Wednesday, April 8, 2020

How to Rally the United States

Since the end of WW2, the west lost any coherent sense of purpose and has become a philosophical hodgepodge, and a bunch of amnesiacs. We lost touch with our roots and our history. Now, the ideals we took for granted, and barely thought about are severely threatened.

In the United States we can rally around a common heritage, even though we're a disparate, heterogeneous society.

The principles of Jeffersonian Democracy are still the skeleton of American life, and the founding of the United States is our common heritage. The idea of man versus Empire for the sake of freedom is enduring.

This ties into Christianity as well. Christians fundamentally believe in redemption and in the salvation of the fallen world by the intervention of God. The notion that man is a sinner and can be redeemed, and is worthy of redemption depends on free will and choice. Man is not saved by the state, nor by compulsion. He is saved by knowledge and choice.

The United States is no longer a Christian nation, however, nor was it ever really officially a Christian nation. The ideals of the founding of the US are really basically fundamentally human rather than tied to any particular ethnic or religious group, even though the statements in the declaration of Independence, are basically statements of faith and Natural Law and Nature's God.

A very big effort needs to be made to rally the people of the United States for the sake of freedom and liberty.

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