Saturday, May 16, 2020

Corporations Are Paper Dolls

The western world seems to be hitting the end of the road on financialization. It looks like the oligarchy wants to install a technocratic dictatorship to preserve their hold over the people and resources of the United States. The Covid-19 hoax is a means toward that end. They want to expand corporate/government control over mundane decisions in people's day-to-day lives.

For some reason it's necessary for them to inject millions of people with something, and track millions of people with computers to advance their agenda. I'm not really sure why the vaccine is a part of that scheme. It's really not worth speculating about it.

I do know why they want to track everyone, though. Basically they want a completely computer controlled form of central planning. Rather than legislate and prohibit narrow classes of behavior, e.g. violent crime, they'll direct people's lives completely.

Corporations are currently just paper dolls. They're glued together with fake money, and they're powered by the energy of employees. The financial system provides the operating system for them. The new computer-slave economy is basically an upgrade to those shitty paper dolls.

I think the oligarchs are overplaying their hand, though, and their plan is too obvious. If I can see it, millions of other people can too. The financial system is basically a parasite. It consumes about 25% of US economic output--really it transfers that portion of wealth every year into the hands of a few people who live on the coasts of the United States.

The vaccine seems like one bridge too far. Millions of people won't take it. I think the oligarchy will weaponize their system against those people. Those people will be turned loose from the parasite. They'll be forced, as a group, to work for themselves and their families, rather than help out wall street and banker parasites.

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