Saturday, October 31, 2020

We're Living the Zombie Apocalypse

 I wrote about the Zombie Apocalypse a while ago describing it as a metaphor about the enervating effects of civilization on man, and taps into a deep yearning to be free and have a simple, natural life.

Unfortunately, it's not even metaphorical now. People have slipped completely into a coma and a world of lies and belief. Their entire existence is shaped by propaganda about the stupid election and covid. They are zombies. They have no ability to discern reality or make an independent decision, at least for now.

Saturday, October 24, 2020

The Worst People are In Governments

The normal, average people have capabilities and skills that are scorned by popular culture and media people.

A normal person has self doubt, and lack of certainty about their beliefs. A lack of certainty is a super power. If you're uncertain and doubtful, you're capable of learning and correcting yourself.

Contrast the typical, normal person's attitude to life with that of a politician or a TV talking head actor. The politician pretends to be absolutely certain about everything. In almost every circumstance in any room full of people any politician would be the least knowledgeable person on any topic except scamming and conning.

The skills and knowledge required to carry out almost any profession, even those the media deems lowly, like manual labor professions, require skill and knowledge, and those skills and knowledge connect the practitioner to concepts and knowledge of the whole in very deep fundamental ways.

Sunday, October 18, 2020

Watching the "News"

 Last night, we went out to dinner and sat at the bar. The national "news" broadcast was on instead of college football. 75% of it was "covid 19" fear porn that was mixed with partisan political propaganda. That's probably the first time in 10 years that I watched any crappy mainstream news.

I thought overall viewership of cable and broadcast TV was way down. Somehow, though, that propaganda leaks into the culture.

The people who aren't watching the stream of shit from NYC have a completely different view of covid-19. Those people have to contextualize the information for themselves; consequently, they don't think it's a very big deal, because it's not. The rest of the people who are hysterically afraid seem insane--because they are.

One quick way to protect yourself from the mainstream propaganda is to realize those people aren't lying they're liars. They don't have any truth to share at all.

Friday, October 16, 2020

Truth World or Lie World?

It seems like a time of "conflict" is much more revealing than a time of peace and stability. The philosophical underpinnings of the thinking of warring sides gets revealed. In a time of peace and stability the underlying beliefs of the people are not even unconscious, they're secret or forgotten. The ideas that train and shape the lives of millions of people in a mass society aren't subject to change, they're not even available for debate or discussion.

Today, you've got the "left" and the "right" at odds in the United States. The "left" thinks there's no objective outside world. Their main principle is extreme solipsism. They seem to think existence is really a product of "belief" and that there's really no external world. Therefore, ironically, they seek to impose their beliefs by force. They want to compel everyone to have the same internal thinking as some elect priesthood. This is exemplified by foisting the idea that people can "change gender" by surgery and hormones on the masses. If you play along with their fantasy world, then maybe their fantasy world is "true". Nature, an external world, and the notion that there is a divine order is abhorrent to these people. They're really basically like bad, narcissistic, spoiled children having a temper tantrum against nature.

The idealized "right" is that there is a natural order. The actual political "right" seems to claim it's the institutional arbiter of what that natural order is. In practice it ends up looking a whole lot like the left. The will and beliefs of a handful of people gets foisted onto the population. Compelling people to "believe" in what the leadership claims is a manifest natural order is just as nonsensical as anything the "left" does.

A discovery of what's true is a radically individual exercise. It actually seems impossible to "show" someone the truth. An individual needs to stub his toe to learn.

Wednesday, October 14, 2020

The Covid Fraud is Evil

We're born to learn. That's true of every creature and every thing on this planet. Think about how even your skeleton "learns" and adapts. Minerals like calcium can "learn" and grow. It's really amazing. The thing that "I" am is really a colony of trillions of cells and bacteria in my gut. That bacteria is probably inherited and learns and adapts. Our language using consciousness is really just a tiny tip of a vast iceberg.

Civilization, especially the oligarchic and top-down controlled versions of it stifle learning and life really so a handful of parasites can indulge their fantasies and whims. A totalitarian nation like North Korea epitomizes this. By keeping a population afraid and dependent, they prevent any growth or learning from nature itself. They're kept in a bubble of fraud and lies their entire life.

The covid fraud is the latest scam in a long line of scams like "global warming" and the cold war, and many others. WWI was previously the dumbest thing that has ever happened--The United States involvement in it was stupidity squared. I think covid-19 is even dumber, though.

People are afraid of a ghost story to the point that they wear a fucking mask even when they're walking at a park. They can't think or adapt or grow. Their children are being trained for slavery.

Monday, October 12, 2020

A New Way Forward

 I'm pretty thankful for the Covid-19 bullshit. Whatever little "belief" I had in our system is completely and totally purged. It seems like the "establishment" is either totally inept, or totally corrupt, and it is unable to adjust to new information or to do anything sensible. The "authorities" are the worst--they're liars and sociopaths at best. They tend toward destruction and chaos because their control is based on lies and rhetorical devices and frauds like the political parties and various cult movements.

A society that's based on scams and schemes is doomed to fail. The opposite approach--a society based on pursuit of the truth and actual merit--would look totally different than this POS thing we live in now. If the time and energy of people went into solving their actual problems, the quality of life of practically every person, animal and plant would improve. Instead, people's time and energy goes into the phantasmagorical world of some "elite" oligarch's stupid pet projects.

"Professional" People are Easiest to Brainwash

I regularly go to a hardware store in a more rural area. This past weekend, very few people in the store were wearing face masks. The news that "covid 19" is basically a scam has penetrated that group of people relatively rapidly and they've moved on with their lives. Meanwhile the "educated" and "professional" people in more urban areas are still putting their masks on like the good little drones they are.

It makes some sense. The "professional" people are the cogs of the system. They were educated to be part of the system since they were 5 years old. They can probably tell the system is pretty corrupt, but only know its cues and signals. They think if they play along, they'll get some benefit eventually. So if it's they "mask up", eventually they'll be "free" again.

The tendency of people to adapt to "the system" rather than seek out their cues and signals from nature seems to be the fatal flaw of every civilization.

Sunday, October 11, 2020

You Are Here

 Americans have been lied to, bamboozled, and bullshitted forever. Before there were any Americans, the same thing had been going on for centuries in Europe. The whole United States is being beckoned off the cliff, like the scene in Conan (1982) by the Thulsa Doom characters in the media and politics.

That cast of characters thinks the highest form of human endeavor is the con game.

Individuals are so lost, so mind-fucked and duped, so scammed and conned their whole life that almost everything they do is a lie, especially now in the time of Faceberg and social media.

Saturday, October 10, 2020

The Obvious End Point of Coronabologna

 It seems like we're  getting to the punch-line of the corona-farce.

The UK is floating the concept of weekly tests and a health passport. People in the UK are even dumber and more brainwashed than the people in the US, so they'll probably just go along with it.

The US will probably attach the concept of free money from the Federal Reserve to the health passport.

People will go into the electronic gulag willingly.

Thursday, October 8, 2020

Failing and Learning

Weirdly, it seems like there's almost always way more information in a failure than in a success. If you make something and it breaks, the next iteration will be better than the previous attempts. If you try to attain a skill, like learning to juggle, failure is a necessary ingredient.

That is a pretty good clue that any utopian civilization is really a stagnant, dark age. It's also a very good clue that a concept like "anamnesis" or "as above, so below" and other solipsistic philosophies are nonsensical. There is some aspect of innate, or inborn knowledge that connects our internal world with the external material world, but of course, all knowledge and learning came and comes from the whole.

Oligarchies and kingdoms and other forms of government that have a pretense of infallibility will be stagnant, regressing and doomed to collapse. The "asiatic despot" model makes for a stagnant population and civilization. There's really no perfection because there's no fixed forms, nor ideal forms.

Lots of people avoid failure for fear of ridicule, or because they've been trained to fear or have some other emotional reaction to failure. Embracing failure as a chance to learn something is the healthy outlook.

Friday, October 2, 2020

Fork in the Road of Life


Well, looks like the "western world" is dead as a door nail. It's probably been that way for a long time, so the event itself is not much of a shock, however, the realization is.

If you have an iota of discernment, you can see that covid is a huge fraud, of sufficient breadth to incorporate the fake president of the corporation of the United States of America in its script.

Once you realize it's a scam, you can see how we're on a vast sea of cattle like retarded people who will believe anything and be prompted to do anything by some malignant handlers. They have no moral compass and the vast, vast majority wouldn't be able to tell you which literal direction is north or south, east nor west. Discerning up or down might eventually fade.

If there's no going along with that herd, then what's the option? It seems like the Amish people have a viable strategy. I'm not sure what other groups really do. Unplug from the matrix and get someplace more rural and start over? I guess that's the only option.

I'm not sure if we currently live in a place that's safe from the sea of meat/river of retards that the western world is now composed of. It's pretty close, but if it's a river, we're precariously close to the banks in our current property.

Most Things People Invest Their Life Energy in Are Fake

 Supposedly Trump has the corona.... sure.

It's bad I'm posting this, because this bullshit story about a person who I have zero connection to sucked up some of my time and energy.