Tuesday, April 14, 2020

Bill Gates: Building Hell Brick by Brick

If I were collecting the video clips for some new, new Testament, one of them would be Bladerunner. That succinctly depicts the problem with Empires  and trying to replace nature with engineering. That problem is eloquently described by the Cain and Abel story, and also the Tower of Babel story. The natural order is fundamentally different than human's formal approach to building, or managing the world. An actual human is basically useless to an empire. An orc is really useful to an empire.

In Bladerunner, the simulacra of nature are almost "perfect" in appearance and even in function. However, their divinity is not the result of the forgery; it is not man's doing, it actually is from nature or god in the first place. The synthetic humans of Bladerunner are,  unfortunately us. Though we're not genetically engineered, nor synthesized, yet, our minds and beliefs have been engineered to serve the Empire. We're mostly very far from divinity and humanity.

The technocrats like Bill Gates are the architects of Bladerunner world. Their fundamental error is in rejecting nature and attempting to replace it with a world of "their" (not really theirs) design. Then, they seek proofs of the goodness of their creation, not in building it themselves, or applying to to their family, themselves, and their friends, they seek to coerce and bamboozle others to live in their design.

Many people think Bill Gates or his comrades are satanists. They're not, they're already in hell and they're trying to drag you there, too.

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