Tuesday, May 26, 2020

Globalist Danegeld and Michigan's Woes

Throughout my life, the resources of the United States have been used to advance various causes that have nothing to do with the quality of life or the cultural health of the nation. The stupid middle eastern wars, and shifting manufacturing to Asia are the most obviously damaging examples. The crumbling public works infrastructure, and opioid crisis are two symptoms of this misapplication of resources.

Michigan and other rust belt states are like ground zero of these problems. In Michigan, two dams failed recently and displaced 11,000+ people and caused immense property damage. (The dams are apparently owned and operated by private businesses.) [I've written a couple posts on this general topic: There's No Economy of Scale].Of course Flint, Michigan is another symbolic failure of public works and community infrastructure investment.

The United States is basically an occupied country that pays the equivalent of Danegeld (a tax the English paid to Vikings to be left alone--it didn't work) to a bunch of invaders. We're sleepy dumb fucks. We support the military occupation of Afghanistan so the heroin trade can keep running. We pay the TSA attached companies so we can be groped in airports. We suck.

Now many American people are zombie retards who will flush the rest of our quality of life  down the toilet over a cold. They'll send their kids to slave training schools so they're even less capable of independent thought and action than the present adult generations.

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