Thursday, November 4, 2021

The Dream of Total Electronic Control of People

There are many people working to totally track and trace everything in the world using computers.


That's a really good question.

It seems fairly obvious that "managing" everything is a bad idea. It actually doesn't achieve the intended goals at all. The MBA/technocracy world just won't work. It's the exact opposite of what's proven to work best, i.e. a laissez-faire approach. In fact, I think the heavy bureaucracy/financialized/managerial world we have today is really just cashing in on the previous productive economy's success and rapidly spiraling into a destructive end.

As fewer people in a hierarchical system make decisions, the decisions get worse. It's really obvious.

The fantasy is the top of the pyramid will use computers and AI to leverage their insane, retarded, inbred brains to enact their stupid plans. Good luck with that.

The managerial/bureaucracy system we've got now is a side effect of the parasitic financial system. It's like fungus in a log or rust on a car. It's not really producing anything, just consuming resources.

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