Monday, September 27, 2021

New York's Retard Governor

 New York State's current governor is a total retard. She seems to be even dumber than Cuomo.

New York has state-level mandates for vaccines for health care workers, so they're losing an unknown fraction of workers who refuse to take the juice. That's causing problems in their system, so the retarded governor--I think her name is Hochul?--is claiming they'll hire workers from either over seas or from elsewhere in the United States.

So why would anyone else in the US travel to NY state for the same job they already have? Is there any indication that there's a surplus of nurses anywhere in the USA?

There's not any way for the state of NY to import people from overseas to fill those positions as far as I know. NY is just a state after all.

So there's probably going to be a chronic shortage of workers in hospitals and other health care centers in NY state. Good job!

We're in for a few years of total institutional dysfunction from the most retarded liberal institutions. The white liberals will be demanding solutions to problems that they created. Parts of the USA will start to look like third world failed states--ironically they'll be the "media capitals" and "finance capital" type places too. Also the "tech" capitals: they'll morph into unliveable third world shitholes...

For a few years the extremely wealthy people in those city and state centers will enjoy something resembling their current lifestyle because they can just keep throwing money at the problem, but the overall system is now broken and falling apart. Pretty soon they won't even be able to get basic goods and services.

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