Friday, April 10, 2020

More: Who Are The Globalists?

I think the philosophical roots of the current iteration of Globalism go back to the dawn of the British Empire and were sketched out by Francis Bacon and John Dee (See: Prophets of the Western World.) Their philosophy goes back to the classical world and to the Pythagorean school of philosophy with it's weird number superstitions.

They saw Number everywhere in nature and as part of a grand design that humans could discover and participate in. You see this concept embodied in architecture, especially. That is, by a ritually including the numerical proportions, and celestial alignments of nature in a building, one is at the minimum participating in the divinity of creation, if not acting as a sort of mini-god. These concepts also apply to celestial navigation, etc...

The modern scientific method took this concept one step further, initially, then jumped to a completely different conclusion about nature and number. First, there was an attempt to basically measure the architecture of the Universe. The men like Tycho Brahe and Copernicus compiled much better data about the orbits of planets, for example, and were able to develop accurate mathematical models of planetary motion. And then finally, Isaac Newton was able to mathematically describe mechanical systems with high precision.

I think a key symbol of the Globalists is the rainbow because of its biblical, and long standing poetic connotations, but also because it's a symbol of their approach to science, and nature. That is, science was able to decompose and describe what "light" is in mathematical model terms.

This school of science eventually replaced  "nature" with their mathematical models. The 17th and 18th century notions of harmony between the natural world and architecture, for example, was discarded and any connection with the natural world was thrown out in favor of a sort of psychotic, solipsism and nihilism. The Marxists and communists of the 20th century, and modern art, and postmodern ideas replace the notion of natural proportion and harmony with the grotesque. To them, nature is abhorrent and limiting to the man gods who know "the code" of the universe.

For them, life is a toy to be used for their experiments and for them to attain power. There's no understanding, or knowledge, or wisdom. There's merely lies and subterfuge. When they successfully con someone, they've attained the peak of enlightenment. There's no nature, or natural law. Man is either a con man, or an insect to be prodded and manipulated to gratify these con men. It's obvious why, for example, GMO food was so lauded by these people, almost worshiped--it is a "man made" (really not, it took genes from one creature and stuck them in plants) creation.

The Globalists are basically a religious sect of people who are steeped in the post-enlightenment tradition. They seem to be Marxists, and seem to be liars and con men. In recent years in the United States, unfortunately, it seems our whole Federal government has been infiltrated and subverted from the top down, especially after WW2, and even more after the cold war. The Bushes, the Clintons and Obama seem like operatives of this group. The "billionaires" like Bill Gates, Zukerface are operatives of this group. Unfortunately, the whole tech industry seems to be its creation. (Note all the rainbow colors of Google, etc...)

Unfortunately, this "Plandemic" seems to be revealing that Trump might not be a Globalist, at least not in public, but his advisors are 100% globalists. We're at a key, pivotal moment of history, where humanity is either going toward the Bladerunner dystopia, or the nations fight back and establish tradition and natural law.

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