Sunday, May 31, 2020

The Bad x 100

The riots got me thinking about a way to project what will happen in your neighborhood if the SHTF. Imagine all the bad aspects of your neighborhood, then multiply them by 100. For most of my life, I've been in suburban, exurban areas, and only spent about a year in a city, and that was a small city.

If you've had something stolen in a city, like a bag you left unattended briefly, or if someone broke into your car, multiply that by 10, or 100... so instead of someone opening your car door at night, and stealing change to go buy crack, now, they're breaking and entering while you're at home. If the storm sewers sometimes back up or stink from organic garbage rotting in them, multiply that by 100.

If you're in the country, if your power goes out once a year multiply that by 100. If you have some redneck neighbors that drive carelessly and act out, multiply that by 100.

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