Wednesday, December 29, 2021

Nations: One Big Con

 I was reading up on "Kaiser" "Wilhelm II" of "Prussia" over the past couple of days. The insanity of World War I has been on my mind since the start of Covid bullshit in 2020, because I previously thought World War I was the single dumbest mass event in human history until I lived through "covid". Covid is even dumber.

WWI was the clash of nation states and Empires and the "royal families" of various european countries. It was a giant bloodbath. Millions of people died by new mechanized military slaughter machines. Joining the military to fight on the front was essentially like running through a meat grinder machine. Some percentage of people would make it. Others just became sausage. It was a huge spasm of waste and insanity. It was the inspiration for Tolkein's Mordor world, supposedly.

The Royal families of Europe were all closely related. Wilhelm II was the grandson of "Britain's" queen Victoria. His first Cousin was the "Tsar" of Russia. Wilhem II had beef with his "British" relations for mysterious reasons--it was really just personal bullshit.

It seems like the British and German "courts" were chock full of closeted gay people. Main movers and shakers in the "Empires" were homos. So World War I was a slap fight between some gay, inbred royal weirdos in various nations. Banker and financial jewish families were also very closely involved in every country. I think the appellation "Jew" really means nothing at all in this context, by the way. It's like a meaningless brand name or label that was useful in the banking profession of the insane world of ancien-regime Europe.

Mom and pop average citizens have absolutely nothing to do with the court/ruling class freak-a-zoids of any era. The people in the capital city, and the talking heads on TV are always the worst people of their nations. The same pattern repeats again and again. They're parasites. They're violent. They're unproductive.

Tuesday, December 28, 2021

Energy Accounting and Firewood

 I have a compact farm tractor that I use for chores around my property, like collecting firewood. It's great for that purpose. I can drive back into my woods and drag full sized logs out to my firewood chopping area in a few minutes. I can probably retrieve and chop up a cord of wood in about 1 hour--probably less. Without the tractor it'd be an all day project or maybe a 4 hour project if I built some specialty tools to move the logs.

It takes much less than a gallon of diesel to run the tractor to collect a log. However, the energy embodied in the tractor is significant. There's a few thousand pounds of steel there, huge tires, and many pounds of non-ferrous metals like aluminum and copper. Also, the tractor requires a pretty significant amount of maintenance and consumable items, like filters for oil and fuel and air. It probably costs about $2/hour to run the machine and properly maintain it. I wonder if I'll ever harvest enough firewood to balance out the energy embodied in the tractor.

The answer is almost certainly "no", which is pretty crazy if you think about it for a while. The overall industrial system created a product that is a net-loser of energy. Most of the people in my neighborhood, which is pretty rural, have some similar machine in their garage. I use mine much more than they do, typically, but still, there's a huge amount of energy sunk into the tractor fleet in my neighborhood.

It's only possible to build a machine like a tractor and have a big "energy debt", because energy is pretty close to free. There's a huge quantity of what's essentially stored solar energy in the form of fossil fuels underpinning economic activity and the production of products like my tractor.

If we had to rely solely on current-energy, e.g. from solar panels, it'd be insane to make things like my tractor or even electric cars. Some portion of current energy is needed for day to day activity, like heating and running water pumps or for necessary transportation. In theory, whatever surplus we had could go toward production of consumer goods, tools, etc... or to things like a tractor.

It would probably make way more sense to use horses and simple labor saving devices rather than high-energy-content equipment. 

Monday, December 27, 2021

The Human Immune System "Won"

I think if you asked an epidemiologist, "What is the role of viruses in nature?" they'd give you a blank stare. If you asked Fauci that question he'd ramble on for a few minutes and say nothing.

What is the role of viruses? Shrug. I don't know either.

It seems that most things in nature have some purpose within the context of the greater whole. Fungi have a vital role in the natural world, as do other microscopic life, so why wouldn't viruses?

Anyway, humans evolved to live with viruses and other microscopic life. It can be a really inconvenient relationship at times, but the microscopic life make our existence possible. Indeed we have a sort of deal worked out with lots of little critters, apparently including viruses.

Typically a virus goes from "dangerous" to mild. Apparently it doesn't take that long. In the case of the covid it took about 2 years or less. That's pretty amazing.

The governments, the scientists and the pharma companies did not do a single thing that caused that to happen. In fact, it's totally possible that all the attempts to "stop the spread" made that process take longer than necessary. Maybe it would have been over in a single flu season if people had gone on with normal life.

Think about the mechanisms of illness within an individual. When we're sick, we stay home and need bed rest. We often have zero choice in the matter. You just can't even get up if you wanted to. That's probably when we're most contagious too.

All the advice and activity of the scientists and doctors during this episode was worthless, possibly worth less than zero.

Sunday, December 26, 2021

Renaming a Cold

Media outlets are instructing people on how to distinguish between a common cold and the Omicron Variation. A person who is ill with "Omicron" can't really tell if they have some "variant" of Covid-19. (I think there's good reason to believe the two things are not even related, by the way... Omicron could really be a cold.)

If there wasn't a covid-19 narrative, I think people would have been mildly surprised at some new flu strain last year, but would have barely noticed otherwise.

It will be interesting to see how long the powers that be can keep people focused on "Covid-19" now that it's a cold.

Friday, December 24, 2021

The Anabaptists and the Craziness of the Reformation

The Amish broke away from "mainline" christianity in the 16th century. The reformation was one of the many instances of mass hysteria and mayhem among the European population. Supposed "christians" were slaughtering each other in horrific ways over doctrinal differences about crackers and wine. In retrospect, there's not a lot that's attractive about the catholic church of the day, nor the protestant churches. They were aligned with different political and financial factions and were meddling in people's affairs all the time and had very little at all to do with the spiritual aspect of life.

The "anabaptists" (the Amish) basically rebooted their religion by going to the source material, i.e. the Bible, specifically the sermon on the mount. It is what I would do, too, if faced with insanity from the mass-movement churches. You go back to the source and start over.

The insane upheaval of the reformation made it possible for the Amish to really go their own way. This is obviously applicable today. We're facing a very similar upheaval.

The political "left" is retarded. Their rhetoric is bullshit that's wrapped around a particular oligarch faction. They just started injecting their kids with a mystery concoction to "baptize" them into their retarded faith in "the science". There isn't a political right in the western world.

The only real path forward is to go back to the source, just like the Amish did, and I expect only a handful of people are going to do that. The anabaptist movement was pretty small.

Thursday, December 23, 2021

Fauci: Repeated Failures and Promotion

 Fauci's track record sucks, but he's been promoted over and over and is the media frontman for the Pharma Cartel.

He wanted to develop an AIDS vaccine -- failed.

He wanted to develop an anthrax vaccine -- failed.

Now he wants to coerce people to take another failed vaccine. Fuck that guy and the loser government that keeps promoting his nonsense.

The United States is lousy with cartels. Medical cartel. Pharma cartel, Banking cartel, College and University cartels. Most of these institutions are bloated, failing, overly expensive entities. Fuck em all. 

Tuesday, December 21, 2021

Fake Left and Fake Right

Is there really a "right" and "left" in the USA? I don't think so. The "right" is really just normal people who don't particularly like a heavy handed intrusive government as far as I can tell. The "left" seems to be women, gays, and some jews, and an amalgamation of rando minorities. The political representation of both groups doesn't seem to be particularly connected to the "people" in any substantial way--they're just political scumbags that get paid by corporations or banks or whatever.

None of the ideas of "the left" or "the right" build a house or put food in anyone's mouth. It's all just bullshit. The corporations that espouse "leftist" rhetoric engage in hard core business practices and kowtow to China all the time. They wave rainbow flags and talk about green this or that, then use hyper-polluting manufacturers in Asia to avoid regulation. There are places in India where the sky is ash gray and the water foams with sewage and industrial waste.

The group-think mindset is going to be the death of billions of people.

Mandating the Vaccines that Don't Work

Am I taking crazy pills? I've seen a couple opinion pieces suggesting that mandatory vaccines is the only thing that will stop covaids... but the vaccines don't work at all. They don't "stop the spread" or even seem to prevent illness. The claim all along was that "symptoms are reduced in healthy adults". All the people I know who are sick right now are "fully vaccinated".

The people who want mandates should read about the Spanish Civil War or the Reformation. I know they won't, and wouldn't understand how to apply the concepts because they're probably not really capable of abstract thought, but let's put it this way: mandating a vaccine is probably going to kill off more people than covid ever could.

It's almost impossibly stupid, but I think that's what will happen. The risk of death from covaids, which is currently about equal to normal mortality, will be replaced with a 1/3 chance of dying from famine or violence.

I think the retards that run the government are gearing up to try to do that. They realize they can't and it's illegal, but the OSHA mandates showed that they're willing to try.

Monday, December 20, 2021

The Actual United States

There are two United States. There's the corporate entity that's headquartered in Washington, and there's the actual Natural Law United States which has no headquarters. The one in Washington DC is an impostor.

When in the Course of human events, it becomes necessary for one people to dissolve the political bands which have connected them with another, and to assume among the powers of the earth, the separate and equal station to which the Laws of Nature and of Nature's God entitle them, a decent respect to the opinions of mankind requires that they should declare the causes which impel them to the separation.

The impostor has been around for a while--probably since around 1898, but maybe before. Some people point to Abraham Lincoln as the first impostor, but maybe it was George Washington. To his credit, Washington seemed to realize that. I've read a few letters from Washington that effectively say, "Ah shit, here we go again."

Is there any legitimate earthly authority?  No. A "legitimate" government requires the consent of the governed, but when you're just born into an existing government system and agreement, how can you consent to it? Your parents and grandparents can't dictate the terms of your life years before your birth with anything resembling legitimacy. How can a government put its children and grandchildren in financial obligation with anything resembling legitimacy? It can't.

The Natural Law is really the only law. Every other law is a fraud. This is a pretty tough pill to swallow, because it reveals that we're all in slavery to the US corporation.

Sunday, December 19, 2021

Business Plot 2.0


It's really amazing how accurate the alt-media/truther community was about the Covid bullshit. It was all a scam to force people into an electronic gulag. It's still unfolding, and there are a lot of people who aren't on board, but a huge portion of the public is braindead/zombies and love it.

Tuesday, December 14, 2021

RNA Vaxx Didn't Work on Flu

 There are several mainstream articles discussing the failure of Moderna's flu shot. It just didn't work.

The mRNA vaccine mechanism was sold as an exciting new silver bullet tech, but it just didn't work for the flu, which means, at minimum, it's not broadly applicable. I think it also means that the mechanisms of illness and immunity are not really well understood.

Monday, December 13, 2021

Familiar Scheme


A few years ago, a pharmaceutical company owned by Pfizer coerced horse owners to use an experimental vaccine that ended up killing or maiming many horses. It's now the subject of a class action lawsuit. It sounds an awful like the current schemes. I guess they first tried it on horses, then moved to people. The guy who is the CEO of Pfizer today was a manager at that company during that time.

Friday, December 10, 2021

Amish Show It's Possible

The Amish live in a parallel social and economic universe. It's really no big deal for them to do it. They are able to ignore and bypass or edit various government regulations and decrees, too. Their educational system is different, for example.

For some bizarre reason, the rest of the country gets locked into massive battles of control of the culture and the political system. When one group "wins" it inevitably tries to lord over the other(s). Why?

Currently the "left" holds political power in the US. They're lording over everyone else. Their stupid policies and weird social agenda are utopian, for them, but seem to be poison for everyone else. Why don't they just promote the utopia for the people who want it? Why the desire to impose it on all others. It's actually pretty weird.

The Amish show you can go and just do it. Make your commie utopia. If it's so great, people will sign up. You don't need to coerce others into joining.

The "right" sometimes imposes its stupid agenda too. That "trad" life doesn't appeal to everyone--that's fine. Build trad-land if you want. If a kid doesn't want to live in trad land they could move to San Francisco or something. No biggie.

Thursday, December 9, 2021

Brazen Liars

The CEOs of pharmaceutical companies making the vaccines for covid announced that three doses of their concoctions will be enough for the "Omicron" variant.

There's no way they can know that. It's absurd anyone trusts them, but masses of people do.

Wednesday, December 8, 2021

Being Good, Being Rich

If you asked a person to picture a farm in their mind, then describe it. They'd talk about green grass, animals, and maybe a family running the farm. We have a farm like that just a couple of miles away from my house, for example. You can go there and see the animals and even interact with them. They have a sort-of petting zoo on site. It's pretty cool.

Almost nobody would imagine factory farms or centralized slaughterhouses.

The reality is a large portion of the meat and eggs that we eat comes from factory farm scenarios. When people watch videos of those places, they are generally quite disturbed.

So why are there factory farms when we have an ancient pattern of "normal" farming imprinted on our minds? The centralization of food production isn't all that recent. I think it probably happens any time there's a mass civilization because it's "cheaper" to handle animals that way and there's profit to be had. Inevitably some people will come up with a system to grab those profits, even if it means treating animals in a weird inhumane manner that is almost entirely contrary to deeply ingrained, even instinctual patterns about how we should treat other living things.

Indeed in our civilization, factory farming still leaves some potential profit on the table, so "scientists" have added GMO animals, and now are aiming to eliminate sexual reproduction. They want to "grow" meat, and even animals like chickens, in a lab in the "optimal" way.

How does this even happen?

Everyone wants to be good and live in a good world, but we fail. We make hell. It's fucking weird.

In the case of factory farming the explanation is fairly obvious. People might want to be good, and treat animals well, but they also want to be rich, and want to "save money", which is really born from the same root as the desire to "be rich". We tend to focus on the money part and just forget the "being good" part. That's actually really weird.

The tendency for tangential movement, or tangential action is really hard to overcome. We obsess about money--really just numbers. We don't obsess about goodness or states of being, or the outcomes of our actions. It's fucked up.

Sunday, December 5, 2021

How Neoliberalism Really Works

The US dollar went off the gold standard completely in 1971. In the years following, the whole world went to a "free floating" system of fiat currencies. (although some countries retained aspects of gold backing for much longer)

The dollar is now mainly "valued" against corporate assets, like stock, and other currencies and to commodities like oil. The dollar only has a one-way "valuation" trend. It's worth less and less as the value of assets and commodities appears to "rise", that is, they're priced higher in dollar terms as there are ever more dollars. At the same time the dollar has been depreciating, and corporate paper has been rising in price, wages have been stagnant or declining.

This dollar devaluation can "work", that is, people can still afford to live as long as "productivity" gains take place along side the devaluation. The cost of goods should fall in tandem with the devaluation of the money. However, what actually happens with "productivity" gains is "crapflation" in consumer products and in food.

A set of managers, from middle managers to corporate executives serve as proxies of the financial system and the government and controls the strawman elements of the system. They implement the rituals and rites that keep the whole thing working. As an aside, the strawman elements of the system could be completely automated today--the system is really a big paper and human version of a computer program--however "the system" aims to automate blue collar and working class jobs for the most part to suck more resources up the pyramid. Shifting jobs to slave labor countries was another way to shift more resources up the pyramid too--but that's actually 99% done already in a couple of decades.

"Neoliberalism" is really the bloating of the system strawman. It provides ever more wealth and job opportunities to people who work as functionaries. The strawman could get fatter and fatter without limit, apparently, as more money is pumped into the economy by the Federal reserve. Corporate bureaucracy bloats each and every year. Every year, for example, corporations spend thousands of man-hours of employee time watching political propaganda videos about pronouns and "trans" and other issues that don't really have anything to do with the business.

The "white collar" work force is literally invested in the system and is willing participants in extracting wealth from the people who are further down the pyramid from them. They willingly, if not happily, fucked over the blue collar work force during the 90s and 2000s as jobs were shipped to India and China. They're really like the knights who work for the equivalent of dukes and counts and kings today.

They remain loyal and attached to the top of the pyramid because their livelihood depends on it. Now, the top of the pyramid sees them as the next group to rob. Scumbag Janet Yellen has talked about taxing "unrealized capital gains" which is totally hilarious. That's the precursor to taxing 401(k) and IRA money, by the way.

The top of the pyramid is terrified that the white collar work force would throw-in with the blue collar workers, which is why the concept of MAGA was villified by TV networks and other scumbags. It really doesn't matter if Trump/MAGA was real or mere advertising, by the way, the concept of the citizens of the USA acting in concert on their own behalf--a real "New Deal"--would exclude the parasites on the top of the pyramid.

Thursday, December 2, 2021

Australia Imprisons People Based on "Contact Tracing"

The people of Australia should turn their government into powder.

The "authorities" in that shithole recently staged a manhunt for people who were imprisoned because of "contact tracing" for a very mild disease, i.e. covid.

The three teenagers tested negative for the disease, but were held because they were in "contact" with someone who did or something.

Wednesday, December 1, 2021

My "New World Order"


I'm really loving my own New World Order plan, because it shows how absurd the corporate communist bureaucrat hacks are.

The average white liberal in the US really pines to live in a "european" socialist utopia of their mind, however, deep down they know it's a fraud that can't work and requires force and slavery to even pretend to exist. It's very easy to call them on their many bluffs and stupid ideas, like "green" energy. Given the chance to go live and build their utopia in Euro-land, they would not do it, because they're lazy and too stupid to realize their plans.

They should be given every opportunity to do it though. They could leave all the racist-bigot-homophobe evil whiteness people in the US and go live with their ideologically pure counterparts in Europe and manifest thei super-bureaucracy technocrat system with its pure green energy, city sky-scraper "vertical farms" and bug paste and concrete tube life. They could be controlled by their smart-phone apps, drive all electric-green-energy cars. That sales pitch theoretically appeals to some people--who? Nobody.

The appeal of corporate communism is a lazy, useless white liberal retard with a useless degree in some useless field can parasite off the rest of humanity as a commie apparatchik while they spout some useless drivel as an occupation.

Communists excel at mass death because their stupid plans can't work. I think many of the commies earnestly believe in their own bullshit, though. Perhaps the core of the political structure of communist movements is cynical and realizes their rhetoric is meaningless garbage, but they might be true believers too.

Vaccine Mandates and Reformation 2

I think the Reformation is a really good model for what's going to happen in the western world relatively soon. As in the Reformation days, the populations are all mixed together and have divergent beliefs. Rather than catholic/protestant and differences over the meaning of crackers and wine, people are now divided on being a slave or being free.

The plan for the slave people is: electronic gulag and world wide economic system run by "AI". People in slave world will live in a grid of total micromanagement control of their lives. The free people don't have a plan, which is why they'll fare much better ultimately. Currently, though, the computer communists are trying to take over the entire world, so that is going to provoke a response by the free people in short order. What's it going to look like?

The governments of Eurotrash countries are going down the "mandatory vaccine" road en route to the electronic gulag. For me and hundreds of millions of other people even in Europe, that's the live-free-or-die red line. Many people in Europe are opposed to the authoritarian and very stupid "covid" policies that have become more and more obviously fraudulent to more people with each passing day. European governments seem to have more authority over their subject-like citizens than the United States does. However, even those Eurotrash "governments" requires the consent of the governed, so if multitudes of people reject these mandates, they really won't have much force.

The USA government is actually pretty limited by the political and legal structure of the country. Joe Biden's OSHA mandates, for example, are falling apart in numerous court cases and it seems pretty unlikely that they'll hang around for long. There's no way for the scumbag to really decree that everyone take a vaccine, even if scumbag Biden's scumbag puppet masters tell him to.

Corporate America has stepped into the slave-master position in the USA. It's been weaponized against the free people by the slaver commie trash. Corporate america is trash.

Can there be a slow motion reshuffling of the populations so the free people move away from the commie-hot-zones without violence or are people going to have to fight? It's hard to say.

A very obvious solution to the current "divide" is for the free people to all move to one place and the slave people to move to another. Europe is the capital of Slave Land and frankly the white liberal slave-tards in the US want to be more "europeanish". Why don't they move there and the free white people of Europe can move to the US and Canada? Problem solved. North America could remain the home of the free and innovative people of the world, and all the poseur political hacks could move to Europe and revel in socialism? Seems pretty easy.

Sunday, November 28, 2021

Firewood Energy

Hardwood trees store about 1 trillion BTU after 70 years of growth. That's pretty amazing. That's the equivalent of 3000+ gallons of gasoline. A cord of firewood is something like 128 cubic feet, and contains roughly 20 million BTU of heat.

The average american uses about 1 gallon of gasoline per day for travel, so 365 gallons per year (more or less).

If a mature forest is storing somewhere around 3000 gallons/70 years per acre, that's only around 43 gallons of gasoline energy equivalent per year, so it takes something like 8 acres of forest growth to provide the energy equivalent of the driving fuel for just one person.

Obviously, firewood isn't a very good option as a fuel for motor vehicles, but it provides a good data point that shows how solar to biomass conversion is a pretty slow process.

Wednesday, November 24, 2021

The Mode of Consciousness is the God of the Age

I had a really vivid dream last night: a weird orange firey "sun" consumed a blue world. Then the sky was all fire. There was some dialog in the dream, that unfortunately, I don't remember but I know what it meant.

The "age of fire" was the Age of Aries. There's actually an allusion to that in both the Lord of the Rings (Sauron's firey mordor) and also in the Sci-Fi show Stargate. There's a group of evil Aliens called the Ori (Arians, the Sons of the Age of Aries) who seek to compel belief. (The Arians are also the bad guys in the Conan movie [1982])

In Stargate, the heroes of the show are the Humans--of the Age of Man--attempting to protect their earth from various aliens, who are representatives of the various astrological ages. The symbiotes/snake/slug creatures of the movie and the first seasons of the TV show (the Goa'uld) represent the age of Taurus, an Earth Age--the age of Egypt.

It's kind of clear to me that there never was an Age of Pisces. It was a phony age dominated by a phony church and the hive mind and group thinking people. It's the age of religions and nation states and stupid ideology. The "one world government" that these psychos have in mind is even worse--a giant borg planet dominated by fake AI. Computers + stupid old communism. It's the ultimate "hive mind" retard world.

Humanity needs to move on and evolve. I think shifting human consciousness to emanate more from nature and move with nature is the way forward.


Monday, November 22, 2021

Internet Sleuths Found the Waukesha Killer


YouTube deleted the video but I watched it. The Ford Escape used to plow through the crowd in Waukesha was featured in this lame rapper's video.

It is bizarre to me that the Ford Escape that was used to plow through a crowd in Waukesha is featured in some dime store rap video. The trashbucket oligarchs think they can foment a race war in the US or something. I hope people are smarter than that.

Here's the alleged story as pieced together by internet randos.

The driver was bailed out of jail on the day Kyle Rittenhouse was acquitted. On the day of the parade, he was involved in a knife fight and fled the scene in his Ford Escape (as shown in the video) when he plowed through the crowd and killed several people.

Coincidentally, November 21 is a UN "holiday" world day of rememberance for road traffic victims.

Friday, November 19, 2021

Green and Sustainable is Bad for Governments and Corporations

If the USA were a nation of homesteader permaculturists, the government would be a tiny afterthought annoyance and corporations would be small, too. If the country was really "green" and people really lived a sustainable life, nobody would care about the central authorities beyond seeing them as a major pest and parasite.

If people had core skills and assets to provide their own food and shelter, they would not bow to a central authority. They'd see the government and its employees for what they are.

So what's the "green" rhetoric about: more debt and death. The people in power are complete and total trash. They are not capable of doing anything good.

Thursday, November 18, 2021

Corporate Lockdowns in the USA

The structure of the government in the USA seems to be protecting some of our rights from the subversion and cultural warfare that's being waged in the name of "covid". Now that Europe is doing another foolish round of ineffectual, nonsense lockdowns according to the script, it seems likely that various shitty states and localities will follow suit in short order.

However, vast portions of the US have rejected the covid protocols and will continue life as normal. Ohio was on the fence about going full retard about covid, or going the route of freedom throughout 2020. It seems like freedom eventually won out, though. The RINO governor has been sidelined as far as I can tell. So if a purple state like Ohio opted for freedom, then most of the country will too.

Again, the scumbags that are behind this episode will seek to bypass the rights and protections people enjoy in the US via corporations. There will be corporate lockdowns and that will probably cause all sorts of disruptions.

We need to move beyond these people and their bullshit. Start over again from a sensible and moderate foundation.

Wednesday, November 17, 2021

Anthrax Attack Redux

After 911 someone mailed anthrax to some congressmen and senators. It was probably some agency of the federal government that was probably also involved in 911... They blamed some poor scientist for the anthrax and suicided him before it ever went to trial.

Frankly who knows how all that stuff is structured? It's apparent the government has a dangerous fifth column group high up near the top of the shitty power pyramid who constantly acts contrary to the interests of the people of the US. But who is it? I don't know.

A few days ago, Billy Gates was yammering about smallpox terrorist attacks, then boom--some "vials" are missing or some bullshit. Who even knows. It's all lies.

Anyway, if there's a smallpox outbreak, it's open season on all these assholes involved in all this bullshit. They're trying to kill you and me and everyone else we love. That'll be all the confirmation that's required to act with natural justice on the side of the people.

Easy Credit Makes People Foolish

Easy credit is pernicious. It actually drives "value" out of everything--it's a subtle, but powerful force. It's called "Gresham's Law" when applied to currency. The gist of "Gresham's Law" is bad money drives out good, e.g. people will spend paper money or use a credit card, but will hoard gold and silver, even copper and nickel. This principle applies across the board and it explains many aspects of "consumer" and "worker" behavior.

If you've got a corporate job, and the corporation is tied into the easy-credit financial markets, a task like gardening seems really stupid economically, because you can go throw some funny money at a grocery store clerk and obtain food without much work. That same situation arises over and over again in various ways. Instead of changing your own oil in a car, for example, it's easier to throw money at a professional to do it, etc..., etc....

When you act contrary to that system of incentives--the apparent "value" of the money drops drastically, and the value of your time increases drastically, similarly the potential value of productive assets like land and tools and vehicles goes up.

We have a strawberry patch in the garden that produces a lot of fruit each summer. This year it produced 44 pounds of fruit or 6,000 calories (give or take). It's very low maintenance and is self-propagating with a little human intervention. If the yields remain constant per unit area, an acre of strawberries on my property could be producing something like $20,000 of fruit per summer.

It's very difficult to unlock that value when working full time in a corporate job and under the sway of the easy credit markets.

Stuff is a Burden

The corporate/consumer way of life is predicated on foolishness. In a matter of years, most people acquire enough junk to fill up a large dumpster. Most of the stuff they'd pitch into it was entirely useless since purchase. People accumulate piles of clothes, but generally only wear a handful of outfits that are comfortable, fit well, and look good. They pile up used slave-made clothing as "donations" that just get shipped to Africa where some get used, and the rest pile up in landfills.

The highest cost items people have plague their lives. Houses require constant maintenance and upkeep. In a place like Northeast Ohio, where we have a lot of precipitation and massive variation in temperature through the year, water is constantly wearing away at every part of a house. Vast infrastructure carries people's waste away from their house. Some of the pipes for that stuff in various towns and cities is 50 to 100 years old and too costly to ever replace. Vast infrastructure is required to keep goods flowing to support all this material.

This way of living is based on massive debt. I look at some of the huge homes in my neighborhood and mentally tally up the maintenance costs and I don't see how people do it. Just replacing the shingles on the roof of a huge McMansion with multiple peaks and valleys will be tens of thousands of dollars every 15 to 30 years. Many people will "finance" those repairs with home equity loans. Those loans make sense as long as there's a greater fool to sign up for ownership of a McMansion when it goes on the market. They don't make any sense if the "market" drops, like in 2008.

I've got a small house and it's still a burden, even though I have tools and lots of skills to maintain it. I replaced the roof on my workshop last summer. That was a difficult job and required the rental of a dumpster and it took the better part of a week of brutal labor in the summer heat--that building is only 24 feet by 24 feet! I need to replace the roof on my house, which is approximately 4 times the area, and I'm not looking forward to it. I often think it'd be so much easier to have a disposable house, or something like a yurt or a big tent.

I think people will be looking for different patterns of life in the not too distant future. The exodus from this current system is already underway.

Tuesday, November 16, 2021

Cheat Sheet on Who to Trust

The events of 2020/21 are apocalyptic in the sense that much has been revealed. One of the key things is the people who run the goverments, like the people in DC or the people in London, are the worst humans on the planet. They're literally incapable of doing anything good.

Corporations are similar. The bigger the corporation the worse it is. It's a lucky accident if some corporation is doing anything good for anybody.

The media is the same. It's almost all lies. There's no point even paying attention.

Colleges and Universities are pretty bad, too. They're mainly selling debt to dummies. A sizeable fraction of degrees have a negative ROI compared to not going to college at all.

Really, almost the entirety of the "white collar" world is looking pretty suspect and parasitic. How many people are producing things of real value or use? 

Britain Going for Third Mandatory Shot

Boris Johnson the stooge that's the PM of britain announced a third dose of the vaxxes is necessary to be "fully vaxxed".

Obviously that was where this was all going from the start.

I keep going back and forth between: they're trying to kill a huge number of people, and they're inept and corrupt. It really doesn't matter which is the case, by the way.

I think a sizable fraction of the people who signed up for the vaccines won't go for shot #3. Maybe 50% of the people? Most of the people who I know personally who got the vaccines got sick for multiple days to a month from side effects.

A lot of people know the vaccines don't really work.

It's hard to really predict what's going to happen.

It's plausible that this is really a type of economic warfare. They want to massively cripple economies with stupid mandates. They also seem to want to completely discredit governments and other institutions, like corporations, who are going along with this insanity.

Monday, November 15, 2021

Tennessee, Ohio and KY Sue Joe Biden

I was a little worried about the direction Ohio was going to go with respect to covid authoritarianism last year. The RINO fraud DeWine was playing lockdown/masking games for most of 2020 and the state is a mix of red and blue, but is mostly red, especially in terms of geographical area. It took almost the entire year for the state legislature to push him into a corner, but it seems like they finally did. He disappeared from the stage almost entirely at some point.

Now, Ohio has joined the chorus of states suing the Biden administration over the OSHA mandates bullshit. The Supreme Court is a pile of trash, so eventually they will rule in favor of these dictatorial pronouncements from our dementia patient stooge President, but at least the state has the political will to go its own way.

My county (Geauga) Sheriff is a party to the suit as well, so that's good. I think we'll have two Americas when this is all done. Commie-merica with a Matzo ball curtain in New England and some California cities, and the rest of the nation, which will still be free. Goodbye USA and $. Maybe we can restart a new financial system with state banks.

The Most Vaxxed County in Ireland is Sick with Covid


The bullshittery of the "experts" is staggering. They seem to say, "The vaccines work at not working exactly as planned." The results of people getting sick and being hospitalized are exactly what we hoped for.

As an important aside, imagine two fully credentialed experts in some field.... then imagine they have exactly the opposite opinion on any topic. Is either opinion worth anything in that case? This has been a very common occurrence in life sciences and medicine over the decades I've been paying any attention to their pronouncements. 

Austria Locking Down Unvaxxed

Europe seems to be going full retard. Austria is locking down the "unvaxxed". I hope people just walk away from their jobs and participation in their shitty system in response. 35% of the population is unvaxxed there, if you can believe any of these nonsense numbers. I hope some of the people in the vaccinated population do, also, in protest.

These governments/corporations are trash. It's way past time to take them out.

Sunday, November 14, 2021

CDC Stats: Death Rates in 2018 and 2020

 The age-adjusted rate was 828.7 deaths per 100,000 population (2020)

In 2018:

Death rate per 100k in 2018 was higher.

Package Deal Theory

Governments and corporations seem to be pushing for more authoritarian/totalitarian control of individuals and the economy. At the same time, the promoters of this central planning agenda call for new high tech systems.

You can't have both. If you've got top down central planning, you've got a dead economy and zero innovation. Look at the former USSR, China, or North Korea today. Central planning is constant failure. An exception to the totalitarian=technologically backward is provided by National Socialist Germany ironically enough. China grew by leaps and bounds in recent years via an injection of capital and ideas from the free west.

Innovation stops in central planning scenarios because the government and other hierarchical systems prevent it from happening, because they are institutionalized crony control and nepotism. Also those central planning systems train citizens to disengage from helping the central authority in any way. People do the bare minimum to get by. Why would you do anything else? If you participate in the system, you're helping evil. Also, the government involvement in training citizens through education produces slave minded lackeys who are barely capable of innovation.

The converse is also true, a country like the USA enjoys innovation and creates technology, but also has a depraved, corrupt culture and disgusting political leadership. People waste their lives chasing money and dumb ideas to create things like smartphones, Netflix, battery powered tools and the like. If individuals were more disciplined and had a keener focus on the meaning of life and their own mortality, there would be fewer people in corporate America, and fewer giving away their energy and value to corporations.

Saturday, November 13, 2021


I never sat down and calculated the resource requirements for myself or the people I live with. It's really instructive to do it.

There's a lot of studies about nutrient production per acre. I haven't surveyed them, and frankly, for the back of the envelope calculation purposes, who cares? I am using the first one I looked at.

Here's a little table of calorie/protein production per acre:

For my county, with a population density of ~230 people per square mile, about 17% of the land would need to be planted for food crops--probably more for the sake of safety and variety. Plus you'd want some land for animals. The rest of the land could go to forest. In fact, it would make way more sense to do that instead of having homes with big yards--that is the most retarded practice of our time.

The rest of the land would go to a hardwood forest. A puny amount of wood is needed to heat each 1000 square feet in our cold climate. It's really absurd how little wood is needed for that purpose. Each home requires something like 80,000 BTU per 1000 square feet in our cold climate.

A 70 year old forest stores around 1 TRILLION BTU of energy per acre. A forest yields something like 50 cords of wood over that time span, and a cord is around 20 million BTU. The forest yields around 8,000 gallons of gasoline equivalent over that time.

It would be extremely trivial to produce all the food and energy required for 95,000 people in my county with just the resources of my county, which is a resource rich county with low population.

Are we really resource constrained? We are hypnotized by cretins and live like fools. That's the real problem of humanity.

Friday, November 12, 2021

Bill Gates says the Vaccines Don't Work.... So Why???!

 Bill Gates recently gave an interview where he complained about the general suckiness of the current vaccines. They don't prevent the transmission of the disease, nor do they prevent people from getting sick. It's not clear they offer much benefit at all. However, they come with known risks, and as of yet unknown long term risks.

It's perverse they're still being pushed so hard, even by a creature like Billy Gates who says they don't work. It's hard to understand until you realize that Bill Gates and his colleagues are psychopaths and have no concern about people's health or well being, nor do they care about the health or well being of any other living thing, except maybe their immediate families.

They do not care if the vaccines have harmful side effects but offer minimal benefits. They want to see what happens with this mass dosing of the public. They want to prove their shitty gene therapy "the rapey" invention works, or not, or if it has long term side effects. If you took the vaccine you are Bill Gates lab rat. If you were irresponsible and stupid enough to get your kids vaccinated, they're lab rats too.

The people pushing this stuff are not capable of producing "good" outcomes in the world. They're broken weirdos. All their products really fundamentally suck.

Our civilization is massively flawed. We keep allowing these freaks to set the course for humanity.

Mordor IRL

I've been thinking about the Mordor imagery in the Lord of the Rings movies.

There's an "all seeing eye"--the flaming Eye of Sauron--atop a phallic tower. The tower is crowned with horns.

There's a fiery mountain--Mount Doom.

The land of Mordor is dead and artificial. The orcs are fabricated by wizards. The beings who run Mordor are all dead ghoulish things and demonic spirits. They wish to remake the world in their image. They wish to destroy the Shire, etc...

I think the horns that hold the all seeing flaming eye represent the Age of Aries (~2000BC) . Aries is a fire sign. The old testament biblical "god" of moses was the god of the age of aries. That's why there's fire imagery in the old testament, at least according to some. The Age of Aries is long dead, but lives on, apparently via some cult/priesthood.

There's some penis worshipping cult associated with that--thus the phallic tower? I've read about it, watched videos to understand the esoteric practices of the cult, but find it too bizarre to really delve into much--basically they think use of tantric sex and not blowing your load increases your personal power and can even give you psychic powers.

Anyway, I think we still live with this cult. They really do want to replace the natural design with their own. Some asshole like Bill Gates thinks his plans are better than nature's.

Wednesday, November 10, 2021

Building the House of Cards Higher

The party line about humanity's future is: "our civilization is too energy intensive" so we need to replace our entire technology base with something new. It's absurd.

People like Bill Gates push the "nuclear power is green" idea, which is retarded. Nuclear power sucks, mainly because the spent fuel is dangerous and there's no economical way to store it forever. It's pure insanity, actually, that any nuclear power plants are operating today without a solution to that problem. It's quite possible there's no viable or economical solution to that issue.

Humanity should be moving full speed down the staircase of the house of cards. It's very obvious to me. Instead, people like Gates push for new technologies all the time. A new gee whiz thing is going to save everyone at the 11th hour in spite of the long track record of total failure to do so. I doubt it.

Tuesday, November 9, 2021

Hold Out: The Mandates Probably Disappear.

I think the OSHA rules route for attempting to force vaccinate people in the US will fail completely.

Biden exempted truckers--if he hadn't the economy would implode. The companies that are going to attempt to force their workers to inject a potion against their will to retain a job might think twice about doing that if they're not retarded. These exemptions open barn door sized holes in this stupid mandate thing.

These exemptions show how arbitrary and capricious the mandates are, plus the vaccines don't even work, and they can cause injury or death. It seems almost impossible to believe this insanity can continue much longer.

How can a nation "of laws" function with a host of arbitrary and capricious rules? Even some shitty corporation won't be able to function if employees realize that the "policies" of their stupid employer are arbitrary and foolish.

Biden Exempts Truckers

I've seen reports that the Biden administration exempted truckers from the mandates. So that's a pretty good data point.

If they didn't the economy would have collapsed within days of enacting the mandates, because so few truckers took the potions. I think the Biden administration is simply corrupt and incompetent. I think there are larger agendas at play and various groups used "covid" as a vehicle to move their stupid ideas forward, but it looks like there's no larger "war on the people" agenda. If there were, why would Biden exempt the truckers? That'd be like the detonator that blows up the USA.

DC and the federal government are not reformable or recoverable. Most corporations are total trash. Their management are feckless pussies with zero principles.

Sunday, November 7, 2021

The People and the Oligarchs are Bad

The world has been plagued by oligarchs for millennia. The common people aren't saints, though.

If the oligarchs were wiped out, would people live good and simple lives? Probably not. There's a lot of vile people out there.

In fact, the oligarchs and the people are really very similar. The common people hope to live like an oligarch, so they play the lottery, or have dreams of a sudden gain in future wealth. The oligarchs basically won the lottery, or stole what they have, or in some cases "worked" for it--really conned others into working for them. How different are they except in their success at acquiring money? They both have massive appetites and a desire for power and control over others.

Saturday, November 6, 2021

30% of Truckers Vaxxed

 I recently saw a poll that said less than 30% of truckers were vaccinated.

There is no way companies can lay off a significant fraction of their truck driving work force and still function.

No food. No fuel. No stuff.

What's going to happen from the OSHA mandates?

In Canada, jurisdictions that threatened to fire a bunch of health care workers over the vaccines suddenly changed their "policy" when it was obvious that the health care system was going to collapse due to lack of workers.

I think the feds and corporations will keep changing policies to:

  1. not fire workers they need
  2. increase the harassment of those same workers.

It's absurd some doofus in an HR department is implementing what amounts to a "law" about a substance you put in your body. Some fucking retard with a psychology degree who backed into an HR job is now making medical and legal decisions for employees just because they work at some shitty corporation making useless shit?

The relationship between individuals and these corporate and government entities needs to drastically change.

Governments should be tiny.

Businesses should be tiny.

Friday, November 5, 2021

Worshipping the CPU

I think western philosophy is dominated, currently, by the concept that the universe is mathematical. That is, there's no distinction between the numerical and algorithmic systems devised by man and the universe itself. Some people imagine you can basically create an equivalent model universe in a computer simulation.

(My personal belief is the essence of the universe is un-readoutable, so it really can't be duplicated. There's no way to decode its essence, because it's not in code.)

There's a sect of people who want to transform the world of man into a computer model. These people seem to hate the natural order. Ironically, they're people who claim to want to save "nature", typically by killing everyone that opposes their insanity and hubris.

The computer is the house of their god. People who have been working in tech have been helping build their holy-of-holies--which is really a shrine to Satan. A mechanical and electrical abomination.

Thursday, November 4, 2021

A World of Warrior Priests

We're watching the 1970s TV show "Kung Fu" on DVDs. The series is great. The characters and acting and fight scenes are hilarious in retrospect. I was too young to watch the series when it was originally aired, but I'm sure I've seen at least one or two of the episodes here and there. The series was extremely influential as a pop-culture piece.

The hero of the series is "Caine", which is obviously a reference to the biblical Cain of the Cain and Abel story and an indication that the writers and producers of the series adhere to the gnostic interpretation of creation.

Caine is a true individual and adherent to principles of natural law and justice. He's a one man army, and a one man nation. The type of education he is shown to receive in the series seems pretty close to ideal. Imagine a world of such men. The system we have today is setup to massively enrich merchants and financiers.

It seems very likely that most of the concepts in "Star Wars", like the Jedi Knights, the Force, the character Yoda, etc... are really drawn from Kung Fu.

The Dream of Total Electronic Control of People

There are many people working to totally track and trace everything in the world using computers.


That's a really good question.

It seems fairly obvious that "managing" everything is a bad idea. It actually doesn't achieve the intended goals at all. The MBA/technocracy world just won't work. It's the exact opposite of what's proven to work best, i.e. a laissez-faire approach. In fact, I think the heavy bureaucracy/financialized/managerial world we have today is really just cashing in on the previous productive economy's success and rapidly spiraling into a destructive end.

As fewer people in a hierarchical system make decisions, the decisions get worse. It's really obvious.

The fantasy is the top of the pyramid will use computers and AI to leverage their insane, retarded, inbred brains to enact their stupid plans. Good luck with that.

The managerial/bureaucracy system we've got now is a side effect of the parasitic financial system. It's like fungus in a log or rust on a car. It's not really producing anything, just consuming resources.

Monday, November 1, 2021

Are People Really This Dumb?


Something like 1/5000 young people get heart damage from the vaxxes according to various studies. Who really knows, though. Why would you subject a young man to it? You'd have to be retarded, especially if you were a doctor. Is that guy in the tweet real? It seems almost impossible to believe that someone would publish such a thing.

I'm starting to think intelligence as a trait follows a power-rule distribution like 10%/90% rather than a normal distribution. Lots of people seem to lack an ability to even think. They just recite a script they heard on the news and are terrorized their whole lives by the government and the media that they continue to trust for some strange reason.

Here's another one. Is it real? Who fucking knows?

At least that woman realized she got got.

Feckless Trashbuckets in Corporate America--Go Fuck Yourselves

I used to work at a "tech" company. I got suckered into that field over my life because of the easy money and the propaganda about how important it was to help build the bizarro world we're living in today.

Anyway, it's pretty obvious now that the "dream" of tech-topia world is really a total nightmare.

The corporation I worked for, and many others, are led by feckless trash people. They have no backbone and are driven by a combination of greed and ambition and total obsession with the opinions of others in their little clubs. They're gross, little twisted cretins.

Maybe in five or ten years in the post-apocalyptic world of New America there might be good places to work, but for now, it seems like they're few and far between.

The Vaccines Really Do Not Work

One of the propaganda talking points about the "vaccines" is that they will protect others. It's really not true at all. They do not appear to have that affect whatsoever. "Peer reviewed" studies seem to indicate that as do the publicly available stats--if you can believe anything about this episode.

The propaganda point persists and continues to be pushed maniacally by a bunch of actor type people in the media. It's very weird. I think at least a handful of people are snapping out of the hysteria every single day, but it's probably too little too late.

Don't take it to keep your job. Nobody is going to have a job pretty soon, so I wouldn't worry about it.

Noam Chomsky. Another Fraud.

 Noam Chomsky published a book "manufacturing consent". I think--who cares?--not so long ago. Now he wants to manufacture consent for big government and giant pharma companies by coercing people to get vaxxed by cutting off access to food. What a fraud.

I'm pretty sure a lot of the creatures, like Chomsky, who are on the public stage are script reading actors. They're empty shell footsoldiers in the army of Satan Incorporated. The dude is a non entity. Whoever the actor is, he probably has whatever random private thoughts and interests, and then his public personae is as fake as Greta Thunbergs. What a weird way to live that must be!

Wednesday, October 27, 2021

Good Critical Analysis of "Green" Economy Ideas

I don't know who the people are at the "Manhattan Institute", and everyone who works at  think tanks is pushing some angle for some typically unstated reason, so keep that in mind.

This article is interesting, though. It rubbishes a lot of "green" fantasies very quickly.

One good nugget:

Meanwhile, with batteries, it costs roughly $200 to store the energy equivalent to one barrel of oil.[22] Thus, instead of months, barely two hours of national electricity demand can be stored in the combined total of all the utility-scale batteries on the grid plus all the batteries in the 1 million electric cars that exist today in America.[23]

Tuesday, October 26, 2021

Five Minutes to Midnight

 The FDA approved the vaccines for kids... Gee! What a fucking shock.

Kids face a risk from covid that's on par with lightning strikes--or lower--maybe the chance of getting attacked by an alligator or something equally ridiculous.

They face a real risk of damage from the vaccine, like the mountain biker guy from a couple of posts ago. Absolutely nobody knows the long term damage from that shit.

In spite of that, many dumb women will march their kids to the doctor for a dose of that shit ASAP.

This is a pretty major escalation in the insanity--and the escalations will keep on coming until bullets are flying and all hell is broken loose. 

Monday, October 25, 2021


The shitty corporation I used to work for is now compelling its employees to get the vaxx or get fired, apparently. Unfortunately, I think quite a few people who didn't take the vaccines will believe it's necessary to take it to pay their bills.

I'm starting to think the "long term" side effects of the vaccines will start to show up in a couple of years, not 10,20 or some abstract point in the future. Neurological and auto-immune conditions are my guess for the prime problems in the rando buffet of side effects that are cropping up here and there.

It seems like the people who are running this operation ARE SHOWING YOU WHO IS PUSHING THIS SHIT so people can make a fully informed choice--many refuse to exercise their free will, though.

It seems like the NIH, for example, is run by psychos and retard boomer clowns that play guitars and sing their narcissistic parody songs because they have minions that clap along to feed their egos. The NIH funded studies to torture dogs and other animals--you think those malfunctioning robotic weirdos are even capable of giving two fucks about your health? How much has the human lifespan increased, or how much has health quality of life increased in recent decades in the wake of such bizarre ritualistic experimentation? Not much--if at all...

Bill Gates hung out with Jeffery Epstein--AFTER the dude was convicted of human trafficking. Gates is on record chuckling about mass murder.

Before you go sign up for a poke to keep getting funny money, realize who made the stuff in the poke. You don't have to do some deep analysis of stats or whatever to make a choice. It's basic bitch common sense.

Anyway, I think all of us are going to be lucky to make it through the next few years in one piece. The vaccines are an obvious booby trap. Its like the level one puzzle of a video game. Too many people fell for it, unfortunately, including people I know in my immediate circle.

The USA is an evil empire that is currently being dismantled. Be flexible. Get really simple and basic in your life. Look at the example of the collapsed USSR and read up on what worked there. It's coming for us too.

Friday, October 22, 2021

Permanent Delusion

If a person were going to purchase something like a car or a house, but they had perfect information about that item, they probably wouldn't buy it.

A new car depreciates an average of $13,000 the moment the ink is dry on the pile of papers people sign at a car dealership. Some cars are plagued with mechanical and other issues. Even an ideally reliable car like a Toyota or Honda will have several issues over its life. Some cars have very high operating expense. New diesel pickup trucks, for example, seem to be plagued with expensive problems. The latest generation of high compression engines, perhaps with single or twin turbo-chargers are probably going to suffer from reliability issues and repair expense will be astronomical. Also, many new cars are loaded with electronic sensors and wiring that will go bad: more $$$.

If a person could see the total cost of ownership up front, would they ink the paper? If they could see all the stress the car expense will cause them, etc... Would they put their future self in chains for 5-7 years of payments? Probably not.

Most of the time, people act in the present without any knowledge of future consequences. It's really not present in their mind at all--by design. Advertising drowns out those longer term views and replaces them with images of contented families and happy dogs.

The Pyramid System Sucks

 For thousands of years, human beings have toiled in the shadow of this or that pyramid. In some cases, there were literal pyramid buildings like in Egypt and other places around the world. In other cases, like in the USA, big hierarchical bureaucracies span the country in the form of governments, or corporations.

The pyramid really sucks because it wastes the lives of so many people and reduces them to slavery. Kind of dumb people who like to sit in meetings and hear themselves talk and who genuflect and stroke their way up the ranks set the agenda.

It's retarded. I don't think it's the outcome of a genetic plan in humans, I think it's really just endless centuries of bad training.

People should be raised to be independent from the system first, then introduced into a larger society as a peer, rather than as a subject or even as a "citizen".

Perverse System

There are engineers at corporations around the world who purposely build garbage products. They design components that will fail so the customer has to eventually go buy a new thing, like a new lawnmower for example.

The lawnmower is made in China or Asia by slave labor in a factory that faces minimal environmental regulations, so it pollutes air and water... There might be a commercial in the USA pretending that the company that imports the lawnmower "cares about the planet" or some similar nonsense. Perhaps they also post gay rights propaganda on twitter, too, so people think the company is "good".

Saturday, October 16, 2021

Not Just No: Hell, No

 I've randomly watched some mountain biking videos from this youtube channel: Ride MTB. It's a dude and a girl that go around the country and ride their bikes--some of the videos are how-to's about learning this or that bike skill like doing wheelies. They did a video about Ray's Indoor MTB Park in Cleveland, which is the first video I saw on their channel.

The Pfizer vaccine turned the guy into an invalid. I hope he recovers. Based on the comments to the video, it seems like similar radically bad side effects are not all that rare.

Covid harms some people, but so does the vaccine. I don't think there's adequate information out there to know what the risks really are, but an unknown-for-unknown trade is a bad one. Also, nobody--absolutely zero people know the long term side effects from the vaxxes. It boggles my mind so many people took them.

Thursday, October 14, 2021

Crumbling System and Natural Law

We're lucky to be alive right now. Since the current system in the US and the western world is crumbling, and Satan Incorporated wants to impose a new, even worse system, it's possible to look forward and backward and see both at once and say "no" to both.

Most of the time, people are kept in a sort of hypnotic delusion. They think the institutions and systems of finance and economics are permanent and based on nature, rather than the product of the whims of some inbred oligarch freaks. In this transition period, though we see right behind the curtain.

The old system could be called "the corporate consumer system". It is about 100 years old. About 5 generations have lived in this system. The ostensible free market was the basis for allocating resources, but that system was illusory for most of the time. The "market" is really completely owned by the financial system, especially for the last 20 years or so. It's a potemkin village, fraudulent thing.

The new thing is pure top down, cartel "business" control of everything. No more consumers. No more citizens. Just slaves and managers. It doesn't matter that central planning is a sure fire disaster. The cartels will plan the whole economy for their benefit. The slave will eat bug paste in a cement block like a typical communist pleb. The manager class will drive their Ladas/Teslas to their woodland Dacha for long weekends.

The corporate consumer system sucked, but this new thing would suck far worse. Nobody should stand for it.

When the whole system goes beserk like it is now, and when people go insane, like they are now, it really opens a door for a handful of people to escape through. For them, the current system loses all credibility and legitimacy... it puts them on the frontier.

They see things like the money in the current system as fraudulent and worthless. It's not a mere slogan, they actually feel the fraud in their bones. They look at the politicians and see them for the puppets and grifters that they are. They see their laws as equally fraudulent and worthless.

This group of people is truly free in the terrifying sense of being outside civilization, and its mass shared delusion, mass hypnosis. They're really out there like an animal in the woods.

And just like an animal in the woods, their number one job is to understand their place in this universe, and to reflect the natural order of the outside world on their inside world.

this is the way forward. 

Wednesday, October 13, 2021

"Green" Tech: Same ole, Same ole

California is attempting to "ban" the sale of new gasoline based power equipment (lawn mowers, chain saws, etc...) by 2024. The law that passed has provisions to keep moving the date back, by the way, so it seems unlikely that gas power equipment will really be banned.

There's currently no 1:1 replacement for gasoline or diesel tools and machines. There are electric tractors and electric lawn mowers and chain saws, but they're really not up to the task in many cases. The energy density of liquid fuels far surpasses that of batteries, of course, and the batteries have a suite of significant drawbacks. It's not very clear why the powers that be are obsessed by a switch to electric powered everything.

If we're running out of oil, which is totally plausible, it's extremely foolish to attempt to switch to electric everything. It will require more resources to change the entire industrial and energy infrastructure, than to attempt to conserve and switch to a more efficient overall economy. If we aren't running out of oil, then it's even more foolish of course. It's just an exercise in make work activity.

The sales pitch for electric vehicles back in the early 2000s was they'd be cheaper, last longer, and be easier to maintain... none of that really panned out. They're expensive and the battery is still a major weak link. Also, the manufacturers seem to be hell bent on extracting as much cash as possible from "owners" of the cars and are moving toward a software type relationship with customers with EULAs, monthly fees, and other similar nonsense.

It looks like "green" energy, batteries, cars, are just more of the same old same old rat race, hamster wheel debt based nonsense. There's nothing green about any of it--except the sales pitch. It's the same old people with the same old scams in a new PR spin. Fuck them. 

Tuesday, October 12, 2021

Are The Controllers Evil Geniuses or Totally Retarded?

Numerous jurisdictions around the world lack adequate grid capacity to mass charge electric vehicles, but governments and corporations are pushing them like crazy. There seems to be no corresponding push--at all--for additional grid capacity.

Consequently, some places are ushering in new regulations to prevent people from charging their vehicles all at once.

If we're really running out of petroleum, electric cars are stupid--it's a more resource intensive form of transportation than petroleum since we've already got the immense infrastructure for that. If we're not, they're also stupid for obvious reasons.

So here's the question--are governments and their puppet masters evil geniuses or are they just retarded?

I think it's the latter. There are undoubtedly clever people puppet mastering the corrupt scumbags in governments, but they're a really specific human type that's not overall useful for people as a whole, nor to anything else other than themselves.

The people can't imagine a bunch of retard conmen are bossing them around and making terrible plans, so they tend to think they're something special about Joe Biden or Bill Gates or whoever pulls their strings.

Monday, October 4, 2021

A Sudden "Energy Crisis"

All around the world there's an "energy crisis". China and various european counties are experiencing blackouts, lines at gas pumps, and similar signs of a struggling system...

Is there really a crisis though? It seems pretty staged.

So last year, and many years before we were consuming about the same amount of energy and resources as this year... but suddenly we "ran out" of coal, petroleum, etc... all at the same time? Seems implausible.

The shitty oligarch that is in control, seemingly of the world, wants a new totalitarian system that will "fix the crisises" that they keep manufacturing. The media is a key element of it of course. They keep dumb people hypnotized and afraid.

Anyway, it seems like the only way out, is to opt out of their shit systems--all of them--and build something in parallel from scratch.

Thursday, September 30, 2021

Healthcare Workers Refusing the Vaxx... Hmmm....

Nurses and other healthcare workers are losing jobs because they don't want to take the vaccine, especially in places like New York state... But supposedly, also, hospitals are overloaded with unvaxxed people right now who are dropping like flies due to covid. So the people who see that everyday are also deciding to leave their jobs instead of taking the potions... Hmm.... that's quite the riddle there.

One World Pyramid and Control Grid

I went to a talk in the mid 1990s held at a San Francisco bookstore, where an author was describing the coming egalitarian super free utopian technology world that'd be powered by the Internet. I don't remember the guy's name, but I asked him why anything would be different than any other time when a new technology came out.

The western world seems to be constantly plagued with Oligarchs and shitty governments. There's a lot of propaganda and lies to make it seem like we're really super free, but look around today--look at a shithole like Australia or New Zealand where they surrendered the most basic freedoms over a cold and flu blug.

The next obvious step in this charade is to roll out the one world electronic control grid. That's why there's the whole RealID thing, by the way. They want people to all be uniquely identifiable and registered in a database that's run by some gross piece of shit inbred freak oligarchs in central and eastern europe. Fuck them.

The electronic control grid is just a world wide concentration camp where the fence is around each individual.

It didn't take long to go from "internet freedom" to worldwide gulag run by scumbags like bankers.

Will humanity rally in the 11th hour and suddenly become a lot wiser? Maybe, who knows.

Wednesday, September 29, 2021

Pyramid, Tax Farm, Inbred Freaks

"Civilization" is really pretty vile. There's nominally utilitarian, useful and good aspects of it. People can work together to make their burden of surviving and thriving easier... but an inevitable byproduct of their cooperation is a massive parasite burrows into them and starts sucking away their time and energy. In recent centuries it's even coerced various stupid beliefs. In ancient times a fairly modest set of retarded beliefs were forced on people, like pretending a roman Emperor is a "god". In recent days, completely insane political beliefs of a tiny portion of the population are foisted on everyone else.

The pyramid system is a bad system--not only in its evil aspects, but in its perpetual dysfunction and waste. In recent years, for example, in the US all the productivity gains have gone into a handful of pockets. The wealth of the country has been strip mined via taxation and inflation. The people who stole the wealth didn't produce any of it.

The tax farm is part of the pyramid. It enables the government to engage in stupid and useless projects like wars. The United States has an 0-fer record in war since WWII, even though the country spends a huge portion of its GDP on the military. The "war" in Afghanistan failed pretty dramatically and cost trillions of dollars. It was an abject waste.

It seems like the pyramid system is run by a bunch of completely inbred freaks. It is hard to understand why normal people keep helping them out.


Tuesday, September 28, 2021

Project Veritas Video With Scumbags from J&J


Watch that video. Think about how scummy the two employees are. They're total trash.

Unfortunately, most people in the US are totally corrupt corporate whores with no balls and no backbone just like the two trash bucket dudes in this video.

The Natural Immunity Scam

The vaccine passport idea got scammed into existence by the whole CV-19 shitshow. Obviously it was one of the main objectives of the whole 2020 charade. Now you've got an "identity" cartel brewing in the background, as the shit vaccine cartel springs into existence in the foreground.

Allowing this passport system into our lives is a fatal move. These people need to be completely ousted and chased to the corners of the earth where they might hide. We're basically being herded into a cage that'll get smaller and smaller with each passing year.  

Monday, September 27, 2021

New York's Retard Governor

 New York State's current governor is a total retard. She seems to be even dumber than Cuomo.

New York has state-level mandates for vaccines for health care workers, so they're losing an unknown fraction of workers who refuse to take the juice. That's causing problems in their system, so the retarded governor--I think her name is Hochul?--is claiming they'll hire workers from either over seas or from elsewhere in the United States.

So why would anyone else in the US travel to NY state for the same job they already have? Is there any indication that there's a surplus of nurses anywhere in the USA?

There's not any way for the state of NY to import people from overseas to fill those positions as far as I know. NY is just a state after all.

So there's probably going to be a chronic shortage of workers in hospitals and other health care centers in NY state. Good job!

We're in for a few years of total institutional dysfunction from the most retarded liberal institutions. The white liberals will be demanding solutions to problems that they created. Parts of the USA will start to look like third world failed states--ironically they'll be the "media capitals" and "finance capital" type places too. Also the "tech" capitals: they'll morph into unliveable third world shitholes...

For a few years the extremely wealthy people in those city and state centers will enjoy something resembling their current lifestyle because they can just keep throwing money at the problem, but the overall system is now broken and falling apart. Pretty soon they won't even be able to get basic goods and services.

Saturday, September 18, 2021

What if Western Civilization is at Peak Power Production/Consumption?

An average healthy man can produce about 200 Watts (<1/3 of a horsepower) of mechanical power for a sustained period of time. Highly trained athletes can produce about twice that amount for a sustained period. The main limiting factor in the ability to produce power is the rate at which oxygen can be absorbed by the lungs and distributed through the body to working muscles. That's the so called "aerobic capacity".

It's pretty reasonable to assume that entire nations and economic systems have secret limits to their ability to produce power and energy, too. Right now, the western economy/energy system produces around 10 kWatt per person 24 hours a day all year round. It's possible that's an inherent limitation imposed by Earth's available resources and their distribution around the planet. Only so much energy can be delivered per second.

That might be the case even if new energy sources become available, e.g. nuclear fusion. Even if fusion power is someday feasible, it might have built in limitations such as the duty cycle of the reactor, or limits of materials to withstand heat or intense radiation. Similarly, the electric grid can only support so much power, and so on and so on.

The Vaccines Suck

The media seems to be flipping the official narrative about the vaccines. Initially the vaxxes were way over-hyped and sold very hard. However, they really seem to suck. They don't work very well and have potentially bad side effects. Reporters at mainstream outlets are still getting "covid" even though they hyped the vax and took it themselves. So now they are writing mealy mouthed "explain away" pieces in an attempt to paper over the obvious conclusion--the shit don't work brah.

It seems possible that the mass hysteria is fading at long last. People are still afraid, and some people are still completely hypnotized by all the propaganda, but an ever growing segment of the population around the world is realizing they got bamboozled.

Friday, September 17, 2021

Free States/Commie States

I've seen reports that hospitals in Nebraska are aggressively recruiting unvaccinated nurses. I think this particular example is going to be multiplied by the dozens as other businesses in free states, like Nebraska will be delighted to attract workers. At the same time, the businesses in the commie states will be shedding their most energetic and intelligent workers to mandates from inept commie politicians. The US is in for a major reshuffle.

The Commie states are going to end up like East Bloc nations. At first they'll appear wealthier, like today, because they are beneficiaries of the financial system and the federal government, which are giant parasites. If the free states can pry the fangs of the feds and the financial system out of their neck, they'll prosper, and the commies will suffer greatly. 

Wednesday, September 15, 2021

Why Do Priests Officiate Weddings?

I've seen articles that claim something like 56% of the catholic priesthood is homosexual. I think that's really strange and begs an explanation.

The functions of the church are actually pretty feminine if you think about it for a while. Officiating a wedding is a feminine job, for example.

It makes me wonder if the priesthood was once all female, then slowly got replaced over time with imitation women, basically.

Tuesday, September 14, 2021

Ghosts of Empires are Dangerous

 A nation or empire has two parts: the masculine part--physical infrastructure and the military and a feminine part--the priesthood and ideas. The US, for example has the goddess "Columbia" which is meant to represent the feminine part of the nation... the ideas, the spirit of the law, the culture and customs that glue America together.

When an Empire is destroyed, or a nation perishes, the priestly effeminate part often escapes. We just saw that with the collapse of the former eastern bloc countries. The spirit of communism escaped like a red fog that infected the west. When the british empire was dying it infected as money countries as it could with it's faggy spirit. The USA was hard hit by that too. When Rome died, it's ghost lingered on in the Catholic Church. When Byzantium died, it's ghost moved to Italy and started the Renaissance.

The priesthood is almost always a bunch of fags and pedos in almost every religion. They're imitation women. This is very weird and almost impossible to understand.

We see the commie priesthood attacking the spirit of America. They're really effective at conducting the covid propaganda too--mainly against women. The people who see that CV-19 is bullshit probably can't understand these priests at all. We can't even understand how this bullshit works.

The ghost of these dead entities is much worse than the nation or the empire they once inhabited.

Monday, September 13, 2021

Fuck Joe Biden

Whole stadiums (stadii) of people are chanting "Fuck Joe Biden" at football games and at MLB games. There's multiple videos on twitter and other platforms.

The government really sucks. In fact most corporate entities out there really suck. If they were stripped down to their core functions and were run by workmanlike people just trying to get things done, many of the trash institutions would be fine. They're not though. They're run by grifting parasite scumbags like Joe Biden, the Clintons, Obamas, or Bushes.

Sunday, September 12, 2021

Were They All Like Jussie Smollet?

Remember when Jussie (sp?) Smollet (sp?) pretended to be "lynched" by MAGA hat wearing white people in Chicago in winter at like 2AM? It was one of the most absurd false flag attempts ever. It seems like the guy is vaguely affiliated with the Obamas. Who knows if he was acting on orders or doing it himself. In any case, it was very obviously staged. Nobody believed him, and the police actually immediately investigated and exposed Smollet.

I think almost every national tragedy and calamity is some version of that. 9/11 certainly was. The Oklahoma City bombing almost certainly was. The list goes on and on.

Was it always as fake and obvious as Jussie Smollet? I am thinking it was. The difference is the people have finally caught on.

I was looking at some pictures of Obama, Bush, Bubba Bill and Biden at some 9/11 memorial ceremony. They epitomize the trashy, greedy evil of the US Empire: Satan Incorporated. They're all sort of dumb, incompetent trash. They can read a script. They can convince many people they're really important and "great", but other than that they're almost entirely useless.

"W" Bush was reading some script about "domestic terrorists"--which is anyone who disagrees with Satan Incorporated and who doesn't want to be a slave that eats bug paste so all the wealth in the world can be enjoyed by assholes like Bill Gates and Jeff Bezos. They're trying to paint that picture now.

Some portion of the population is hypnotized and believes the constant stream of lies from the federal government--maybe 20% of the people. However a very large block of people actually woke up.

The worst nightmare of some scumbag like Joe Biden is that people see through his act.... and now they have in very large numbers. People see through "W" and his act, Obama and Clinton too.

Friday, September 10, 2021

States are Standing up to the Feds

 Joe Biden is complete trash. His administration is a joke. He's the punchline on the end of the evil empire, probably by design.

Several governors are at least pretending to stand up to Biden's feckless "mandate" to coerce people to get the vaccination. The cocksucker is, as predicted many months ago, attempting to use corporate america to strong-arm employees to take the injections--whatever the fuck they are. The feds don't have any authority to mandate vaccines so joe is using OSHA regulations to try to accomplish the same thing... his people have admitted it in public, so it's probably not even going to happen.

So that's that. Well probably not.

Remember the fake WTC bombing in Bubba Bill's presidency? I think that was like 1993 or 96 or something. Some CIA actors "muslim terrorists" from central casting rolled a van filled with explosives into the basement of the WTC to try to bring it down. That was probably a dress rehearsal for 2001.

Anyway, why keep analyzing this shit?

The US is infected with Empire virus. Satan Incorporated was installed around 1947 and has been growing since then. All the most evil bullshit that the US has done since then is their handiwork. They lie. They're murderers. They push drugs. They feast on human degeneracy and weakness.

If we don't oust those people, they'll keep on killing people around the world, and now here at home. 

Thursday, September 9, 2021

Joe Biden: The Predictable Puppet Retard

So Joe is going to try to circumvent constitutional protections via administrative rules and employers. I don't even think it's going to work. There's actual money involved now, so some corporations that have executives that aren't fags might sue, now. They might win, too. 

Retard Joe Gonna End It All

It sounds like Joe Joe is going to do some calamitous shit today, like force employees to take vaccines at companies with more than 100 people. How many businesses will go along with it? I think a lot of the big publicly traded companies are going to suddenly shed like 20% of their work force... Every single one, so those people won't be replaceable from the general public. Womp womp.

The companies that comply should be fucked with extremely hard by freedom loving people.

Sic Semper Tyrannis.  

Satan Incorporated

I'm going to call the Wizard of Oz entity behind the curtains of the Western World "Satan Incorporated". Nobody really knows who the puppetmasters of some shithead like Trudeau or Boris Yeltsin Biden... theories abound: the Freemasons, the Illuminati, The Thirteen Families, the Jews, the Babylonians, etc... etc... Just lump them all into one organization--Satan Inc.

Satan Incorporated feeds on the badness of people--their incompetence, their degeneracy, their vices all feed this extradimensional entity. It's a reflection of all that collective badness and greed. If people were competent and good, there would be no Satan Inc. It'd be the size of a mom and pop corner store instead of a transnational corporation of corruption.

All the Fortune 500 companies are under it's umbrella. It really does seem to hate Christianity, which is quite interesting.