Friday, May 22, 2020

Stupid Seinfeld Episode Epitomizes Covid-19 Hoax

There's an episode of Seinfeld that epitomizes the Covid-19 hoax.

Every day a paper or an article comes out that categorizes the 'rona as a flu that's not any different than any other flu. Every day some story comes out that shows that the "lockdown" measures were not only ill advised and ineffective, but they did nothing to protect the people who were really vulnerable: those at the end of their life expectancy. The government public health campaigns were nonsensical.

Also, every day some new propaganda story comes out about the magical dangerous, supernatural properties of the 'rona. It reminds me of the episode of Seinfeld where George drives the parents of his fiance out into the Hamptons to show them his non-existent house. They know he's lying. He knows he is lying, yet the farce continues.

Pockets of the US seem to be snapping out of the delusion every day. Ohio basically rescinded all the nonsense orders, but the bureaucracy can't really reverse course immediately. The public health officials' time in the spotlight is over, but they're milling about on the stage printing out more mandatory fliers to post on business doors, etc...

The school systems seem like they'll attempt to enact some insane ritualistic measures in the fall, but by then families will probably be completely out of the haze of lies and won't put up with it.

I'm 99% sure this whole public relations campaign was the equivalent of the 1996 WTC bombing. There will be another attack on the United States at least, if not the whole world in the months, or years to come.

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