Sunday, May 31, 2020

City Riots: A Prelude of Things to Come?

There's a ton of footage available on the riots popping off all over the country. If you've reached this corner of the Internet, I'd recommend Donald Netanyahoo's coverage. If the events we saw on video were real, and the cop really murdered George Floyd, the cop deserves to go to prison for a long time. The conspiracy minded people wonder if the event was completely fake, or was carried out to spark the riots we're now seeing.

These riots in the US are a pretty well worn story with really predictable outcomes. The riots are usually confined to specific neighborhoods. If the rioters tried to move out to suburbs, or rural areas, they'll end up dead and buried in mass graves. The idea of a race war is ridiculous. So the rioters end up wrecking their own neighborhoods.

Cleveland neighborhoods that burned in the 1960's race riots never recovered at all, for example. The riots solve no problems. They spark no changes. Racial politics in the United States is the dumbest form of political kabuki theater, and by now everyone with half a brain seems to know it. The politicians that play that game are corrupt losers, like Joe Biden. The Democrats are the welfare party but their policies do nothing to actually help black people crawl out of the economic hole, and if anything keep them trapped.

With the current riots, it seems like the police are unwilling or unable to really protect property and mostly are there to bully random retard protesters. Imagine if there were a real crisis, like food shortages or actual civil unrest. Most of the urban areas in the US would become unlivable very rapidly.

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