Wednesday, April 22, 2020

1776 America versus Oligarch Minion America

Normal life is dominated by day-to-day concerns. In a personal or national crisis, however, even ordinary people start to think about larger issues. A crisis is sort of like a mechanical sorting system. We're seeing that start to happen in the United States. You can watch it in "real time" on comments sections of YouTube videos.

The 2016 election demonstrated that there are two versions of the United States living shoulder to shoulder. The 'rona pandemic is now sorting those people into more definite ideological groups. There's the 1776 America--aka 'merica, and there's the Oligarch Minion people who happen to live in the USA.

The Declaration of Independence infused the United States with the spirit of its founding. The basis of the founding is Natural Law. "We hold these truths to be self evident." That is, they're not the creation of the founders of the USA, nor endowed by the government. The paradox of attempting to enshrine Natural Law in the constitution and in the institutions of government is discussed by the founders in the Federalist papers, etc...

The ultimate expression of natural law and freedom is the 2nd Amendment. Oligarch minion pundits today are of the opinion that the founders meant for weapons to be owned only by a government organized militia. Not at all. The 2nd Amendment is there because the founders expected the people to overthrow the government when necessary. They didn't even want a standing army because they feared tyranny. Unfortunately, the paradox of enshrining natural law in the constitution and in government institutions tended to favor government and ever expanding government from day 1. (See the Whisky Rebellion)

Today, the United States government and other institutions are essentially under the control of an Oligarchy. The principle objective of the Oligarchs is to maintain a system of control via financial assets. Their minions, on down to the people who plan to rely on a 401(k) for their livelihood, are participants and dependents on a system. The laws of the government bolster and protect and organize that system. Quite a bit of daily life in the USA is about maintaining that system. It seems really dominant.

However, for many millions of people the Natural Law and 1776 America is much more important than the Oligarch's financial system. The financial/corporate system depends on those people for its existence, not only because it needs the food and goods they produce, it needs their labor, too. Many of the people sitting in an office chair and turning the crank for some stupid corporation are really 1776 Americans.

I think this ideological split is going to manifest in action very soon--maybe within a year or less. As of today, there's no real power center of 1776 America, because it has no active agenda. It takes freedom for granted. However, now we've seen that the Oligarch Minions can actually seemingly suspend basic liberties over what's proving to be a minor, media created emergency, it will start to coalesce into a politically active group.

The overreaching actions of many local and state governments in the USA has rendered them illegitimate in the eyes of many. Their authority looks pretty arbitrary as they've wandered away from the founding principles of the USA and Natural Law. I think it's possible the US can return to "normal" in a few days or weeks. However, if there's an attempt to impose some new shitty system to track "immunology" or "contacts" via technology, I think that will break the current form of the country for good.

When in the course of human events it becomes necessary for one people to dissolve the political bands which have connected them with another and to assume among the powers of the earth, the separate and equal station to which the Laws of Nature and of Nature's God entitle them...

1776 America is much better prepared for the turmoil that will follow. Many Oligarch minions scorn the "rednecks" who seem poor. They don't see all the real assets the rednecks have. They overvalue their own piles of paper assets, and their real world non-productive assets like McMansions and expensive cars.

It's frightening to imagine a conflict leaving the realm of mere politics and financial bullshit and becoming physical. The whole thing might just boil down to how the US military would split up. It's probably infested with Oligarch Minions at the upper echelons, but it's probably composed of mostly 1776 Americans.

The same sorting process that's going on the public at large is probably going on within the ranks of the military as well.

It'll be interesting to see what happens over the next days and weeks. If the state governments start to lift the "lockdowns" soon, the focus of most people will shift to repairing the financial system economic damage. If they're in place for an arbitrarily long time people will start to seek local remedies for top-down dictates. That's already happened in Michigan to a certain extent. The sheriffs of a number of counties basically voided the restrictions imposed by the governor.

I think there's a very long road from the status quo prior to the "lockdown' to an all out conflict and actual split between 1776 America and Oligarch Minion land. We've only taken a couple of tentative steps down that road. 

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