Friday, April 29, 2022

Will Chinese People Rise Up?

 Chinese people are on a one way street to destruction.

We all are, really. China is just in the lead car on the pain train.

It is "us" or "them" time.

Us is basically everyone on the planet. Them is a handful of "elite" psychopaths.

The "Elite" Gotta Go

Every current "crisis" is manufactured to push an agenda. Covaids is the best example--the scumbag government in China is locking people in apartment buildings over a cold. Retarded ultra-liberal institutions in the US would love to do the same thing. The proxy war in Ukraine is going to cause a soylent green "food crisis". Europe is going to suffer from lack of access to fossil fuels.

All of these are fake, self-made crises.

I guess Earth isn't big enough for the people and the "elite". The "elite" want it all. Their useless idiot army helps them toward their goal, and the people remain clueless.

Thursday, April 28, 2022

Puritanical Mask Wearing Retards

Oliver Cromwell's England is a microcosm model of the western world today. Cromwell subverted and overthrew the ailing monarchy in league with a foreign power, the Dutch (and merchant and banking Jews). It's interesting that Puritanism is associated with Cromwell. It was basically an attempt to purge any shred of catholicism from England through enforced ideological purity.

It makes sense that revolutionaries are associated with extreme ideology. It's like a vehicle for advancing their plans. The "true believers" are people who are motivated by ideas rather than practical considerations, and they all end up looking and acting the same regardless of their stupid ideologies.

The commies of 1917 Russia look like the revolutionaries in 18th century france and look like the retarded SJWs of today.

Colleges and universities insist on ideological purity with respect to wearing masks--that do not work at all--or taking holy injections. In 17th century America they would insist on wearing a certain type of hat.

It's all the same shit.

Wednesday, April 27, 2022


Tens of millions of bison lived on the North American continent prior to settlement of the west. The estimated number is 30 million to 60 million. 
The bison covered a huge portion of the United States. Of course they were all but obliterated (down to the hundreds) during western settlement.

Where did that plan come from?

Imagine if you were dropped on the east coast of the USA back in 1600. There would have been Indians living in settlements, plus huge areas of virgin forest, plus huge numbers of animals like bison, wolves, elk, deer, etc...

It's pretty unlikely that the impulse of a modern person would be to obliterate the natural wealth. Why was it the impulse of the 17th century-20th century Europeans?

Monday, April 25, 2022

What Will It Take?

I wonder if Americans would even resist the type of oppression going on in China right now. Shanghai citizens faced ridiculous abuse at the hands of their government over "covid", really a cold. Now people in Beijing will be abused. Will they rise up at all? Would Americans?

That's a really good question. I think Americans will put up with just about anything too, even though they're heavily armed. People are afraid to rock the boat and are terrified of being labelled by media or by their fellow drones.

They will only do what's approved by the media and the degenerate establishment.

Thursday, April 21, 2022

Gray Man Militia

China is an Orwellian slave colony. Any human being would fight back against that sort of interference in their life; in fact I think it's our duty. Also, I think governments can't really even survive a determined free-minded population.

Peasant revolts have an 0-fer record, but Imperial powers also have an 0-fer record against peasants in places like Afghanistan, which is really interesting. Governments do well at crushing organized opposition, but crumble in the face of distributed, random opposition.

It's really easy to see why. In the previous post I pointed out that a T-72 tank is about as expensive as a Bugatti super car. Not only does the tank cost a lot to build, but it also is expensive to maintain and keep running, which requires a team of mechanics and a functioning supply chain. Also the tank includes a crew of specifically trained soldiers. Empires and big governments set up large organizations to build and maintain that type of equipment.

It is difficult to maintain all that infrastructure in a hostile country. In fact, it seems impossible. The USA couldn't do it in Iraq or Afghanistan. It seems vulnerable to attack. The USA with its drones, helicopters, spy networks, satellites and bottomless credit card could not control Afghanistan nor Iraq. Countries that are apparently orders of magnitude less capable and less wealthy defeated it. The same thing appears to be happening in Yemen versus Saudi Arabia.

In the scenario that's brewing in the western world, i.e. a possible attempt to turn it into a giant China-style slave colony, the scenario is different than Iraq or Afghanistan. In fact it's almost exactly like the Boer Wars. A hostile government would be able to attack the civilian infrastructure to control it.

In fact, that's been going on since 2020, probably earlier, under various pretexts like covid. Governments in the west are centralizing power. The people don't feel the need to "fight back", but might have to in the not-so-distant future. What does that look like?

Armed, organized resistance wouldn't work. Completely distributed and random warfare would. A "gray man militia" would dissolve and destroy even highly organized corporate governments in the western countries. It would even work in overtly totalitarian shitholes like China. Tens of thousands of motivated people with no command and control really couldn't be stopped.

Wednesday, April 20, 2022

Blowing up Bugattis

A Russian T-72 tank is supposedly around $2M. A tomahawk cruise missile is roughly the same price. A Buggati Chiron is around $3M, which is amazing. How could it be "worth" $3M?

If you think about dozens of Buggatis driving around in Ukraine to "secure" a couple of counties, it makes the absurdity of the war in that country more obvious. All the time and effort that goes into building one of those Buggatis immediately would get flushed down the toilet when they'd blow up or crash or drop their transmission or something. A pile of wrecked Buggatis seems impossibly stupid, though a bunch of smoldering wrecked tanks seems like an inevitable part of war and seems somehow reasonable.

The US basically drops the equivalent of several dealerships worth of super cars in ordnance onto mud huts and into desert mountains on a regular basis and accomplishes exactly nothing.

War is a Racket as Smedly Butler said. It always was, and is probably even more so today. It's the most useless industry and is entirely funded by tax dollars and debt.

Empires have a really hard time holding onto countries full of free people. It seems to inevitably cost more than they can stand to pay. In fact, it seems like the whole point of an Empire is to fund and equip armies that are too expensive and to build infrastructure that's too expensive to maintain.

Tuesday, April 19, 2022

War: Good for Nothing

 I thought the Russians were going to steamroll Ukraine and accomplish their military goals quickly.

Nope. I was totally wrong.

In fact, it seems like a "modern" military really can't hold territory, even when it's right next door and the opponent is much weaker on paper.

The same thing is happening in Yemen. The super wealthy and well equipped Saudi military can't defeat dirt poor peasant militias.

The US has encountered the same problem repeatedly around the world. The US squandered trillions of dollars on imperial war since the 1960s and has nothing to show for it except a pile of IOUs.

Modern weapons are probably too expensive to use. The USA has blown up mud huts with $1M cruise missiles on several occasions. The Russians have probably already lost billions of dollars worth of equipment, even though they seem to use a less expensive approach to equipping their military than the USA, e.g. using more cheap-off-the-shelf stuff. They probably already did more damage to Ukraine infrastructure than they'd ever recoup in value from that country.

Monday, April 18, 2022

Puritan Commies

I've been watching coverage of China's handling of "covid" and am horrified. China is not a first world country. It's like a 19th century dictatorship with a good paint job and massive PR. Several "American" businesses heavily polish China's image, e.g. the NBA and Hollywood. China shows communism is cancer. Compare the outcome there to Japan or South Korea. Look at images of Chinese beaches or streets in China versus Japan, or if you are a true glutton for punishment look at Chinese public restrooms.

Communism ostensibly started in Germany with Marx and Engels, but it is a much older and more pervasive set of ideas. In the West, it's bound up with puritanical Christianity especially in the 19th century. A bunch of protestant sects of Christianity heavily promoted variations on the theme of Socialism. The Quakers and the Shakers built utopian communities and institutions.

The idea is essentially that a perfect society can be built through heavy handed management and discipline. It puts a nice spin on authoritarianism and embezzlement to claim it's all about higher, utopian goals.

Sunday, April 17, 2022

Three Paths

1. Global corporate communism

The media and corporate america seems to be marching in lock step toward an authoritarian corporate system that's camouflaged in a bunch of SJW rhetoric like communism was back in the early 1900s. It's basically a worldwide monopoly business run by a handful of financial oligarchs.

A major side effect of communism and central planning is mass death. Pie in the sky dreamers and utopian rubes have often plotted and planned with mass murdering commies so their particular utopian schemes could be "realized". A good example of that is Anna Louise Strong who saw the USSR stack up bodies, and then saw the Chinese stack up bodies, but who remained a committed commie because she was either completely evil or totally retarded. Her cousin Maurice Strong was an internationally famous jet-setting grifter who pilfered money from various state and NGO enterprises while pretending to be an "environmentalist".

Her kind of thinking is now mainstream in the western academia and corporate world because the general public is too stupid to see these people for who they are.

2. Fight to preserve some version of the current system

If more people wake up to their current plight--i.e. that their system is run by evil ghouls and is being weaponized against them--they might opt to fight to preserve the corporate/consumer system.

The system is not inherently bad. There are a handful of fairly simple fixes that could keep it going for a long time to come: decentralize authority, decentralize the financial system (state banks in the US with gold/commodity backed money, for example), decentralize and make food production and manufacturing redundant and secure.

This option is going to involve a fight--basically a purge and war within the United States.

3. Freedom homesteader life

I think this option is the winner. I think the corporate/consumer system is really unsustainable because it consumes to many resources. Arguably, with a commodity backed currency, the consumer system would just die off and corporations would be much smaller, so some combination of 2 & 3 might actually work.

Uniformity of Ideas

I was out running errands yesterday and saw a U-Haul truck. It had the slogan "Truck Sharing 24/7" with a little green leaf. That's a WEF "you will own nothing and be happy" concept. "Sharing" doesn't mean what they think it means. Rental is not sharing, obviously. By the way that's what "you will own nothing" means. You will rent everything from mega corporations and be 100% dependent on the system to live.

I've been browsing job postings lately. There's remarkable uniformity of corporate opinion and plans on a variety of topics.

There's obvious top-down dissemination of an agenda, and slavish adherence to it by corporations. It's actually pretty weird that the corporate world is run by invasion of the body snatchers pod people. Where did they all get their programming? Is it a business school thing? 

Saturday, April 16, 2022

If I Were King

Government actions to "stop covid" were less than ineffective at "stopping the spread". It seems plausible that those actions actually prolonged and maybe produced a worse outcome. The measures to prevent the spread of an apparently airborne virus were ludicrous. It was even more absurd than trying to "stop the spread" of dust through legislation and policy.

For some reason people imagine governments are omnipotent entities. The media tends to report on them as pure problem solving machines. It invites a certain type of person to imagine he's driving the government robot--it's the "if I were king" fantasy.

The media reporting tends to omit the corruption and ineptitude and repeated failures of governments. Quite a lot that governments attempt to do is simply not possible, The US has engaged in a string of failed imperial wars since the 1950s. Few people, especially in the media and public commentary apparatus point out that those wars were not feasible and each of them bled the US treasury and accomplished nothing, instead they promote the concept that different tactics and strategies could have been used.

Covid "policy" is really the same. Public officials assume some mix of measures would have "worked". Some part of the public agrees. A fool, tool and corrupt scumbag like Anthony Fauci promotes the idea that if he had absolute authority, he could have stopped covid.

Thursday, April 14, 2022


The USA was designed as an "age of reason" monument. You can read the documentation around the founding of the country and the design of the constitution and see the age of reason thinking on display. Thinkers like Hobbes and Locke and Machiavelli helped inform the design of the government.

It's ironic and out of place, though, that most of the founding fathers were freemasons and indulged in it's weirdo rituals and cosplay LARPing. The US capital is basically a monument to elite cosplay, which is extremely out of place with the age of reason thinking. In fact, it makes the age of reason thinking look like rhetorical fraud.

George Washington is depicted in dozens of Masonic art-works with his cosplay outfit on and doing various handsigns and poses.

Why does the "age of reason" rely on a bunch of ritualistic bullshit to glue it all together? It's actually pretty interesting.

Wednesday, April 13, 2022

Voice of The System

 We recently adopted a stray/feral cat who has been hanging around on our property for several months. He's a good cat. I haven't had a cat as a pet since the 1990s.

Anyway, when we took him in, I immediately thought, "We should take him to the vet and get him vaxxed and neutered" etc...

I realized it wasn't really "me" having that thought--I was basically replaying a script I was programmed with over my life. In prior years I would have just carried the script out like a robot. Now, I'm skeptical about the whole thing. Where did it come from? Who came up with it? Etc...

The script is really like the voice of the system. In The Matrix it's really the Agent Smith voice.

Once you realize it's not really your organic voice or thought, it's easy to see it in others as well on different topics. I saw an article yesterday about an children's book about-----abortion. I know the type of mother who would read that book to their kid. I went to college with those people--ultra "liberal" people. They have no thoughts of their own. Their entire consciousness has been replaced by NPR stories, essentially.

The system hates nature and wants to replace organic life with its own design. That sounds crazy and overblown, but it's unfortunately and fairly obviously true. Abortion is good for the system, so is recycling the fetal "tissues". So is sterilizing cats and dogs and people.

Subway Shooter YouTube

Who knows how long it will be up?

I watched a couple of videos. It's pretty run of the mill black alt-media stuff. There's thousands of youtubers doing similar content.

The way the police found this guy is supposedly he "dropped a credit card". Sure, I suppose that could happen, or maybe the whole story is fake.

Tuesday, April 12, 2022

The System is Going Bonkers

I think biotech is the form of corporate science that's most likely to cause planetary destruction. There's no way to check and safeguard their products. It will be molecular level pollution that potentially takes out entire species or pollutes entire continental ecosystems with corporate trash, really so some assholes can make money.

We're right at the boundary of fight-for-our-lives time. It seems extremely hard to believe. I barely believe it myself, but it's extremely obvious, unfortunately.

Some company is about to release GMO mosquitoes... Why? Who knows. I guess it's an attempt at "pest control" instead of spraying, which also has problems... Anyway, I don't know if that particular experiment is going to cause a problem, but that general category of "products" is 100% certain to. There is no way for companies to test a billion mosquitoes or bacteria, or to test the interaction of their shitty GMO crap with other natural organisms. It's a risk they will take, but will not be able to correct if it's actually a problem.

The vaccines for covid are really similar. It's a minimum upside/unknown potentially mega-destructive downside. Nuclear power is the same. Nuclear weapons were the same. Some tiny fraction of humanity benefits from these potentially mega-devastating inventions or products while the entire planet unwittingly takes on the risk.

There are many examples of corporate malfeasance of this kind. DuPont's production of teflon "C8" is just one of myriad similar cases. The company produced a toxic substance and put it on cookware, dumped waste in the Ohio river, etc... What happened? Not much. Some fines or some shit, but that's it.and lawsuits, but that's it.

Corporate america and its management and executives are all but unaccountable.

China: Evil Geniuses or Retards?

An outside observer can't tell if governments around the world are evil geniuses pushing a larger agenda, or if they're retarded. I find it hard to believe they're all retarded, so think there must be a larger agenda at play, but that might just be completely wrong.

China is disrupting its own economy, and at the same time disrupting western countries who shipped manufacturing there over recent decades so executives could get paid more. China is also curb stomping its own population, who seem to be meek and submissive to the point where they prefer suicide to conflict. China is killing or causing the starvation of household pets to "fight covid". There are videos of people jumping out of apartment windows to "escape" the oppression of their shitty government. After that oppression are people going to support their government?

China has a really bad track record with its central planning. One of the best examples of that is killing all the sparrows to increase crop yields in the 1950s. They ended up lowering yields because bugs ate all the crops. I think governments are good at appearing to be authoritative, but they're actually very bad at accomplishing anything useful.

China's covid strategy might just be totally stupid rather than part of a larger plan.

Sunday, April 10, 2022

Did People Already Forget About Abu Ghraib?

There's a lot of outrage about the war in Ukraine because the media tells people to be outraged about it.

People already totally forgot about the US invasion of Iraq, killing hundreds of thousands of civilians and running torture prisons like Abu Ghraib. There's photographic evidence of it. What happened from that? A handful of underlings faced charges, if I remember correctly.

Every government is the same. It's literally all the very worst people in a nation in one place. The normal mom and pop people are dumb enough to continue to listen to them. They think sociopaths and psychopaths in their national capital care about them.

Tesla Has People Sign Up For Arbitration


Apparently, when you buy a Tesla, the company has you sign some kind of legal agreement that includes using "arbitration" to settle any dispute.

That explains why there are lots of reports of Tesla companies ending up in limbo when it comes to severe problems with their car. The company runs the arbitration system, so really, by signing up to it you forfeit legal protection.

It's part of a long term trend in the US of corporations taking over pretty much every aspect of life.

Chinese People Put Up With Massive Abuse

 There are lots of insane sounding articles coming out of Shanghai's "lockdown", i.e. house arrest of the entire population over a cold.

Here's an example: link

The appropriate response to that kind of treatment is to fight back tooth and claw.

You don't protest or plead with the government, you end it or die trying.

The next couple of years should be pretty "interesting". It is a war by the oligarchy on the people. I think our current corporate/consumer system is donezo. Will Chinese office slaves keep taking it up the ass by their government and corporate overlords?

Friday, April 8, 2022

Covid Dystopia: The Dream of the Liberals

 Check this out:

A pet dog was beaten to death by a health worker in Shanghai in an incident that sparked fury online, offering a glimpse into the growing frustrations of locked-down residents in China's Covid-19 hotspot.

The insane actions of the retard Chinese government are really what the dumb liberals wished for, too. The people who opposed the covid insanity and went along with it "to get along" in the US are hardly better, from the point of view of dissuading governments from going full totalitarian.

When people don't push back, their governments and corporations will run them over. The first instinct should be to speak up and push back. People should know the government lies and hardly has any alignment with their interest.

The Economic System Can't Be Trusted

I started my adult economic life in the 1990s a few years before the dot-com bubble. The future was very rosy. There was a song "The Future's So Bright I got to Wear Shades" that really summarized the whole thing pretty well.

It was not obvious, back then, that the tech revolution was a scam financed by dollar devaluation that resulted in massive misallocation of resources and wealth transfer. It really wasn't clear until the 2008.

The same mechanism has been at work since 1913: inflation, speculation, then "crash". The crash causes people to sell assets for pennies on the dollar to banks that just print the money. It's a scam.

Now the scam is morphing into warfare against the people. Covid was part of that. Inexplicably it's still going on in China. I think, fortunately, that many people in the west finally figured out that it's a scam and that the CDC and other government bodies are liars, so I think that particular line of attack is done. Even in occupied Germany, their government refused to enact legislation to mandate vaccines.

The economic system in the western countries is being weaponized against Russia, and eventually will be weaponized against mom and pop America.

99% of people completely depend on the economic system to live. They own few productive assets like farms and farm equipment, because corporate America seems to produce food, fuel and other necessities at "low cost". It seems uneconomical to grow your own food. That's all an illusion, unfortunately.

The common sense strategy of building one's own personal supply chain, i.e. homestead living, seemed foolish for many decades because of that illusion. For example, if you spent the time to plant a bunch of potatoes, then harvested 20 pounds of potatoes, the few hours you spent tending the garden would seem totally frivolous because you could just go to the grocery store and spend $5 for the same amount of potatoes. However, when there's no potatoes for any price, it seems extremely wise.

Unfortunately, the system can't be trusted--it never really could be. It was extremely stupid for mom and pop America to turn over management of their country's productive capacity to Wall Street and DC. Our mortal enemies basically took control of everything we need to live.

China: Slave Colony

 There are nightmare distopian videos coming out of china now. People are locked into their apartment buildings. No supplies. The dogs can't go out. Dumb Chinese people are lowering dogs to the ground from their shitty apartment buildings via janky ropes and things like that. Over the sniffles!

Every government is bad, but China is on a whole nother level of insanity. It's your duty as a human being to obliterate those governments and all the participants in your capture.

What is the point, other than humiliation and abuse? China is a slave colony. It has a slave workforce that makes crap for western corporations. Westerners have been passive participants in that exploitation. We let the system be structured this way over the past several decades. The whole thing needs to go.

Wednesday, April 6, 2022

China: Retarded Gov't. Robot People.

 Some cities in China are euthanizing pets of "covid" patients. So if you test positive for covaids with some bullshit test, they put down your cat or dog.


China has a "zero covid" policy, which didn't even work, but they double down on it because they are retard commies with a belief in an omniscient, omnipotent state regardless of how often it has failed them.

If the western world "leadership" is a "1" on the scale of retardation, corruption, and psychopathy, china seems like it's a "10", which is almost impossible to comprehend.

I really doubt China could ever be an Empire like the USA or Britain, Rome, or whatever western power. It involves accepting a certain amount of heterogeneity and freedom.

Crumbling World and Techtopia Overlap

It seems like there will be severe engineered energy and food shortages over the next years. The globalist system is a rube goldberg contraption with many weaknesses, but it has become the dominant economic system. It can easily be weaponized to cause mass slaughter. It's happened before. Millions have died in prior famines around the world.

At the same time the system falls apart and fails to deliver necessities, it provides abundant absurdities: transhumanism, hyper expensive LEO internet satellite networks to provide internet to "the poor", EVs, genetically modified organisms, a faulty biotech cure for colds and flu, cryptocurrency, etc... A plethora of frivolous technological geegaws pop into existence everyday.

This has happened before in the 1920s and 1930s. The Weimar Republic was a fountain of stupid, implausible inventions and schemes, for example. I think it's exemplified by the propeller train.

The propeller train "worked" kind of, but the propeller would blow up sometimes. The idea of running a large propeller in a train depot has obvious potential problems, but there was enough money--in a country that was impoverished and destroyed by WWI--to build a completely useless thing.

It's really interesting that countries often lack the ability to maintain their infrastructure and invest in communities, but can launch stupid, useless wars abroad, or can invest in dumb tech projects. This nonsense is often paired with culture war nonsense and social insanity. 

"AI" As The Demon God

Back in the 1930s the "technocracy movement" described a world run by "science". The picture below shows a literal promotional vehicle of theirs.

The idea is "science" can dictate "rational" policies, that is, exclude politics and corruption. A scientific dictatorship will "perfectly" allocate resources.

I've seen a number of advocates of this approach give talks in recent years, really since the late 1990's. The idea is a computer control system can model, predict, and control the economy perfectly. A lot of people believe this is feasible for some reason.

The appeal of deleting politics and conflict from daily life is undeniable, but is impossible, obviously. Who implements the "perfect" allocation of resources? A machine? Who maintains the machines? etc... It's just sci-fi. It's not even very well thought out sci-fi. It's just another "god"--the AI demon god.

A weird puritan cult promotes these ideas. It's the "kingdom of heaven" or "New Jerusalem" concept. The cult is chock full of schizoid narcissists who seem to be completely out of touch.

Tuesday, April 5, 2022

The EU is Going to Punish Its Subjects for Russian "War Crimes"

 The EU is going to try to ban imports of energy from Russia because of a supposed war crime--it's possibly a total lie like Babies from Incubators or any of the other fables the psychopathic "western" leaders have told in recent years.

Germany imports around 60% of its energy, and a large fraction of that is from Russia. So either a shell game will take place where energy is shuffled from Russia elsewhere, then from elsewhere to Germany, or the entire economy will collapse into mega-austerity.

The effect of the "ban" will be to punish their own subjects. It's just a war on those poor bastards. I won't say citizen. People in Europe are subject/slaves of government bureaucrats and corporations and the bankers. People in the US are slightly better off in that regard, but still cruising down the road to slavery.

The economy of Europe and food production system might completely and totally collapse. It's a war--not by Russia on poor little Ukraine but by the demon god worshipping oligarchy on everyone in the west. Right now it's Europe that will be most obviously suffering, but that shit will come to the USA too, eventually.

Are Western People Dumb Enough to Get Suckered into War?

 Yes! They're dumber than necessary for that to happen.

All the people old enough to watch Colin Powell lie to the UN about yellow cake uranium and WMDs in Iraq are still too stupid to realize that their government has been lying to them since day one about basically everything and will now believe it's the "good guys" who "care" about regular Ukraine people.

It's very weird to witness repeatedly. A lot of average people can remember events from many years ago in sports history, or can remember the plot of a Seinfeld episode, but can't contextualize government propaganda. WTF. It makes no sense.

Even media people remember and know that governments lie.

But for some reason that type of information gets immediately lost and forgotten. Right now, the mass murderers of western governments are accusing Russia of some "war crime" in a place named Bucha. It's totally possible that an atrocity was committed. It's also possible it's totally fake. Even if it happened as described by the west, it's one gang of murdering thieves accusing another gang of murdering thieves of perpetrating a crime.

Sunday, April 3, 2022

It's Us Versus The Oligarchs

It's not USA versus Russia or China versus USA. It's mom and pop everywhere-ica against their demented psychopath oligarchs. Germany's food prices are shooting up 20-50% this week. That's probably just the beginning.

Did anything real change in the world anywhere? No.

Hopefully the common people can snap out of their stupor and band together.... They probably won't, but it'd be nice.

Regulatory Castle Walls for Oligarchs

 The US constitution protects individual rights in America. It actually (barely) survived the Covid insanity, after wilting for several months under an onslaught of propaganda from the media, individual rights finally trumped the corporations desire to stack cash for their dirtbag management and executives.

Anyway, it's looking like their strategy is to use regulatory bodies like the EPA, FDA, and OSHA to implement their scientific dictatorship and to control the flow of resources.

They want to cordon off access to resources to themselves and a handful of their minions.

Used Cars Forever

Governments are going to regulate ICE cars, especially new cars, out of existence. For some people and applications EVs are practical. But for most people they're too expensive and sucky. For them, the only market will be the used car market. People will be paying $40,000 for a 2004 Honda civic that's been remanufactured 10x.

Will people continue to play a rigged, 100% guaranteed loss economics game from now on? The oligarchy wants to suck the remaining wealth out of the USA and the rest of the western world and force them into austerity without the benefit of more freedom.

Saturday, April 2, 2022

Absurd Ideology as Camo

Let's consider two types of ideas: practical and speculative. Practical ideas inform day to day activities and have utility--they're basically like "how to" ideas. Speculative ideas are everything else. Their main "utility" is in entertainment.

I pointed out in the previous post that sets of ideas like "communism" or "christianity" offer no practical, utilitarian ideas that will feed or clothe or shelter people. In fact, they tend toward the purely speculative/entertainment realm of ideas. The "communist" ideas of today tend toward extreme absurdity. The prime example is offered by apparent confusion over "gender". This is a decades old game, apparently. At various times men pretending to be women participated in "women's" activities like sports.

What's the point of the absurd pile of ideas generated from a philosophical refutation that men are men and women are women? Even thinking about that nonsense puts one into a mind-prison. Your mental energy is expended on a delusion. It's like arguing with a schizophrenic. There's no point.

The ideological gibberish works as camo. It protects the movements of oligarchs and their network of associates and allows them to seize control of institutions like government. It creates a nonsensical criteria of acceptance or rejection into the political sphere. People are actually being censured and censored today for the rather simple assertion that a man has a penis.

Philosophical Simplicity versus Jiggling Tower of Insanity

It's really interesting that communism--which is a giant pile of gibberish and gobbledygook that was developed by a German and a German Jew (Engels and Marx) took off in Asia. Vast populations of asian people got mindfucked by totally worthless gibberish from Germany.

Communism was mental colonialism and slavery. It persists to this day. Look at the people in China--they work like slaves and are being routinely locked up and abused because of "Covid" and the Chinese Communist Party.

A set of totally useless garbage ideas from Germany ended up lording over Chinese, North Koreans and many other people in Asia. Communist theories didn't put a roof over anyone's head, nor grow any food--in fact it mostly did the opposite.

In all fairness to the people of Asia, Christianity is essentially the same thing applied to Northern Europeans. They had zero connection to the jiggling pile of Mideastern bullshit and Greek Speculative philosophy that came to dominate their minds for 1000+ years. Christianity never built a house, nor put a meal in anyone's mouth. It also did the opposite. It sucked resources out of the nations for a select few cosplaying degenerate weirdos.

How does this happen?

Christianity is easier to understand than communism. It was basically like Hollywood movies of its era. Cathedrals were like theme parks and small churches were like local movie theaters. It offered a fantasy realm that seems like harmless escapism, rather than the deadly mind poison it actually is. The people had no philosophical or practical discipline of their own and got enmeshed in the giggling pile of insanity of myths and philosophical disputation called "religion". Accepting nonsense like "resurrected god man" seems pretty harmless but it just occupies mind space and makes room for more nonsense "virgin birth" and also makes the prequel seem authoritative: "history is really the unfolding story of the jews." European people started to think something as authoritative as the Twilight novels was "real".

Communism is similar, but omits gods and heroes mythology in favor of a hodgepodge pile of "scientific" nonsense that is vaguely attached to very specific types of "social justice". Communism is also very jewey.

The "problem" of the people is not that they're being mind-fucked over and over, it's that they have no antidote to the insanity. They can't ever see it, until it's really extreme like it is today.

The extreme insanity provokes a natural reaction and seeking of the natural order of things. For example, the idea that "men can be women" in the intense fantasy realm of certain people comes spilling out into political movements today. People in various places are essentially forced to agree to that insanity to placate some tiny group of people. Pretty soon its obvious that basically everything an individual was taught was grooming to live in an insane asylum slave colony. That's enough to spark a quest for order and grounding.