Saturday, April 18, 2020

"Contact Tracing"; Medical Authoritarianism

One of the proposals in the plans to "re-open" various countries is "contact tracing" which big tech companies already have, of course. Now governments like the United States might attempt couple that capability with legal force, even though it seems entirely against the bill of rights.

This will be the crucial time for the public to either acquiescence to authoritarianism completely, or to reject it forcefully.

There are a significant number of people who are opposed to the authoritarian measures governments have enacted, recently. I don't have a good feel for the actual numbers or proportion of the population who are more afraid of the 'rona than they are of losing their freedom.

I am 90% sure that most of these measures will be forced through corporations to avoid being bogged down in the court system. Some companies will require employees to enroll in these programs to go back to work. Hopefully people will fight that too.

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