Sunday, April 12, 2020

A Letter to My Colleagues at Work

My blog posts are like screaming into the void. I think a handful of people read this thing regularly, but most of the people who end up here do so through random internet searches, then don't come back.

I am speaking out on the Covid-19 topic in real life, however. Here's a letter I'll distribute to my colleagues on Monday.

I think the extremely cautious response to Covid-19 in the United States, and in Ohio in particular, was wise based on the little information that was available a month ago. However, I'm now skeptical of media reports about the severity of this disease and am skeptical of the response of governments to this disease. I am very alarmed at proposals like "immunology certificates".

I think there are many people who have similar concerns, so I'm sharing this with you. Please speak up if you are also a skeptic, or if you think the information you have from your sources is better, or more complete than what I will provide below. I have become habitually skeptical of the media and government officials. However, I try to be neutral and accept facts that contradict my skepticism, so if you believe I'm wrong, I am eager to hear your opinion.

It's not just a moral imperative to speak up. It's also pragmatic. A free society simply works better than an authoritarian society, even in a pandemic. Fear tends to shut down discussion and debate precisely when it is needed the most. Top down central planning is evil because it strips freedom of choice and has failed repeatedly with disastrous, deadly results. Also, central planning and authoritarianism just don't work as  well as freedom.

An informed citizenry, making millions of choices and decisions and taking risks that they deem appropriate based on the information right in front of them are far superior at managing the affairs of a nation than is a handful of bureaucrats in a national capital.

In my opinion, the public is being sold on the idea that there are only technocratic solutions available for this particular flu. There are many contradictory opinions offered by credentialed experts on this topic. In fact, the government of Sweden opted to not close its economy and encouraged herd immunity in response to Covid-19--which many experts believe is the only viable solution to this "crisis". The Swedish government data shows the curve is "flattening" there as well.

However, that approach and perspective is not promoted by the media, nor by billionaires like Bill Gates, who donated $320M to the WHO. Gates is the benefactor, if not the boss of key people who are the public faces of the "Coronavirus Task Force". Weirdly, Bill Gates also met with Jeffrey Epstein, even after he was convicted, which is extremely strange.

I won't bore anyone with the hundreds of sources and expert opinions that contradict the story we hear from the media on Covid-19, but here is a summary for those who care to investigate. The summary includes dozens, maybe hundreds of citations and points-of-view that oppose the decisions of many governments around the world.

I fear budding government authoritarianism much more than I fear getting this flu strain. I also am concerned that corporations will be exploited by authoritarians to circumvent the US constitution to force citizens to accept extraordinary measures to gain or retain employment, or to even gain access to day-to-day commercial activity. Accepting a system of vaccination or "proof" of immunity is a novel and truly bizarre solution to illness.

It looks like it's an attempt to monopolize our immune system, the same way GMO foods were an attempt to gain a monopoly over food production. Humans and animals and even plants have endured fungi, viruses, and bacteria for eons with no such management. It's quite plausible that a "scientifically" managed immune response will have unintended consequences. Humans do not seem capable of appreciating, or managing the harsh subtlety of nature.

I think it's a good time to remind people that they are free by nature, not by the decree of the government or by the US constitution. The most important thing you possess is your free choice. If any corporation tries to compel you to action, you can just walk away if you choose. It is much more difficult to defy a government, but sometimes it is necessary.

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