Wednesday, September 28, 2016

Nature and Civilization

In several posts, I've pointed out the odd malice that Western culture has toward the material world. The religious idea of a soul that's distinct from matter pervades almost every aspect of daily life and is the basis for opinions about the treatment of the natural world, and the treatment of animals, even domestic animals and pets. The idea that we are separate from nature is a bizarre fiction that even pervades environmentalism--the natural world is a thing to be managed and maintained in a static condition.

For more than 10,000 years, the tribes who would eventually become the people of the Western were on the move into new frontiers. They conquered, exploited, and used up lands. (Their conquests included the people of the West.) The consumption of the land is currently masked by the widespread availability of petroleum and chemical fertilizers.

Whatever the historic, indigenous society of European peoples was, the information is lost. The ability to live in a stable equilibrium with the natural world is lost. (Note that what's stable could vary wildly with techniques and methods)

That information might be the holy grail, or the red-sea parting, or the Arc that takes a small group of people to Eden. 

Sunday, September 25, 2016

Talking to the Gods

"Back to Eden" is a detailed documentary about gardening with mulch. It centers on the gardener and arborist Paul Gautschi who discovered a permaculture method of gardening that builds the soil year after year in a cumulative manner. It's a remarkable, and remarkably simple idea. Gautschi's method of inquiry is very old. He talked directly to the gods, though his experience is filtered through Christian mythology and terms, he's like a shaman from antiquity.

Compare the idea of returning to Eden and the idea of The City on a Hill. The city, civilization, is pretty close to diametrically opposed to Eden. The city on the hill conjures images of self satisfied, parasitic assholes in meetings, or giving speeches from a podium about their moral superiority.

Even Hillary Clinton has used the "City on a Hill" Phrase

I think what my blog is evolving into is an exploration of how a society of yeomanry could exist. Is it possible to just dump layer after layer of bureaucracy, managers, and various hangers on and just live free? Return to Eden rather than living in the world of man and the world of liars?

Tuesday, September 20, 2016

Mistakes of the Peasants' Revolts

Every once in a while, the "people" actually rise up and smash the systems that oppress them. The Peasants' Revolt is a typical example. The people almost always make a grave mistake in their coup plotting and fighting: they think the "government" is a thing instead of people. The nobles and the king don't make that mistake.

The peasants in 1381 England actually all but won. They were attempting to cast off the feudal/medieval system that was an anachronism in post bubonic plague Europe and had even conceived of alternatives, but went to war with their masters to force them to ratify their demands. That is, to make their government agree to do what they wished, rather than take what they wanted. The peasants wanted the power relationship to remain the same, that is continue to be ruled, while dictating the terms of the new relationship.

In our time, the same version of the peasants' mistake might be fighting a system instead of just creating new ones.

Sunday, September 18, 2016

Trump versus Hillary and Battle of Agincourt

The Battle of Agincourt is a good analogy for the 2016 presidential election in the US. The mainstream media, all its talking heads, pundits, highly produced TV series is getting dismantled by thousands of cheap pieces of media. Tweets, memes, YouTube videos.

As I've noted before, it seems like Trump's campaign actively mines social media for themes and talking points and echoes them back to his supporters. (It's also possible that Trump is one of them. That is, someone who's thinking is outside the mainstream of topics that have been carefully cultivated by the Petrodollar Empire's thought control goons.)

Hillary Clinton, the democrats and republicans (The Petrodollar Party), are failing. The credibility of multi-billion dollar media outlets (CNN, MSNBC) is completely gone as is their audience. Just like the French nobles at Agincourt, their outmoded style of warfare not only doesn't work, it's a hindrance and one of the causes of their ruin.

Thursday, September 15, 2016

Theory of Frozen Tribal Conflict

The people of Europe lived in tribal societies before the Roman Empire, and after the collapse of the Roman Empire. These tribes were essentially vast extended families. As a result of living in the same place for a long time, the people of a region came to have genetic similarities. Their way of life and religious beliefs came to be an expression of their DNA.

Subsequently, all these people were pushed into nation states, and into various Empires, and most importantly their local religions were stripped away and replaced with European Christianity, which seems to be a blend of their old beliefs and an imported mystery religion, desert religion. (The thing that remains for most post-Christianity Europeans is the Christmas tree.)

An Empire, like the Roman Empire, the Mongol Empire, the Ottoman Empire, various european empires or the current Western Empire is actually the domination of one tribe over the others and the introduction of a synthetic religion that cloaks this arrangement, plus the creation of bureaucratic systems that abstract the forms of local government that flow naturally from a tribal life.

It's quite possible that so many people feel disaffected with the current Western Empire because it makes no sense to them on a genetic level. Ancient, long forgotten grudges still simmer. Wars in the middle east make sense to the grandsons of Crusaders and to the Jews, but probably not so much to some Germans or Celts.

The alt-media, and conspiracy culture tends to focus on "the Jews" as a potential cause of their woes, but don't ever look at other "white" people, having totally forgotten the tribal cultures of their ancestors, and the history of tribal conflict. Some people in the alt-media obsess on the "Jewish question".

The "Western Empire" really seems to be, though, the British Empire with the capital moved to DC/NY from London. It really seems plausible we live in Norman world; from the very beginning (Norman England and Italy), and maybe through today the Normans had multicultural societies arranged as bureaucracies and tax farms where Jewish people served in important roles, but weren't sitting on the throne.

It's possible that this lineage of Normans is consciously maintained through institutions like elite universities, or secret societies like Skull & Bones. It's also possible that it's a natural outgrowth of human behavioral patterns. Once these relationships of ruled/tax farmed and rulers are established, they can last a long time without conscious planning.

Anyway, this is a new idea for me, so I'll be exploring it a while.

Monday, September 12, 2016

The Entire Alt-Media/Conspiracy Media on the Wrong Track?

You get up, leave your family, your pets, your house, your hobbies and trudge into a stupid job for 40 hours a week. You pay a mortgage that was loaned into existence ex nihilo to feed a parasitic system that transfers wealth to coastal elites and castle dwelling weirdos.

You ask yourself, "why am I doing this?"

If you look to the alt-media one answer you'll see over and over and over again is it's "the jews", possibly rebranded with a specific name "The Federal Reserve" or "The Rothschilds".

What if it is not them at all? What if the "they" is actually a lot closer to home? What if it's actually inter-tribal conflict among Europeans that's played out over 1000-ish years? Norman conquest of England; Norman infestation of the US gov't rather than Jews or ZOG or whatever label.

Maybe the nonsense life and pursuits we undertake fail to make sense to us because we're not psychotic viking descendants but we live in a world of their making? (See all my posts on "Sea People") Maybe all our institutions and religions seem fake because they're manufactured camo for descendants of pirates? Interesting idea...

Saturday, September 10, 2016

Trump & His Supporters

They Don't think Trump's a Puppet. They Think He's their Hammer

Hillary Clinton is a puppet. She represents some murky coalition of wealthy connected people. It's not totally clear who they all are, or how they relate to each other, but it's certain that she doesn't represent America or the average American. She's basically an employee of the Empire, and a lifetime financial system shill.

It seems like many Americans--maybe surprisingly large numbers--hate everything about that. In some cases the hatred is well informed. In others it's an emotional reaction. A large group of people is strongly rejecting the Empire and its phony puppets.

They believe Trump is going to do something about it. They believe Trump will make America America again. Time will tell if that happens, but my gut feeling is they're likely to be disappointed. If Trump wins, and fails to deliver, I think it buys time for the status quo or the establishment. However, as Trump runs into real establishment opposition, or worse, turns out to be a phony the movement will need to reorganize.

Trump's Supporters Aren't Necessarily Racists. They Just Don't Care about that Label

I think the alt groups: alt-right, alt-black, alt-jews whoever all reject political correctness cultural marxism, feminism, etc... They just don't care about being called racist or anti-semitic, so they create offensive race and anti-semitic memes, pictures and slogans mostly to demonstrate this point. The race-guilt thing just doesn't work on them. This point is totally missed by the average hand wringing old line GOP person or Hillary supporter because their brain is totally stuck in the race-guilt propaganda prison paradigm.

Of course, some tiny handful of alt people really do suck on a lozenge of hate for some abstraction of black people, Latinos, or whatever, but what's becoming very clear in this election cycle, that type of group/race hate is not confined to white people. Some people in lefty groups nurse hysterical hatred for white people. Some people are paid to cultivate those feelings.

Wednesday, September 7, 2016

Saturn and Jupiter, Chronos and Zeus

The mythological character Saturn has countless associations and manifestations in different mythological systems. For the Romans, he was a harvest god. It's not hard to see how that gets generalized to a god of time, and associated with death, and in a world governed by cycles, a god of rebirth. It seems like this character is the Egyptian Osiris, and there are obvious associations with the Christian Jesus (see John Barleycorn).

A harvest and time god is also a god of systems and accounting--measuring. In that role, he becomes an intermediary with what's real--the sun is stored in the grain and the beer. The grain can only be doled out in a manner that counterfeits the abundance of growing living plants of an endless summer. The beer can only be served by the pint and by the keg. In that role he becomes a phony, fake. In the dark of winter, in the underworld, fire is a feeble red imitation of the sun. He's the king of that fake world. In some cases a benevolent king--Good King Wenceslas. In some cases he's a missing, or injured (castrated) king. (cf tale of King Arthur--the Fisher King [a underworld/water king])

Zeus overthrows Chronos--Saturn as a degenerate tyrant who ate his children. Zeus is spared with the help of his mother Rhea who tricks Chronos into eating a rock instead of her boy. (a theme that shows up again and again--male child(ren) hidden from a murderous tyrant: Moses, Jesus, Romulus and Remus, Horus, Luke and Leia, etc... etc...) There are several possible interpretations of what these stories mean, but they're probably either seasonal or astromythological.

When Zeus escapes, he takes command of the universe. He's harsh, authoritarian, but possibly orderly versus the chaos and degeneracy of Chronos.

Thursday, September 1, 2016

The Petrodollar: A Fountain of Evil

The United States is a part of the Western Empire. The Western Empire's hardly "The West". The real West is the intellectual heirs of the free cities of Greece and the Roman Republic. That West is anti-Empire and anti-tyrant. Every empire is evil and corrupt. Every imperial court and dynasty is opposed to the interests of every free man. "Sic semper evello mortem tyrannis". Tyrant killers are fondly remembered--good strong Brutuses.

The current western empire is the petro-dollar bankster empire. As pointed out in a prior post, the Western Empire's following the same type of formula as medieval Venice. Control of an essential commodity, in our case oil, leads to control of markets, and in our day control of markets is the same thing as central banking.
Pre-petrodollar Iran; Did Iranian mullahs have to out-muslim their competition?

The petrodollar is, like petroleum itself, a polymorphous universal agent that assumes endless forms. It gives us both the Social Justice Warrior and Burka wearing subjugated women and fundamentalist Islam. It gives us war in the middle east and hand wringing about "refugees". The Petro dollar gives us Wal*Mart America, fast food, and slave made Chinese crap.

If you want to make America America again, kill the petrodollar.