Sunday, April 5, 2020

The Globalist Wars

This Covid-19 "lockdown" thing is at the very minimum a large scale psychological warfare campaign, and quite possibly biological warfare. It's a little too obviously a "problem/reaction/solution" manipulation of masses of people to accept a system that replaces "citizenship" with minionship. Bill Gates is running around selling the idea that people will need a digital certificate of immunity to Covid-19 to get back to work... so this particular disease is such a problem, unlike smallpox, mono, the measles, etc... etc... that it requires this new "system" that's conveniently ready to go? (and probably runs on piece-of-shit Windows, lol, JFC)

I think, quite unfortunately, we're in for a war. I'm not going to accept this. Millions of other people won't accept it either. It looks like this might be enough to snap people out of their torpor, finally.

As I wrote in many other posts, it's really not sufficient, though, to just fight back. The main thing that's really needed is an alternative direction and way of thinking. The Bill Gates faction have been constructing their electronic commie gulag for decades. Freedom has slowly been slipping away and eroding in the United States and the rest of the western world for a long time amid a haze of decadence and garbage pop culture. It looks like this era is coming to a rapid end.

Back in the 80's when the movie Red Dawn came out it was absurd and ridiculous at the time. The Soviets and their allies staged a military invasion of the vast USA. The reality is, they invaded through New York city, through the banks, and through corporations and universities. Now they're really trying to put everyone in a vast gulag.

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