Saturday, September 28, 2024

"Iranian" Plot to "Kill" Neocon Warmonger John Bolton

 Supposedly "Iranians" were plotting to "kill" neocon warmonger John Bolton. Here's some press release from the clowns in the federal gov't: link

The details are absolutely unimportant and probably 100% made up anyway.

Some of the feds must be pushing for a war with Iran, even though the war with Iraq was an utter disaster. Why is Iran such an enemy of the US? It's just because it's in the neighborhood of jewish larp land and maybe there's some long standing crazy grudge between the feds, maybe the UK government and the Iranian government after operation Ajax decades ago.

All the national governments in the world are severe impediments to human development and certainly to peace; it's been the same story for thousands of years.

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