Thursday, April 2, 2020

Petty Officials and Freedom

One of the interesting things about the Covid-19 panic is how different jurisdictions are being more or less tyrannical with their citizens. Unfortunately, many jurisdictions have fairly comprehensive sway over businesses via administrative bodies and licensing, so they can shut down and control commercial activities. On the other hand, no jurisdiction in the United States has such authority over individuals or religious organizations thanks to the Bill of Rights, so the conflicts over the "lockdowns" might really flare up in various places, even locally or even in more remote towns and rural areas where local petty officials get too big for their britches.

Recently, the county health department here just ordered local businesses who they deemed non-essential to close. Of course, this is the mom and pop stores that make a living off their income. Meanwhile, larger corporate chains remain open as they take some kabuki theater infection fighting steps.

There's been no attempt to clamp down on individual movement, here, which is likely to meet with resistance, and maybe random violence. In other towns and cities, though, some petty local officials have attempted to clamp down on gatherings and individual movements. I really hope people refuse and ignore these edicts, and fight back if necessary.

Freedom is necessary to safety. If you can't exercise your own judgement, then you're no better than a slave or the chattel of some rando "official". You might get sick. You might die, but better die free than live forever as a slave, or worse, die from the incompetence and corruption of some dirtbag government hack.

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