Sunday, May 17, 2020

America: You've Got Until Next Autumn?

Yesterday, we dined out for the first time in months. As the weather warms up here, it's apparent that the Covid-19 hoax won't last much past memorial day. Nobody will wear a stupid mask when it's 80F or hotter outside. The businesses that attempt to make their workers wear them will lose their staff. Every normie will finally realize this is a stupid ritualistic hoax. The cities and counties that are still locked down will lose all their able bodied residents and become ghetto shitholes.

The oligarch's plans for contact tracing and all that bullshit will still be going on, though. The billions and billions of dollars set aside for that will be sloshing into the coffers of the various mafiosi attached to the corrupt federal government like lampreys on some gross shark. That stuff will seem insane and out of place to even the most retarded Karen normie and her Nancy retard husband.

I think they'll juice up the hoax in the Fall. They'll pretend like the NFL and college football will be coming back, then cancel the season last moment as a new outbreak starts up in some shithole, like concentration camp China--land of the slaves.

At that point, the USA is fucked. Too many people realize this is a stupid hoax. By October 2020, even more millions will realize it was a hoax. There will probably be damning email leaks, etc... Sure, lots of normie retards will still believe the liars of the MSM and the government propaganda, but a critical mass of people will be extremely skeptical.

If a new "wave" of the 'rona with new symptoms--they'll claim it is a more lethal strain--starts infecting people, millions of people will realize it's a bioweapon and an act of war by the oligarchy. Then it's a war.

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