Monday, February 28, 2022

The CDC Recommends You Wear Your Mask in Your Fallout Shelter

 I shit you not.

In mad max world people will still be doing meaningless covid rituals.

Can We Keep the Good Stuff?

What are we here on this planet for?

One view is we're here to manage and modify it to our heart's content.

Another view is we're part of nature and should live within its limits. The limits aren't necessarily clear, by the way.

Egregious examples of technology run amok, like nuclear power (inability to dispose of spent fuel) or leaded gasoline polluting the world for 60 years seem to indicate there's a built in problem in technology or human beings. We don't seem capable of managing our creations in a responsible way--it's probably not possible. IMO, the most dangerous technology man created so far is genetic modification. That will cause pollution that we can't begin to manage or control; we can't even manage insect pollution, e.g. emerald ash borers, so what are the odds we can control molecular pollution? Water keeps getting more polluted with all kinds of crap--plastic, pharmaceuticals, etc... We have a really bad track record.

What else could we do? I'm not even sure humanity could abandon technology en masse. Psychopathic trash like Bill Gates or the world's politicians would basically put people back into the technology prison at gun point. Goons and stooges would enlist to help them.

The problem is really deep and fundamental. I think this world is lorded over by a demon, basically. Even worse, the demon isn't physical or available in this dimension. I think it basically spawned from agricultural civilization. Humans started spending time together in cities instead of out in the natural world.

Every once in a while individuals or small groups of people reconnect with the natural world in unexpected and random ways. For example, a guy recently fell off his boat while diving for urchins off the California coast. The engine was running and it zipped away from him before he could climb out of the chilly water. He thought he was toast. He was saved by a sea lion--it didn't tow him to safety. It just hung out with him and kept him company as he tried to swim back to shore. He stayed afloat long enough to get rescued because of that creature's curiosity in him and gregarious nature.

I think that little incident offers a clue about how humanity is supposed to live on this planet. We separated ourselves from nature. That does nature a disservice and does us a disservice too. We live under the dominion of a demon god... that is a form of consciousness that's really alien and corrosive to this place.

If we spent more time in the natural world, like that guy, our mind would change too. Similarly, the animals and other creatures would benefit from humanity's brainpower.

Could we keep the technological "good stuff"? Even basic things like refining metals or ceramic work? That's a really good question. I think so, but the relationship with technology and the city would be a lot different.

Sunday, February 27, 2022

Why "Art" Sells for So Much

 Tax Scams!

SNL "Covid Dinner Conversation" Skit

I don't think I've seen a Saturday Night Live episode since the late 1990s. I heard about this skit through a youtuber I listen to. It's about a group of liberals melting down as they realize they were conned about Covid. I assume if SNL is doing a skit like that, it must be a hive-mind-realization.

I don't think they'll ever make the leap that the people who duped them are malicious. They will call it a mistake or whatever, unless they all experience serious harm from the vaccines. (Nobody really knows if that will happen.)

It's interesting to read the comments on that video. People are mostly pretty jolly about getting scammed for two years. I doubt the people who lost businesses over the hysteria, or who lost jobs due to mandates are yucking it up.

The people who instinctively sided with the government and corporations are trash. No pass from me. It was a test. Most people failed massively. The mass of people are cowards and are slavish tools for tyranny and crime on a massive scale due to greed and fear.

Saturday, February 26, 2022

New Jerusalem and Natural Order

Some of the houses in my neighborhood have a yard sign that has a list of liberal talking points like "love is love", "vaccines work", "climate change is real". I was trying to figure out the common link among those concepts yesterday. Like what's the link between pro-gay politics and climate change? Is there any?

I think those concepts flow from an underlying view of the world: mainly that it's broken or fallen and needs to be repaired. That is, it's man's job to remake the world according to his utopian design. You can be born the wrong gender, for example, and a surgeon can "fix" that flaw. Similarly, you might have the wrong opinion about those surgical procedures, and social engineering can "fix" you so you think a man can really be a woman. The "climate" can be fixed so it no longer changes. There won't be any pollution from factories. The list goes on and on. That utopian view culminates in the "New Jerusalem". A computer simulation world where nobody feels pain or dies. You can't have bad thoughts. You are "good"--by design.

An obvious question is: "who's design"? The utopia world they want seems to be defined by its lack of flaws, rather than a positive view. It's defined in opposition to nature and other people--who the utopians view as flawed. Over my lifetime, the list of flaws have proliferated from "racism" of "whites" versus "blacks" to a whole cornucopia of grievances about genders, race, etc... The concept of "microaggression" is a great example. If you push the hair out of your face, you might be bullying a bald man.

The flip side of this concept is that the natural order is inherently good. This is the base concept of a variety of philosophical schools from Daoism to Stoicism, and there are even Christians who partake of this point of view--although I think the biblical concept of original sin and salvation is the basis of the utopian mindset.

The Natural Order view is that man's job is to understand his place in the natural world and adapt to it, rather than constantly change it to suit his apparent needs. Man's apparent needs are fueled by delusion.

These two concepts are orthogonal. Currently, the utopian concept is dominant. It's the position of the media and the establishment. People like Bill Gates see their job is to "manage" nature and humanity to build their utopian design. Bill Gates, for example, believes the temperature of Earth can be regulated even though the geological record shows wild variations.

In fact, the whole of the order of Earth has changed multiple times. New types of life have emerged and gone away. The composition of the atmosphere has changed multiple times. If the nature of the Earth is to change, then trying to maintain it as a constant--make the entire thing into an amusement park is fundamentally contrary to its essential nature.


Friday, February 25, 2022

USA Military and Diplomatic Clusterfucks Abroad

Western countries are harshly condemning and sanctioning Russia over its invasion of Ukraine. They're right to condemn it... but it's a pot calling the kettle black obviously... so frankly who cares what a psychopath retard like Joe Biden says about Russia or anything.

The US is no better than any other shitty country on this planet. Everyone around the world allows themselves to be lorded over by psychopaths and dutifully pays taxes to fuel their lifestyles, Americans included.

The US killed over a million people in the post 9/11 wars. It squandered trillions of dollars--really enriched its crony business partners. It went to war against Libya for some very murky reason. The US backs some of the worst dictatorships around the world. It's involved in the war in Yemen. The list goes on and on. All that warfare after 9/11 ended in a total clusterfuck, especially in Afghanistan, which is yet another destroyed nation. The USA helped destabilize and now destroy Ukraine because it was useful for them to beat up on Russia--in all candor because some Jews in the government hate Russians, that's the real freakshow reason some old cherished beef.

I think quite a few people see through the obvious hypocrisy, now, at least.

Financial Fantasy

The set of issues that obsess the "left" are pretty random:
  • gayness
  • climate warming
  • high tech future
  • equality of everybody (meaning poverty), except wealthy oligarchs
If you slap together random combinations of words and phrases associated with those concepts, you'll find an article from a left wing media website or find a "scholarly" paper about it. For example:

Stream of Consciousness Word Salad:
    Climate change increasing HIV infections in poor blacks

What's the common thread? It's really hard to say. Is there some underlying theme there? Like what does climate change have to do with gay people?

I don't know if there is anything except a political affiliation that unites these concepts, and that affiliation is mainly glued together with funny money.

As long as the funny money exists, the utopian fantasy world can too.

Thursday, February 24, 2022

Things that Are Valuable

I think real world stuff is about to get very pricey and maybe even hard to obtain. The frothy part of the US economy that's propped up by funny money is going to get really cheap.

Things that people don't value now, like scrap metal, will be $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$. Things that people do value now, like bitcoin, NFTs, etc... will be pennies on the dollar. That'll probably rip through corporate America too.

Things Russia Exports

Copper, Aluminum, and Fertilizer are big Russian exports. Palladium is one of the strategic items that Russia produces--40% of the world supply.

  • Mineral fuels including oil: US$141.3 billion (42.1% of total exports)
  • Gems, precious metals: $30.4 billion (9%)
  • Iron, steel: $16 billion (4.8%)
  • Cereals: $9.5 billion (2.8%)
  • Machinery including computers: $8.3 billion (2.5%)
  • Wood: $8.2 billion (2.5%)
  • Fertilizers: $7 billion (2.1%)
  • Copper: $5.6 billion (1.7%)
  • Aluminum: $5.5 billion (1.6%)
  • Fish: $4.6 billion (1.4%)

The Evil Empire is Ending

The United States time as the evil empire is drawing to a rapid close. The Russians are now blowing up the Ukrainian military--they ignored our retard dementia addled el Presidente. The US completely fucked up that poor country since 2014 on behalf of the usual suspects. The Russians meddle there too. I'm sure life is unnecessarily hard and shittier in that country for normal people because of the "great game" conflict. I wonder how many of the people in the Ukraine military wanted to get blown up on behalf of Washington DC politicians?

The "scam and scheme" based economy is going to end--when is hard to say, but it's a near certainty, now. That is, the useless economic activity that's enabled by the Federal Reserve money printing is going to go away. The corrupt neoliberal shitbirds in the US need to be swept off the stage by actual Americans--that is people who share the vision of Jefferson--and we need to start over. I think we'll have no choice.

Tuesday, February 22, 2022

Canaderp is Now a Gay Dictatorship

I watched live steams of the trucker protest in Canada. It was a pretty mild event. The Canadian government used it as an excuse to roll out emergency powers so they can seize bank accounts and property any time they want. Their "parliament" "representatives" passed that legislation. So it looks like the truckers got used by the people who organized and promoted the event the same way the people who went to the US capital on January 6.

Protesting is a completely useless activity, by the way. The government either promotes the protests, like in the case of BLM to push through their wanted changes, or covertly sets up the protests like the January 6 protest or the Canadian trucker protest. If nobody showed up to those events, there would be government employees putting on a skit. Probably half the people at the DC capital event were FBI agents or informants.

The governments of the west are gone--long gone. There's no reform possible. They're occupied and controlled. They are 100% illegitimate.

There's nothing to do but start over.

Monday, February 21, 2022

Ukraine The Suez Crisis For Joe Joe Retardo

Putin just recognized the independence of the eastern part of the Ukraine, which is mostly populated by ethnic Russians as far as I understand it. The western part is oriented toward the EU and the US, and the east toward Russia.

The US is threatening Russia over this. The US is an overstretched evil empire run by trash, ghouls and psychopaths. It's like the British Empire near its demise. The US is really the reincarnation of the British Empire, and it's run by the same international finance mass murderers and thieves as the British Empire. The US was slowly poisoned over the past 100+ years culturally and economically by them, and the US empire is about to die. Good riddance. It's an evil empire, but it's going to suck the same way, or probably worse than the sucktastic end of the British Empire for people in England--massive currency devaluations, labor unrest, etc...

Here's my tea leaf reading--the EU will get sick of the United States meddling and heavy hand and tell the Biden administration to fuck off. They'll make a deal with Putin that ends in a peaceful solution for Ukraine, and probably ousts the puppet regime that's there (and they'll install a new puppet) and that will be it. The US time as the big evil empire will be over, like Britain's was after the Suez Crisis. Then all the financial implications will start unfolding.

The US has no muscle left, in spite of our huge military and parasitic weapons industry. The wars in Afghanistan and Iraq and Syria were a massive waste of resources. The empire is purely destructive and has been a total clusterfuck my whole life.

Writing and Belief

Language and writing are many steps removed from the real world. Many thinkers have wrestled with this problem over the centuries. In fact, I think the entire practice of Daoism is an attempt to get around this problem. I think their approach is neatly captured in the koan: "what is the sound of one hand clapping". It's a paradox that shows that the constructs of language are limited and can limit the mind.

Writing is particular pernicious, which is ironic because I've electronically scratched thousands of words onto this blog. It's dawned on me the past couple of days that writing is maybe the root of all evil.

Speech and writing are possible because we have a shared "dictionary" in our minds. Speech is a low-bit rate method of transferring the state of mind of one person to another. All speech is really a form of compressed data transmission. Writing is just a persistent form of speech, but has even less information content; it's an even lower data rate. It's quite common for the written word to lose context and original meaning over time because the shared dictionary changes.

The concept of "belief" arises from this fault of writing and speech. "Belief" is an attempt to fix the context and content--really the state of mind--of all hearers. Here's a recent example of that:
Renfield Man

The state of mind becomes "political", that is a group concept. The attempt to fix belief becomes an exercise in duplication of state of mind. This has been on display like no other time in my life through the corona-bologna saga. The Renfield segment of the population sought to demonstrate and reinforce their shared state of mind; it was beamed into them vampire style from their overlord Draculas like Bill Gates and Fauci.

This is where the concept of "gods" originates. Writing and Language create the gods and the legal "codes". Writing is especially toxic in this regard. A dead thing steals the mind-energy of the living. Some religious sects spend years in "study", that is programming their mind with the written word in attempt to keep the low-fidelity, error prone transmission "true".... but it gets corrupted very easily.

The reality of our reality seems to undermine their attempts, which is pretty interesting. Their gods are the biggest lie and most contrary to their supposed creation.

Our reality seems to be fractal that is repeated patterns on various scales are reflected everywhere. For example, our digestive system is like a forest floor, and our intestines are actually like tree roots. We really carry dirt around in our guts, and that dirt actually profoundly affects our state of mind, even. So if you said, "I am a tree", the poetical understanding would be as accurate or filled with meaning as a doctrinal "scientific" description.

I did a post about synedoche quite a while back (2015). That's a poetic device. That poetic understanding of reality is the pre-scientific version of understanding reality and seems more flexible and clever.

You can really see the past couple of years that "the science" tends toward dictatorship because of language, primarily. The Renfields beleive science can fix meaning, and censorship will assure the meaning remains constant. This is a Abrahamic religious concept. You see whole rooms of Jews or Muslims trying to nail concepts into their heads with a rocking motion. They are trying to become the host of their dead ink gods. It doesn't even work for them. They drag around layer after layer of interpretation of what color clothes to wear and drown in the letter of the law. Their mind virus infected scientists now try to build computer models of reality to capture it. These people are insane.


Sunday, February 20, 2022

The Power of The Ring

In the previous post I realized Renfield and Gollum are the same character... The ring in the Hobbit and Lord of The Rings is an interesting fictional "artifact".

Why does it confer the "power" of invisibility?

Invisibility is a side effect of putting the ring on. It doesn't make the wearer invisible it shifts him into the plane of reality dominated by Sauron, who quite unfortunately, is the God of the Bible. Mordor is the Age of Aries, but that's a different topic.

You only have to put the ring on one time to become a minion and to be "I see you'd" by Sauron. You're on your way to being a wraith.

Bill Gates is a wraith, ghoul, ring wearer. The Renfields out there are too, but they never even get a taste of the power of the ring. Maybe the TV and media provide a ring by proxy. The meaning of the invisibility is the same as saying there's no "Bill Gates", he really is gone.

Millions of Renfields

A fairly large portion of the population wants to be free, but even more people seem to want slavery for themselves, but more importantly for other people. They want the USA to be more like East Germany or China--at least they imagine they do. They're the pro-oligarchy faction. Their psychological attachment to the oligarchs is pretty interesting. It's the million Renfield army.

Renfield is the semi-comical character from Dracula, which is, I think, the 19th century version of calling out the oligarchy in fictional form. Renfield didn't have his blood sucked by Dracula, but he was psychically drained and reduced to sub-human, Gollum like status and lives as a parody Dracula eating insects and other creatures to drain their essence. Gollum is identical to Renfield, if you think about it--the ring drained his life.

That's an apt description of the pro-oligarch faction. They assume the point of view of the oligarchy because they are like them, just much less accomplished. They're small versions of Bill Gates, psychologically. They want to dominate others, but can't as individuals, so they seek to do it via collective mechanisms like the state.

The Renfields are probably more dangerous than the Draculas.

The Draculas think their significantly better and freer than the Renfields, but they're really the same.

Saturday, February 19, 2022

Guns Don't Protect Freedom

The USA is an oligarchy. The government is completely controlled by an occupying force that's mainly directed by the banking system. The "elected representatives" in the government are a facade over the oligarch control. In the past couple of years, policies with very little popular support have been pushed hard, especially by the democrat party, ironically enough. While both parties are oligarch controlled, the democrats are more obviously a fraud paint job on the oligarchy while pretending to care about blacks and gays and poor people.

Researchers have fingered the Rockefeller family and other wealthy families as the controller oligarchs. Some researchers claim entities like the Rockefeller foundation "own" the Federal Reserve. That's quite possible, but who can say for sure. The US is basically controlled by a foreign banking cartel. The details are probably impossible to acquire through publicly available information.

Quite a few people think that our guns protect Americans from government abuse. They point to the massive abuse of Australians or people in New Zealand the past couple of years over the covid scam as proof. In short, the reason the US government didn't run roughshod over the population is we could shoot them. I think that claim isn't accurate.

In Eastern Europe during the collapse of the commie power structure, the common people just walked into government offices and said, "it's over" basically. There was no real armed uprising in most of the former USSR controlled countries. None of those countries had heavily armed citizenry AFAIK.

The main source of enslavement in the US is the educational system. It trains dependence on corporate America, which in turn depends on the banking system. People are trained to be slaves. I know I was. You're essentially trained to go sit in a building to make a living and your life is governed by bells and schedules set by someone else.

I've been watching live streams of the Canadians in Ottawa protesting the covid bullshit. They're really just standing around on public property. The portrayal in the mainstream media is a farce. The portrayal in the alt media is also way off. The government employee cops are standing there in the cold in riot gear versus a bunch of normal random people. The government there can't even use force, lest it expose itself as tyrant. I doubt the Canadian cops would even go along with it.

I think that really epitomizes the situation. We live in a big open air prison with paper thin walls. It's currently run by fags and jews, to be blunt. They keep people in line through social and financial bullying. Some fag or some jew will call you a name if you get out of line. White men are terrified by that, which is pretty funny. It's also controlled by paper and the financial system. The truckers are being harassed by bankers right now, for example in Canada.

The governments can't let it get physical, because they could be destroyed by people even if they only had butter knifes and rocks and sticks, because there are so many people versus the shitty government in its fancy buildings.

Your prison walls are stuff like the IRS and your job and your bank account. It's not the government's guns.

Friday, February 18, 2022

Two Beliefs About the World

One group of people believes humanity can engineer all the problems out of the world. This applies to soft problems, like prejudice about gays or women or blacks or jews, and hard problems like how to plan cities and where to get energy. For them, humanity can "solve" it all. The human plan is the only plan. Another group of people believes there's a natural plan, a natural order, or a divine plan and humanity should follow that divine plan.

Neither group has full access to the truth they believe. That is, the people who think humanity can plan everything can't really make successful plans. The people who believe in a divine order can't know that order.

Both groups, though, are totally sure that the other one is wrong and bad and both groups are exploited by frauds in their midst. For the "humanists", it's a particular set of oligarchs that scams them, and uses a troupe of puppet politicians to protect their interests, and cloaks their activity with rhetoric about gays and transexuals and trees.

The natural order group is massively fragmented, because it is the older model of scamming, so there's a bunch of different religious sects. Also that group has lost all control of public institutions and big national institutions like the banking system and the government, so it has no central voice or political leverage.

The "we can engineer" everything crowd will be the group that wrecks the planet if they don't obliterate their civilization first, ironically enough. It's 100% guaranteed. I don't even think it will happen as a result of direct malice, it will just be like an accidental discharge of a huge gun that's pointed at everyone.

The "engineer" crowd's vision is based on a future utopia, like Atlantis or the "New Jerusalem"--a totally planned totally fabricated society/world. It's the prison amusement park. Since they require complete control of everything, they will infect even nature with their schemes and destroy systems they can't ever really understand.

I think the "back to eden" approach is a good way to rebuild after the destruction of the Enlightenment civilization. The good thing about the "low tech" advanced civilization is it could retain aspects of the group striving of the Enlightenment civilization, but without all the drawbacks of technology.

Thursday, February 17, 2022

Welcome to the World of CovAIDS

 Back in the beginning of the covid saga, people were using the term "covaids" as a pejorative for the hysteria because it was like the AIDS story back in the 80s--a big pack of lies about what AIDS/HIV actually were and who it might infect. Fauci, the gnome like creature at the heart of the covid saga was also at the heart of the AIDS story and promoted the fear porn that scared everyone.

Now the "media" is promoting various AIDS scare stories and AIDS cure stories. It's so heavy handed. The scare story is that AIDS is now "transmissible". OK. Sure, after 40 years AIDS suddenly changed to be transmissible in the wake of a giant scam/scare? Seems legit.

The scumbags who scammed people on covid are now going to try to sell AIDS vaccines to the general public--not to gays and drug users. They'll try to get infants to take AIDS vaccines. They're trash.

Two Financial Americas

Establishment corporate America is connected to the financial system and makes a significant amount of money from financial activities and from government schemes. That money comes with significant strings attached, and those strings explain why there's so many "woke" corporations, when the overall population doesn't necessarily subscribe to that political point-of-view.

There are lots of other companies who do not make money from Wall Street at all. That's mom and pop America. They probably do have financing from banks are other similar entities, but they still have to make a "profit" the old fashioned way.

Which approach is better? For employees and for the nation overall.

For employees, it seems to make sense to live in the bubble of establishment corporate America, because the salaries and benefits are higher. For some people like me, the wokeist nonsense is annoying, but it's pretty minimal. Over the past couple of years with covid, though, it reached a screeching level of insanity that shows the true character of those businesses--they're run by feckless cowards who will just go along with whatever a demented oligarchy demands of them. So while the pay might be better, and the benefits might be cushier, the enabling totalitarian asshole aspect of establishment corporate America is really toxic.

Also, establishment corporate America engages in nonstop misallocation of resources, and makework activity for employees. I think this is an even more severe problem. Since the money is basically free, as long as a corporation plays along with the agenda, it enables severe waste for the sake of waste, so an employee will end up with a real-world useless set of non-skills and become a sort of Renfield character--a servant of Vampires.

While the money might be better in the corporate Potemkin village, it's harder to be virtuous and a complete human there.

Mom and pop america, which certainly has flaws and problems, greed and corruption too, is probably a better bet. A worker in that context will be doing a real-world thing, even if it seems mundane. For example, if you worked delivering pizzas, you're accomplishing a useful real world task, or if you build houses, your work nets out to an actual house for somebody. All those skills persist and are reusable outside the context of this or that corporation.

Wednesday, February 16, 2022

Woke Garbage Corporation

I got an invoice from the company that collects our trash today. They want almost 4x as much as local competitors for their service. See ya! In prior years, the local competition was thin, but now the service is good and the companies are doing well. How is it possible that some national company with a ticker symbol "Waste Management" can't compete with local, small time firms? Aren't there economies of scale, etc... that rule that out?


All that stuff is bullshit. There's corporate establishment America that is attached to wall street and the government, and then actual companies that do real work and aren't attached to politicians or Wall Street. Those are generally smaller and don't have access to and endless fountain of funny money.

Corporate America is "woke" because it's basically a bitch of Wall Street, and some portion of Wall Street is "woke".

How long can this continue? If Waste Management is any indication, it really can't continue forever. There's really two economies, but there's really only one real world where the resources are. The woke world is fake and predicated on the fake $. The financial system is all bound up with it at its own peril. As I wrote about in prior posts, it's all a big control fraud and white collar crime ring.

If the actual economy starts financing itself, it doesn't carry the parasitic costs associated with Wall Street and dumb woke corporate America, which seems to get dumber and dumber with each passing year. It will be significantly better off.

Once people realize the media is trash, their governments are trash, and corporate America is trash, they can start over with nearly a clean slate. They'll have to grow personally and get beyond the scams and schemes of the people who control and own them right now.

Tuesday, February 15, 2022

SkyNet Has Been Self Aware For a Long Time

I've been reading random articles by Ted Kaczynski for the past few weeks. I recommend it to anyone. He's probably one of the better civilization critics and has a good read on the fundamental problem humanity is currently dealing with. Ted K writes from the perspective of a man shaped by the system itself, and he's really good at discussing how "It" actually works. But as the ultimate product of that system and a pure materialist, I think he's off the mark about how to defeat it. 

A whole lot of people have been writing about and thinking about the same topic for decades. I guess I do my little bit too.

My argument is scattered throughout a bunch of my blog posts, like this one, but it's really pretty similar to Ted's. "Civilization", which I've started to realize is "God" for many people, is it's own thing. It has its own consciousness. It's a counterfeit version of nature--physically it's a combination amusement park/prison built by Cain and his sons basically, but it predominantly exists in the realm of consciousness. Cain literally killed the prior form of consciousness.

I think the Netflix series The Squid Game really summarizes its overall flavor pretty well. The TV show from the 60's The Prisoner is really similar. The series The Expanse is yet another one--at least the first couple of seasons that I watched was. In that show a virus basically consumes everything on a planet and turns it into techno-goo.

The idea is the world men seemingly "create" for their own purpose is really like a separate entity that's acting through them. Civilization doesn't serve man, it eats him.

That "eye of providence" that's on the dollar bill is "god", but it's the god of this world, that is Satan. The two legged creatures in the nations' capitals serve Satan--including men like the Founding Fathers. They now desire to merge with it physically. It's already merged with us and especially with its servants mentally, but now they want to strip our flesh from the natural world and become as one with it. I think this is the essence of the concept of "The New Jerusalem". Go look up some pictures of that freak show concept some time.

In fact, I'm starting to think the Bible Story is really the story of human enslavement to the demon Lord of the Bible. It's slowly and steadily ensnared more of humanity in "civilization", that is, the demon Lord's plan to come to Earth, which culminates in the Holy of Holies Computer running the Satan program.

The notion that "SkyNet will become self aware" from The Terminator movies is a misunderstanding of what has happened--it's already out there and self aware and has been for millennia. I think that's possibly why there's no pre-historic memory. The demon Lord of the bible basically reformatted human kind around 6,000 years ago; if we had a pre-history we couldn't understand it anymore because it was in a language we no longer speak.

It's servants are legion, and that's been the case for a long time.

Monday, February 14, 2022

Ancient History Isn't Very Old

Humanity was running around in Europe for tens of thousands of years before the bible stories (~2000BC). It's very weird that there's really no extant cultural information that flows down to us prior to that. Why does "history" seem to start then and there at the beginning of the astrological Age of Aries?

There's archaeological and genetic evidence, but no coherent story, at least in Europe and Asia AFAIK. A handful of people make claims about ancient pre-historical traditions (like the Bock Saga), but as far as I know, those claims don't seem to square up very well with any verifiable proof. The "Rigveda" in India is celebrated for it's antiquity, but it dates to ~1500BC or so. The Bible stories are about ~2000BC, but it actually wasn't compiled until later as far as I understand it.

It's possible that writing accidentally obliterated ancient traditions. Writing literally made people forget. It's also possible that an aggressive political/religious group purposely blotted out prior knowledge, the same way the Catholic Church did in Europe. Maybe the older tradition was lost then and there. Nobody really knows. 

Sunday, February 13, 2022

WEF Is Central to the Covid Scam

Quite a while ago, I stopped paying attention to the conspiracy alt-media. It undertakes endless research, but mostly ends up with idle speculation about who or what is really screwing the people over. In the case of the covid scam, though, and the "new world order", there's actual obvious out-in-the-open evidence. The World Economic Forum is really central to the whole thing. In fact, in the 1990s today's crop of "world leader" like Justin Trudeau went through a training program sponsored by the World Economic Forum, which is why a country like Canada is pushing the Covid bullshit so hard. More than 50% of the cabinet ministers in Canada went through that program, too. A small circle of influential people in Europe are setting the agenda for the entire Western World: and that agenda is corporate communism, techno-fascism, whatever you want to call it camouflaged in a cultural smoke screen about rights and equality.

Genetics and Culture/Economic Systems

The "genetic history" information that's built up over recent decades is completely fascinating. One of the questions that emerges from it for me is how intertwined are "culture" and genetics?

Is it possible to impose some arbitrary cultural and economic system on a given group of people regardless of their genetic makeup? I think the answer is a hard no. People's way of living on this world is probably dictated by their genes. Hunter-gatherers have hunter gathering genes. Pastoralists (mobile herders) have pastorilizing genes and settled farmers have settled farming genes.

I think this is why social engineering is doomed to fail and we're living through a societal and economic collapse right now. The civilization doesn't fit the people. (By the way, that's basically what Ted Kaczynski was complaining about.)

Various combinations of factors, e.g. the weather, resource availability, can favor this or that group. For example, as pastoralists settled in various regions they destroyed forests. For them, the forest seems inconvenient, but maybe in different climate conditions the open steppe/grassland is not viable compared to the shelter provided by the forest, and that favors the hunter-gatherers, same thing for the farmer life style, which ultimately led to the "industrial/technological" society that we have.

The "modern" mindset is people are blank slates. Through proper training and education, they can be forced into any shitty system. However, ideology and laws can't edit people's essential nature. That nature is more like a very specific sort of musical instrument. It will make the best music when played with the proper technique.

Friday, February 11, 2022

Mediterranean History and Germanic History

The history of "European" people--I wonder if that word is even meaningful--is really distorted.

The mental footprint of the history of the Mediterranean basin world is relatively large and the history of northern Europeans, i.e. the Germans, isn't even a footnote until the middle ages. The story of "Europe", then is told as the story of ancient Greece and Rome, the embarrassing middle ages, then a revival of the faggy splendor of the ancient world via the Renaissance and Enlightenment.

The actual history and story of those Germans--the vast majority of the contemporary white people--is glossed over and even actively suppressed. This is weird.

I think the Mediterranean History has such a large mental footprint because it was written and archived. It's really a part of the story of corporate entities like nations and empires. It was put to paper, so to speak, by the employees and hangers on of those entities. That story became the de facto "world history" for white people, even though a large portion of them, like me, have no ancestors involved in that tale.

In fact, in the minds of many people the "complete" world history is composed of the documents of the Mediterranean Basin world like the Bible, and then an archaeological prequel--"the Out of Africa" story, which is the first story of "white flight" from a bad neighborhood. Lol.

My personal family history flows back into the mists of time outside the context of the corporate language tradition of the Mediterranean basin world, though. I think the roots of that history are found in the mythological tradition.

The myth tradition is like the story of "puppy pregnancy" told in places in India. Puppy pregnancy really seems to encode the concept of rabies. If you deleted the concept of rabies from the story, you would not be able to decode anything very useful from it, though. Unfortunately, I think that happened to the mythological tradition of the Germanic peoples perhaps quite long ago, so the useful information content of the tales of Odin, Thor, Loki, and the Giants is mostly gone. All that's left is entertaining stories.

It's really quite interesting how the stories overlap with other mythological traditions in the world and includes events like great catastrophic floods.

Thursday, February 10, 2022

A Comedian Gets Vaxxed and Cracks Her Head

The imminent disclosure of "issues" with the vaccines is being foreshadowed in "the show", i.e. in the stream of bullshit news and entertainment.

A few comedians recently had sudden health problems and/or death. One of them, Heather Macdonald, literally collapsed on stage after announcing she had been gigavaxxed--it's on video. She supposedly cracked her skull. That happened the day before Bob Saget's family announced he died of a "brain injury".

How could it possibly work? I have no idea. You would never have heard of Heather Macdonald if she hadn't fallen on the stage, most likely, at least I wouldn't have. How is it possible she fainted right in the middle of her act about being gigavaxxed? I don't know.

I think it's sort of like the nonsense of Tom Hanks getting "covid" right at the start of the great pandemic that never was. We're into the punchline of the joke, apparently.

The "Giants", the "Titans", and the Nephilim

 We're watching a series on Netflix called "Ragnarok". It's pretty good. It's dubbed English over the original Norwegian audio, but they seem to use superior technology for mixing the new audio compared to other dubbed series--you can barely tell it's dubbed. The story is a very old, oft repeated tale with a few adornments.

In the Norse mythology there is a race of god-like beings called "giants" that are in conflict with the gods like Thor. This story element is similar to the "Titans" in Greek mythology, and even has a mention in the Bible in the chapters and verses in Genesis about the Nephilim. "There were giants on the Earth in those days". That is fleshed out more in the book of Enoch.

There's even an encounter in the Bible between King David and a "Giant" who he kills with his sling.

Are all these different mythologies talking about the same thing? Probably. What exactly were they talking about?

Let's take a completely different form of mythology and folk belief to try to understand what the story could even mean. Some people in India think a dog bite can cause "puppy pregnancy". A dog bites you, you become "pregnant" with puppies, then die... so it seems to be a folk story that encodes the concept of rabies. If you think about the puppy pregnancy story for a while, you'll see it actually gets a lot "right". It's like a weird hysterical telling of the "scientific" version of rabies.

The scientific storyline of rabies is an animal bite contains some infectious agent that gets into the blood through broken skin; it's not that different of a concept from getting "pregnant" IRL. The "puppies" grow in the victim, the same way the invading germs do. Rabies culminates in death--the sacrifice of the "host". He or she becomes the parent of the disease "baby" really. In short, there's some actual information in the puppy pregnancy story.

There's probably information in the "Giants" stories, too. What is it exactly? It's pretty hard to say. By the way, this set of tales is the basis of countless movies and TV shows, especially in the sci-fi genre.

It's noteworthy that the term "giant" is used in the various mythologies, which seem to share a common source. In modern usage, "giant" can be applied in different ways. Literally, as in a very tall man can be considered a "giant", or figuratively as in a "giant of industry" who might be a literal short and small man. I think there's no way to reverse engineer the meaning of that particular description from the available sources.

It's noteworthy that the "giants" are in conflict with the "new gods" in the mythologies and in fact there is an overt war.

It's also noteworthy that the conflict takes place on or around the time of a great flood.

Wednesday, February 9, 2022


 As civilizations progress, they get more "complex", that is, more inter-related tasks are required for them to function. At the same time, the tasks get easier to accomplish physically and mentally. Civilization makes life easier for the people who live within it.

These two factors are the heat and gravity in a star. Gravity causes fusion of light elements like hydrogen in a star, which in turn release heat and light and other forms of radiation. The heat of fusion counter-acts the force of gravity and prevents the star from entirely collapsing and either exploding, or forming a black hole, or neutron star.

Once the lighter elements are all used up, though, the fusion process eventually creates Iron, which actually absorbs heat, then the star collapses catastrophically and explodes.

The complexity of a civilization eventually outstrips the ability of the civilization to supply people to service it because the civilization keeps making people dumber. I don't think this is caused by genetics. It's caused by ease and comfort and habit. There's probably nothing in the civilization that can forestall the degradation.

Eventually you get the "fusing iron" moment in the civilization where the catastrophic collapse happens. I think we're there right now. Maybe it happened earlier in this century. I'll say 2005 was the crossover.

Monday, February 7, 2022

Neoliberalism Failed

We've been living with the "neoliberals" for at least 50 years. They've steadily accrued more power and control with each passing decade. They're basically white collar criminals: embezzlers and financial scammers, primarily, that run corporations and the government. It's really the "business plot" from the 1930s that's been institutionalized. Lots of people are involved and at least passively support the system, mainly from confusion about what it actually is.

Several "liberals" for example, support the system because it says it's about equality and helping gays and the environment, and poor people, etc... That rhetoric doesn't match the reality. The neoliberal system exploits workers in Asia or other countries around the world, and builds factories in regions with no environmental regulations, then ships manufactured goods to the United States and other western nations using the dirtiest, cheapest fuel available to power ships.

The "neoliberals" just tried to force everyone in the world to take a concoction with unknown long term side effects, and enacted a series of useless policies to attempt to control the spread of a disease. None of that worked. Not even a little bit. However, some corporations made record profits and revenues.

Finally, at long last, some people, most visibly the truckers in Canada, are standing up to this system, and many people are just leaving it behind as a mass of workers dropped out of the corporate workforce. All of this is a vote of no confidence in the dirtbag politicians who pretend to "govern" countries for "the people", when in reality they're bribed and blackmailed employees, and more importantly it's a vote of no confidence in the system itself.

All this has happened before in history--many times over--and the outcomes have varied. The attempt to petition and reform the government on behalf of the people in Canada will probably "fail", but then more people will understand that the corruption is wide and deep and irreversible and they'll have to move on from there. People in the USA are in the same boat. The "populist" movement of the past several years was mostly a fraud, that is, the official manifestation of it, the Trump presidency, was a 100% fraudulent entity, but the people's motives are true.

The populists seem to be the only people capable of learning and growth in conceptual understanding. Since they're trying to will a change into being they're forced into experimentation and learning. They tried "voting for an outsider", but got scammed. Quite a few of those people, judging by comments sections on YouTube and other web sites, realize Trump is a fraud. Now they're left to fed for themselves. They're really all in a new frontier and will have to come up with creative solutions for the government and corporate corruption.

The people who are stuck in the neoliberal system are going to stagnate and wither personally as the vampires on the top of the pile continue to drain them while they promise a utopia of equality and environmental grenliness.

Sunday, February 6, 2022

Justin Trudeau's Half Brother Says He's a Puppet/Slave

The western world seems to be an oligarchy with a potemkin village/rump parliament string of governments carrying out its orders. Justin Trudeau's half brother asserted that model is actually correct.

There's an interview where he says as much. Link

Game-ified Reality and Covid

Covid is the latest in a long line of "scams". I think a better name than scam is "game". Most of our human life, especially in developed countries, is really a game version of reality. People piss their entire life away on a series of stupid delusions: "a career", money is real, religion, patriotism, etc... All of that stuff is a form of mass hysteria. Placing undue value on luxury goods is a great example of this distortion of reality, e.g. "diamonds are valuable".

The people who live outside these games and delusions are deemed insane. A guy like Johnny Appleseed, for example, is cited as a crank weirdo, or a person like Richard Proenneke is cited as extreme or mal-adjusted to the fraud/game.

The novel thing about the covid scam is so many people see it's a fraud. We were born into the patriotism game in the USA, so don't see it's a scam. We don't see the fake Roman and Greek and Egyptian style buildings in Washington as a con-man's ruse. To us, they were there "forever". The people living at the time of the revolution, though, realized it was just another government. The Whiskey Rebellion is one proof of that.

Saturday, February 5, 2022

Emperor's New Clothes Moment for Biden Administration

Reporters from left wing media outlets recently publicly scoffed at the Biden administrations claims about Russian actions in Ukraine and a supposed special forces raid against an "ISIS leader".

I think there's a general loss of confidence in the US federal government. The "right" wing already disliked the Biden administration intensely. Now the "left" is chiming in.

Some talking head TV "left" wing people recently questioned the covid insanity too, finally.

It will be interesting to see how this all plays out over the next weeks.

Thursday, February 3, 2022

Luxury Goods Insanity

Thousands of years ago in the bronze age, a large trade network moved the gemstone amber around the world. Apparently people were obsessed with amber. Today, nobody cares about it. Most people wouldn't even notice an amber gemstone if it were mixed into a box of other stuff in their attic. It has some value to collectors, but that's it. I have no idea how much amber is worth per ounce or even if ounces is the appropriate unit of pricing.

In the 17th century, beaver pelts were prized. Beaver clothing, like hats and gloves, was the rage in old Europe. If you didn't have a beaver hat, you were trash. The beaver trade sparked wars and conflict for decades. Thousands of people died over it. Entire native tribes in the new world were wiped out by other tribes in an attempt to control the commodity. The beaver population in the Hudson River valley was wiped out. Eventually people got tired of wearing beaver skins on their heads, though, and the trade died out.

The mass market for diamonds was only established in the 19th century after the discovery of large diamond deposits in South Africa. It became a part of the wedding ritual after mass advertising convinced women that it was a good idea for their future husband to blow several months of his pay on a shiny rock when they were just starting out in life.

In each of these cases, some arbitrary item became highly prized probably through advertising. Some arbitrary item ended up as a mark of social status. Of the three examples above, beaver pelts probably had the highest utility. Amber is a sparkly trinket. Diamonds, outside the context of industrial abrasive use, are also sparkly trinkets.

People have a built in conformity mechanism that enables random items to become a luxury commodity. It's the same mechanism that turns them into hysterical retards about cold and flu season. It's an extremely bad feature.