Saturday, February 29, 2020

The System Promotes Growth of the System

The inevitable response of the system to a problem like a pandemic disease will be to grow the system and shrink the human role. The sensible response would be to decentralize production and reduce dependency on global trade, but inevitably there will be a push for technological "solutions" (aka problem expansion) and more bureaucrats and commissars.

Friday, February 28, 2020

How Trump Could Lose

It's possible the coronavirus is a non-event in western countries. People aren't as packed together in western countries, even in big cities, as they are in China. It's also, of course, possible that there are outbreaks in big cities in the USA. It looks like the Trump administration might focus on the stupid stock market and economy in their rhetoric about the disease.

If there's a virus outbreak in the US, and people freak out, they won't give a damn about the markets, their jobs, or financial news for quite a while. If all they hear out of Trump is rambling about economic impacts, they'll get sick of Trump right away. I doubt any of the god awful democrat candidates could capitalize on that, though.

Thursday, February 27, 2020

Prepper Level: Red!

It seems pretty likely that coronavirus will take off in a west coast US city like LA or San Francisisco in the next several days. There are cases reported in New York and in California already. If you wait for the signal to stockpile a bunch of stuff to hunker down and ride out severe supply chain disruption and being stuck inside for week(s) at a time, it'll probably be too late.

We've been accumulating extra food, but we're probably a little behind. I'll probably pull the plug on commuting into the office, which is in a more densely populated area with a bunch of business-tards who are always on airplanes.

We'll see how this all goes down relatively soon.

Tuesday, February 25, 2020

Normalcy Bias and Weird Reaction to Pandemic Possibility

It's still pretty close to impossible to know what's really going on with the coronavirus. It seems plausible that it is a bioweapon that was released from a lab for an unknown purpose. The infection rate and mortality rate seem relatively high. China seems to be severely affected. It's possible, even plausible that death-cult members in South Korea purposely spread the virus there.

Life goes on like normal almost everywhere, though. The daily commute is polluting the air on our road. The kids are going to school. I drove into work yesterday. Every day in the back of my mind is the question: "when do I just stay home?" If it starts spreading at all in the United States, I will pull the plug on driving into more populated areas. Airline travel and the economy will probably grind to a total halt.

I think a panic reaction by people in big cities on the West Coast of the US could be the "go" signal for everyone else in the country. I think the "normalcy bias" will keep people in their routines for quite some time, but a major freakout in LA or San Francisco will shatter that normalcy bias quickly. The obvious "strategy" is to avoid concentrations of people "too soon" rather than "too late".

It seems pretty inevitable that the economy is going to collapse in a major way, and also money is going to become essentially worthless. It'll be interesting to see if people rebalance their thinking about "value" and money in the wake of a serious crisis.

Monday, February 24, 2020

Just Muddling Along = Winning

One of the chief sources of human misery, and error in judgement is the notion that human beings can be infallible. We see today in China, for example, the communist party honchos constantly lie about the spread of the coronavirus. In some effort to preserve "reputation" they lie. In an effort to preserve the illusion that they're in control, they lie. This is a typical politician pose, and is the only cult leader pose. A person who typically has no skills, and often no track record of success in any endeavors somehow tricks people into following their orders.

Another version of this infallibility pretense is found in architecture and monument building. The Georgia Guidstones are one example. The Guidstones are a small granite monument that includes a bunch of civilization advice in different languages. They are built with astronomical alignments. The implication is the advice is in harmony with the workings of the universe, rather than the arbitrary opinion of the people who made the monument.

The ravings of mystery school teachings are really similar. The notion that some human beings managed to crack the code of the universe is a persistent one.

At best, civilization muddles through. Human beings make mistakes, have very limited capacity to predict what will happen tomorrow, and don't even know why we're here, or even what this reality is all about. Nature seems a bit like this too. It muddles along and adapts and does the best it can on a grand scale. It doesn't hate or hide mistakes or "second rate" outcomes. It makes me wonder if embracing failure and championing mediocrity is a much better point of view to adopt as a personal code, rather than striving for "idealism" or heroic success.

Sunday, February 23, 2020

Coronavirus and Corporatocracy

It seems likely the coronavirus in China is going to have a large economic impact by disrupting the production of parts and manufactured goods, even if it doesn't reach bubonic plague levels of death and misery.

You have to try really hard to find something that's actually made in the United States today--even then, it's typically composed of parts or materials that are made in Asia. Lax and non-existent safety and environmental and labor standards, plus government subsidies make the apparent cost of those products "low", of course. The low price race to the bottom has been rotting the US economy's insides out for decades... But that's a beaten to death story.

There are redundant suppliers in some cases, but not in others. If this whole stupid system collapses, which seems plausible, it won't be rebooted any time soon. Like everything else, for every benefit the global economy brought, it brought at least one negative effect. Disease is part and parcel of movement of goods and people. In this case, the virus might have the added kick of including GMO and genetic engineering released from a lab Cat's Cradle style.

I doubt many people will have patience for government imposed retarded plans and schemes in the United States to counteract a big outbreak of some disease, regardless of how much fear porn preceded it. Maybe this incident will start to crack up the corporate oligarchy bullshit we've been dealing with for the past couple of decades.

Saturday, February 22, 2020

Ron Paul, Bernie Sanders and Corporatocracy

The democrats' trainwreck 2020 presidential race is so much like the 0bama years for the god awful neocon dominated GOP. Both parties imploded after moving so far away from protecting or advancing the interests of Americans.

Many people have observed the GOP treatment of Ron Paul parallels the DNC corporation's treatment of Bernie Sanders. The DNC is a corporate/financial system owned corporation that pretends it's important to care about gay people, trannies, and inner city blacks. It's very interesting to see them mobilize against Bernie Sanders.

The DNC is all about socialism, but it's corporate socialism that's controlled, to be blunt as possible, by a coastal coalitions of corporate and financial system agents that seems to be 80%+ jewish. Bernie is not a corporate whore, even though he is a socialist.

The corporate socialists in the DNC seem to want a technocratic dictatorship run by nanny state managers--America Chinese Style, I suppose. Bernie's brand of socialism is populist, or the fantasy of socialist populism. Bernie's socialism would just get subsumed by the corporate/financial system socialism. God they're fucking awful people.

Most of the DNC's current leadership was key in selling out US manufacturing to Asia and disenfranchising millions of people. Ironically, many of their spokespeople, front men who claim super-brain knowledge and the capacity to micromanage the lives of millions of people are frequently wrong and fail at their endeavors and plans.

The DNC will collapse like the G0P, but maybe won't be able to rebuild a winning coalition, so maybe it will go into full subervsion mode at the state and local level and try even harder to flood the country with more inner city dwelling welfare dependents.

Oligopoly and Monopoly Scams of Tech

YouTube started off with a simple idea--video broadcasting for anyone. It grew like crazy. It really capitalized on the low cost of internet bandwidth and storage.

Then they were bought by Goolag, added commercials and monetization to videos and allowed their mom and pop channels to get paid. Once it started to compete with the old media, they started to tie YouTube up with agreements and started scamming the little guy video producers to keep the lion's share of ad revenue and attention. They used every con and scam and slander campaign in the book to drive that process.

All the tech companies strive toward oligopoly scams and schemes while pretending to be public spaces or working in the public interest. They really suck and are congenital liars. They're all just manifestations and agents of the financial system and its grasping a scheming minions.

Thursday, February 20, 2020

The "Globalists" Pushing People to the Right?

Brother Nathaniel is a YouTuber (maybe former YouTuber) who is clearly an actor, and is the most obvious jewish, jewey man in the world. I think his Jewish ancestry is visible from the ISS. However, on YouTube he preaches anti-semitic tropes. He teaches his audience to hate jews. Somebody pays him to do that, writes the scripts, etc...

At the same time, the "left" is ratcheting up their insanity to 11. Every day there's some new, bizarre cause being pushed by some far left-wing lunatic. The "trans bathroom" debate was one of the prominent examples. Then there is a cadre of alt-media lunatic method actors pretending to be trans--like "Jessica" Yaniv. The media promotes nonsense like trans kids.

Quite predictably, everyone who's even half sane runs away from all that crap toward the "right". It's a good question if this movement to the right is organic, and if the left's insanity is "organic". It could be engineered.

The Democrats are the Overt Oligarchy Party

The switcheroo in the US politics over the past few years is incredible. The GOP was the country club "the man" establishment party who plotted to keep the working man down. It was lampooned in movies and TV shows all through the 1970s and 80s. Now the democrats are the effeminate oligarchy party. It's a bunch of nannie staters and corporate grifters who pretend to care about a random assortment of social issues.

Instead of a white guy frat-party country club atmosphere, though, the democrats maintain a curated collection of skin tones, but a rigorous monotone of opinion of a religious sect. They're so subservient to their oligarch masters that they want to get rid of the voting process in their primary race and replace it with an "expert driven" elite process.

It is really interesting that oligarchy is effeminate. I doubt that's always the case, but it might be. The merchant empire isn't built on male virtue. It's a schemer and poisoner empire, not a warrior, honor based endeavor.

Anyway, it'll be interesting to see what happens if/when the oligarchs get BTFO'd in the 2020 election. It does seem like this brief period of globalization is slipping away and falling apart. The coronavirus, even if it's not a pandemic, might disrupt the supply chain of western countries, which relies so heavily on asian companies.... for no reason at all.

Tuesday, February 18, 2020

The "Information Economy" Narrative

A few stories about Michael Bloomberg have been circulating recently where he's outlining the "information economy" narrative. Old jobs, like farming and manufacturing are deemed "obsolete"--by whom? Some disembodied prophet of truth, I guess.

The "information economy" narrative was sold hard through the 1980s, and maybe back into the 70s. One of the main elements of that narrative is that necessity drives the central planning choices. The shift of manufacturing from the United States to Asia was really done on behalf of financialized international corporations. There's really no objective reasoning behind it, except to consolidate more wealth and power in the hands of financiers.

Was Globo Always Homo?

I've been reading some 1970's vintage "conspiracy" literature, including the classic None Dare Call It Conspiracy. It leans heavily on Carroll Quigley's works about the "Anglo-American" empire. A lot of that information is floating around in the alt media today, and has been packaged and repackaged a hundred different ways. The gist of it is the British Empire basically 'borged the United States, or maybe vice versa, via collaboration among the "elites", especially the financiers. The direction of the empire percolates down through various organizations, corporations and institutions, like the CFR.

Anyway, an interesting aspect of this thing is many of the people who kicked it off, like Cecil Rhodes, were homosexuals and/or pedophiles. (A lot of that information, however, might be old or new propaganda.)

Saturday, February 15, 2020

China: Still a Colony

The government of the US is filled with to the rafters with corporate whores. Ironically, it seems like the "left" is the oligarchy party. The neoliberals pay lip service to the social justice rhetoric, while the "far left" really believes that bullshit. A company like Apple is the ultimate expression of this scenario. It's basically got a colonial era style agreement with Chinese manufacturers who turn out their people and natural resources. Apple imports gadgets and sells them with a huge markup to cultish retards.

The commie party in China in china is the oligarchy party, but it came to power after its totalitarian antecedents. It's cloaked in a very thin veil of lies and rhetoric. It survives only by disrupting and infiltrating people's day-to-day life. The citizenry there are a few steps above slaves.

The western oligarchy seems hell bent on achieving that same level of control over people's lives.

Friday, February 14, 2020

Mayor Butt, Bubba Bill and the British Empire

A generation or more ago, there was a wave of "alt media" analysis of who the globalists were. People like Lyndon LaRouche and his organization laid out the case against the British Empire and the old conspiracy literature points the finger at the Anglo-American Empire establishment. It seems pretty clear that this empire infection really took hold in the United States when Teddy Roosevelt became president, and the infection was complete by the time the Federal Reserve system was installed. It's a good explanation why there is always the dumb face of some British Royal mascott staring at you from the magazine rack in the checkout line of the grocery store.

The corporate empire system started in England back in the 16th century, and it seems like it's persisted through today. I think the CIA and other "western" intelligence services are key components of it.

The reaction of the United States to the British Empire's Boer War is pretty fascinating. The core of the United States hates the empire, but the coastal "elites" were basically tories. The pattern persists to this day, but is now more obscure and mixed. The Empire is more abstract and involves more people.

Bubba Bill and Mayor Butt are great examples of the randos attached to this drug smuggling mafia. Bubba allegedly was involved with running CIA cocaine through Arkansas... I wonder if Wal*Mart was involved shipping it? It'd be interesting to look at the growth of cocaine use and arrests in the 1980s with the expansion of that POS. Today, the Empire runs the heroin business, same as in the Vietnam days. I think bubba and butt are basically employees and front men of the Empire/mafia whatever you want to call that thing.

Thursday, February 13, 2020

The One Sided War: Globalists versus You

An ad from a "Swedish" airline has been making a kerfuffle online. It's a globalist brainwashing ad attacking the concept of "scandanavians".

One of the things that's getting more and more obvious by the day is that the "globalists" have been waging war on people in the western world for decades... the people, though, aren't even aware of it. The movie They Live depicts the nature of the war--shape shifting aliens control people through brainwashing techniques and through the participation of traitors.

The movie suggests that physically destroying their media operation will be sufficient to wake people up. I doubt it though. Some people are brainwashed from birth with no contrary information from a different source.

Another fundamental element of the movie is that the main characters decide to wreck the whole thing and when the aliens are exposed at the end, everyone is horrified... the movie hints that the aliens are then subsequently destroyed.

The way the system works, today, though is the aliens and the people are separated. The system itself is the alien. The money is completely fake, for example, pulled out of the banker's asshole, yet it motivates people en masse.

The Matrix is another iteration on the They Live theme that's probably a better representation of the real problem.

The Soul Story: How The Priesthood Glommed onto the Ruling Class

The 1982 movie Conan the Barbarian is about consciousness rising. It shows Conan progress in awareness during his revenge quest. The movie demonstrates the teachings of the mystery religion schools. Conan gains his soul through the movie, which culminates in an act of violence and revelation.

One of the mystery school ideas is cited in an Alice in Chains song: "Some say we are born into the grave". That is, our body traps our soul. The soul is what we really are. There's an antagonist relationship with matter. The aesthetic, flesh mortifying cults try to live this teaching. Denying themselves pleasure brings them closer to their concept of divinity.

Obviously, there's no real basis for these philosophical and religious traditions. We really don't know why we're here, why the universe is here, or what we are. We muddle through.

I think these religious concepts carry the fingerprint of their origin, though, among an urban priestly class that glommed onto an idle ruling class by telling them what they wanted to hear--that they were secretly immortal and that death was not real, but was a gateway or whatever.

Tuesday, February 11, 2020

Flawed Creation and Mystery Religion

I've written about the spirit of the law (natural law) versus the letter of the law many times on this blog.

A key belief of the mystery school based religions is that nature is fundamentally flawed from the start. They posit a flawed creator deity (demiurge) who makes a flawed creation. One variation on this theme is that the flawed world needs the aid of man to be whole and repaired. Jews are way into this notion. Communism is a great example of where that idea leads--massive piles of bodies and failure. A belief in letter-of-the-law contractual god is synonymous with a fallen world and flawed creation/creator. The world can be "repaired" through a long negotiation with such a god.

The virtue signaling of leftist hacks is built on this notion... they're repairing the fallen world by calling you racist.

The "real" deity in the mystery school religion is in the negative spaces of the fallen world. The idea of an immortal soul, for example, is an interpolation from death, suffering and the temporal aspect of living. The TV show Supernatural portrays these beliefs in the character "Chuck", who's the absentee real god of this universe.

There's a social, class embodiment of these beliefs. The "blue collar" workers who make things are supposedly subordinate to the idea people, or people who are mired in 100% symbol based work like lawyers or academics.

The premise of repairing flawed creation takes a literal form with technology. The obsessions of the transhumanists exemplify this idea. The computer--the house of their god--seems to offer an ability to house consciousness.

The reaction of a guy like Richard Proenneke to the civilization built on the notion of a fallen world makes a lot of sense--leave it behind as much as possible. If nature isn't fallen, and creation isn't defective, then civilization is. It's fundamentally flawed. Proenneke tried to realign his life with nature, to a degree. A guy like Diogenes did the same thing in the context of a city thousands of years before--he turned into a homeless man in an urban environment and became a critic of the society and its nonsense.

You can really see Christianity grew out of attempts to reconcile the position of a Diogenes and the notion of a fallen world. It's a pragmatic solution to philosophical problems. The Christian belief is that Jesus' sacrifice repaired the fallen world and seems like an attempt to move on past the old mystery religion. It's sort of a non solution or the acceptance of human limitation. That's a pretty laudable idea.

WTF is the Harvey Weinstein Trial?

I haven't paid any attention to the Harvey Weinstein trial, but I did catch a couple of reports on it recently. I'm not going to even post any links. If you want to look into the sordid details, that's your choice.

The details make me think the guy at the Transpocalypse youtube channel--long deleted by youtube--was really onto something about Hollywood. It seems like Weinstein had deformed genitals--maybe was a hermaphrodite at birth. His parents maybe had him assigned to male gender. They really made a point of feeding that information out to the public via the testimony.

Hollywood is an outpost of the remnants of babylon. Part of their superstition involves gender swapping and hermaphrodism. In Plato's Symposium, the playwright Aristophanes gives a little speech about the topic. I think the vast majority of people who read that and the vast majority of people who teach about that dialog take it as a metaphor, but for the babylonians, it's literal.

There's a little priesthood cult that periodically gets exposed and ousted as their depravity goes on display. Weinstein is probably fairly "normal" compared to the rest of them.

Monday, February 10, 2020

Mayor Butt--How Many 0bama's Are Out There?

I was dumb enough to vote for 0bama in 2008... I even donated money to that asshole's campaign. I was so sick of the neocons that some rando actor who bankers installed in office seemed like a better choice than the red party. Then, of course, 0bama continued 99.9% of Bush's policies, which finally black pilled me on US national politics. Man, the bank bailouts and wars really destroyed the federal government's credibility. It was a few steps too far so anyone paying any attention at all could see.

"Mayor" Pete Butt is another 0bama. Actually he seems like a 0bama/Clinton hybrid. He was a Rhodes Scholar, naval intelligence officer and worked in Afghanistan. The intelligence agencies seem to be recruiting grounds for the Empire. 0bama has a murky background, to say the least, and his back story was manufactured. His mom worked with the CIA. It seems like he was a CIA kid. That big tangled ball of nonsense and subversion has infiltrated the elected offices in the US. How many of these people are installed in local and state offices all over the United States?

They get one of these guys an office to give them some "credibility" as a politician, then they try to promote them up the ladder. What a joke.

Sunday, February 9, 2020

Cults and Politics

One of the stranger phenomenon of the Trump presidential era is the unopposed "virtue signaling" of left wing nut jobs like academics and politicians on national media outlets. Some loser magically gains credibility by critiquing white people as racist, or transphobic or whatever the talking points of the moment are. The typical politician or pundit has no real skills and possibly no real expertise, except confidence gaining and selling a lie. But there's an assumption of moral superiority, and overall superiority by some segment of the population by reciting some cosmopolitan persona script. It resembles a religious movement.

In this time of transition, it's interesting to see the parties in the US shape shift and attempt to form coalitions that can get their leadership into lucrative patronage spewing positions. The "left" seems deranged to the point that it's incapable of formulating a winning coalition. It's possible they believe their own lies and ideology to the point of committing treason and undermining their nation for "the cause".

The "left" is fairly openly declaring war on the "white" population in the United States and really doesn't believe in the founding principles of the country. It's an alien 5th column, basically. However, they're mostly at the level of LARPing and cosplay rather than a real threat. I think they're really far from crossing a line that would lead to violence or a "civil war".

The major weakness of the 5th column is that it is centrally coordinated and motivated--by whom? I don't know. The apparent weakness of the "white" people in the United States is a lack of corporate organization. However, that's really a huge strength. The centralized propaganda from new york media people to push commie ideology, for example, is met with 10,000 critiques. The centralized propaganda is all the same, too.

I think the most likely outcome of the current cultural moment is a dissolution of centralized institutions, including corporations and possibly the government, over a fairly long period of time. I think the next thing to collapse after the corporate news will be universities and colleges. I think in 10 years or so, if you have a college degree in some non-professional field (like a doctor or a dentist) people will think you're actually a dumb ass.

Saturday, February 8, 2020

The Alt Media Subculture Miners

I'm pretty sure there's an industry of internet subculture creation and mining. Hollywood people like Gwynneth Paltrow are in it and alt-media people like Alex Jones are in it. I think it was the basis of the Trump 2016 election, too.

It parallels earlier eras in the United States, like the religious revivals of the 1820's and 1830's. Those revivals coincided with the opening of the western frontier to settlement. One of the hallmarks of those eras was quack medicine and patent remedies.

The internet is similarly a bastion of quack medicine, too--internet people are taking turpentine as an old timey, good-enough-for-grandma medicine. A whole industry has sprouted up around idiopathic medical conditions, like being overloaded with certain gut bacteria versus other gut bacteria, or eliminating various dietary elements. People like Paltrow, Alex Jones, and many others cash in on it.

The cult/subculture creation industry burns through frontmen and conmen like wildfire, though. Many of the people who were promoted in the 2016 election burned all their cred in a few months.

S&H Green Stamps and Seeds and Financialization Training

Back in the 70s, stores in the United States gave out "green stamps" like some credit cards give away frequent flyer miles or reward points today. You could purchase things like appliances and furniture with green stamps from a catalog. I just barely remember the little machines that dispensed the stamps at the local grocery store. Trading cards, like baseball cards or movie cards are another faux currency from my childhood.

Items like baseball cards and S&H stamps seem to trigger some hoarding instinct in people. Maybe it's some ancient mammalian instinct, like squirrels hoarding seeds and nuts, or packing a nest with leaves and insulation.

The finance concepts like savings and and usury are probably based on simple math models of agriculture. The seeds from one plant can result in 20 plants the next year, for example. In ancient egypt, there were state granaries. It's not hard to imagine that infrastructure creating an associated industry of "finance", so if you borrowed 10 bags of seeds, it makes sense you should pay back 11 bags at harvest time.

It's hard to formulate a plausible explanation of how money tokens, which are a symbolic approximation of actual things like seeds became much more "valued", at least in normal circumstances. Maybe in the very early days of making contracts, scarce, rare items like metal statues of local gods were used as collateral or as a seal for an agreement, and eventually that morphed into coins. The scarcity of those collateral items could serve as a sort of measure of the ability of some people to produce trade goods.

Finance and money tokens are one of the bases for the toy model version of reality--the false reality matrix that's ruled by the black sun and that's only visible with the third eye.

Friday, February 7, 2020

There's no "Narrative" In Real Life

The coronavirus outbreak prompted many youtubers to revisit the 2001 anthrax scare in the United States. In retrospect, it looks like some government agency planned and carried out the attacks, then framed a worker in the lab that produces anthrax. Their intent was to attach Saddam Hussein to the World Trade center attack so they'd have a pretext to invade Iraq again.

A sure sign that the government is lying about any event is that a story "emerges" right away about who did something and why. In real life, hardly any sequence of events falls together into a story. Usually there's hardly even any sequential, related causes and events.

Liars, however, seem to fall into the habit of relying on fiction devices to fabricate their lies.

The "novel" coronavirus outbreak in China is a good example. Many articles came out right away after the outbreak made headlines in the United States that suggested there's a lab in China that might have released the virus. Other versions of what happened circulated from other central sources of propaganda. Consequently, today, there's mostly just a pile of lies and misinformation about the disease.

It seems plausible it's a bioweapon... although I think some commentators are filling in big gaps in the available information with speculation. It seems plausible that it's a trial run of some virus that's targeted at specific genetic groups... I think that's the best doomsday scenario for humanity, by the way: Psychopaths + ethnic hatred + genetic engineering will embolden some lunatic group to try to mass kill their imaginary enemies.

It's also plausible it's a big engineered PR driven panic to make money. What's the typical death rate for the flu in China? It might be higher than in western countries? I really have no idea.

Sunday, February 2, 2020

Neoliberals--Why the Slow Decline?

The wars, surveillance state, and financial crisis severely undermined the political establishment in the United States. The old GOP went down first, probably because the neoliberals have better camo than the neocons. Their "social issues" rhetoric hides their agenda better.

Neoliberalism is legalized corruption. The "revolving door" between government and industry epitomizes it. The bankers "leaving" lucrative finance jobs with a huge bonus, then working in government, then returning to a bank job are a great example. They just work as an agent of their private sector corporations for a while in a government position.

The democratic party in the US is currently undergoing the same kind of collapse and reconfiguration that the republican party did after 0bama won. The neolibs, though, still seem to be in charge even as the populist segment of that party lurches toward full on communism/socialism.

It's possible to just barely see the beginnings of a new, non corporate way of organizing people by watching YouTube, which is pretty ironic considering Google is a giant corporation, and YouTube is attempting to reformat as a corporate media outlet. It seems plausible and maybe a law of nature that individuals and small businesses can outcompete corporations. The tech boom is potentially a force multiplier for individuals and small businesses much more than corporations, which have so much overhead.

The financial and legal system are severely skewed in favor of corporations, though. Really, it's all a big tangled ball of the same shit.

An end of neoliberals in power, aka, corporate socialism, makes it possible to change laws to favor small businesses and individuals over corporations but it is likely to be an incremental slow battle over several years.

Saturday, February 1, 2020

Central Planning and the Tech Industry

I've been working in "tech" since the late 1990s at first in the real economy and then in the "information economy".

It seems like the "information" industry is reaching its own brownfield stage and the companies that make the gadgets and components of the information industry are attempting to turn into mass production/commodity producers, even though the design and production of the gadgets and systems that drive the information economy depends on software, which is really not amenable to mass production. In fact, it seems like any attempt to "automate" software production just evolves into a giant parasite that costs more than a cottage industry, disorganized approach.

The "information economy" is about "data mining", now. The initial tech boom of the 1970s-90s and the automation of industry boosted productivity/crapflation, but is now at the marginal/negative "returns" phase. "Data mining" is like spending $10 to save $9... or like making a living clipping coupons. It's really just a manifestation of all the funny money coming out central banks being sopped up in big piles of shitty old servers and databases of fundamentally useless information.

The information economy is producing the "infrastructure" of the central planning techno-dystopia society, which is really like trying to build a national economy on coupon clipping. The promised "savings" and "efficiency" of the systems of the electronic gulag are really just a reduced quality of life and loss of freedom for average people.

There's no point in "fighting" back against this thing. The most effective way to eradicate this thing is to abandon it because it is a pure parasite.

President Logan of "24"--One of the Best Characters Ever

We've been rewatching the series "24" lately. That show was too early for the social media and meme era of the Internet, which is unfortunate, because it's loaded with so much melodrama and over acting and ridiculous scenes and scenarios that it's a gold mine for memes.

One of the premises of the show is that the US federal government is 100% corrupt and unreliable... at the same time, it's staffed with dedicated men and women who risk or give their life for the federal government corporation. The character who best represents the corruption is President Charles Logan.

He's the male version of the feckless and unreliable "Sherry" character from the first season of the show. He's a vain, shallow, self serving, psychopath and narcissist. The actor who portrays the role does a great job embodying those personality traits. It's probably one of the best performances of all time.

I think season 5 of "24" was probably its peak. The prior seasons have mostly been background noise for evening brain-ded time, but it's actually really interesting to watch season 5 unfold. The melodrama gets transcends the TV soap opera formula and gets Shakespearean.