Monday, November 28, 2016

The Resources of the Internet are Enormous

Over the weekend some researchers of "Pizzagate" dug up some 2011 vintage Andrew Breitbart tweets that seem to relate to pizzagate. Also, over the long weekend, MSM news outlets like the Washington Post and NPR ran stories to defuse the allegations that are being made by Internet researchers as part of the "fake news" propaganda campaign. Pizzagate seems like a modern day witch hunt, but one where there are modern day witches: For example, Clement Freud or Jimmy Savile.

People like Freud or Savile, or various alleged government connected pedos in the United States were safe before the Internet. Corrupted governments and systems could protect these viscous people. Toady reporters could provide cover PR stories in the media. The value of those connected networks seem to be declining rapidly relative to the power of the Internet to expose them.

The resources of the Internet are enormous and distributed. No managers or official channels exist to direct its huge energies. It would be very easy to coordinate an actual investigation into VIP pedo rings that's completely independent from "official" agencies and governments. Of course, such power is also dangerous, because it might tend to be very one sided--an unfounded accusation could destroy an individual. Similarly, a fabricated story could destroy an individual or group of innocent people.

Friday, November 25, 2016

"Veronica Mars" vs "The Gilmore Girls"

Kristen Bell as Veronica Mars
This morning, The Gilmore Girls Netflix reboot was playing on our TV. (I wasn't working the remote at the time.) I've watched a couple episodes. It struck me that the show is a mirror image of Veronica Mars the mid 2000's cult girl detective show.

Veronica Mars depicts a film noir version of Nancy Drew where bigshot movie stars are actually psychopathic murderers and rapists, big time businessmen are pedophiles and secret societies of compromised thugs run the world and are in fact no different, only less honorable than the ethnic biker gangs in the divided town of Neptune California. (See The Sea People)

In fairness, I've not watched many Gilmore Girls episodes, but from what I've gathered it celebrates a single mom (from a wealthy but estranged family) keep her daughter on track to obtain East Coast Success, i.e. an ivy league degree and a job in the mainstream (rapidly dying) print media.

The Veronica Mars character is a creature of the underworld, the dark side. In fact, she ultimately rejects East Coast Success and ends up fighting in the underworld on behalf of her people.

Tuesday, November 22, 2016

Mistaking the Funhouse For Reals

People lost their minds over this election. It's like they're mistaking a haunted house or a funhouse with reality. Clinton's supporters are wetting their pants about a handful of celebrity trolls pretending to be nazis. Trump's supporters thought he'd really send her to prison and he just let her off the hook. Time to snap out off it already.

Saturday, November 19, 2016

Provisional Truth

It's possible that infotainment is more polarizing than "actual" news and analysis. An entertaining conman like John Stuart or John Oliver follow a formula of selling their lines to their audience rather than merely reciting them like a news program talking head.

Audiences should keep in mind that even rigorously pursued fields of study, e.g. Geology or Physics, only provide provisional truths. The idea of plate tectonics, for example, is not even a hundred years old and is not even totally understood.

People should chill out. The pursuit of knowledge or trying to build a way of life is difficult and a process full of mistakes and dead ends.

Thursday, November 10, 2016

Three Cheers for the Weird People

In my day to day life I'm a normie. Clean living, unassuming dress, no outward signs of the churning cauldron of my mind and the vivid scenes that play in my mind's eye. I regularly have discussions with other similar people on social media where our deep inner strangeness comes to the surface. Social media (especially twitter) is like the world's campfire. We gather around it and speak in strange analogies and try to conjure the true poetry of the world into a few terse words and phrases.

In my discussion, I try to keep the course of my words trim and neat and keep a tether attached to my old training in science, but I appreciate the people who dance out there into the truly deep weirdness, and appreciate the people who aren't afraid to offend or aggrieve as they try to tap into the deepest secrets of creation.

Analogy and metaphor, images and symbols make us like Ratatoskr the red squirrel of Norse myth running up and down the tree of the world. Bringing back the tales of the gods doings to the people with our squeaks and tweets.

Saturday, November 5, 2016

Wikileaks and Color Revolution America Style

Thankfully, this bizarre election season is drawing to a close. All of the oxygen for debate has been sucked up by the circus surrounding John Podesta's email leaking out in batches via Wikileaks. People that hate the Clintons find the information damning and titillating. People that like the Clintons are ignoring it.

The controversy involving Serbian born Alasteir Crowley knock-off Marina Abramovic raised as many questions about wikileaks as it did about Satanic Hillary or the unorthodox hoodoo beliefs of coastal elites.

Wikileaks highlighted the term "Spirit Cooking" in one of Podesta's emails, then promoted a bunch of tweets and web postings of affiliates, like "WeAreChange" to whip up more controversy and to cross promote. Finally, the sensational leak provided some cross promotion for the mass market product known as "Lady Gaga" who's somehow attached to the "art" of Abramovic and happened to be releasing a new set of music for sale on the same day of the Spirit Cooking leak.

This election seems color revolution-y. A whole shyster squad including Julian Assange, Cernovich, the We Are Change folks and many other supposed independent media people are promoting it. These asshats are just a new mask for the same old faces.