Friday, June 30, 2017

Webster Tarpley--A Great Summary of Modernity

Tarpley points to the "Venetian Nobility" as the "they".

His analysis of modernity is great. Many of the topics I discuss in this blog come from a similar place.

Wednesday, June 28, 2017

What Happens When Propaganda Doesn't Work?

WWI must've been a tough sell in the parts of the United States which were dominated by German immigrants, plus the country still regarded foreign entanglements with great suspicion. A few years of heavy propaganda plus a false flag or two were required to drag the United States into the War.

Since that era, the mass societies of the western world have been shaped by mass media propaganda and public education/indoctrination to create a social order that's tied into methods of food production and industry and war. The methods of mass organization and tackling national level projects, like wars, space programs and various social causes are reflected in the microcosms of corporate endeavors.

The Internet is breaking down the effectiveness of propaganda, partly because there is so much of it spewing out all the time--all using the same ploys. The propaganda itself becomes an inoculation against propaganda.

So what happens when that all stops working and the shared delusions and dreams evaporate?

Saturday, June 24, 2017

Two Competing Mythologies in the USA

detail from Apotheosis of Washington

This is a rehash of an old post on Jeffersonian Democracy and Empire. If you were raised in the United States prior to the 1980s or maybe even later, there's a pretty good chance you were brought up believing in the mythology of the founding of the United States. The United States was meant to be a break with a corrupt past where lizard people conmen--inbred European aristocrat freakazoid tyrants and their minions set the agenda for all--which meant war, war, war. The idea of America was that common people--the eternal yeomanry--could create a just society and kick ass.

Then commies and Bolsheviks, Fabian Socialists and German Intellectuals showed up with a competing ideology--various versions of Marxism. The current version of their con is they can create a technocratic society--some version of Plato's Republic--and manage every aspect of life toward some noble goal du jour. The commies are a new mask on the face of the aristocracy and their court. Same shit, different day. Inbred freakazoids trying to rob everyone and control everything.

The Commies grabbed the mainstream media and entertainment business and started propagandizing the entire population. They tried to kill off the founding mythology by saying it was racist, pointing out the hypocrisy of slave holders advocating freedom, etc... but the founding mythology is pretty strong, and so is hatred of communists, socialists and really any scam ideology. The mainstream media is dying; it's being burned away like pavement under the scorching tires of a classic muscle car.

I think the commies failed, thankfully, and pushback is just starting.

Thursday, June 22, 2017

Mind Model and the Civilization Egregore

Civilizations come and go and the way the people of each solved the problem of life on Earth was reflected in their internal representation of the natural world. The way people lived in the western world just a few generations ago is quite different than today, obviously, so the way people lived prior to agriculture, or in the early days of cities is almost unimaginable.

One key factor that can provide context is energy storage and usage. For animals, and for animal man annual sunlight and its storage in the products of nature circumscribes almost all things a man would do. The highest density energy sources would be animals (as food or for work) and plants like trees, or their annual products, like seeds, fruits or vegetables. Minimal and easily available processing could convert those yet again to more potent forms of energy storage, like alcohol, or oils or rendered fats. A sophisticated, comfortable life could be built within the horizon of those energy sources. (See Primitive Technology blog and channel for examples)

All civilizations prior to ours scaled those energy sources to industrial levels and used agriculture to direct the flow of stored sunlight to human endeavors like war and monument building for psychopathic kings and pedo priests and their scam cults. Grain storage, for example, is an energy storage system. Several myth story arcs are entirely based on the agriculture cycle. The god Pluto (from which we get the word plutocracy) was a god of grain storage underground--where the dead are stored to rise again in the next season's planting.

Our civilization figured out how to use fossil fuels and nuclear power, electricity, magnetism, etc... The basis of our civilization is the idea that there's limitless power on tap 24/7. Fossil fuels are energy dense and allow relatively small machines to produce 10's or 100's of horsepower and lots of torque or force, consequently small numbers of men can do the work that hundreds of men or animals used to do.

So why the fuck do we work all year and do makework bullshit for most of our adult life? We retain the institutions of ancient Greece, Egypt or Babylon today. What if we did projects for a short part of the year instead of keeping corporate entities alive all the time? An incremental and ad hoc approach might allow people to evaluate their actions more clearly and see the unintended consequences, like pollution, more readily.

Imagining a new type of egregore can actually bring it and a new civilization into existence.

Wednesday, June 21, 2017

Centralized Information

By centralizing information, corporate entities end up as far less than the sum of their parts. The top-down will imposition and planning ends up reducing the contribution of each person within the corporate body to maximize the flow of shekels to corporate heads so they can have large houses and luxury goods.

In most natural systems, a greater whole emerges from all the contributors. Human beings are in and of nature, even though they can pretend they are cogs in corporate machines. In the 19th century when europeans first settled the Ohio territories, they immediately razed nature to the ground--every tree and every animal was eradicated to make way for crops and cows. The crops and cows were necessary to make good on loans and payments for property. East coast aristocrats shekelized millions of acres of land--like native Americans selling New York for Wampum, centuries old trees were converted into china tea sets and fancy haircuts for Boston merchants by settlers.

This mode of planning--property contracts and deeds and shekels transfers--tends to restrict and compartmentalize information maybe almost always to hide some measure of guilt and wrongdoing that's part and parcel of imposing an alien will onto man and nature alike. Rather than man acting as a caretaker and steward of the place he lives, he becomes an accountant and tunes out the information about the place and tunes into the shekel flow.

Tuesday, June 20, 2017

Corporate Entities and Natural Systems

Corporate organizations like businesses and governments, universities, etc... mimic the functions of an animal with various departments and people acting as organs. Words serve as a primitive very low data rate nervous system, and shekels serve as feeble imitation of blood and nutrients. It's sort of interesting and instructive that these imitation animals tend to inhabit buildings that exclude the natural world. The typical office park is a sterilized and controlled environment. The pattern of these organizations is relatively new (laid out in earlier posts), only 500 or so years old, and it only makes sense within the context of a nation that functions on the same terms.

In prior posts, I laid out how communication via symbolic language is predicated on a shared model of the natural world. The internal model is a low fidelity, distorted, cyclopean version of actual reality. Similarly, the information related to these models is distorted and low fidelity. The meta-mind that arises from these interactions is similarly primitive and distorted and insectoid.

Corporate organizations are not a model of efficiency; they're typically a fountain of waste. "Efficiency" really means that certain individuals get more shekels than they otherwise would. The goals and objectives of the corporate entity are totally arbitrary apart from the nonsense contest for shekels. The flows of information within them are governed by shekel transfers and are nonsensical apart from that.

Compare them with natural systems, which use every iota of available energy and where the full bandwidth of information flows without restriction in its raw forms. In a natural system, a million goals of a billion creatures get satisfied simultaneously and result in an emergent entity.

What would an "organization" look like based on that approach? Interesting question.

Friday, June 16, 2017

Rome, Empire Religions and the NWO

It's interesting that contemporary (((western))) Empire builders look to Islam as a model and have silently discarded Rome. The key feature of the Roman Republic and the Empire was the robust yeomanry class (the Plebs) shared power (uneasily) with the aristocracy. The various struggles between the classes were settled by modifying the institutions of the state. The USA government was modeled on Rome (Senate and House), and the actual struggles between the plebs and the aristocracy that took place since 1789 were encoded in various institutions, for example labor laws and labor unions arose from the violent struggles of the early industrial era.

Traditional western commentators on Islam classed it in the "oriental despotism" mode of life. It's pretty hard to interpret it in any other way. The "suicide bomber" is the ultimate expression of that mode of living. Some gross despot that wallows in every form of debauchery every day has an army of brainwashed religious zealot aesthetes to use as bargain bin guided missiles to help them rape, pillage and plunder their neighbors... Oh and to glorify their sand gods.

Contemporary (((western))) commentators are paid by those despots to promote Islam and import it into the western world. It's incongruous that left leaning people seem to be its most ardent supporters, which shows all ideologies are total bullshit, and that people are really still organized into patronage systems.

The contemporary version of the Roman aristocracy seems to want to wage war on the Yeomanry and eliminate or replace them, or simply ethnically balkanize, or make an Indian Raj out of every corner of the globe. This inverts the trend of Nation state building that's been going on for so many centuries in the West. This makes sense since the powers of the day are private corporate entities. The NWO probably doesn't look like top down control, rather, it's a day to day clusterfuck where global mafiosi rape and pillage amidst total chaos and waste of life and resources.

The solution to this problem isn't identifying and jailing the relatively small number of people who direct those mafias, even though that seems like a pretty easy thing to do. A better more permanent solution is to go with the flow and bring the cycle around toward decentralization but improve humanity and inoculate people against propaganda and intelligence operations.

One of my twitter friends who has a broad range of interests and in depth knowledge on several subjects posted a image of this book. In a few pages it summarize a lot of the things I've been writing about on this blog for the past couple of years. If you contrast that Shamanic world view with medieval Catholicism or Islam (modern is medieval), it's starkly apparent that the desert religions are just current-day versions of official Empire religions. Where there's a Shamanic people, there's no Empire possible, frankly there's probably no corporations and the economic treadmill stops, too.

Tuesday, June 13, 2017

State of Nature Teaching is Bullshit

Modernity is the result of a handful of people realizing they could create "religions" and ideologies that would advance their own agendas. (This idea is really the topic of this blog.) As this notion leaked out into the public at large over the centuries, religion creation was put at the service of the most crass activities: sports and selling corporate goods. (Apple cult and Tesla cult are two good examples)

Hobbes was one of the very early practitioners of religion creation. He was the second generation of thinkers who inherited this teaching and he applied it to building the corporate state. His bumper sticker assertion that life in "the state of nature" was nasty brutish and short is known to many. It's in the Genesis chapters of the Enlightenment's books on politics.

A similar thought was espoused by people who attempted an axiomatic argument for private property--as opposed to a long held common (really communally held) piece of land. "Nature" for them meant unworked or fallow, and unproductive (in the sense of not traded for shekels) land.

The state of nature thought experiment goes off the rails immediately. The basis for it is that without human labor or human planning, chaos ensues and opportunity is wasted. Implicit in the teaching is that nature without man doesn't really exist. When European settlers moved to the Ohio terrirtory, for example, and cut down every single tree they were putting this idea into practice. They didn't see the trees or wildlife as valuable in themselves and in their original circumstances. They saw them as an impediment to shekel shuffling.

No amount of labor or planning will put a flower on a cherry tree or stitch a blade of grass together. At best, humans are a caretaker of the natural world and as dependent on it and woven into its fabric as a squirrel or a deer. Similarly, human beings aren't blank slates to be shaped by corporate states into commodities. Each of us has our place and our own glory.

Beliefs as an Expression of Genetics and the Environment

The philosopher Schopenhauer considered animals and humans to be of a single kind, which makes sense to me and is my gut feeling on the subject. In fact, the sand-people religions' idea that animals are mere chattels and only exist for people is anathema and alien to me. Perhaps that concept makes sense for a nation of traders and accountants.

I observe on my own property that the native animals, that is the animals which are stitched into the fabric of the local environment, act in a way that at least partly benefits the whole place rather than just themselves. It probably couldn't be any other way. (See Earth is Self Regulating)

It makes sense that human beings would be the same, that is, an expression of their history with their environment as it is encoded in their genes and their beliefs and attitudes would be an expression of that as well. For any given area, it seems likely that all the plants and animals, including humans, co-evolved.

While the natural environment where I live seems timeless, in fact, it's "only" tens of thousands of years old, not millions. The last glaciation of the area had it buried in ice for thousands of years. The beech-maple forest has been around forever practically, but where I live, it was wiped out by glaciers then reborn in the Holocene with a different mix of animals.

Human civilization, which is essentially the same age, bundles together people from diverse environments and corresponding diverse core beliefs, even in the cultural nation states of middle ages Europe, the collection of people living in a particular "nation" were in fact a collection of different tribal stock from all over Eurasia. The dogma of the catholic religion painted all of them with the same brush for a few centuries, but perhaps they all have a different brain and different sense of what they should be doing.

The Amish are a great example of a group of people who decided that they didn't belong in the mass societies of the western world. They tried to create a way of life that harmonized with their feeling of the way things ought to be.

When civilization and the day to day things we do seems to make very little sense, or feels evil, it's probably because it's contrary to what your bones and guts want to do because you and your ancestors lost your ancient home and way of life.

Monday, June 12, 2017

Two Sunflower Patches

I'm in the early stages of converting areas of our property that were lawn into garden and orchards. I'm trying to get plants to do all the work over the next few years. Since sunflowers grow really well around here with minimal effort on my part, I'm planting a lot of them.

The way it's supposed to work is the sunflowers grow a large root system and send sugars and starches down into the soil to feed the bacteria and fungi in the dirt. When the sunflowers die in the fall, you cut the sunflower stalks down, and plant autumn crops like winter rye. After a few years of that, what was compacted soil with minimal organic matter is improved. Importantly, it improves in an exponential growth pattern, which makes sense because you're relying on the prior seasons' improvements to improve more. Ultimately what you're trying to do is replicate the soil fertility of an old forest by recreating the characteristics of primeval forest soil in soil that only grows produce. By contrast, tilling the soil and adding fertilizer every year degrades or keeps the soil condition the same season to season.

I can actually see that "it works" already. One sunflower patch is growing in something that's like forest floor soil--it's old decomposed mulch for flowerbeds. Those sunflowers are 2-3 times bigger than their brothers and sisters planted in the old lawn at the same time from the same batch of seeds.

There are some principles at work that you can read about or watch youtube videos about the don't really make it into your bones until you seem them first hand or do them yourself. When you're trying to replicate nature, you can't accomplish it through what amounts to central planning. More on that later.

Saturday, June 10, 2017

Productivity of Natural System and Agriculture

In a recent post I observed that deer are super abundant where I live even though nobody takes care of them; in fact, they're suppressed. There are at least 75,000 deer in this county (Geauga, County) and there would be far more if they were just left alone.

There are, by contrast, only 14,000 or so cows. Cows require a lot of management and maintenance because they aren't native to this area. Deer are native, which means they work with all the other animals and plants that survive here. I don't really know what would happen with a herd of feral cattle around here.

There are about 0.3 cows per person in the USA. There are about 0.15 cows per person in Geauga County. There is probably 1 deer per person in the county. (Slightly fewer based on the official stats.) The cows are hardly noticeable, honestly. You have to go out of your way to find one.

It seems like a lot of the systems that are supposed to make life more convenient for people could actually be only about allocation of shekels to different groups and individuals and could make life harder for everyone and everything.

Friday, June 9, 2017

The Nature Egregore and The City Egregore

Cain and Abel
Agriculture is the basis of the City. In the Cain and Abel story Cain's the farmer and Abel's the shepherd, which is possibly a hint that the story is a celestial myth based on Orion and Aquarius. (Cain seems to draw in all the Orion constellation myths. Farmer/Hunter/Blacksmith/etc. Ganymede [Aquarius] is a shepherd) Cain is cursed to till the soil fruitlessly and live in cities peopled with degenerates. (See the Sunman/Moonman posts)

The Enlightenment religious cults claim spiritual descent from Enoch (Hermes), hence Cain. Their quest is to displace the punishing god and break the curse through technical proficiency. (The project of modernity)

Western civilization is the great Egregore of the City. It arises from the book-keeping mind of man. In seeking to escape their punishment, the sons of Cain created this new god that we all now serve, and are enslaved to.

The natural world is already a great Egregore. The civilization Egregore is a sort of stumbling, bumbling, oafish destroyer. Agriculture might be the thing that cuts us off from the nature Egregore, from living within and as a part of that consciousness.

Thursday, June 1, 2017

Modernity: The Ideology Factory

Sometime in the 15th Century and early 16th Century, people in the West, especially Florence, Italy, then England figured out that Christianity was a hoax, and the church was a fraud. The specific insight was that religion could be a tool--indeed that it was only ever a tool. This is a very specific takeaway from the revelation that you've lived in a world of lies. Rather than liberate their fellows, they set out to con them more effectively than Rome had for 1000 years.

Modernity = fully conscious fabrication of religions and ideologies by con men: political con men and religious con men. Modernity is riot with ideologies and religions. The founding fathers of the United States, Marx, Joseph Smith all took the same approach. They believed a carefully crafted lie was necessary to guide those of lower consciousness (the conned) toward some arbitrary goal.

By creating a thousand different houses of lies with merely cosmetic differences, and by relying on the same old tired tactics of propaganda and education system control modernity has worn itself out. It's too easy to see.