Friday, September 20, 2024

Owing Nothing, Except National Debt

You might be diligent and not have any debts, maybe even paid off your mortgage, but the federal government saddled every single person in the USA with over $100K of debt. A 5 member household has something like $520,000 in federal debt piled on their back. That doesn't even count unfunded liabilities like social security. The debt per taxpayer is considerably higher--like $270,000.

The Iraq war alone cost about $8 trillion dollars, which is just a mind boggling number. There's absolutely nothing to show for that. The people who pushed and promoted that war are still prominent political figures. Hillary Clinton for example is still a talking head on TV all the time and white liberal dopes already forgot that psycho was a cheerleader for that war. Dumb ass Kamala Harris recently touted and "endorsement" by Dick Cheney. Ha! What a fucking joke.

The US is still smoking billions of dollars per month on the war in Ukraine and throws billions at the jews in Israel every year for them to commit murder and theft against their neighbors.

It's pretty clear that keeping lots of money in dollar denominated savings is probably a bad idea, although saving in almost any fiat currency is probably a bad idea because they're all interconnected through complicated markets and relationships. It's probably no coincidence that gold prices keep going higher and higher. Right now an ounce of gold costs $2600 American Shekels. I think converting dollars to gold isn't really a great thing to do; there's huge transaction fees involved selling and buying gold. It's probably a better idea to buy a productive item like heavy equipment, or buy some low mileage early 2000's hondas or toyotas and put them in storage.

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