Thursday, May 7, 2020

Ventura County Crosses the Rubicon

The 'rona is a widespread disease at this point. It's not very severe for the vast majority of people, and mainly threatens those who are most compromised, and closest to their natural death. This information is commonplace, now, however governments like Ventura County, California are still acting as if there were just a few isolated cases, and those "typhoid marys" could be stopped from spreading the disease.

Ventura County just held a press conference on the topic. It's something that, possibly, made sense a couple of months ago, but is complete nonsense now. They will attempt to "contact trace" the coronavirus in their county. South Korea carried out that program at the start of this whole charade and believes it was a "success".

The real punchline of the Ventura County press conference is the announcement that they'll remove infected people from their homes if there's not sufficient accommodation for isolation, e.g. if the house doesn't have two bathrooms.

So let's get this straight--if 3 people are living in a house with one bathroom, and 1 person has the dreaded 'rona, but the other two don't, it's not a dreadful fast spreading disease at all. The step of removing someone from their home is not only tyrannical, it's just stupid.

That particular measure is stepping well into the territory of tyrannical. Citizens would be justified in using force to oppose their government.

It's instructive that they're only attempting this on a county level. At the state level, it'd spark too many people to organize and resist. It'd mark the disintegration of the state. At a county level, the blowback can be managed.

It's only a matter of time until someone acts strategically and in a targeted manner against "government" organizations. Random lashing out, or merely lashing out against the law enforcement order followers will be ineffective.

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