Sunday, April 5, 2020

When PR Bullshit Can't Work: Uncle Warren Buffet versus Bill Gates and Soros

Warren Buffet gets trotted out on CNBC every few weeks or months to have an "honest and forthright" conversation and offer homey tips about "investing" in the markets and to spin yarns about his frugal, homey ways. He does a better job of selling his image than other billionaire people like Soros, or Bill Gates, who many people, like me, instinctively dislike.

It's actually pretty interesting to see the inner workings of the globalist machine exposed. Gates left his corporate muckety-muck positions to go promote the crazy globo-homo plan to the masses via TV appearances and even low-grade youtuber channel interviews.

It's a good question if any of those guys are really Billionaire masters of the world, or if they're just employees with about as much freedom as the family in the "Ozarks" show and are just more bricks in a pyramid of psychopaths and killers.

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