Thursday, October 14, 2021

Crumbling System and Natural Law

We're lucky to be alive right now. Since the current system in the US and the western world is crumbling, and Satan Incorporated wants to impose a new, even worse system, it's possible to look forward and backward and see both at once and say "no" to both.

Most of the time, people are kept in a sort of hypnotic delusion. They think the institutions and systems of finance and economics are permanent and based on nature, rather than the product of the whims of some inbred oligarch freaks. In this transition period, though we see right behind the curtain.

The old system could be called "the corporate consumer system". It is about 100 years old. About 5 generations have lived in this system. The ostensible free market was the basis for allocating resources, but that system was illusory for most of the time. The "market" is really completely owned by the financial system, especially for the last 20 years or so. It's a potemkin village, fraudulent thing.

The new thing is pure top down, cartel "business" control of everything. No more consumers. No more citizens. Just slaves and managers. It doesn't matter that central planning is a sure fire disaster. The cartels will plan the whole economy for their benefit. The slave will eat bug paste in a cement block like a typical communist pleb. The manager class will drive their Ladas/Teslas to their woodland Dacha for long weekends.

The corporate consumer system sucked, but this new thing would suck far worse. Nobody should stand for it.

When the whole system goes beserk like it is now, and when people go insane, like they are now, it really opens a door for a handful of people to escape through. For them, the current system loses all credibility and legitimacy... it puts them on the frontier.

They see things like the money in the current system as fraudulent and worthless. It's not a mere slogan, they actually feel the fraud in their bones. They look at the politicians and see them for the puppets and grifters that they are. They see their laws as equally fraudulent and worthless.

This group of people is truly free in the terrifying sense of being outside civilization, and its mass shared delusion, mass hypnosis. They're really out there like an animal in the woods.

And just like an animal in the woods, their number one job is to understand their place in this universe, and to reflect the natural order of the outside world on their inside world.

this is the way forward. 

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