Sunday, September 12, 2021

Were They All Like Jussie Smollet?

Remember when Jussie (sp?) Smollet (sp?) pretended to be "lynched" by MAGA hat wearing white people in Chicago in winter at like 2AM? It was one of the most absurd false flag attempts ever. It seems like the guy is vaguely affiliated with the Obamas. Who knows if he was acting on orders or doing it himself. In any case, it was very obviously staged. Nobody believed him, and the police actually immediately investigated and exposed Smollet.

I think almost every national tragedy and calamity is some version of that. 9/11 certainly was. The Oklahoma City bombing almost certainly was. The list goes on and on.

Was it always as fake and obvious as Jussie Smollet? I am thinking it was. The difference is the people have finally caught on.

I was looking at some pictures of Obama, Bush, Bubba Bill and Biden at some 9/11 memorial ceremony. They epitomize the trashy, greedy evil of the US Empire: Satan Incorporated. They're all sort of dumb, incompetent trash. They can read a script. They can convince many people they're really important and "great", but other than that they're almost entirely useless.

"W" Bush was reading some script about "domestic terrorists"--which is anyone who disagrees with Satan Incorporated and who doesn't want to be a slave that eats bug paste so all the wealth in the world can be enjoyed by assholes like Bill Gates and Jeff Bezos. They're trying to paint that picture now.

Some portion of the population is hypnotized and believes the constant stream of lies from the federal government--maybe 20% of the people. However a very large block of people actually woke up.

The worst nightmare of some scumbag like Joe Biden is that people see through his act.... and now they have in very large numbers. People see through "W" and his act, Obama and Clinton too.

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