Tuesday, April 7, 2020

Did The Bill Gates Faction Launch Plandemic-66 Because Epstein Was Whacked?

Jeffrey Epstein makes no sense. He's a billionaire for no apparent reason. He was appointed to a position teaching Physics at a private boarding school, I think for girls, by the current Attorney General's father when he had no credentials. He was jailed for keeping white girl sex slaves. After that Bill Gates met with him. Then of course he was whacked in jail, or spirited away just recently.

I think all these "billionaires" are merely agents and employees of the invisible Empire. Jeff Epstein was basically the pimp for all these people. They're "wealthy" in the sense that a CEO of a business is wealthy, but his whole life is consumed by his job. They have no actual freedom or opinions of their own. They're basically stuck in the same gilded cage as the teenage girls Jeff Epstein was pimping out to weird old dudes like Matt Groenig.

It seems pretty likely they were planning out this coronavirus scam for many years, and it's quite possible Jeffrey Epstein was involved in planning the scheme. So maybe when he got whacked, it's an indication that their plan was in jeopardy, so they actually had to pull the trigger.

It's also possible that these people are associated with governments, like China, and maybe have some kind of deal with them. It's not a surprise that the social credit system that was unveiled there first is now vaguely affiliated with Bill Gates' plan to track and monitor people with the deadly 'rona--whatever  that actually is.

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