Monday, September 23, 2024

US Taxpayers Splooging More Cash on War

The US blew about $8 trillion dollars on the war in Iraq and Afghanistan. That's about $20,000 per person in the US. What was the upside of any of that to any mom and pop American? Just inflation for most people. I know some people that worked at defense contractors like Raytheon who made really good salaries for several years and retired at 55, but nobody else I know personally was a direct or eve indirect beneficiary of any of that warfare. Everyone else is just getting their dollar purchasing power destroyed and their quality of life is spiraling down the toilet.

Remember when there were supposed "muslim terrorists"? They were the number one big threat? Yeah, they all but "disappeared". Was that because they died in those bullshit wars, or because they never existed in the first place. If any other "islamic terrorist" attack happens it's equally fake.

Now Israeli jews are expanding their mass murder and mayhem from "Gaza" to southern Lebanon. Lebanon is about 50/50% muslims and Christians. I know some first generation Lebanese immigrants. They were some version of Catholics. Southern Lebanon is largely muslim, I think, and is a staging ground for 99% ineffectual missile strikes at Israel. Anyway, it's not worth studying what's "going on" over there, because it's covered in a smokescreen of bullshit from both "sides"--certainly from the jews.

There was a civil war in Lebanon back in the Reagan years. The US sent troops in for "peacekeeping" and a bunch of Marines were blown up in their barracks--that's all I really remember about it. I wonder if the federal government is jewed out enough to actually get the US military involved helping the jews murder and displace civilians directly?

That might be a bridge too far. Regardless, I'm sure the US will eventually open up the money spigot to pay for more destruction over there.

To me, it seems absolutely, positively nuts. It's some comic book level fantasy/delusion driving the whole stupid cycle of destruction over there.

I've got absolutely nothing in common with the jewish mentality. Nothing in common with the muslim mentality, and nothing in common with the christians either. All those people are certifiable kookoo bananas nutjobs. 

If the murder jews manage to "win" and kill and displace like 100 million people spread out across some shitty desert territories the size of what, maybe like half of France, what's the upside for them? It's just bizarre--they get crowned as the sand lords of bombed out shitsville? Or they re-establish some minor version of an utterly bombed out Ottoman Empire? It's some bizarre Larp/19th century anachronism from some jew intellectual dweebs driving the whole thing.

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