Monday, September 2, 2024

Campaign Yard Sides Getting Bigger

I only saw a handful of presidential election campaign yard signs through most of this year. A handful of die hard Trump supporters had various Trump yard signs out in their yards since 2020. I didn't see any democratic yard signs through 2024 until just recently.

One thing I notice this election year is the yard signs are getting bigger and bigger. Most campaign signs were about 18" x 24" or something similar for most of my life and were cheap, sometimes just cardstock on what was more or less a wire coat hanger type support. Now people are putting up signs that are probably closer to 4 feet by 8 feet. Those signs require structural support, like steel T-posts, to stay up in the wind, and need to be constructed from stout materials like ribbed plastic.

As the value of voting goes down and the US government can barely keep up the charade it's a representative form of government, some people are inclined to vote harder and devote more time and energy to the utter nonsense of the 2024 election season.

How many people that vote know US troops invaded Syria and have been stationed there for years? I think that issue is particularly telling because the representative government actually voted against that move back in 2012, I think. The jewish controlled media in the US heavily promoted a story about a chemical weapons attack against the civilian population in 2012 and wanted to use that as a pretext to bomb the government of Syria. However, by 2012, the US population was utterly sick and tired of wars in the assholeyland because of utter failure and waste and depravity of the Iraq War.

Obama asked congress to authorize military action. The congress voted heavily against it... but the US military went into Syria maybe 2 years later. The pretext at that time was "ISIS". US troops have been stationed in Syria for 10 years now! It's not even a topic of debate or discussion.

Anyway, that's just one example among many. The US federal government is basically a front organization. It's barely connected to the US population anymore. There's a similar scenario in most western countries. Germany doesn't govern itself at all, for example. It's a vassal of the US, and the US population doesn't even run the US.

In recent months, the Wall Street journal ran a story that claimed Ukraine, a proxy of the US, blew up a pipeline between Russia and Germany. That seemed plausible to me. The US committed an act of war against Germany, basically to prevent Europe from using Russian natural resources.

Elections are just another distraction that keeps normal people from realizing evil trash control their countries and institutions.

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