Friday, September 13, 2024

Governments Want to Stop "Misinformation"

 Some of the more trashbucket "western" governments like Australia, Canada, and the UK are fining and jailing people for online speech crimes. The governments claim to have a perfect knowledge of truth and right opinions.

Politicians are all liars and conmen. One of the Senate candidates in the Ohio senate race lied about having an MBA from the University of Michigan just recently--what kind of dumb ass would lie about that? It's trivial to verify? Anyway, politicians are all the worst dirtbags in every jurisdiction. It's pretty amazing anybody puts up with the constant stream of BS from the governments of the world.

Censoring and controlling speech by liars is pretty brazen. It's unfortunate the public is as meek as it is. I don't think it's possible to impose similar schemes in the US because of the constitution. It's shameful it happens anywhere else in the so called "west", which is an utterly meaningless term now.

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