Saturday, May 2, 2020

1776 America Percentage of Population

A local district state representative wrote a letter to Mike DeWine, the Ohio Governor, expressing her constituents' extreme rejection of the lockdown measures. She says, "many are angry, very very angry" about them. They've also vowed to never vote for a Republican (DeWine is a 100x recycled political RINO in Ohio politics) again.

I think the letter is significant, and a reflection of the sentiment of a part of the county, which can be extrapolated to a large part of the state. I don't have a really good feel for the percentages, though. When I go to the nearby mom and pop hardware store, nobody is wearing a facemask. The store complies with the ritualistic dictates of the health department to avoid hassles, but it's the minimal possible level of nonsense.

My gut feeling is the 1776 Americans percentage of the overall population is 20-30%. However, as it becomes more apparent that the globalists are at war with them, that percentage might go much, much higher. I doubt many people really will stand for their individual freedom being curtailed to meet the goals of Bill Gates and the UN. I think the numbers of people who will support a total surrender of their rights is pretty low.

I think we'll see more of the mini secession and overthrow of local-mini tyrants in days and weeks ahead.  The rejection of the beach closures in California is one small example. That'll take off across the United States during the summer months, especially. The likelihood of people consenting, at all, to the dictates of state and local officials in the fall is really low, too.

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