Thursday, September 5, 2024

Sports Fandom, Religion, Political Parties

Sports fans get really excited when their team scores a touchdown. "We won!" they say.

Who's the "we" in that assertion? It's pretty common for people to confuse their "I" with some other group of people. The team won, the fans watched. What's the mental construct "we"?

That "we" is really common. "We should force people to take the vaccine." It's the same "we" as that.

The passive participant, i.e. the "fan", projects a mental ghost into the action of a football game. In the political context, I guess the ghost gets projected into the televised image of some corrupt talking head blabbing about some policy in front of a podium. Or probably more likely the sports fan or political partisan thinks there's a big mob of which they are part, which is pretty weird really.

One of the great things about having farm animals around, like ducks or chickens, is you can see analogs of human behavior. The human mob is pretty much like a flock of ducks or chickens. The individual's identity is blurred with the mob's. The ducks have some hive mind mode where they collectively decide what to do.

The "we" in "we won!" is basically that duck flock mental mode.

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