Wednesday, December 29, 2021

Nations: One Big Con

 I was reading up on "Kaiser" "Wilhelm II" of "Prussia" over the past couple of days. The insanity of World War I has been on my mind since the start of Covid bullshit in 2020, because I previously thought World War I was the single dumbest mass event in human history until I lived through "covid". Covid is even dumber.

WWI was the clash of nation states and Empires and the "royal families" of various european countries. It was a giant bloodbath. Millions of people died by new mechanized military slaughter machines. Joining the military to fight on the front was essentially like running through a meat grinder machine. Some percentage of people would make it. Others just became sausage. It was a huge spasm of waste and insanity. It was the inspiration for Tolkein's Mordor world, supposedly.

The Royal families of Europe were all closely related. Wilhelm II was the grandson of "Britain's" queen Victoria. His first Cousin was the "Tsar" of Russia. Wilhem II had beef with his "British" relations for mysterious reasons--it was really just personal bullshit.

It seems like the British and German "courts" were chock full of closeted gay people. Main movers and shakers in the "Empires" were homos. So World War I was a slap fight between some gay, inbred royal weirdos in various nations. Banker and financial jewish families were also very closely involved in every country. I think the appellation "Jew" really means nothing at all in this context, by the way. It's like a meaningless brand name or label that was useful in the banking profession of the insane world of ancien-regime Europe.

Mom and pop average citizens have absolutely nothing to do with the court/ruling class freak-a-zoids of any era. The people in the capital city, and the talking heads on TV are always the worst people of their nations. The same pattern repeats again and again. They're parasites. They're violent. They're unproductive.

Tuesday, December 28, 2021

Energy Accounting and Firewood

 I have a compact farm tractor that I use for chores around my property, like collecting firewood. It's great for that purpose. I can drive back into my woods and drag full sized logs out to my firewood chopping area in a few minutes. I can probably retrieve and chop up a cord of wood in about 1 hour--probably less. Without the tractor it'd be an all day project or maybe a 4 hour project if I built some specialty tools to move the logs.

It takes much less than a gallon of diesel to run the tractor to collect a log. However, the energy embodied in the tractor is significant. There's a few thousand pounds of steel there, huge tires, and many pounds of non-ferrous metals like aluminum and copper. Also, the tractor requires a pretty significant amount of maintenance and consumable items, like filters for oil and fuel and air. It probably costs about $2/hour to run the machine and properly maintain it. I wonder if I'll ever harvest enough firewood to balance out the energy embodied in the tractor.

The answer is almost certainly "no", which is pretty crazy if you think about it for a while. The overall industrial system created a product that is a net-loser of energy. Most of the people in my neighborhood, which is pretty rural, have some similar machine in their garage. I use mine much more than they do, typically, but still, there's a huge amount of energy sunk into the tractor fleet in my neighborhood.

It's only possible to build a machine like a tractor and have a big "energy debt", because energy is pretty close to free. There's a huge quantity of what's essentially stored solar energy in the form of fossil fuels underpinning economic activity and the production of products like my tractor.

If we had to rely solely on current-energy, e.g. from solar panels, it'd be insane to make things like my tractor or even electric cars. Some portion of current energy is needed for day to day activity, like heating and running water pumps or for necessary transportation. In theory, whatever surplus we had could go toward production of consumer goods, tools, etc... or to things like a tractor.

It would probably make way more sense to use horses and simple labor saving devices rather than high-energy-content equipment. 

Monday, December 27, 2021

The Human Immune System "Won"

I think if you asked an epidemiologist, "What is the role of viruses in nature?" they'd give you a blank stare. If you asked Fauci that question he'd ramble on for a few minutes and say nothing.

What is the role of viruses? Shrug. I don't know either.

It seems that most things in nature have some purpose within the context of the greater whole. Fungi have a vital role in the natural world, as do other microscopic life, so why wouldn't viruses?

Anyway, humans evolved to live with viruses and other microscopic life. It can be a really inconvenient relationship at times, but the microscopic life make our existence possible. Indeed we have a sort of deal worked out with lots of little critters, apparently including viruses.

Typically a virus goes from "dangerous" to mild. Apparently it doesn't take that long. In the case of the covid it took about 2 years or less. That's pretty amazing.

The governments, the scientists and the pharma companies did not do a single thing that caused that to happen. In fact, it's totally possible that all the attempts to "stop the spread" made that process take longer than necessary. Maybe it would have been over in a single flu season if people had gone on with normal life.

Think about the mechanisms of illness within an individual. When we're sick, we stay home and need bed rest. We often have zero choice in the matter. You just can't even get up if you wanted to. That's probably when we're most contagious too.

All the advice and activity of the scientists and doctors during this episode was worthless, possibly worth less than zero.

Sunday, December 26, 2021

Renaming a Cold

Media outlets are instructing people on how to distinguish between a common cold and the Omicron Variation. A person who is ill with "Omicron" can't really tell if they have some "variant" of Covid-19. (I think there's good reason to believe the two things are not even related, by the way... Omicron could really be a cold.)

If there wasn't a covid-19 narrative, I think people would have been mildly surprised at some new flu strain last year, but would have barely noticed otherwise.

It will be interesting to see how long the powers that be can keep people focused on "Covid-19" now that it's a cold.

Friday, December 24, 2021

The Anabaptists and the Craziness of the Reformation

The Amish broke away from "mainline" christianity in the 16th century. The reformation was one of the many instances of mass hysteria and mayhem among the European population. Supposed "christians" were slaughtering each other in horrific ways over doctrinal differences about crackers and wine. In retrospect, there's not a lot that's attractive about the catholic church of the day, nor the protestant churches. They were aligned with different political and financial factions and were meddling in people's affairs all the time and had very little at all to do with the spiritual aspect of life.

The "anabaptists" (the Amish) basically rebooted their religion by going to the source material, i.e. the Bible, specifically the sermon on the mount. It is what I would do, too, if faced with insanity from the mass-movement churches. You go back to the source and start over.

The insane upheaval of the reformation made it possible for the Amish to really go their own way. This is obviously applicable today. We're facing a very similar upheaval.

The political "left" is retarded. Their rhetoric is bullshit that's wrapped around a particular oligarch faction. They just started injecting their kids with a mystery concoction to "baptize" them into their retarded faith in "the science". There isn't a political right in the western world.

The only real path forward is to go back to the source, just like the Amish did, and I expect only a handful of people are going to do that. The anabaptist movement was pretty small.

Thursday, December 23, 2021

Fauci: Repeated Failures and Promotion

 Fauci's track record sucks, but he's been promoted over and over and is the media frontman for the Pharma Cartel.

He wanted to develop an AIDS vaccine -- failed.

He wanted to develop an anthrax vaccine -- failed.

Now he wants to coerce people to take another failed vaccine. Fuck that guy and the loser government that keeps promoting his nonsense.

The United States is lousy with cartels. Medical cartel. Pharma cartel, Banking cartel, College and University cartels. Most of these institutions are bloated, failing, overly expensive entities. Fuck em all. 

Tuesday, December 21, 2021

Fake Left and Fake Right

Is there really a "right" and "left" in the USA? I don't think so. The "right" is really just normal people who don't particularly like a heavy handed intrusive government as far as I can tell. The "left" seems to be women, gays, and some jews, and an amalgamation of rando minorities. The political representation of both groups doesn't seem to be particularly connected to the "people" in any substantial way--they're just political scumbags that get paid by corporations or banks or whatever.

None of the ideas of "the left" or "the right" build a house or put food in anyone's mouth. It's all just bullshit. The corporations that espouse "leftist" rhetoric engage in hard core business practices and kowtow to China all the time. They wave rainbow flags and talk about green this or that, then use hyper-polluting manufacturers in Asia to avoid regulation. There are places in India where the sky is ash gray and the water foams with sewage and industrial waste.

The group-think mindset is going to be the death of billions of people.

Mandating the Vaccines that Don't Work

Am I taking crazy pills? I've seen a couple opinion pieces suggesting that mandatory vaccines is the only thing that will stop covaids... but the vaccines don't work at all. They don't "stop the spread" or even seem to prevent illness. The claim all along was that "symptoms are reduced in healthy adults". All the people I know who are sick right now are "fully vaccinated".

The people who want mandates should read about the Spanish Civil War or the Reformation. I know they won't, and wouldn't understand how to apply the concepts because they're probably not really capable of abstract thought, but let's put it this way: mandating a vaccine is probably going to kill off more people than covid ever could.

It's almost impossibly stupid, but I think that's what will happen. The risk of death from covaids, which is currently about equal to normal mortality, will be replaced with a 1/3 chance of dying from famine or violence.

I think the retards that run the government are gearing up to try to do that. They realize they can't and it's illegal, but the OSHA mandates showed that they're willing to try.

Monday, December 20, 2021

The Actual United States

There are two United States. There's the corporate entity that's headquartered in Washington, and there's the actual Natural Law United States which has no headquarters. The one in Washington DC is an impostor.

When in the Course of human events, it becomes necessary for one people to dissolve the political bands which have connected them with another, and to assume among the powers of the earth, the separate and equal station to which the Laws of Nature and of Nature's God entitle them, a decent respect to the opinions of mankind requires that they should declare the causes which impel them to the separation.

The impostor has been around for a while--probably since around 1898, but maybe before. Some people point to Abraham Lincoln as the first impostor, but maybe it was George Washington. To his credit, Washington seemed to realize that. I've read a few letters from Washington that effectively say, "Ah shit, here we go again."

Is there any legitimate earthly authority?  No. A "legitimate" government requires the consent of the governed, but when you're just born into an existing government system and agreement, how can you consent to it? Your parents and grandparents can't dictate the terms of your life years before your birth with anything resembling legitimacy. How can a government put its children and grandchildren in financial obligation with anything resembling legitimacy? It can't.

The Natural Law is really the only law. Every other law is a fraud. This is a pretty tough pill to swallow, because it reveals that we're all in slavery to the US corporation.

Sunday, December 19, 2021

Business Plot 2.0


It's really amazing how accurate the alt-media/truther community was about the Covid bullshit. It was all a scam to force people into an electronic gulag. It's still unfolding, and there are a lot of people who aren't on board, but a huge portion of the public is braindead/zombies and love it.

Tuesday, December 14, 2021

RNA Vaxx Didn't Work on Flu

 There are several mainstream articles discussing the failure of Moderna's flu shot. It just didn't work.

The mRNA vaccine mechanism was sold as an exciting new silver bullet tech, but it just didn't work for the flu, which means, at minimum, it's not broadly applicable. I think it also means that the mechanisms of illness and immunity are not really well understood.

Monday, December 13, 2021

Familiar Scheme


A few years ago, a pharmaceutical company owned by Pfizer coerced horse owners to use an experimental vaccine that ended up killing or maiming many horses. It's now the subject of a class action lawsuit. It sounds an awful like the current schemes. I guess they first tried it on horses, then moved to people. The guy who is the CEO of Pfizer today was a manager at that company during that time.

Friday, December 10, 2021

Amish Show It's Possible

The Amish live in a parallel social and economic universe. It's really no big deal for them to do it. They are able to ignore and bypass or edit various government regulations and decrees, too. Their educational system is different, for example.

For some bizarre reason, the rest of the country gets locked into massive battles of control of the culture and the political system. When one group "wins" it inevitably tries to lord over the other(s). Why?

Currently the "left" holds political power in the US. They're lording over everyone else. Their stupid policies and weird social agenda are utopian, for them, but seem to be poison for everyone else. Why don't they just promote the utopia for the people who want it? Why the desire to impose it on all others. It's actually pretty weird.

The Amish show you can go and just do it. Make your commie utopia. If it's so great, people will sign up. You don't need to coerce others into joining.

The "right" sometimes imposes its stupid agenda too. That "trad" life doesn't appeal to everyone--that's fine. Build trad-land if you want. If a kid doesn't want to live in trad land they could move to San Francisco or something. No biggie.

Thursday, December 9, 2021

Brazen Liars

The CEOs of pharmaceutical companies making the vaccines for covid announced that three doses of their concoctions will be enough for the "Omicron" variant.

There's no way they can know that. It's absurd anyone trusts them, but masses of people do.

Wednesday, December 8, 2021

Being Good, Being Rich

If you asked a person to picture a farm in their mind, then describe it. They'd talk about green grass, animals, and maybe a family running the farm. We have a farm like that just a couple of miles away from my house, for example. You can go there and see the animals and even interact with them. They have a sort-of petting zoo on site. It's pretty cool.

Almost nobody would imagine factory farms or centralized slaughterhouses.

The reality is a large portion of the meat and eggs that we eat comes from factory farm scenarios. When people watch videos of those places, they are generally quite disturbed.

So why are there factory farms when we have an ancient pattern of "normal" farming imprinted on our minds? The centralization of food production isn't all that recent. I think it probably happens any time there's a mass civilization because it's "cheaper" to handle animals that way and there's profit to be had. Inevitably some people will come up with a system to grab those profits, even if it means treating animals in a weird inhumane manner that is almost entirely contrary to deeply ingrained, even instinctual patterns about how we should treat other living things.

Indeed in our civilization, factory farming still leaves some potential profit on the table, so "scientists" have added GMO animals, and now are aiming to eliminate sexual reproduction. They want to "grow" meat, and even animals like chickens, in a lab in the "optimal" way.

How does this even happen?

Everyone wants to be good and live in a good world, but we fail. We make hell. It's fucking weird.

In the case of factory farming the explanation is fairly obvious. People might want to be good, and treat animals well, but they also want to be rich, and want to "save money", which is really born from the same root as the desire to "be rich". We tend to focus on the money part and just forget the "being good" part. That's actually really weird.

The tendency for tangential movement, or tangential action is really hard to overcome. We obsess about money--really just numbers. We don't obsess about goodness or states of being, or the outcomes of our actions. It's fucked up.

Sunday, December 5, 2021

How Neoliberalism Really Works

The US dollar went off the gold standard completely in 1971. In the years following, the whole world went to a "free floating" system of fiat currencies. (although some countries retained aspects of gold backing for much longer)

The dollar is now mainly "valued" against corporate assets, like stock, and other currencies and to commodities like oil. The dollar only has a one-way "valuation" trend. It's worth less and less as the value of assets and commodities appears to "rise", that is, they're priced higher in dollar terms as there are ever more dollars. At the same time the dollar has been depreciating, and corporate paper has been rising in price, wages have been stagnant or declining.

This dollar devaluation can "work", that is, people can still afford to live as long as "productivity" gains take place along side the devaluation. The cost of goods should fall in tandem with the devaluation of the money. However, what actually happens with "productivity" gains is "crapflation" in consumer products and in food.

A set of managers, from middle managers to corporate executives serve as proxies of the financial system and the government and controls the strawman elements of the system. They implement the rituals and rites that keep the whole thing working. As an aside, the strawman elements of the system could be completely automated today--the system is really a big paper and human version of a computer program--however "the system" aims to automate blue collar and working class jobs for the most part to suck more resources up the pyramid. Shifting jobs to slave labor countries was another way to shift more resources up the pyramid too--but that's actually 99% done already in a couple of decades.

"Neoliberalism" is really the bloating of the system strawman. It provides ever more wealth and job opportunities to people who work as functionaries. The strawman could get fatter and fatter without limit, apparently, as more money is pumped into the economy by the Federal reserve. Corporate bureaucracy bloats each and every year. Every year, for example, corporations spend thousands of man-hours of employee time watching political propaganda videos about pronouns and "trans" and other issues that don't really have anything to do with the business.

The "white collar" work force is literally invested in the system and is willing participants in extracting wealth from the people who are further down the pyramid from them. They willingly, if not happily, fucked over the blue collar work force during the 90s and 2000s as jobs were shipped to India and China. They're really like the knights who work for the equivalent of dukes and counts and kings today.

They remain loyal and attached to the top of the pyramid because their livelihood depends on it. Now, the top of the pyramid sees them as the next group to rob. Scumbag Janet Yellen has talked about taxing "unrealized capital gains" which is totally hilarious. That's the precursor to taxing 401(k) and IRA money, by the way.

The top of the pyramid is terrified that the white collar work force would throw-in with the blue collar workers, which is why the concept of MAGA was villified by TV networks and other scumbags. It really doesn't matter if Trump/MAGA was real or mere advertising, by the way, the concept of the citizens of the USA acting in concert on their own behalf--a real "New Deal"--would exclude the parasites on the top of the pyramid.

Thursday, December 2, 2021

Australia Imprisons People Based on "Contact Tracing"

The people of Australia should turn their government into powder.

The "authorities" in that shithole recently staged a manhunt for people who were imprisoned because of "contact tracing" for a very mild disease, i.e. covid.

The three teenagers tested negative for the disease, but were held because they were in "contact" with someone who did or something.

Wednesday, December 1, 2021

My "New World Order"


I'm really loving my own New World Order plan, because it shows how absurd the corporate communist bureaucrat hacks are.

The average white liberal in the US really pines to live in a "european" socialist utopia of their mind, however, deep down they know it's a fraud that can't work and requires force and slavery to even pretend to exist. It's very easy to call them on their many bluffs and stupid ideas, like "green" energy. Given the chance to go live and build their utopia in Euro-land, they would not do it, because they're lazy and too stupid to realize their plans.

They should be given every opportunity to do it though. They could leave all the racist-bigot-homophobe evil whiteness people in the US and go live with their ideologically pure counterparts in Europe and manifest thei super-bureaucracy technocrat system with its pure green energy, city sky-scraper "vertical farms" and bug paste and concrete tube life. They could be controlled by their smart-phone apps, drive all electric-green-energy cars. That sales pitch theoretically appeals to some people--who? Nobody.

The appeal of corporate communism is a lazy, useless white liberal retard with a useless degree in some useless field can parasite off the rest of humanity as a commie apparatchik while they spout some useless drivel as an occupation.

Communists excel at mass death because their stupid plans can't work. I think many of the commies earnestly believe in their own bullshit, though. Perhaps the core of the political structure of communist movements is cynical and realizes their rhetoric is meaningless garbage, but they might be true believers too.

Vaccine Mandates and Reformation 2

I think the Reformation is a really good model for what's going to happen in the western world relatively soon. As in the Reformation days, the populations are all mixed together and have divergent beliefs. Rather than catholic/protestant and differences over the meaning of crackers and wine, people are now divided on being a slave or being free.

The plan for the slave people is: electronic gulag and world wide economic system run by "AI". People in slave world will live in a grid of total micromanagement control of their lives. The free people don't have a plan, which is why they'll fare much better ultimately. Currently, though, the computer communists are trying to take over the entire world, so that is going to provoke a response by the free people in short order. What's it going to look like?

The governments of Eurotrash countries are going down the "mandatory vaccine" road en route to the electronic gulag. For me and hundreds of millions of other people even in Europe, that's the live-free-or-die red line. Many people in Europe are opposed to the authoritarian and very stupid "covid" policies that have become more and more obviously fraudulent to more people with each passing day. European governments seem to have more authority over their subject-like citizens than the United States does. However, even those Eurotrash "governments" requires the consent of the governed, so if multitudes of people reject these mandates, they really won't have much force.

The USA government is actually pretty limited by the political and legal structure of the country. Joe Biden's OSHA mandates, for example, are falling apart in numerous court cases and it seems pretty unlikely that they'll hang around for long. There's no way for the scumbag to really decree that everyone take a vaccine, even if scumbag Biden's scumbag puppet masters tell him to.

Corporate America has stepped into the slave-master position in the USA. It's been weaponized against the free people by the slaver commie trash. Corporate america is trash.

Can there be a slow motion reshuffling of the populations so the free people move away from the commie-hot-zones without violence or are people going to have to fight? It's hard to say.

A very obvious solution to the current "divide" is for the free people to all move to one place and the slave people to move to another. Europe is the capital of Slave Land and frankly the white liberal slave-tards in the US want to be more "europeanish". Why don't they move there and the free white people of Europe can move to the US and Canada? Problem solved. North America could remain the home of the free and innovative people of the world, and all the poseur political hacks could move to Europe and revel in socialism? Seems pretty easy.