyper-efficient computer controlled" level--lol. I say all that ironically, of course. The "green" future is bullshit, and it requires more energy use than the current fossil fuel economy, and there's no energy to be had.

The strategy of the demon worshippers at the top of the pyramid is to enforce austerity on the sleepy, dumb, brainwashed masses of the western world to funnel resources to their literally gay projects.


To me this is so obvious. To them it's not. To white liberal retards it's not either. God damn, the white liberals suck. You could really see their psychology on display the past couple of years. They delight in telling people how bad they are, assuming that makes them good--but it doesn't. They're a perfect pairing for the demon-worshipping oligarchy.

Anyway, why won't it work: I've done a couple of posts on this but I'll state it again. To get the level of energy production we have currently requires the whole system to run flat out. That includes apparently "wasteful" things like people's hobbies and entertainment. If the demon leadership of the west tries to shift those resources to their own gay projects, the overall output of the system will falter. Why will anyone go to work to be a slave to propel the cretins at the top of the pyramid? That scam is already faltering. Enforced austerity and rationing will exacerbate that issue. The people who try to starve you into submission will be the ones proposing the all-managed technocratic solutions for food production.

We're going into a time of freedom versus attempted total control by insane, inbred freaks and psychopaths and their mob of zombie believers. There probably won't be much left of this current system by the end maybe decades from now.

Building a New USA

The major problem that the United States and really the entire west has is the culture has been obliterated. People have been trained to be fools and slaves. Their old habits, customs, and beliefs dissolved in a sea of pop culture bullshit from corporate america and hollywood.

It's really similar to what happened to northern europeans during the middle ages when Christianity obliterated their previous culture. Their history got replaced, essentially, by the bible history of one particular little tribe. People who had been naming their kids Ragnar and Aethelfred started naming them "John", "Luke" and "Matthew".

Over the past 100 years or so, people in the US became "consumers" and "fans" and "employees". They lost any internal guidance system.

The system that they were engineered to serve is falling apart and is actually going to fail like the USSR did--possibly this year!

The most important thing of rebuilding is to rebase the culture on something durable and get people attached to it, e.g. the natural order of things. Stop living in the delusional fantasy worlds spun by oligarch minions. Everything else will sort of take care of itself.

Monday, March 21, 2022

Controlled Demolition of the USA

I've done a bunch of "Suez Crisis" posts. It's actually just about here, and it's going to suck.

The Biden administration is managing to get into a conflict with China over the Ukraine thing--they're not even directly involved. They're imposing sanctions against China... I don't know the details, just saw the headline. It makes no sense. Why escalate the conflict over some eastern european country with minimal value to the USA national interest?

Several people have the theory that a "controlled demolition" of the US has been underway for years en route to "world government"--the worst idea of all time. I can sort of buy that theory. That would mean that our ostensible "leaders" are in on the demolition. I can buy that too.

Anyway, it seems pretty clear that the US domination of the world financial system is coming to an abrupt end, and with it, a restructuring of the US economy. Who knows what's going to happen from all that mess?

Austerity Scam

The oligarchy and its minions in the western world are trying to herd everyone into an electronic gulag that's lorded over by their demon god... which by the way is the god of their bible stories. It will be a literal "city of light" dystopian world. They're here to "serve you", but like in the Twilight Zone episode "To Serve Man".

Various minions are pushing "austerity" in the face of inflation. Austerity is needed to usher in their shit system.

Fuck them.

It's past time to be free and to move past this trash.

Electric Future?

In the early 2000s, I was pretty interested in EVs. I was reading articles about the daily breakthroughs in super-capacitors and batteries and reading about the simplicity of the cars, and the potential for reduced cost, more reliable transportation. It seemed like a good deal.

It did not really work out the way it was sold, of course. The batteries are better, but still kind of suck, and the cars have as many, or maybe more problems than their liquid fuel powered counterparts, which is pretty surprising. Even though they don't have moving parts, they have components that are still failure prone like any electronic gizmo.

In theory they could be cheaper to mass produce and operate, if the industry standardizes components, but they haven't and probably won't. Maybe some country will suck it up and back their EV industry to mass produce an appliance car and basically drive all the profit margin out of that business.

The materials needed to mass produce the cars are scarce and expensive, though. Plus the materials needed for the grid updates for charging infrastructure, even though they're "cheap", are needed in vast quantities. Hardly anyone has an EV, yet, and the charging infrastructure is sparse, so in some places the wait time is absurd. If you search for videos of "lines of teslas waiting to charge" you'll find a couple like this:

Who has time to wait for that?

It's a pretty good question if the world has the resources to replace the transportation infrastructure with an electric one, and then it's an even better question if there's any advantage to be had.

Friday, March 18, 2022

Fukuoka's Revelation

From here

All striving was without purpose, he saw, all intellectual understanding a chimera. In his 1978 classic on natural farming, The One-Straw Revolution, he wrote: “I could see that all the concepts to which I had been clinging, the very notion of existence itself, were empty fabrications. My spirit became light and clear. I was dancing wildly for joy.”

He immediately quit his job, and soon returned to the family farm where his father set him to work looking after the mandarin orchard. The essence of Masanobu’s insight was the emptiness of human knowledge and effort. Thus, as he applied himself to the task of tending the fruit trees, he questioned every aspect of conventional agricultural practice. His approach was not to ask himself what more he could do to improve the yield of his trees, but rather what practices he could dispense with. Nature, he believed, was a complete and unified whole, with all the resources it needed to thrive on its own without the intervention of human “cleverness.”

Thursday, March 17, 2022

"Primitive" Consciousness as Full Human Consciousness

Civilized man is a cog in a machine. He's educated to be compliant and subservient and mind controlled to the point where he will commit brutal atrocities or crimes in the context of "war" in service of the state or other illusions. He will work his whole life away to provide yachts and mansions for oligarchs. The civilized mind is furthest from nature and consequently most deluded.

Is the "primitive" consciousness superior in any way other than being free from such delusions? The primary delusion of the modern man is that the machinery of civilization, like governments and money are "real" and substantive. He confuses the concepts of his inner shadow world with reality. Ted Kaczynski referred to that state of mind as "over socialized" in his manifesto.

I use the word "primitive" in a specific way. I really mean that it's a mind unsullied by cultural debris. It's one where the primary experience is almost identical to the inner shadow world conceptualization of it.

The inner world is populated by cultural concepts, e.g. the "shared dictionary" that enables us to communicate using language, but also by "base reality" concepts that provide mental models of real world things and larger concepts. Animals like ducks are able to distinguish between different bird species by sight--they're able to determine which are predators by simply viewing them. This information is encoded in their DNA, apparently, or they learn it from other birds who react with alarm to hawks. We probably have similar information available from birth. Fear of snakes, for example, is instinctive. Other concepts like "hardness" or "rigidness" come from direct experience and interaction with the world and even from the experience of our own body and its mechanics.

The "base reality" concepts are sort of similar to the shadow world/cultural matrix. That is, they are a mental model of 3D reality but they're only one layer removed from direct experience. They're perhaps pre-lingual, or maybe even pre-conceptual--they're perhaps the fundamental building blocks of language.

I can already see the split--the Cain murdering Abel mind comes about. It's right there. There's two ways to build that inner shadow world. One is to replicate primary natural experience and base reality models, and the other is to abstract and compress them for the sake of language and writing.

Wednesday, March 16, 2022

Afraid of a Cold, but not WWIII

 It's pretty ironic that the people who sold daily fear about cold and flu season are now pushing for WWIII and the people who were most terrified of a disease with a 99+% survival rate now want to play chicken with Russia over a country they never heard of.

People are retarded.

Suez Crisis for Joe Joe

 Interesting article about India considering yuan oil trade, even though China is one of its rivals.


India is reportedly planning to buy Russian oil at discounted prices and even considering the Chinese yuan as a reference currency in an India-Russia payment settlement mechanism, a move that Chinese analysts say represents the growing frustration among world economies over the US-led sanctions against Russia that have rattled global markets.

The reported plans come as India has been shrugging off pressure from the US to join in its sanctions against Russia, despite growing diplomatic ties between the two countries. This also underlines a trend of countries working to seek alternatives to US-dominated global financial mechanisms to fend off risks as they have been repeatedly weaponized, analysts noted.    

Conspiracy Mindset

 Recently, various channels have been promoting the "Ukraine bioweapon labs" story. In short, the US funded "bioweapon" research in Ukraine for some nonsense reason. Even lifetime actor Tulsi Gabbard mentioned it.

At the same time, out of nowhere, heading into spring, the media and government officials are promoting the bullshit covid narrative that nobody even cares about anymore. It is extremely rare to see a person wearing a mask around here now. Only the most delusional hard core white liberal mongo believes she is "superior" for wearing a mask out and about in public now. I think it's <5% of the public I observe now. They are trying to get people to sign up for another clot shot.

The white liberals I know are even savvy to the scam. I can understand that a creature like Fauci or the CEO of Pfizer are just advertising to get people to take more doses to make $$$, but maybe there's a plot involved.

What if the clot shots are hot shots this time? It'd be convenient to blame a wave of deaths on "bioweapons". It's unlikely for sure. The "bioweapon" labs in Ukraine might or might not exist. They might just be a money laundering scam. There might be no connection between the stories, etc... Nevertheless, it is interesting that they're both being promoted now, especially the covid story.

Tuesday, March 15, 2022

A Shot Too Far

I was wondering when the covid scam would be widely understood. I think it happened recently. The most liberal liberals I know are questioning the need for more clot-shots and probably won't get one--the side effects they already experienced were too much.

Fauci and company are pushing for a fourth booster, and the media is trying to ramp up the fear porn machine about "surging cases" and new variants. I think only the densest people buy it now, though.

Unchained Bullshit

I think we've had a dysfunctional, parasitic society since day one. Once people centralized power and economic resources in the first crude city, they were fucked.

Once they bowed to some priest or some king, they were fucked.

Think about all the advertising, propaganda, and lies of all kinds that go into supporting kings and priests. There's been monumental architecture festooned with magic signs and symbols for thousands of years.

Think about all the resources tied up in cathedrals and palaces and "public" buildings. Sure, at the local level some of those buildings are very utilitarian and prosaic, but even at the county level in some places in the US grandiose architecture absorbed significant resources to build a monument to the government.

It's actually pretty amazing that it all continues unabated.

Monday, March 14, 2022

"Public Education" = Training

I learned about the Ludlow Massacre in high school US history. It was a good class and we had one of the best teachers in the high school teach it. We learned facts about it. We learned about gilded age robber barons like Rockefeller. We learned about the Jonestown Flood too, another billionaire of the day disaster that killed many people. We probably even learned about leaded gasoline and other environmental disasters at some point. However, the teacher did not really contextualize any of those facts. Maybe students couldn't even understand a larger context anyway.

A fairly obvious point to make to students in the context of the Ludlow Massacre is that the same people and their organizations still control the US government and financial system. I am sure that point was not made, although I don't recall specifically. We had a world history teacher who would occasionally point such things out--for example he made a point to explain that Wall Street funded the Bolshevik revolution in Russia. He did not lead the class down the path of understanding why that was the case, but still at least connected those two dots.

Public education is training to serve "the system", rather than learning how to be a whole, complete human. In fact, people are sort of mentally crippled and put into a cage by their education.

Sunday, March 13, 2022

How the Pyramid System Works: The Illusion You're Working For Yourself

The "western" world is dominated by a hidden oligarchy. The population works for them. The system harvests wealth and transfers it up to the top of the pyramid through hidden means like currency devaluation and debt money and sometimes barely disguised means like income taxes. Even income taxes, in the US, are veiled. For most people, who get a regular paycheck the taxes extracted turn into background noise. For the few self employed people, the tax is a regular slap in the face: minimal value is provided for the wealth extracted. If you build furniture for a living, for example, the idea that every fourth chair in your chair shop goes entirely to the government is appalling.

The system gives the illusion of freedom and defines the terms of a meaningful life-pattern. You save money in stonks, then retire. If you're very successful you donate money to charity here and there and perhaps stay connected to the business "world" through business news and stonk market swings.

All the economic activity that takes place within the context of the system feeds the people at the top. This is true all the way up, so each layer of people keeps feeding the one above and labors under the delusion that they're working for themselves.

The Ludlow Massacre

Back in 1914, there was a sustained clash between striking coal miners in Colorado and the mine and government. The details of the story are appalling in the extreme. The mine was owned by the Rockefellers.

It was set up as a "paid" slave camp, basically. The miners were prisoners who were kept in line by armed guards and were of course exploited financially. The mine guards would randomly shoot through the tents where the workers lived, sometimes injuring or killing people. Eventually the conditions prompted the workers to rise up and violently oppose the mine. Workers and their families were massacred, plus the goons and "managers" of the slave-mine were killed by workers. Eventually Woodrow Wilson sent in the national guard to crush the uprising, which led to a violent massacre of men, women, and children. It's unimaginable that such a thing could happen in the US, well it was unimaginable until the past couple of years.

Why didn't the Rockefeller family get run out of the country or picked off one by one? Because the US government is an oligarchy, and frankly it always has been. We're a merchant colony and were since the beginning.

A lot of the really blatant exploitation of workers disappeared from the US and went overseas. Corporations still exploit workers and oppress them nearly as badly as they did in 1914, but it's out of sight. In China, people are working 12 hour days 6 days a week in some cases, to satisfy demand for consumer product crap.

Now, the oligarchy in the western world wraps itself in "liberal" do gooder causes, but it is just camo for the pursuit of tyrranical power.

Friday, March 11, 2022

Fedcoin and Central Planning

It seems pretty clear that the current economic and financial system is being trashed so it can be replaced with the electronic gulag system. President soup-brain "ordered" a committee to research crypto currency or some such thing.

The powers that be are trying to build the "new Jerusalem" system. Basically they want to merge nature and the machine, or replace nature with their machine. People have been warning about this for decades. Think about the movie "metropolis" from the 1920s. Basically the first sci-fi movie depicted this story.

The "New Jerusalem" is basically a reflection of the inner world of the cult that seems to have members in positions of "power" and authority around the world. It's a world of total control for man and beast. It's a world where animals are tailored to suit the whim of man.

To a certain extent that happens already, but not on the molecular level. A large portion of nature remains when animals are selectively bred.

It's pretty obvious that Fedcoin world, where every transaction is monitored and taxed and traced is going to suck. It will foster mega-growth of bureaucracy and taxation, poverty and slavery.

It's a Big Club

I saw a video of Kamala Harris speaking in Poland about the situation in Ukraine.

She's not even capable of faking it. I think most politicians are actors and mainly con-men in the literal sense of the word. They portray confidence. Harris can't even do that.

I am 99% sure she was reciting lines whispered in her ear-piece by a handler.

How did she get in "the club"?

Wednesday, March 9, 2022

The Matrix "Trinity"

I've always wondered about the significance of "the trinity". It seems like a nonsense concept. "God" is singular, but also three things. Huh?

The Matrix trinity is:
  • Morpheus
  • Neo
  • Trinity

Neo starts the movie unaware that there is a Matrix. He is a strawman model in the Architect created "world simulation". He is the "human" Thomas Anderson who was born on September 13, 1971. (That day, or possibly the 11th is supposed to be the 'actual' birthday of Jesus according to some people.) Thomas Anderson is the "sleeping" Neo.

Eventually Thomas Anderson learns from Morpheus that "the Matrix" is a construct in his mind. Morpheus is essentially awareness that the Matrix is a self-created construct. He''s "the father" in the trinity. The "red pill" transforms Thomas Anderson into Neo--a self aware avatar in the Matrix. He's the "son".

The "executive" consciousness or Morpheus is reflected in Neo. The "father" begets a "son".

Trinity represents the Organic Reality of both Neo and the Matrix. She's the "holy spirit" in "the trinity".

Both Neo and Trinity have twins in the Matrix. Trinity's "twin" is The Oracle. The Oracle is the holy spirit of the Matrix world--the spirit of the Organic reality. Neo's twin is The Architect. The "Architect" is really the hardware of our mind that creates "the Matrix".

Each of us has the machinery in our mind that creates a model version of reality. Our strawman, that is our own version of the "Thomas Anderson" character bumbles around in the false, "Architect" created reality in our own consciousness. Our own "Thomas Anderson" can't discern the difference between fantasy and organic, actual 3D reality most of the time.

The Agent Smith character is Neo's enemy--he's basically the evil Twin of Neo.

Neo is an organic being who is trapped in an artificial reality. Agent Smith is an artificial being who wants to get into the organic reality, and ultimately does, but hates it because "it stinks". Agent Smith is a self-aware element of "The Matrix".

It's also interesting that the robot machines that took over the world are like insects. All throughout the movie, they are depicted as insect like, even inside the Matrix. For example, when the Agents first interrogate Thomas Anderson, they inject him with an insect like thing.

Tuesday, March 8, 2022

Energy "Transition"; Peak Retard

Recently Elon Musk said developed economies should be producing as much oil, gas, and nuclear power as possible. Is it "hypocritical" for the EV king to promote fossil fuels and nuclear? No. In several previous posts, I wrote how the "electrical" everything economy needs the fossil fuel sector to run flat out. It needs more power and resources than the current system. That's why, in my view, it can't happen. Here's a link to the Old Post:

I think there's more subtle and powerful reasons it can't happen.

I think the 10 kWatt lifestyle was feasible because enough people were sufficiently foolish to fall for all the scams that keep them working for the civilization machine, but they still had enough intelligence to make the civilization machine work. If people were wiser, they'd start abandoning the rat race and corporate treadmill, and energy use would decline. If they were stupider/less competent they couldn't keep the machine functioning.

The 20 kilowatt lifestyle is even more wasteful and can't happen because it requires everyone to be too retarded to function at the level required to run the economy flat out.

Monday, March 7, 2022

The Shape of the Matrix

The psychology concept of "ego" treats it like an organ of the mind. It's no different than the spleen or a muscle. I think the strawman concept, or the "matrix" concept is better. That is the "I" is like an avatar in a mind-created "matrix" or shadow world. That is, the "I" is a model version of the man in an imaginary world.

I think the concept of a "emulator" for computer hardware provides some useful information about the strawman and the shadow world. An "emulator" implements computer hardware like a CPU in a software model. In some cases, a fast, powerful computer can easily emulate a simple processor. For example, a modern CPU can easily emulate an old fashion 6502 based Commodore 64. However, if a computer "emulated" itself the emulation is necessarily slower and less capable.

The strawman is like a shorthand, low fidelity version of the organic person. It's like a computer emulation of itself. Therefore the "matrix" world, that is the inner world model representation of the "I" is a slow, low fidelity representation. The "matrix" representation of other people is even slower and less detailed, and the "matrix" representation of the real world is even more faulty. It's all shadows and fuzzy shapes. The strawman prefers language and line-art, geometrical and algorithmic representations of the world to realistic textures and 3D shapes because it can work with that low level of detail.

The "matrix" is in the dimension of an individual's consciousness. It does not overlap with others', obviously. One of the key delusions of matrix life is that the matrix model is shared. People believe the ghost characters of other people that populate their inner world actually are who they represent, for example. The concept of shame and envy are based on this delusion.

Conscious awareness of the strawman is like a "meta-consciousness". The realization that "I" am a model created by my own mind allows for improvements on the matrix. There's basically two options:
  • Edit the matrix;
  • Shift focus of consciousness to the organic mind.
The organic consciousness is in the immediate reality; it also exists in dreams. There is no written language for most people in their dream world, by the way. Dreams can be in vivid, full color visual fidelity, though. There's really no concept of time or seasons in the organic consciousness. There would be no planning because there's no language or simplification.

Sunday, March 6, 2022


Gold and Silver prices are spiking. Oil prices are going to rocket past the 2008 high. The "markets" are going to go bananas.

Blunt Truth About the Situation in Ukraine and Russia

 I thought this interview was pretty good:

It was a stark assessment of the situation. I'm amazed Fox aired it. In short: Russia is an overwhelming force versus Ukraine. Ukraine's "President" is a puppet. The interviewee doesn't say who is pulling the strings, btw. The puppet is not working in the best interest of his nation's people and is jeopardizing their lives. Russia is taking care not to destroy infrastructure or kill civilians.

If the Ukrainians are dumb, they will end up with a broken smouldering battlefield country like Syria. It will be squashed between Russian oligarchs and Putin and "Western" oligarchs who do not give two fucks about people in Ukraine (or in Russia or the USA or western europe. They're an invasive parasite.)

If the Ukrainians are smart, they will turn neutral. That is such a no brainer. Why wouldn't a country, if given the chance, do that? Opt out of the insanity of the "sides" of the various world conflicts and even prosper because of it... no duh. It worked for Switzerland. Ukraine is probably in a better position to benefit from a neutral stance than anybody.

The west is a joke. Whatever it used to stand for was probably fake, too, but now it's a cracked out retarded clown show run by white collar criminals and greedy inbred freaks. "Freedumb!"

I'm not a fan of the eastern world's outlook either--China. No thanks. Russia has been a corrupt basket case for a long time too. It could do way better. the Russian people are awesome. The country is loaded with natural resources.

It's too bad the common people of the world couldn't go all Jeffersonian democracy on the asses of their trash oligarchies--torch them all at the same time in a big freedom bonfire.

The Strawman Makes the Pyramid Possible

The strawman is the "model person" that lives in the shadow realm of consciousness. The shadow realm is a map version of the world. It's created by each individual. It hooks into real reality in various ways, like laws, and has various manifestations in the real world, like buildings and roads, and now electro-mechanical devices.

The strawman makes the Pyramid society possible. The pyramid really lords over the shadow world and strawmen. It hates organic life and organic consciousness. Those things are poison to the Pyramid.

The Pyramid is really an ever increasing level of abstraction from organic life and actual complete humanity. The Pyramid is based on the strawman's strawman of other people, animals, and nature.

Who am I?

I didn't see The Matrix until it came out on DVD. The movie helped millions of people realize all at once that, yes, we do live in a completely false world. The lies of the government, Hollywood, bankers and media started to get more obvious over the next 20 years too. Quite a few people then drew the conclusion that the matrix is a contrivance of the oligarchy... so if people could overthrow the oligarchs we would be out of the matrix.


Who is the "you" that watched The Matrix? It's actually your strawman, or your ego who watched the movie. It's like you were Neo in the Matrix watching the Matrix DVD. Then you proceed to try to get out of the Matrix using the tools and materials of the matrix itself.

Who or what is that strawman? The strawman is a subset of your consciousness--it's the mental model version of yourself that lives in your self-created matrix.

It lives in the parallel universe of our consciousness and imagination. There is so much emphasis and focus on the strawman that people think it is absolutely real. A process of indoctrination and training convinces people, from an early age that the shadow world of their imagination is the real world--they think they live in a map rather than real reality.

Lets expand on that with one concrete example: social stigma of shitty car ownership. Many people believe they must own a new, clean car. Advertisers placed one notion in their head: "I will be happy if I have a fancy new car"--somehow that gets inverted to the belief that car ownership is part of social status maintenance, i.e. "If I don't own a fancy new car, I am trash." There are, of course, myriad variations on that theme.

How does that actually work? In the fancy car owners mind, their strawman is subject to imagined bullying and scorn that probably dates back to childhood indoctrination and trauma experienced in school. The car owner confuses this parallel universe reality for the real world. The imagined parallel universe is strictly in the car owner's consciousness.

In reality, others barely notice cars unless they are new and interesting or old junky and interesting, and then it's only for a moment. The same thing applies to clothes, shoes, haircuts, houses, etc...

The model reality in the parallel dimension of the strawman is vast and varied and spills over into the real world. The "god" of that shadow realm is unfortunately the big God of the Bible. It's the literal triangle god.

The shadow world is not the real world. The strawman is not "you". The triangle god is the god of that realm, not the real world.

Saturday, March 5, 2022

Organic Consciousness and the Strawman

Each individual, especially in "developed" countries, is a composite being. There's an organic person with an organic mind, plus a strawman who lives in a parallel logical dimension. That logical dimension is where corporations and governments live. It's the language/symbol, especially formal language dimension.

The strawman entities who live in that parallel university dominate our real reality. The form of consciousness that's peculiar to that mordor realm dominates our thinking. People, for example, rise and fall in energy level as the numbers in their bank or stock accounts change. People commit suicide if their bank balance is low.

Humanity built civilization on the mordor form of consciousness. It permeates everything. It eclipsed any other mode of thinking or being.

That mode of consciousness always sought to reformat the real world for itself. It built grid-pattern cities and straightened waterways and put people and animals into slavery. Now it wants to reformat life itself by altering DNA. It wants to infect natural creation with its consciousness. It wants to emerge from the strawman/mordor underworld into this actual plane of existence.

That form of consciousness is a particular way of using the human mind. It is a subset, necessarily so, of humanity. It is inferior to the organic mind, which is the comprehensive human mind. The strawman is the model/puppet of the complete mind. It is the robot and ragdoll version of us. It is our abstraction come to take over.

It's like a map that's trying to level and replace the natural reality it represents with itself.

The Boy who Wanted to be a Machine

Commander Data from Star Trek is the machine who wanted to be a boy. The flip side of that is happening, too. Lots of people are slow-motion merging with the machine.

The Borg from Star Trek represent a hostile machine Empire that forcibly assimilates people. The reality is many people willingly and gleefully "assimilate". The machine is already here and has been for a long time; it just gets more obvious as electro-mechanical technology becomes more functional.

People will line up around the block for more fundamental merging with the machine.

Friday, March 4, 2022

Ford/Carter II

Gerald Ford was President after Nixon resigned. Ford was President during a time of stagflation brought on, in part, by a failed wasteful war in Vietnam. Heroin was a major problem in the US because the CIA was smuggling it into America from Southeast Asia and soldiers who served in Vietnam got hooked over there. Inflation spiraled out of control in the wake of Vietnam and dropping the gold standard for a "floating" currency and the petrodollar scheme.

Carter came along and implemented a bunch of failed policies and reforms as inflation spiraled. He became the face of the failure of the US economic system and half baked ideas about solving America's ongoing problems. Carter was associated with Three Mile Island for example, because he was a nuclear engineer.

The Trump/Biden pair is basically Ford/Carter II. The Biden administration is a bad, incompetent joke. Trump was basically incapable of doing anything he claimed to want to do.

Carter had numerous embargoes against the USSR as a result of their self-destructive invasion of Afghanistan. Now Biden and the puppet governments of the EU have self-destructive sanctions on Russia in the wake of their invasion of Ukraine. Commodity prices are taking off.

People will actually be riding bicycles and driving small cars soon, just like in the 1970s. I filled up my Element yesterday--the price per tank is already tickling $50 with gas under $5 a gallon--that tank price is en route to $75 and $100. That'll crush mom and pop working America pretty handily. That will also crush sales of $60,000 SUVs and $80,000 pick up trucks. Who is buying those things? I see numerous new Toyota 4-Runners driving around in my area--they start at $40K. People are going that far into debt for a car? It's crazy.

Commodities can inflate across the board, but then nothing else can, which probably means another financial implosion like 2008. This time will be much worse, though.


Thursday, March 3, 2022

Merged Propaganda Streams

 Coming soon! Conflating Putin with:

  • Climate change;
  • Vaccines;
  • Wanting a decent economic future;
  • Everything else.

Will people fall for it?

YES! Massively.

Natural Human Consciousness

Once you start to doubt "progress" you start to see history in an upside-down fashion compared to most.

Some "event" took place around 2000 BC that sent humanity down the road of technological advancement and nature destruction. Something changed human consciousness.

It's "recorded" at least in mythological or fictional form in the epic of Gilgamesh. The character "Enkidu" leaves the wilderness and enters the city through an initiation. Prior to the initiation, the animals don't fear him. After, they do. I think that story encodes some actual historical "event". It didn't happen in a day, but there was a transition from natural life, and living in the natural order to an attempted separation.

That separation has reached an extreme, now. As many commentators have pointed out, that point of view is even expressed in the bible, which is a set of stories that were accumulated after 2000 BC.

For example in Genesis:

9:1  And God blessed Noah and his sons, and said unto them, Be fruitful, and multiply, and replenish the earth.

9:2  And the fear of you and the dread of you shall be upon every beast of the earth, and upon every fowl of the air, upon all that moveth upon the earth, and upon all the fishes of the sea; into your hand are they delivered.

9:3  Every moving thing that liveth shall be meat for you; even as the green herb have I given you all things.

The "God" of the bible is the new mode of consciousness. That is a new way of thinking. There's a variety of speculative explanations of its origin. I think it's likely that increased population density reinforced a sort of mass delusion, or mind virus of language. The new mode of consciousness is inextricably bound to writing and speech.

Once there is a sufficiently dense population a "shared model" of reality becomes at least as valuable as experience of reality. The shared model is based on simplifications of the natural world--the city itself is a simplification of natural geometry. The simplification is based on the low-bit-rate and low-fidelity of writing. The city streets become a grid, for example. Farm fields become grids and monoculture.

An individual's experience can be extremely detailed and rich, but the group experience is filtered through stupid, addled language.

Eventually the group consciousness came to be the individual's consciousness. It buried the prior mode of thinking completely.

Wednesday, March 2, 2022

Collective Punishment

The American and larger western establishment is enacting collective punishment on Russian citizens by blocking access to various resources. For example Apple and Google are blocking transactions on their payment networks.

The concept of punishing citizens to get to their government isn't new, but it's as odious as ever. Does an average Russian have any authority to stop the war effort in Ukraine? Obviously not.

The west fucked up its post cold relationship with Russia and Russians. It makes no sense to me. I couldn't understand it back in the 1990s and I understand it even less today.

I have the feeling that all of us in the United States will really regret allowing our country to be lorded over by vile trash in the not to distant future.

Tuesday, March 1, 2022

Russian Invasion of Ukraine and USA War on Iraq

It's bad that Russia invaded Ukraine. It's also bad that the USA invaded Iraq.

Compare the two country's approaches.

The USA blocked Iraq for years, literally starving the population, then after 9/11 it waged all out war with minimal regard for the civilian population. The generally accepted civilian body count is around 200,000. Some people think it's much higher. The "shock and awe" campaign obliterated civilian infrastructure and killed people indiscriminately.

Russia has killed civilians in its invasion, but is obviously using more care and caution. It's still not good, but the US is worse.

There was no condemnation in the media about the war in Iraq that was based on outright lies and basically just benefited defense contractors and maybe Israel. Iraq posed no threat at all to the American people. The war ended up as a total clusterfuck and waste. People knew it was going to turn out that way from day one--but Joe Biden didn't... neither did Hillary Clinton, by the way.

It's a mistake to think Putin is a great dude, or that the Russian national government is "good and just". It's also a mistake to believe "the west" are the good guys in the current conflict. They're all bad. The west is even worse, though.

It's really unfortunate the peoples of the world can't just shove their governments out of the way and get on with life.

Nationalism is Retarded; Globalism is Worse

 If Ukraine were taken over by Russia would the people be "less free" than they are now? If the USA were taken over by the Russian Government would we be? Russian top tax rate is 15%... That's about what we pay for "social security" that's in a supposed "lock box". China's top rate is 45%! Yikes. Imagine that shit. In some US states you get close to total tax rates near China's... and roads and bridges falling apart too.

If you say the wrong thing in the US, you might not go to jail, but you can be excluded from access to a bank account or PayPal. Is that "free"? In some western countries you can go to jail for publicly doubting that the Nazis killed and cremated 6 million people. Is that "free"?

The nations and their leaders are all really similar IMO--corrupt mafiosi that don't provide much value. It's been like that for thousands of years at least. People who solved massive problems and made massive quality of life improvements for humanity are anonymous characters in history, while psychopathic mass murderers are celebrated.

How much control does the average Russian have over his government? Zero. How much does the average American? Zero as well.

In short, nationalism is retarded... You know what's even worse: a global government. That would be unimaginably corrupt and stupid. A "global" government will have even less accountability than national governments, so if you currently have zero say over the wars the US decides to wage, or the tax rate, or anything really, you'll have less than zero say over a "global" system.

We just experienced a taste of it with covid: a corporate dictatorship with zero accountability.