Sunday, September 29, 2024

The Ego Delusion, Political Retards, and Control Freaks

We watched all of the seasons of the TV show Heartland over the past few years. It's a pretty sappy Canadian TV drama about a horse farm in Alberta, CA that centers on a woman who's a "horse whisperer". I give the show credit for sticking to its main big theme, which is hinted at by the title, the quality of a person's life is largely determined by "their heart" rather than "their head". The "right choice" in many situations is not the calculated choice, nor the choice that advances a career or success or whatever.

The show has been on for many seasons, so probably hundreds of actors portrayed roles in the series. There have been hero characters and villains and everybody in between. The perennial worst character in the show, IMO, is the "Lou" character (actually a woman) portrayed by Michelle Morgan. In the show, Lou went and got an MBA and moved to New York City to pursue a career in MBA-ing business stuff and she reluctantly returns to the Heartland ranch after her mother dies.

The "Lou" character is basically a control freak ego-driven individual. She remains such in spite of learning on countless occasions that her approach to life sucks and if anything she gets worse and worse with each season. I think that character is a useful depiction of a person who lives entirely in "the matrix" of their symbolic/verbal "I" delusion.  The producers of the show keep "Lou" awful in season after season while most of the other characters in the show evolved and grew.

The world of politics is really largely an attempt by control freak ego-driven people like Lou to force others to live in a real world embodiment of the "Lou" type inner world matrix. It's some version of keeping up with the Joneses. The keeping up with the joneses person imagines what their peer is thinking, then acts according to that, or feels bad or good according to an utterly delusional fantasy about something absurd like owning some particular car, or lawn maintenance or having a stain on their shirt, or their driveway, or for women they might feel envy if their girlfriend got a huge diamond ring, or necklace or something.

Politics is the keeping up with the Joneses mentality metastasized into real life by laws and force of punishment. It makes sense that politicians are the worst people in every jurisdiction. In fact, in the Heartland show, Lou becomes the mayor of her small town and is predictably horrible in the job.

Anyway, Heartland repeatedly contrasts the clownish ego fantasy world and "real life", that is, the "heart" life.

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