Thursday, May 14, 2020

Counties and States Escaping the Medical Gulag

Wisconsin managed to partially bust out of the coronavirus lockdown. Their supreme court nullified the governor's attempt to extend his lockdown scheme. Apparently, though, cities and counties in Wisconsin have basically asserted their own jurisdictional authority to keep it going for their people.

The Ohio legislature is working to nuke DeWine's orders too. RINO DeWine will probably veto whatever legislation they manage to pass, though, and there are enough democrats to keep this scam going. It's very weird this is a partisan issue at all--though it definitely is.

It's probably a partisan issue because it's driven by the media, and the mainstream media is just employees of the oligarchs who are pushing this mess.

Anyway, it seems like many counties across the country will break away from their state and the feds and open up. I think maybe there will only be a few more weeks of this nonsense. If the feds or the state attempt to lock things down again, I believe that will fail, at least here in my particular county.

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