Tuesday, September 17, 2024

Hellenistic World and Jew World

In the classical era, the Greeks defined the culture for many years. For a while they ran around conquering neighbors and imposed greek culture where they went, however, their political and military power was superseded by the Romans and the greek political units were conquered and absorbed into the roman empire. 

The Romans went onto conquer the mediterranean basin, but they absorbed and copied a bunch of the Greek habits and institutions, so there were Roman philosophers and mathematicians who followed the patterns the greeks "established" if you can call it that. The greeks probably copied those things from others, etc... Anyway that classical civilization was basically greek.

When it collapsed, in the "west", the europeans built a new civilization on the grave of the classical world, but it was infiltrated by jews really from the beginning. The new religion of christianity was jewish for example, although the bible is a mishmash of classical world and eastern mediterranean myths and concepts. One of the great examples of that is the "Cain and Abel" story, which is an obvious knock off of the Prometheus and Epimetheus mythological stories from the greeks.

The jew model of "conquest" was to corrupt and control the "leadership" of the europeans, and that continues to this day. The jews were all but obliterated by the romans during the early centuries AD, and that forced their leadership to abandon the concept of a physical polity for a "virtual" model, kind of like the greek model of influence after their conquest by rome.

50% of the Biden administration is jewish for example. US national resources have been plundered and used in jew projects for the past 20+ years. The Iraq war was pushed by neocon jews and their non-jew allies like Dick Cheney or the Bush family. The war in ukraine was fomented by neocon apparatchick jews in the Obama, Trump, and Biden administration as well, and that's basically a proxy war of US jews on Russia.

Today media figures push the concept that Russia and Iran are the biggest "threats" on the planet while jews in Israel mass murder men, women, and children because they are not the same ethnicity. The US military killed over a million people in countries like Iraq for pretty mysterious reasons. I have no doubt the governments in Russia and Iran are gangsters and psychos like in every other government, but when the psychos in DC label others as "evil" or threats, it's laughable.

The "structure" of the virtual government of the jews is pretty murky, but every once in a while elements of it spill out into the open, like when Jeffrey Epstein's activities were uncovered, the names of his associates came spilling out into the public eye. For example, the father of one of the senior officals in the Trump administration once hired Epstein to teach physics at an all girls school even though the guy had no credentials. Then Epstein was associated with other jewish "billionaires". It's basically a mafia/cartel that's got loose official structure, apparently.

Entertainment, like in the classical world, is a key element of spreading and shaping "culture" and training people and grooming to constantly do dumb things. The jewish diamond industry, for example, groomed generations of men and women to waste money on shiny pebbles. Shiny rocks are the number one export of Israel, even though Israel doesn't have any diamond mines.

Is every person of "jewish" ancestry part of this virtual government entity? No obviously not, in fact that actual group of people, like every other group of people on the planet is composed of individuals who often just go their own way and discard cultural and familial traditions. I know a number of people for example who supposedly have european "jewish" ancestry, but their family didn't even know. A similar phenomenon happens in the Amish community, which is a high control group as well. About 15% of Amish drop out and merge with the larger european society.

Anyway, the jewish mafia control of american institutions is a severe problem for them, actually it's a perennial problem throughout their history. Once it becomes too obvious that a government is totally controlled by jews, the population revolts and sometimes lashes out even at the rando jewish people who don't have any connection to the jewish mafia.

The scenario in assholeyland is playing out like that today. The government of Israel is so obviously running amok that only the dopiest, brainwashed "conservatives" in the US back it. Lots of people, including "jewish" people, are horrified at the mass murder carried out on a daily basis, and that "war" continues to spiral to a larger area. Israel is a weak, small nation, but it's backed by US taxpayer dollars and national level resources.

The Israel government/jew mafia seems intent on going to war with Iran--well, really dragging the US into a war with Iran, and potentially Russia. However, lots and lots of Americans are awake to their scams. The actual war would be between the jew mafia and average americans. Unfortunately, I think 85% of the population in the US is not capable of even forming a thought of their own, but 15% is 50 million people. Would that 50 million person group be capable of preventing a mega catastrophe? It's hard to say.

I think regardless of how that scenario works out, even if the US gets dragged into Jew War III, no matter what the outcome is, it will educate way too many people about how corrupt and infiltrated the US government is that it will basically be the end of this system.

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