Friday, September 20, 2024

Owing Nothing, Except National Debt

You might be diligent and not have any debts, maybe even paid off your mortgage, but the federal government saddled every single person in the USA with over $100K of debt. A 5 member household has something like $520,000 in federal debt piled on their back. That doesn't even count unfunded liabilities like social security. The debt per taxpayer is considerably higher--like $270,000.

The Iraq war alone cost about $8 trillion dollars, which is just a mind boggling number. There's absolutely nothing to show for that. The people who pushed and promoted that war are still prominent political figures. Hillary Clinton for example is still a talking head on TV all the time and white liberal dopes already forgot that psycho was a cheerleader for that war. Dumb ass Kamala Harris recently touted and "endorsement" by Dick Cheney. Ha! What a fucking joke.

The US is still smoking billions of dollars per month on the war in Ukraine and throws billions at the jews in Israel every year for them to commit murder and theft against their neighbors.

It's pretty clear that keeping lots of money in dollar denominated savings is probably a bad idea, although saving in almost any fiat currency is probably a bad idea because they're all interconnected through complicated markets and relationships. It's probably no coincidence that gold prices keep going higher and higher. Right now an ounce of gold costs $2600 American Shekels. I think converting dollars to gold isn't really a great thing to do; there's huge transaction fees involved selling and buying gold. It's probably a better idea to buy a productive item like heavy equipment, or buy some low mileage early 2000's hondas or toyotas and put them in storage.

Wednesday, September 18, 2024

Trump is an Obvious Fraud/Plant

There was supposedly a second "assassination attempt" on the Trump character in the president-bowl 2024. The two would be assassins used "assault weapons". The US government wants to ban that category of gun for some weird reason--well they really want to ban gun ownership in the US, but that's the starting point.

Obviously the Trump character will push for that if "elected".

Tuesday, September 17, 2024

Psycho Jew Terrorist Attack on Lebanese Civilians

A bunch of rigged pagers blew up in Lebanon injuring many people.

The jews in the US and in Israel claim it was a super sophisticated targeted attack on "hesbollah".

Maybe that's what happened, or maybe Israel rigged a bunch of pagers that were shipped into Lebanon some time ago, then detonated them and just injured thousands of rando civilians. What is the point of that even?

It seems like the vile government of Israel wants to provoke a larger war in that shithole to drag the US into helping jews mass murder even more people.

Hellenistic World and Jew World

In the classical era, the Greeks defined the culture for many years. For a while they ran around conquering neighbors and imposed greek culture where they went, however, their political and military power was superseded by the Romans and the greek political units were conquered and absorbed into the roman empire. 

The Romans went onto conquer the mediterranean basin, but they absorbed and copied a bunch of the Greek habits and institutions, so there were Roman philosophers and mathematicians who followed the patterns the greeks "established" if you can call it that. The greeks probably copied those things from others, etc... Anyway that classical civilization was basically greek.

When it collapsed, in the "west", the europeans built a new civilization on the grave of the classical world, but it was infiltrated by jews really from the beginning. The new religion of christianity was jewish for example, although the bible is a mishmash of classical world and eastern mediterranean myths and concepts. One of the great examples of that is the "Cain and Abel" story, which is an obvious knock off of the Prometheus and Epimetheus mythological stories from the greeks.

The jew model of "conquest" was to corrupt and control the "leadership" of the europeans, and that continues to this day. The jews were all but obliterated by the romans during the early centuries AD, and that forced their leadership to abandon the concept of a physical polity for a "virtual" model, kind of like the greek model of influence after their conquest by rome.

50% of the Biden administration is jewish for example. US national resources have been plundered and used in jew projects for the past 20+ years. The Iraq war was pushed by neocon jews and their non-jew allies like Dick Cheney or the Bush family. The war in ukraine was fomented by neocon apparatchick jews in the Obama, Trump, and Biden administration as well, and that's basically a proxy war of US jews on Russia.

Today media figures push the concept that Russia and Iran are the biggest "threats" on the planet while jews in Israel mass murder men, women, and children because they are not the same ethnicity. The US military killed over a million people in countries like Iraq for pretty mysterious reasons. I have no doubt the governments in Russia and Iran are gangsters and psychos like in every other government, but when the psychos in DC label others as "evil" or threats, it's laughable.

The "structure" of the virtual government of the jews is pretty murky, but every once in a while elements of it spill out into the open, like when Jeffrey Epstein's activities were uncovered, the names of his associates came spilling out into the public eye. For example, the father of one of the senior officals in the Trump administration once hired Epstein to teach physics at an all girls school even though the guy had no credentials. Then Epstein was associated with other jewish "billionaires". It's basically a mafia/cartel that's got loose official structure, apparently.

Entertainment, like in the classical world, is a key element of spreading and shaping "culture" and training people and grooming to constantly do dumb things. The jewish diamond industry, for example, groomed generations of men and women to waste money on shiny pebbles. Shiny rocks are the number one export of Israel, even though Israel doesn't have any diamond mines.

Is every person of "jewish" ancestry part of this virtual government entity? No obviously not, in fact that actual group of people, like every other group of people on the planet is composed of individuals who often just go their own way and discard cultural and familial traditions. I know a number of people for example who supposedly have european "jewish" ancestry, but their family didn't even know. A similar phenomenon happens in the Amish community, which is a high control group as well. About 15% of Amish drop out and merge with the larger european society.

Anyway, the jewish mafia control of american institutions is a severe problem for them, actually it's a perennial problem throughout their history. Once it becomes too obvious that a government is totally controlled by jews, the population revolts and sometimes lashes out even at the rando jewish people who don't have any connection to the jewish mafia.

The scenario in assholeyland is playing out like that today. The government of Israel is so obviously running amok that only the dopiest, brainwashed "conservatives" in the US back it. Lots of people, including "jewish" people, are horrified at the mass murder carried out on a daily basis, and that "war" continues to spiral to a larger area. Israel is a weak, small nation, but it's backed by US taxpayer dollars and national level resources.

The Israel government/jew mafia seems intent on going to war with Iran--well, really dragging the US into a war with Iran, and potentially Russia. However, lots and lots of Americans are awake to their scams. The actual war would be between the jew mafia and average americans. Unfortunately, I think 85% of the population in the US is not capable of even forming a thought of their own, but 15% is 50 million people. Would that 50 million person group be capable of preventing a mega catastrophe? It's hard to say.

I think regardless of how that scenario works out, even if the US gets dragged into Jew War III, no matter what the outcome is, it will educate way too many people about how corrupt and infiltrated the US government is that it will basically be the end of this system.

Sunday, September 15, 2024

Ego Delusion versus Rocks

I've been studying the geology of my neighborhood on and off for about 10 years. Every few years there's some new tool or online database that provides new sets of information to fill in the gaps in my knowledge. For example, now there's a water well database online so it's possible to look at a map of all the water wells and depth to bedrock across the state of Ohio. You can also view the logs and see what types of rocks are at a given depth. Also now there's LIDAR imaging over the whole state that's accessible online, so it's very easy to assemble a model of the landscape.

The defining features of this area are ancient layers of sedimentary bedrock, like sandstone and shale, that are deposited on top of one another. Those bedrock layers are almost completely covered by an overlying layer of glacial debris that's hundreds of feet thick in some places. It is quire shallow in others typically at higher elevations, or where there are outcroppings of sandstone, or in specific fast flowing creeks where water keeps washing away debris from the bedrock. By contrast, the bedrock is exposed all over the place in southern Ohio. You can go on google maps street view in southern Ohio and just try a few roads and soon you'll see exposed sandstone or shale on the roadside.

My property is on a deposit of glacial debris that's quite deep. Unfortunately, there's no well log for my property in the online database, so I'm not totally sure what's going on beneath the surface. There could be shale at a depth of 50 or so feet, or it might be glacial debris that are over 100 feet deep down to the next layer of sedimentary rocks in this area.

Back in 1912 a geologist named Charles S. Prosser published a geological survey of Ohio, including my neighborhood where Big Creek is a feature. He wrote about a few sections of exposed bedrock I'm quite familiar with and others I didn't know existed because they're hidden away on private property. For example, he writes about some shale that's exposed along Ravenna Road just north of Chardon (google maps link). I drive or ride my bike past that almost every day.

Anyway, that shale is 300 million or so years old. That kind of timescale is all but impossible for a human being to comprehend. Recorded human history doesn't even go back to the ice age, which is only about 14,000 years ago. There's barely a glimmer of mythological memory from that period.

Many people living today, though, imagine human civilization will last indefinitely and they certainly act as if it will. The ego delusion is extremely strong and warps human perception.

Friday, September 13, 2024

Governments Want to Stop "Misinformation"

 Some of the more trashbucket "western" governments like Australia, Canada, and the UK are fining and jailing people for online speech crimes. The governments claim to have a perfect knowledge of truth and right opinions.

Politicians are all liars and conmen. One of the Senate candidates in the Ohio senate race lied about having an MBA from the University of Michigan just recently--what kind of dumb ass would lie about that? It's trivial to verify? Anyway, politicians are all the worst dirtbags in every jurisdiction. It's pretty amazing anybody puts up with the constant stream of BS from the governments of the world.

Censoring and controlling speech by liars is pretty brazen. It's unfortunate the public is as meek as it is. I don't think it's possible to impose similar schemes in the US because of the constitution. It's shameful it happens anywhere else in the so called "west", which is an utterly meaningless term now.

Wednesday, September 11, 2024

Political Partisans are Retarded

I have been blocking and trying to ignore every single news source covering the doltish 2024 Presidential election clown show, even so I can't help see clips on YouTube that are embedded in the videos of channels I watch on a regular basis. From just a few minutes of coverage, I can see politics in the US is aimed at 8th grader mentality people.

Kamala Harris talked about the Tiki Torch "white supremacy" march in Charlottesville. Where are all these influential and dangerous "white supremacists"? The only hyper racist people I see regularly are psycho jews who are actually mass murdering people based solely on ethnicity and race in Israel and who have group opinions that are as bizarre as their black parody "Black Hebrew Israelites". Who's the tiki torch image and story aimed at? White dummy liberal women.

Trump talked about Haitians eating cats in Springfield, Ohio. It's basically the mirror image story for his 8th grade brain power audience. I'm sure it's annoying to suddenly have 20,000 Haitians in Springfield for their neighbors. I wouldn't even be surprised if it's actually true that some fresh-off-the-boat person from Haiti ate a cat. However, I think it's more likely it's a sensational story, just like the Tiki torch BS.

Will either of these Bozos be able to accomplish a single thing? We currently don't even have a president--or if we do it's Kamala Harris. The people who are hard core partisans about the political parties are weird... they have very bad memories and no ability to process information in an abstract way.

That said, it seems like there are many people who are clued into the absurdity of this 2024 farce than in prior election years.

Tuesday, September 10, 2024

Did Normal People "Believe" Ancient Myths?

We recently took a walk at Observatory Park in Montville, Ohio. That park has a working observatory, and a trail with lots of little signs and props about the planets. Some of the signs discuss ancient mythology about the stars and planets. For example, one sign says the ancients "believed" the sun was drawn across the sky in a chariot.

I don't think the ancients "believed" things like a modern "believer" in a religion or ideology does.

I think for an ancient person the mythology was much more obviously a story or folk tale like other tales. It might have elements that are "true", i.e. useful or informative, but I don't think any even moderately intelligent person would imagine it was literal verbatim factual information. When they heard the sun was drawn across the sky in a chariot, I think they possibly meant some forces drive the sun across the sky and probably nothing more than that. The chariot and horses just filled in the blanks in a somewhat fanciful way and maybe the whole thing was more of a joke about the limitations on human knowledge than anything.

The "believer" today thinks everything in the jewish bible is literally true and historical to the point people make up stories about global floods and catastrophes that never happened. There's hundreds, probably thousands of videos on youtube discussing such things. Clearly european people had the capacity for "dogmatic belief", otherwise the jewish religion couldn't have been inflicted on them, but there's not enough information from our ancient ancestry to know how and what they thought. It seems like only about 15% of the total population today has the capacity for acting on information they get from their senses and personal experience. It's possible that percentage was higher in the past due to a more demanding environment, but of course that's just wild speculation.

Another group of "believers" strongly buy into what's basically a new religion about trannies, or COVID, or abortion, or global warming. They use the language of priests like "belief" in global warming, or "denier" or global warming, because the mob of people who participate in the new religion are just "believers" rather than knowers.

There's myriad cult-like niche beliefs today as well, like the people with strident views about diet and food, whether they are vegans, or carnivores. There are even people who heavily promote a very high-carb diet too. People promote eating fruit only, etc... Politics is basically two cults of 12 year old mindset retards vying to impose their retard "beliefs" on the other "team".

Anyway, it's all bullshit. People have very limited capacity to create a high fidelity mental model about anything complicated. It takes years of study to become an expert on mundane, boring subjects like how a car engine works. I've been studying local geology for years now as a hobby, and I barely know anything about it. I've only recently come to understand my immediate local landscape for example after studying ODNR well log records and researching northeast Ohio's glacial past.

Thursday, September 5, 2024

Sports Fandom, Religion, Political Parties

Sports fans get really excited when their team scores a touchdown. "We won!" they say.

Who's the "we" in that assertion? It's pretty common for people to confuse their "I" with some other group of people. The team won, the fans watched. What's the mental construct "we"?

That "we" is really common. "We should force people to take the vaccine." It's the same "we" as that.

The passive participant, i.e. the "fan", projects a mental ghost into the action of a football game. In the political context, I guess the ghost gets projected into the televised image of some corrupt talking head blabbing about some policy in front of a podium. Or probably more likely the sports fan or political partisan thinks there's a big mob of which they are part, which is pretty weird really.

One of the great things about having farm animals around, like ducks or chickens, is you can see analogs of human behavior. The human mob is pretty much like a flock of ducks or chickens. The individual's identity is blurred with the mob's. The ducks have some hive mind mode where they collectively decide what to do.

The "we" in "we won!" is basically that duck flock mental mode.

Wednesday, September 4, 2024

Global Warming--A Template for Understanding White Liberal Dupes

The average temperature of the earth has been significantly warmer and significantly cooler than today over millions of years. A variety of forces drive the temperatures up and down. One conclusion I draw from looking at those fluctuations in temperature is earth's climate, really pretty much everything on earth, at any moment is in a state of dynamic equilibrium. The opposing forces drive temperatures up and down, change atmospheric composition, and make earth's environment favor different kinds of life at different times.

Does human industrial activity affect the climate? Probably--why wouldn't it? But here's the issue with "climate change"--the people who are "believers" in what's basically a religious notion have gone from believing humans are polluting the atmosphere to "we know the temperature the earth should be and should/can manage it".

That's just foolishness and an obvious scam, and quite possibly very dangerous. Various scientists have proposed purposely polluting the atmosphere to manage the amount of sunlight reaching the surface of the earth and warming it. That's a foolhardy idea in the extreme. But I don't want to get into that. I'm more interested in the mental model of the typical white liberal who buys into these religious dogmas.

The fundamental thing at work in their mind is the verbal "I", the internal, symbolic representation of their "self". Their symbolic representation, they imagine, could/will last forever and just like the earth it's a static thing, well, it can be a static thing as long as it's "managed" by Bill Gates types and corporate like structures with "experts" making plans.

The forces at work dwarf human capabilities. I remember reading about the concept of a "Dyson Sphere". The idea there is humans will one day turn the entire solar system into a machine... Nope. These people are just crazy.

Anyway, if the climate really changes significantly because a small amount of CO2 is released by people burning gasoline, it's too unstable for life in general to exist on the planet much longer.

Monday, September 2, 2024

Campaign Yard Sides Getting Bigger

I only saw a handful of presidential election campaign yard signs through most of this year. A handful of die hard Trump supporters had various Trump yard signs out in their yards since 2020. I didn't see any democratic yard signs through 2024 until just recently.

One thing I notice this election year is the yard signs are getting bigger and bigger. Most campaign signs were about 18" x 24" or something similar for most of my life and were cheap, sometimes just cardstock on what was more or less a wire coat hanger type support. Now people are putting up signs that are probably closer to 4 feet by 8 feet. Those signs require structural support, like steel T-posts, to stay up in the wind, and need to be constructed from stout materials like ribbed plastic.

As the value of voting goes down and the US government can barely keep up the charade it's a representative form of government, some people are inclined to vote harder and devote more time and energy to the utter nonsense of the 2024 election season.

How many people that vote know US troops invaded Syria and have been stationed there for years? I think that issue is particularly telling because the representative government actually voted against that move back in 2012, I think. The jewish controlled media in the US heavily promoted a story about a chemical weapons attack against the civilian population in 2012 and wanted to use that as a pretext to bomb the government of Syria. However, by 2012, the US population was utterly sick and tired of wars in the assholeyland because of utter failure and waste and depravity of the Iraq War.

Obama asked congress to authorize military action. The congress voted heavily against it... but the US military went into Syria maybe 2 years later. The pretext at that time was "ISIS". US troops have been stationed in Syria for 10 years now! It's not even a topic of debate or discussion.

Anyway, that's just one example among many. The US federal government is basically a front organization. It's barely connected to the US population anymore. There's a similar scenario in most western countries. Germany doesn't govern itself at all, for example. It's a vassal of the US, and the US population doesn't even run the US.

In recent months, the Wall Street journal ran a story that claimed Ukraine, a proxy of the US, blew up a pipeline between Russia and Germany. That seemed plausible to me. The US committed an act of war against Germany, basically to prevent Europe from using Russian natural resources.

Elections are just another distraction that keeps normal people from realizing evil trash control their countries and institutions.

Sunday, September 1, 2024


I have been trying my best to ignore the shitshow of the presidential election this year, but still I see little blurbs of articles and headlines about this 'tard fight.

The thing that makes me shake my head is how much of a sham the "democrat" party is:

  1. Biden has soup brain, but they still nominate the dude in 2019 when he's already like 92 years old;
  2. It gets so obvious he's got soup brains that average americans even start to notice;
  3. The democrats wait and wait and wait until it's too late to try to have a new nominating process;
  4. They install Kamala Harris as the candidate because Joe's got soup brains.
Joe Biden is still supposedly the president! Everyone is pretending he is apparently. So he's capable of running the county but can't run for office because his mind is so scrambled. For some reason it's more advantageous to the vile democrat party to pretend Joe Biden is president than to make Kamala Harris the president via the 25th Amendment.

This election is by far the biggest shitshow of all the elections I've been alive to witness. There's still a lot of dumb fucks putting up their yard signs, but I also see several more sarcastic, joke signs popping up too, which is totally appropriate.