Wednesday, April 15, 2020

Preparing People to Make a Bad Choice

I think, unfortunately, in a few months the government and corporations will basically try to force people to take a vaccination and to enroll in various 4th amendment shredding programs. Many people will see that loss of sovereignty as no big deal. They'll get the shot and hope to go back to normal life. In reality, they'll be going into an electronic gulag.

However, millions of people won't do it. Based on the people I've talked to personally, it's probably more than 10% of the overall working population. It might be higher.

I think the ultimate purpose of the Covid-19 hoax might be to rip the United States apart. It will probably work too.

We might be able to buy some time and avoid that split with enough political pressure to reject the e-gulag. It'd keep the system going a little longer. However, the United States has been subverted by an oligarchy who has goals that aren't aligned with the nation. Unless that oligarchy is tossed out of power, they'll keep pushing their agenda. The entry of the US into the war in Syria is the best example. They had one failed attempt for all out war there, but then trickled in troops and equipment anyway.

While we're working away at our jobs and businesses, they have all the time and resources at their disposal to promote their agenda. We're in a war that's turned a little hot. It's still mainly a propaganda war, but it might become more violent or the next wave of illness might be from a biological or chemical weapon. These people also have the ability to cause crop failures. (DARPA program that uses GMO insects to attack crops)

It's probably wise to continue prepping and stockpile food and other essential supplies more seriously. We still have it pretty good.

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