Wednesday, September 4, 2024

Global Warming--A Template for Understanding White Liberal Dupes

The average temperature of the earth has been significantly warmer and significantly cooler than today over millions of years. A variety of forces drive the temperatures up and down. One conclusion I draw from looking at those fluctuations in temperature is earth's climate, really pretty much everything on earth, at any moment is in a state of dynamic equilibrium. The opposing forces drive temperatures up and down, change atmospheric composition, and make earth's environment favor different kinds of life at different times.

Does human industrial activity affect the climate? Probably--why wouldn't it? But here's the issue with "climate change"--the people who are "believers" in what's basically a religious notion have gone from believing humans are polluting the atmosphere to "we know the temperature the earth should be and should/can manage it".

That's just foolishness and an obvious scam, and quite possibly very dangerous. Various scientists have proposed purposely polluting the atmosphere to manage the amount of sunlight reaching the surface of the earth and warming it. That's a foolhardy idea in the extreme. But I don't want to get into that. I'm more interested in the mental model of the typical white liberal who buys into these religious dogmas.

The fundamental thing at work in their mind is the verbal "I", the internal, symbolic representation of their "self". Their symbolic representation, they imagine, could/will last forever and just like the earth it's a static thing, well, it can be a static thing as long as it's "managed" by Bill Gates types and corporate like structures with "experts" making plans.

The forces at work dwarf human capabilities. I remember reading about the concept of a "Dyson Sphere". The idea there is humans will one day turn the entire solar system into a machine... Nope. These people are just crazy.

Anyway, if the climate really changes significantly because a small amount of CO2 is released by people burning gasoline, it's too unstable for life in general to exist on the planet much longer.

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