Thursday, May 2, 2024

Priests and Politicians

Priests and politicians are the two worst categories of people on earth. They're both byproducts of mass society and its associated delusions. The priests and politicians and all their delusional followers are all about "belief", that is living life according to some made up narrative about reality, instead of living in reality.

Politicians have led countless of millions of people to their deaths in wars for "their country". Willingness to "die for your country" is supposed to be a good and honorable trait instead of pure insanity.

Priests basically just rant about very old comic book stories and collect money. I guess that's what the movie industry does as well, so it makes sense. The priests probably morphed into a category from the ancient entertainment industry.

Anyway, having realized the politicians are scum and the priests are probably worse than them as a category of human, my life has become much simpler. I avoid investing any energy in political controversy and realize the "sides" in every conflict are insane retards.

There are protests on college campuses about the awful jew government in "Israel", the most delusional retard country on earth. It's a bunch of people who imagine their belief and their stupid stories are superior to reality, and if you don't nod along those tyrant weirdos will condemn you. If you're their unfortunate neighbors, they'll kill you and steal your stuff.

Their insanity has spilled over into the shitty US congress. The house of representatives passed a bill about antisemitism recently. It's obviously unconstitutional, but they dutifully voted for it.

"Antisemitism" is all about "belief" in a bunch of stories (aka lies) concocted by jew priests, or the equivalent. It's not necessary to argue against those maniacs. It's not really possible for most normal people to invest so much energy in lies or refuting them. Anyway, that's the wrong thing to do. Once I realized everything they say is a lie, it's not necessary to mentally negate it or engage at all in their insane belief game.

It's better to devote time and energy to real 3D reality and study that instead. All the time spent on that, is time not spent on the beliefs of priests and politicians. If everyone did it, those people would be out on the street where they belong.