Tuesday, April 21, 2020

Hatred of Natural Law and Nature Itself

Unfortunately, many decades ago whatever was left of the United States government was completely subsumed by a global oligarchy. After 2001, they really started ramping up their official activities via the PATRIOT act, and now they're really in everyone's face with at the minimum, a propaganda war. I don't believe Trump is a real President who represents American Nationalists. He's a puppet. He's basically a Trojan Horse front man who's helping to install the new system they've got cooked up for the world.

If you don't "believe" in conspiracy theories, you will have a hard time explaining the Microsoft Patent for CRYPTOCURRENCY SYSTEM USING BODY ACTIVITY DATA world patent office number WO / 2020/060606. Of course it's not some random chance that patent application is number 2020 666. It's an announcement.

Here's what I think is happening.

The philosophical and religious belief of these oligarchs is that the world and nature are fundamentally flawed and evil. Nature requires management to be "good". The management isn't by "humans" in their mind, it's by a cosmic principle that they discover through their "systems". They have an authoritarian, top down organization and an associated philosophical and religious belief.

Now, they're going to drag every single person--every single animal and plant into their system. I think this is basically what's depicted in shows like the X-Files (black goo) and the Expanse.

The concept of Natural Law, which is the foundation of the actual United States is alien to those people, who are really servants of some alien force, at least in their own beliefs. I think this whole thing is depicted in the novel Childhood's End. There's a TV series about that. Anyway, at the end, after the old world is destroyed, one of the main characters gets to take a trip to see the "cosmic mind" that the satan type characters worship.

Anyway, if you love freedom more than slavery, you're going to end up fighting tooth and nail for the next several years. It's the free people of the world versus the oligarchy and their gods. They're already waging war on you.

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