Thursday, August 29, 2019

Selling A Toy Model of Reality

A speech by Tucker Carlson from 2018 has been making the rounds on the alt-media lately. The speech is a really good analysis of why Trump won in 2016. The whole speech is worth watching, but if you're pressed for time, the last few minutes make the most salient point, I think.

Today, there's an underlying orthodoxy in completely different fields of endeavor. For example, there's an official comedy, an official approach to sportsball, an official approach to sitting in an office and working on a computer, etc... The list goes on and on. The same thing happened just prior to the Reformation. There was an official way to be a blacksmith, a poet, a laundress, etc... Back then in western Europe the official way was the Catholic Church way, which happened to be a big, super corrupt business by then, and the official ways were really the ways that tied people into a patronage network.

The official way today is basically the inversion of the Catholic Church and its model of reality in the Reformation era. A disparate group of people are constantly proselytizing this toy model. Bill Nye, for example, who's just some rando dude with no credentials is like a priest of this system. They roll him out to talk about geology, physics, the science of butt pumping, trannies, or whatever. He's an official spokesman of whatever this current thing is. There are dozens more rich and famous people that just sell this model of reality--Satanism?--basically every celebrity does. The entire popular media, and almost every word printed by a publisher bolsters it.

As Carlson points out, the current model is breaking down, and the people in its patronage network are freaking out. Their hair is on fire.

The enlightenment really illustrates the weakness with the problem of living in a "toy model" consciousness. People went from one Matrix into another Matrix. Fulfilling the roles that are prescribed by a toy model isn't being human. A random Amish lady is much more human than Bill Nye.

Wednesday, August 28, 2019

Left and Right Brain Peoples

Anti Commie Propaganda Poster from Norway
The corporation I work for has been remarkably free from the SJW bullshit other US corporations foist on their employees. The first dribble of it leaked in this year. I think most people just shrug it off as more corporate nonsense, but in the politically charged atmosphere of the United States today, I think it's more irritating than it otherwise would be.

I think there's really a fundamental difference in how different peoples perceive the world, possibly due to genetic and brain structure differences. A common trope today is the northern european peoples are "high trust societies" due to centuries of battling cold weather.

My pet theory is some groups assess the world more with their right brain or left brain. There's a great book about art that delves into this topic: "Drawing on the Right Side of the Brain". The author theorized that people often lose the ability to draw as they age because their consciousness steadily shifts into a symbolic mode of representation.

If you practice drawing, you discipline your brain to be able to shift into another mode of consciousness which just "sees". That integrating, visual mode of consciousness is different than endless word salad analyzing and rule making.

If you're a person with a genetic disposition to operate more in the whole-truth, right brain mode  of thinking, then the word-salad rule making mode of consciousness seems shallow and stupid. You really can't take those people seriously because they have no access to the truth as you see it, and vice versa.

Is There A Virtuous Man in Babylon?

One of the goals the Amish community strives for is to keep as many people working in farming as possible. Working the land keeps people connected to the natural order in a way that completely surpasses dogma or discussion. This year, for example, when I harvested the first ripe strawberries from our garden, I felt that order, and felt my place in that order in a way that transcends words.

I didn't grow the strawberry, the plant and the soil fungi, bacteria, the endless cycle of years that produced the topsoil did. Adopting an egotistical or narcissistic demeanor is much less likely with regular exposure to those lessons. Those lessons really don't gain by being transformed into words or intellectualized talk.

If the United States were organized for families to be virtuous, that is, to instill virtue in their children, it would look a lot more like an Amish community than it does today. The 'burbs are really interesting from that perspective. The people in the suburbs are stuck with city office jobs, but don't want to live in cities. However, the 'burbs have the problem of being neither urban, nor rural.

Tuesday, August 27, 2019

Why Does Glitz and Glamour Work?

Just because you were born in Babylon, doesn't mean you have to die in Babylon.

As I get older, and take a look at the pop culture of today, especially the pop music, I can't help wonder how "it" works. As a kid, I was immersed in corporate produced, mass produced culture. Even though we spent lots of time running around outside back then, and I spent a lot of time reading books, the TV culture was still really important.

Today, for example, women buy and drive around in Jeeps, which are an impractical form of transportation for urban/suburbanites. I think it's plausible they buy them because Daisy Duke on the trashy Dukes of Hazzard drove one back in the 70s.

The "stars" and "glitz and glamour" life ends up being a dream life for little boys and girls somehow. The reality of the Hollywood life, however, seems to be the inverse of that dream. The "stars" are just employees in a gross corporate enterprise that uses them up and exploits their most banal and fleeting characteristics.

What's "glitz and glamour"?  Glitz is some old German via Yiddish word, probably, for star shine. Glamour is from a word that is associated with magic spells, which is pretty interesting.

The sort of formless desire to make and build a family and life that children have can be exploited for banal purposes by directing it at the images and idols that externalize their sexuality. I don't think many parents can even explain or comprehend why it's bad to expose their children to those images, even though they might feel shame and wrong about it. Externalized sexuality is a little like a coil spring that popped out of a mechanism. Other appetites that are externalized, even just hunger that's externalized as candy and sweets, is similar. The truth of that appetite and its real purpose is broken.

The practice of "virtue" is really an attempt to keep a person whole and fully powered up through their life. By externalizing the objects of virtue via images and the psychological tricks of Hollywood and other propaganda, it breaks people up and makes them partial and weaker. It's really a form of "grooming" for exploitation.

The people who are really important and heroic are basically anonymous--the good moms and dads, farmers, productive people, etc... The people on pedestals, or who are on TV all the time, or who are idolized are often trash and frauds.

Monday, August 26, 2019


I've been reading some china trade war stories lately. There's a lot of doom porn coming out of the corporate media. The neoliberal system, which is only enjoyed and admired by the tiny cadre of executives in western corporations, is directly threatened by a cessation of the make-it-in-asia-ship-it-to-America model. This system is retarded. People trade their precious time away for funny money to acquire knock-off luxury goods made of plastic and wood byproducts by child/slave labor. The retards in China pollute their air, water, and soil to acquire US debt money.

The dollar store filler, poison dog food and fentanyl is shipped to the US in boats that emit as much pollution as the entire american car fleet. At the same time, this form of commerce pumps up a supposed super power rival on the world stage. It would only make sense to an inbred psychopath.

Trump might actually play his hand out all the way. I think he's a member of a different group of oligarchs than the people who back the scumbag Clintons. Peter Thiel (sp?), for example, was recently railing against Google as a company of traitors who work with China. He's one of the Trump coalition, as far as I can tell. If Trump does play his hand all the way, there is likely to be a recession as the trade system restructures.

Things in the United States could get really interesting if this happens. I can't really imagine how it all plays out though. The hyperbolic nonsense in the corporate media is reaching screeching, more manic than Alex Jones on crack levels. It's hard to guess what that actually represents, though.

Sunday, August 25, 2019

Madonna: A Portal to Hell

The now geriatric pop "star" Madonna epitomizes the trans-human agenda. Rather than grow and mature and move onto new endeavors as age takes its toll on her body, she attempts to maintain a simulacra of youth through medical means. The attempt to work around physicality for the sake of "freedom" from natural necessity puts a person's focus on external and superficial characteristics.

The attempt of a transexual to "free" himself from his gender is a really similar exercise in futility and superficiality and banal materialism. Aging athletes who take drugs to cling to glory are similar. They all live in Orc World.

One of the purposes of the Internet in the grand scheme of things is it's an Apocalypse machine, that is, it reveals the truth of this world of lies. It's more and more obvious each day that the Empire is literally in a comic book caricature sense Satanic. We're really getting a clear personal choice between the natural order and the upside down world.

A Nice Story

For the past few days, a little lost or abandoned dog was spotted several times hanging out in the large park that's adjacent to our property. We saw him in the park while we were there hiking, and tried to pick him up but he ran off. Several other people tried as well. My wife found people on Facebook posting about the dog and telling the same story.

Finally, a woman from the adjacent county--really pretty far away--saw the posts and went and caught the dog in a cage and took care of it. She spent most of her Saturday on that project. I was impressed that she just went and did it and was competent at the task. She baited the dog with stinky food--tuna fish and cat food--and caught him in a trap you'd use to catch skunks or raccoons. Now he has a chance to be reunited with his family if he was lost, or more likely to be adopted and cared for.

Saturday, August 24, 2019

Tim Pool: The Man Who Cornered the Alt Media/Normie World Frontier Market

I watched Tim Pool's YouTube channels for a couple of years, but in recent months I got tired of the culture war and current events, Trump-story-of-the-day stuff, and stopped paying attention. Pool is an interesting character. He's on the frontier of the media/alt-media, and seems to be very careful about going too far out of the sphere of normie world.

I happened to watch his reporting about a trannie who attacked people with an axe (it's on video... no link provided because it's very fucked up) and that made me see how Pool cornered a particular market of the alt-media. He basically reports on the insanity of the collapsing Empire every single day, but refuses to believe there's any larger pattern driving individual events. Almost every video he makes is, "wow look at this insanity... here's how it's actually normal and no big deal"

An axe wielding trannie hacking random people is a nonsense, no-pattern event in itself. It's such a random act done by a person who doesn't even really represent the an insignificantly small group of people. However, the culture of upside insane beliefs imposed on large populations of people to boost an industry (pharma and medical) that preys on deranged people is a pattern that should be pointed out. Pool's reporting is basically the negative space image of that actual pattern. He refuses to name it or point it out.

Financial System Doom Porn

I noticed the price of gold was moving up again after a long dead spell, so I read some financial news for the first time in many months. I will be happy to unload my precious metals for some actually valuable things if the trend continues. I won't buy gold, silver, or crypto currency again. Instead I'd buy productive assets or more useful commodities like green coffee beans. (See the "Build Your Ark" post)

The mainstream media reads like ZeroHedge these days since the corporate media would prefer to elect a Bolshevik versus whatever Trump is supposed to be, so they've adopted the Doom Porn style for financial reporting. I do think it's correct, basically. The current system is done, and the "they" want to replace the USD with something else. When the British Empire kicked the bucket, and the Pound was replaced as a reserve currency it was devalued by 2/3 over the span of a few years. The USD will probably face a similar fate but when that's going to happen is anyone's guess.

I do think it's pretty likely that the markets will crash severely like the dot com bubble or the housing bubble because they always do. It's also pretty likely there are corporate crimes and financial fraud going on because it always is. Your fate is not enmeshed in this crappy fraud ridden system borne of multi-generational inbred psychopaths. I'm guessing there might even be a severe recession or depression relatively soon.

I'm still pretty heavily mired in the beast system, but I've managed to get a foothold and am working to climb my way out. Ostensibly an economic depression would impair my plans, but maybe not. If all the funny money going into funding makework corporate activities went away, people might actually do useful things, or try to live a more virtuous life. Many people remembered the great depression, for example, as a time of family and friends even though it was a struggle.

Friday, August 23, 2019

Bolshevism Used to Be Regarded as Totally Jewish

I had a really good high school history teacher who wasn't afraid to delve into the darker corners of world history. He pointed out, for example, that Wall Street bankers funded the communist revolution. I don't think anyone in that 1980's class room was able to process the seeming contradiction of "capitalists" funding a bunch of commies. He also, if I remember, covered the Business Plot, WW2 internment camps, and pointed out that Prescott Bush helped fund the Nazis. All that said, the orthodoxy of the history curriculum prevailed 99% of the time.

The high school history curriculum is a pretty interesting concept. It's basically the interpretation of facts that helps to legitimize, or more likely hide the illegitimacy of "the establishment". The Establishment of any era is basically a gang of thugs who run various protection rackets and con games.

One of the interesting edits of the history imposed by the high school curriculum was to elide the ethnic component of Communism. In older history books and political commentary, pre WW2 mainly, Bolshevism was regarded as an ethnic Jewish undertaking. By the cold war and the 1980s era, that concept was completely edited out. I don't know how or why that happened--that'd be a very interesting story itself. There are a slew of recent articles and a wikipedia entry attacking that concept as "anti-jew".

The horror show of communism really had no precedent and was anathema to core western values and plays havoc with the victim olympics basis for rhetorical grandstanding about racism.
Soviet Man? Nope.
The most interesting, and most troubling thing going on in politics in the United States today is the steady transformation of the Democrats into the Bolsheviks. (The GOP is just tied into another group of Jews. It's really a ridiculous situation driven by the media and banking. politicians are just whores, so it's no surprise that the banking system sets the political agenda.)

Anyway, the Democrats adoption of communist rhetoric and ideology, and the corresponding demonization of "white people" as a substitute for "bourgeois" of prior homogeneous white country divide and conquer schemes is pretty worrying even though it's ham fisted and weird. It's insane to see the whiter than a bed sheet candidates of the Democrat party hate on their own people as they chase after power and money.

It's a much healthier and productive strategy to have verbal conflict, and call out the insanity and hypocrisy of media and politicians and appeal to justice and truth rather than join sides. The attempt to divide the country between the white majority and little ethnic enclaves in cities is reckless in the extreme. There's steadily growing contempt for the corrupt, infiltrated institutions of the United States. I don't think it would boil over into violence 1930s Germany or 1890s Russia style, but it might if economic times were harder or if certain boundaries are transgressed.

Thursday, August 22, 2019

The Boer War Was a Jew War

I remember learning about the Boer War in high school. We breezed over the subject in a day or two--probably as part of British Empire history. We didn't learn, though, that it was in service of Jewish interests at all. That's been completely whitewashed from history. Here's a link to Hillaire Belloc's book that covers that subject over a few paragraphs.

Such a state of affairs could not last. It was not natural. It was not consonant with hidden but deep popular tradition or with popular appetites; it corresponded only to the mood of one European community in its wealthier classes. A divergence[Pg 227] between the cosmopolitan financial interests of the Jew and the particular national interests of Britain was bound to come. War on a large scale, though it did not imperil the country itself, was a warning of change. It appeared with the South African campaign before the end of the century. The position of the Jew was altered. Some dissatisfaction with his power began to stir. It was already muttering and beginning to show itself with the rise of commercial and maritime competition in the new German Empire which, in its turn, had become led, upon all its commercial side, by Jews. There was bound, I say, to be a reaction and a permanent one. While it was yet taking place, in the heat of the Great War, before it had reached the official world, that one of the English politicians who was best fitted to speak for the Jews, who was most intimate with them through manifold ties of friendship and hospitality, Mr. Arthur Balfour, was chosen to make the famous pronouncement in favour of Zionism. It came within a month of the great crisis of the war. Its object was to divide the general influence of the Jews throughout the world, which had hitherto been upon the whole opposed to the cause of the Allies, because, like every other neutral, the Jews were more and more convinced, as the campaigns dragged on, that the Central Empires were certain of victory.

Saturday, August 17, 2019

Best Effort versus Infallibility

The Amish have the antidote to empire. They've been exemplary at resisting the cultural onslaught of the mass media, the financial system, and the federal government. It's actually quite remarkable. Everyone else got sucked into the sewer of modernity and gave up just about everything in exchange for fake money.

The system of governance the Amish use for their church is probably part of the reason for their success in that regard. They have 1800 bishops that lead local congregations. The local groups are relatively free to adapt their practices, as far as I understand it, but the bishops tend toward tradition rather than change their ways.

The system of distributed decision making and incremental change is really a bulwark against infiltration and deception by predatory satanic institutions like the banks and the media. Institutions like the Catholic church, or the US government that have a pyramid-like hierarchy and pretense of "infallibility" are way easier to infiltrate and corrupt.

Another important aspect of the Amish life versus the typical American's life is they have an actual multi-generational community who lives in a given area. Everyone else in the United States moves all over, consequently they keep losing their support network, and keep leaving other people's support networks. There's really no chance of organizing anything in many communities. Corporations, on the other hand are stable by comparison.

The Internet might be an antidote to that atomizing aspect of career-chasing in the United States. (probably not really)

Friday, August 16, 2019

The US Gradually Became Evil

It recently dawned on me that Hugh Hefner is basically the same character as Jeffrey Epstein or Keith Raniere (the guy who ran the nexium sex slave cult). There are many TV shows and documentaries that praise Hefner, so if you happened to see one of those as a child, and didn't hear anyone say anything contrary, you'd grow up to think he's a laudable, decent guy instead of a weirdo scumbag that preyed on women.

The vice trades were illegal or heavily regulated for many years of US history. They're pernicious and have built-in positive feedback mechanisms. As they go mainstream, their negative consequences feed their future growth.

The puritanism of the United States was pretty stale and dogmatic by the post WW2 era, though. Religious dogma is not enough to forestall infiltration by an underworld of vice peddlers. Once a religion is reduced to a pile of laws, it's easy to pick apart and destroy, and the churches and soccer mom types of any era help to discredit merely legalistic morality.

Another pernicious aspect of the vice trades is they work like a ratchet. As the society gets more debauched, nobody is left to lead people out of the slime. Everyone watches porn, so anyone who would speak out against it looks like a hypocrite. Unfortunately, the average person is too dumb to hear any nuanced argument like, "I watched porn, but I think it's bad now, so I don't".

Countries that have harsh laws against vice aren't necessarily good, either. Saudi Arabia, for example, has extremely harsh vice laws, but is ruled by a totally debauched group of twisted freaks. In fact, the such laws, like Prohibition in the USA, help the vice industry. They're generally like a license to operate in a given jurisdiction as organized crime.

The distributed Internet consensus machine could work as an antidote to the vice industry more effectively than blue laws or churches.

Thursday, August 15, 2019

The Stank of Doom

It seems pretty likely that the shitty "western" financial system is going to read *tilt* again in the next few days/months. The financial journalist drama terms like "crash" don't really represent what happens when the perpetually insolvent debt system goes into a panic. Actually, I don't think there's any really good way to explain it--one day everyone is numb to the fact that all the broke ass debt swamped companies and institutions can't ever be solvent, then the next day some of them go bankrupt which causes people to freak out.

One of my friends thinks the system is limited by resources, namely oil, and we're running out of oil that has a positive ROEI, and the system's controllers know that so conflict between nations is inevitable. We're seeing that play out in the conflict between Iran and Saudi. It looks like the Saudis can't even win the proxy war in Yemen, which is right next door, even with the backing of the US and other western nations.

Another more intractable, more messy conflict is between China and the US over "trade". Supposedly China is a "rival" but US corporations prop it up and want access to its markets, which depend almost entirely on selling stuff to western countries. China is supposedly a rival for energy... to fuel its economy that western countries depend on.

US politicians like the Clintons and many globalist republicans sold out the nation (really the families who live in the United States) several decades ago and shipped manufacturing overseas to please corporate/banker world. The US restructured its economy to depend on goods made abroad, really for no reason. It restructured its culture to breed corporate wage slaves. It's really shameful. China sold out its population trashed its water and land for the same people. Its culture had already been all but annihilated by filthy communism which is really just another version of corporatism. (It's really that corporate/accountant consciousness that's the problem with both systems)

It's hard to imagine the consequences of a war on Iran by the "west". The prospect of such a war is extremely unpopular. Sure there is a portion of the population in the US that would support such a war--the boomer GOP partisans and the neocon jews, for example, would. However, those might be the only two groups. Other groups will be very hostile. The federal government will lose whatever tiny shred of credibility it has with them. The system will also.

Iraq and Afghanistan are an open ended occupation to serve corporate interests; neither of those wars was "won" or is winnable. A war in Iran would be devastating to the Iranian people. It would also destroy the US military, and the US would actually lose. The other super powers wouldn't get involved directly, but would supply Iran and aim to "bankrupt" the US economy and wreck US military assets. The super expensive high tech gee whiz war that the Saudis are waging in Yemen shows how it would play out. The US would expend a mountain of resources on blowing shit up. In the process several aircraft will be shot down and ships would be lost, then the financial system would run amok.

For months, I've been skeptical that a war on Iran will take place. However, it looks like the inbred psychopaths in DC and NYC are preparing the war propaganda machine, maybe to perpetrate a false flag. Fox News, for example, seems to have fired anti-war Tucker Carlson, even though he's their #1 host, and might replace him with some violent ewok neocon, which makes me think they're going to shift into full-on war propaganda mode to whip up the retarded boomers who still watch that shit, and who would still believe a false flag.

Everyone else will be wary and skeptical of any bullshit the neocons try to sell. I won't be surprised if some of the media neocons face retribution. Anyway, I think things are primed to go haywire in the United States.

Tuesday, August 13, 2019

Sons of Cain and Rebellion

The western philosophical tradition is pretty fucked up. The basis of the whole thing is, I believe, is catastrophic loss. The civilization is plagued by the ghosts of lost worlds. The Garden of Eden story is one example, the Flood story is another one, and Atlantis is maybe the pre-eminent loss story, Rome is lost, the library of Alexandria is lost, etc... The ruins of Rome and Egypt and Ancient Greece are like the broken teeth of old hag zombie civilizations.

The current iteration of our civilization--the Enlightenment world--is like a nonstop attempt by a troupe of thieves picking at the lock of God to resurrect an eternal version of one of those prior insane,  degraded, and ruined civilizations.

Some people earnestly believe, for example, that eventually we'll be able to upload their consciousness (wouldn't it be cloning it at best?) into a computer. That's nonsense at best. The idea of escaping necessity and the natural cycle, or escaping our place in the universe, is delusional or the idea of a bunch of demonic people.

The hatred of the natural order and the natural world and an attempt to replace it with a man made/demon made world is the project of the moderns. The destruction and desecration of their own souls is celebrated in Hollywood and in literature of all kinds. I was sucked into that upside down order in my 20's.

Fortunately, the exits from that hell world are actually pretty well marked. If you just go out into the woods on a nice day, for example, nature clears away the fever dream insanity. In fact, the fever dream and madness helps to illuminate the calm and goodness of the natural order.

Monday, August 12, 2019

The Epstein Saga: Lies and Drama

Everyone "knows" Jeffrey Epstein didn't commit suicide. Nobody knows who Epstein worked for, or what he "was" though. His whole backstory is nonsense. The whole story is nonsense, or inexplicable. The whole thing could be fake--basically a play or a bible story. There's a bunch of stupid numerology bullshit involved. It's not worth diving into the rabbit hole of this contrivance.

Epstein's story accomplishes a couple of things--one it keeps people focused on nonsense--a global "whudunnit". It also vilifies Jews who are on an express train to being scapegoated in the United States.

Epstein epitomizes all the stereotypically bad things about Jewish people. He pimped  poor and disenfranchised sex slave white girls to gross old troll-like Jews. He is an example of a category of Jewish businesses. Many of the vice businesses in the United States and the west a run by "jews", people claiming to be Jewish anyway, whatever that even means. Porn, drugs, booze, etc...

I won't be surprised if more details  leak out about the Epstein story--maybe we'll find a "white supremacist" guard killed him or something similar.

Anyway, normal people of all races and ethnic backgrounds want to be virtuous and want a good family life, but we live in the world of lies. The connected, village/tribe life, is long gone and we have a shitty corporate culture that is almost universally despised. We have a government in the United States that's 100% corrupt. It's pretty easy to blame the lack of virtue on poor ol' Schlomo, but that's really a projection.

If people really got on track, found virtue and lived virtuously, all the vice businesses, including banking, would collapse into a black hole. Violence is just another vice business, so I hope people avoid that road.

Liars Lie

The total loss of credibility of the corporate news media in the United States is an important phenomenon. I think it presages the collapse of institutions run by the same people. The corporate media is run by liars, so of course everything they say is lies. The very simple realization that they are liars and it's an attribute of theirs, like grass is green, frees up all the time wasted on trying to screen out the lies from the truth.

Sunday, August 11, 2019

"White" Men, Physicality and Conflict

The popular culture is trying to demonize white people, and white men in particular. At the same time it promotes victim/loser culture and the ego and narcissism of people who believe their main attribute is being disenfranchised. The recent video of the Democratic Socialists of America convention, or whatever that mess was, shows the outcome of that mode of thinking--a comically weird combination of hyper passivity (victim Olympics) and hyper aggression.

Young men of my generation and probably older (gen X) were heavily socialized against physical violence as a method of resolving conflict. (I don't know about the younger generations.) Really, the implicit lesson was, violence is bad, and it's not necessary to resolve conflicts with weak people because they don't matter. The real conflict is with the natural order, history, or whatever. That is, the heroic struggle is important, and everything else is nonsense. That's probably one of the reasons people despise corporations and going to a 9-5 job. It is just nonsense. There's almost no honor in it.

Now, a whole army of losers and feebs are being programmed to defeat the White Man who is still busy wrestling with the forces of nature, at least in his collective mind. Just as the white man didn't get the tools and training to interact with feebs and losers, the feebs and losers didn't get the training to interact with white men in their terms.

Instruction of the White Man in the loser victim culture doesn't seem likely to have the desired outcome. If anything, it's likely to deepen the gulf in understanding. Similarly, the people that aren't in the phony category of "white" that aren't losers, probably won't want to stay in that victim mode.

The main reason I think ethno-nationalism is so stupid is the virtues and ideals of man don't really have anything to do with race or ethnicity. In fact, the "muh white people" mode of thinking is firmly in the loser/victim culture.

Saturday, August 10, 2019

Long Term Stable Configuration of Humanity

If you scan through catalogs of movies or TV shows about the future of humanity, most of them postulate a technological revolution future. Posterity will have space ships, teleportation, and other technological marvels. Of course, there are dystopian futures portrayed as well. The "Idiocracy" future, for example, is really pretty bleak as is the "Time Machine" future of HG Wells. In both cases, humanity devolved in retards and monsters.

I've written about "Elf Tech" as a concept many times on my blog, but not much lately, since I'm actually trying to do some version of that on my farm and it's much easier to hypothesize about something than it is to carry it out. Anyway, if there's a stable future for people, it's something like Elf Tech. There's no Star Trek future.

In my view, it's pretty likely civilization went off the rails right from the start. Once human beings began consuming nature, rather than participating the the natural cycle like every other animal, a bad course was set. People knew this in their bones thousands of years ago--it's hinted at in the Eden story and the Cain and Abel story and in the Epic of Gilgamesh. Then once fossil fuels and engineering unlocked their potential to produce a lot of mechanical power an even worse course was set.

Maybe a combination of pastoralism, like the Native Americans and my pre-classical era European ancestors practiced, and agriculture that supports pastoralism could work as a long term model.

Friday, August 9, 2019

Our Soil Improvement Experiments

Over the past few years we've been trying to get the garden to produce more food and require less maintenance. The theory is it's possible to get year over year improvement in soil quality just from the plants and by adding our farm's own, or free/local organic matter. Some areas of the garden have improved hugely and are very productive and the soil looks and feels rich. Other areas have only seen marginal gains, though. The soil was so depleted, that I probably could have added many times more compost and manure than I did last season.

Anyway, my hope is our property goes into a positive feedback mode where life begets life over a long period of time. If it's really possible to accumulate the fertility and productivity of the farm year after year as some people claim, that's an amazing revolution in the human condition. The people quietly planting cover crops and trying to grow the soil life might be as important in changing the direction of humanity as our ancestors who first gathered and planted cereal crops ages ago.

Money Versus Value

If you were born and bred in the consumer/corporate culture of the US, it takes many months or maybe even years of concentrated effort to understand that money itself has no value. Even worse, it's a parasite that absorbs human energy because it's all issued as nonsensical "debt".

A value decision has a totally different basis than an "economic" decision, which only make sense in the context of a nonsensical/illusory game version of reality. There's really no basis for translating between the two. Price, for example, doesn't "represent" or approximate value. It's a different category. It's synesthesia.

Thursday, August 8, 2019

Will the Internet Go on the Offensive Against Corporations?

The Internet turned into a distributed consensus machine. It's a way for people to "meet" and form opinions outside the small sphere of people they might interact with in their day-to-day life. Social media attempted to monetize that and then tried to control how opinions are formed, but it probably fails on both counts.

One of the tropes of the Internet is "the 'left' can't meme", and that's true. Similarly, corporations can't mimic the authentic, enthusiasm filled content of actual YouTubers. It's actually pretty weird. Actors that are hired as YouTube performers to shill products within an ersatz YouTube video are really obvious. An actor mimics enthusiasm, but obviously doesn't have it. I'm not even sure what gives it away--maybe the scripting of scenes makes it obvious. The language is obviously counterfeit.

Memes emerge from the distributed consensus and function much like Koans or Kennings that are discussed in many previous posts on my blog. The meme, like the Koan, is a living thing. It's alive within the mind of the community that created it. It encapsulates concepts that evolve over time. The Doomer Meme, for example sums up a whole world of concepts that can be understood by Internet citizens, but a normie just sees a drawing.

I think the distributed consensus is much harder to manipulate via propaganda than prior era manufactured consensus via mass media. The mass media attacks atomized individuals. The distributed consensus is really a collective of individuals who work together to explore  what their own interests are.

The 2020 election in the USA is going to be really interesting. The ham fisted attacks on the Internet by corporate media creatures is going to get to insane levels. We'll see how the Internet responds technologically and intellectually. The Internet is much smarter than any individual. Maybe it will go on the offense rather than be reactionary. That could be a really interesting step in its evolution.

Tuesday, August 6, 2019

#justletithappen Approach of "Pockets of the Future"

I've been watching the YouTube channel "pockets of the future" lately. He's got a strategy to the clown world topics that's worth considering: #justletithappen. The idea in a nutshell, is it's better to let the "left" run hog wild and flip the Western World upside down. He's counting on that as a demonstration of evil, basically, which will necessarily make more people see the good and the natural order.

I think there's a pretty strong element of truth in that approach. As madness seems to engulf many institutions in the United States and the Western world as a whole, sane traditions like Christianity or philosophical traditions like Stoicism are illuminated.

It's hard to admit that the institutions are not worth saving. It's hard to imagine what comes after this whole shitshow burns to the ground but the match is already lit. Why fight a bunch of delusional maniacs over nonsense like the Olympics games or women's sports? It really doesn't matter. Get your family and whatever sane friends you have onto your ark and watch it burn (intentional mixed metaphor).

YouTube as a Sign of Things to Come

For a while, YouTube was a free-wheeling wild west outpost. It still is, to a degree, but as it attempts to chase corporate ad funny money, it is starting to silence and displace the most out-there, and consequently more interesting channels. It is also starting to heavily promote corporate videos... that few people watch. YouTube is a microcosm of the US economy. The corporate ersatz culture has infested everything, but it's trash. It's repetitive, empty garbage. The focus on phony debt money in the United States has turned the culture into trash. Many people--not a majority, but a sizable fraction--are just starting to abandon it.

Corporatocracy is like herding people with spider webs. It's really annoying to walk into a spider web, but it can't stop you from going where you want. Corporations are really physically weak and require a specific mode of consciousness--idleness--of the mass of the population to carry out their plans. I think it's gone about as far as it can. As big corporations start to get more in normal people's faces, they'll just start to ignore them, or maybe even attack their infrastructure with glee.

I think there will be a crisis of confidence in the US financial system relatively soon. The "establishment" has interests that are completely contrary to the average citizen of the country. The ghouls and freaks that people the institutions of the United States government and establishment are despised. I can't really imagine with any accuracy what this is going to look like.

Monday, August 5, 2019

Ignore The Media

If everyone ignored the media, I think its producers and actors would all spontaneously burst into flame.

There's no capitalism in the western world. There are quite a few corporations and industries that don't turn a profit, but run for years and years because they are proxies of the banking system and its overlord Satan.

The mass media--especially cable and now streaming outlets like Netflix and YouTube--don't make a profit. It's been years since cable was a viable business. Its market has been rapidly shrinking for nearly 20 years. Uber is another example. It seems like there's an indefinite amount of money available for a company that's based on the simplest technology and techniques to establish a bloated bureaucratic mess corporation. It seems plausible that all those corporations are buoyed by drug money laundering.

We have what amounts to a centrally planned economy. The central planners are obsessed with computers because they're symbol-based thinkers. They're basically human computers. They're so cut off from the natural order that they're basically organic AI already.

The media's job is to degrade, debase, and distract. There's a YouTube genre that complains about Hollywood producing SJW content, like a tiny jewish lady playing "Thor" as if a Hollywood studio owns a Norse God. The YouTuber's whole world is the world of lies of Hollywood even as they critique it.

It's really liberating and delightful to shut off the sewer pipe into your brain. Any TV show or movie coming out of New York or Los Angeles is basically sewage. There's no value in it at all. Everything the "news" says is a lie. Every portrayal in the pop culture is a demon's dream. Every pop song is poison. Shut that shit off.

Sunday, August 4, 2019

Converting Monopoly Money Into a Greenhouse

It's good to have savings for a rainy day and emergencies, but I've come to think it's pretty bad to stockpile an indefinite amount of money for either retirement or some vague purpose. You can either put it in a savings account and make a small return, or risk it in the markets and fuel the schemes and lifestyles of sociopaths. It's much better to put it toward productive purposes, or if you have debt, including a mortgage, to pay that off as quickly as possible.

Consequently, I've been building a greenhouse since May this year (2019). It's roughly 12 feet x 16 feet. It's a productive asset rather than a pile of Babylonian Lie Paper.

I work on it on the weekends and a couple of hours during the week after work. It's been a bit of grind lately, but the finish line is in view. I should complete it and have some plants in there by the end of August. The greenhouse is near the duck pond so I can easily pump the water from the pond there.

My original plan was for the building to be completely loaded with as many strawberry plants as I could possibly put in it, and it was going to be 100% hydroponics, but I'll probably have diverse plants in it and just use the duck pond water as fertilizer and grow the plants in soil or other media. Hydroponics works extremely well, but it's also a single point of failure type approach (really even worse than that). I'll see how well the greenhouse works through the winter. It should require minimal expense to heat since it's insulated. Even the polycarbonate has an R value of 3-4. The flip side of that is in the summer sun, the temperatures get into the 120F+ range without a fan. So I'll need to attach a shade cloth to the structure during the summer months.

It feels pretty good for the infrastructure of the farm/homestead to start coming together. There are still many things to do in preparation, and we're far from self sufficiency or a closed loop system, but there's a lot of merit to moving slowly and deliberately in such an undertaking.

Thursday, August 1, 2019

Contractual gods

A few different religious groups view their god as a rule maker and they follow the letter of the law rather than principles that transcend a set of rules. Other groups think there is only the spirit of the law and that the essence of the divine order can't be translated to language. These two groups of people can't understand each other. The spirit of the law people should never trust the letter of the law people.

Laws and rules are inevitably paired with cheating and a quest for loopholes. Many religious people who conceive of a law-based god constantly cheat. Mormons, for example, who are forbidden coffee drink Mountain Dew or some other caffeinated beverage. Jewish women who are supposed to cover their hair wear wigs made of hair. Amish people have a life that's based on dozens of rules, but work around them all the time.

The idea of Koans or other similar meditations (e.g. the Tao Te Ching) on the nature of reality that seek to transcend the merely symbolic, and limited representation of reality that our languages can capture are like a doorway to the truth and to knowledge that can't be uttered.

These two ways of understanding what god and the natural order of the universe might be associated with the left and right hemisphere of the brain. The symbolic, cyclopean hemisphere only sees symbols. The integrating, visual hemisphere apprehends the whole.

The Beast System is of the contract ridden world of lies. The natural law world is transcendent.