Tuesday, April 7, 2020

Past the Propaganda Peak?

I spend an unfortunately large amount of time, lately, scrolling through comments sections on YouTube and BitChute videos to get a feel for the "public" sentiment on various 'rona stories, or to see the reaction of normies to various scenarios.

I think we're basically under siege by a propaganda, and maybe chemical or biological war waged by the globalists on the whole world population. The propaganda war is by far the largest component. It manipulates public opinion and also drives government action and reaction via public opinion and control of information given to governments.

It took a while to really get a bead on what is going on. The globalist propaganda machine had the advantage of initiative and surprise, however, I think that's waning already. Based on a review of reactions to mainstream stories and the MSM squared (youtube news reader posts), it looks like a decent chunk of the population is skeptical of the official story and the "lockdown". It looks like many, many people are overtly rejecting fear porn, obvious propaganda, like the claims that NYC is going to bury people in makeshift cemeteries in parks--that's an obvious lie.

Some of that skepticism is based on hope, rather than information. I don't think anyone really knows what Covid-19 really is, or why certain people are dying or experiencing severe symptoms. There's some skepticism among credentialed experts about the isolation and identification of the virus. There's various opinions about the cause of the severe symptoms and bad outcomes in individual cases. There's a broadly held opinion that the disease is generally not severe in most cases for healthy individuals.

Now, the pattern of "problem/reaction/solution" is really obvious, too. So it throws the whole narrative of a "pandemic disease" into question. It looks to be part of an obvious plan---it's almost too obvious. Normies don't know about "Event 201", but millions of people do. Globohomo might just keep discounting the Internet. It's basically the immune system to propaganda. (See "What Happens When Propaganda Doesn't Work") It's possible they just don't believe their propaganda machine is broken now. Bill Gates famously discounted the importance of the Internet.

So the next phase of this mess will be interesting to participate in and to fight out. My guess is we'll stay at the level of information warfare and retarded propaganda from Bill Gates. We might also see--I think there's a really good chance of this--random vigilante violence against people like Bill Gates and his cronies and billionaires. They're a fairly obvious threat and 5th column. We're in a situation, presently, that's very much like the installation of the Federal Reserve system. A manufactured crisis, coupled with a canned, preplanned "solution" that will basically bring entire nations under the rule of an invisible bureaucratic Empire via the flu.

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