Sunday, April 26, 2020

Boom Time Ahead for 1776 America

A portion of the United States turned into an insane asylum who worship Covid-19 as a new god. A portion of the US sees all the people in that asylum as insane. Many larger corporations have gone into full USSR mode. Wal*Mart and Home Depot are like training grounds for full soviet citizenship at this point. (If the United States was a pickup truck, corporations like Wal*Mart and Home Depot would be like the rust in the frame.)

In some ways, that's unfortunate and depressing, but I think they're just showing their true colors. Some of their response to Covid-19 is genuine, but I think a lot of it is just an expression of their endemic authoritarian, hierarchical nature. Millions of people are free Americans. It's not a nativist, by birth thing either. There's millions of people around the world who are not made for slavery.

The corporate United States is going to pay a pretty heavy price in the years ahead. The country is going to experience a major shake up. Free America has huge advantages; while it doesn't have the financial clout of Wall Street minion corporations, it also doesn't have enormous parasitic overheads. People will flock to competitors of big box stores and grocery store chains that go full Soviet.

The same thing is true of tech, manufacturing, and other businesses. The employers that go full retard will lose staff--probably the best and brightest, too. Creativity and minionhood don't go together.

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